The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Globalisation, the global financial crisis and the reinvention of the State, John H. Farrar and Louise Parsons
Globalisation, the global financial crisis and the reinvention of the State, John Farrar and Louise Parsons
Panel 1: War Crimes and Other Human Rights Abuses in the Former Yugoslavia, Mike Farrell, Laurel Fletcher, Barry Fisher, and Alison D. Renteln
No Title, Trevor C. W. Farrow
SCHULTZ v. AKZO NOBEL PAINTS: “The Rest of the Story” Reveals Limited Impact of Expert Testimony Decision, Richard O. Faulk
The Quest for the Next ‘solvent Bystander’ in Asbestos Litigation: Will Texas Resume the Search?, Richard O. Faulk
Energy and environment policy case for a global project, Thomas A. Faunce
Artículo 129 fracción XIII, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Cadenas globales de valor, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Derechos Humanos y Tratados de Inversión, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Educación y Economía, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Nuevo sistema de amparo, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
¿Por qué Herminio Blanco?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Precios y Parquímetros, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Reguladores y autonomía, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Reguladores y Autonomía, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
TV y telcos, aplausos y desafíos, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Access to syringes for HIV prevention for injection drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia: syringe purchase test study, Ekaterina V. Fedorova, Roman V. Skochilov, Robert Heimer, Patricia Case, Leo Beletsky, Lauretta E. Grau, Andrey P. Kozlov, and Alla V. Shaboltas
Are Private Prisons Unconstitutional, Malcolm M. Feeley
Court Reform on Trial (reprint), Malcolm M. Feeley
Crime, Law, and Society: Selected of Malcolm Feeley, Malcolm M. Feeley
Federal Courts in Federal Systems: Umpires of the Federal System or Forces for Centralization, Malcolm M. Feeley
Foreword, Malcolm M. Feeley
Private Prisons in the US, Australia, and Israel, Malcolm M. Feeley
Stuart Scheingold's Failure: His Finest Book, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Jerome Hall Lecture: The Unconvincing Case Against Private Prisons, Malcolm M. Feeley
Theory and Practice of Private Prisons, Malcolm M. Feeley
Beyond Same-Sex Marriage: Creating a More Effective System of Non-Marital Relationship Recognition, Jessica R. Feinberg
Advancing Social Justice as Lawyers: And How Social Media Can Be Part of Your Effort, Chai R. Feldblum
Brief for the Respondent, Chevron U.S.A. v. Echazabal, No. 00-1406 (U.S. Feb. 1, 2002), Chai R. Feldblum
Brief of the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Lawrence, et al. v. Texas, No. 02-102 (U.S. Jan. 16, 2003), Chai R. Feldblum
Following in Paul Miller's (Very Large) Footsteps, Chai R. Feldblum
Gay Is Good: The Moral Case for Marriage Equality and More, Chai R. Feldblum
Gay People, Trans People, Women: Is It All About Gender?, Chai R. Feldblum
Moral Conflict and Liberty: Gay Rights and Religion, Chai R. Feldblum
Professor Feldblum's comments, Chai R. Feldblum
Rectifying the Tilt: Equality Lessons from Religion, Disability, Sexual Orientation, and Transgender, Chai R. Feldblum
Testimony of Chai R. Feldblum, Chai R. Feldblum
The Art of Legislative Lawyering and the Six Circles Theory of Advocacy, Chai R. Feldblum
The Joy of Teaching Legislation, Chai R. Feldblum
Legislatures, Agencies, Courts and Advocates: How Laws are Made, Interpreted and Modified, Chai R. Feldblum and Robin Appleberry
The ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Chai R. Feldblum, Kevin Barry, and Emily A. Benfer
The AIA 500 Expanded: The Effects of Patent Monetization Entities, Robin C. Feldman, Thomas Ewing, and Sara Jeruss
Chief Justice Roberts's Marbury Moment: The Affordable Care Act Case (NFIB v. Sebelius), Stephen M. Feldman
Great Expectations: Antisemitism and the Politics of Free-Speech Jurisprudence, Stephen M. Feldman
Hate Speech and Democracy, Stephen M. Feldman
Neoconservative Politics and the Supreme Court: Law, Power, and Democracy, Stephen M. Feldman
Corporate “Soul”: Legal Incorporation of Catholic Ecclesiastical Property in the United States - A Historical Perspective, Vicenç Feliú
Corporation Sole - Appendix A, Vicenç Feliú
Corporation Sole - Appendix B, Vicenç Feliú
The Implausibility of Secrecy, Mark Fenster
The Jury As Constitutional Identity, Andrew G. Ferguson
A identidade lusófona da governação de sociedades [The portuguese speaking identity in corporate governance], Bruno Ferreira and Paulo Câmara
A Constituição Resiste. Ainda há Juízes em Lisboa, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Amnésia ou História? Mentalidades Contemporâneas e Património Civilizacional Jurídico-Político, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Crime Virtuoso, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Crítica da Condição Docente, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Da Crise atrás da Crise, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito e Filosofia do Direito: Para uma Tópica Onto-Epistemológica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito: Mudar de Paradigma, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Doenças do Regime Democrático, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Estado contra Sociedade, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Estado e Igreja em Portugal - alguns momentos e perspetivas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
“Estar ou Não Estar”. Do Dilema Ético-Político, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Filosofia do Direito - Fundamentos, Metodologia e Teoria Geral do Direito, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
(In)Comunicação e Cidadania, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
(In)Comunicação e Codadania, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Nova Defesa da Constituição, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
“Onde está a Felicidade?", Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
“Onde está a Felicidade?", Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
“Onde está a Felicidade?", Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
“Onde está a Felicidade", Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Para uma Desconstrução Social e Política, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Reler o Direito Clássico: Um Desafio Jurídico do Séc. XXI, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Renovar as Ideologias e o Direito, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Vencer a Crise. Ética, Psicologia e Partidos, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
The Parent Trap: The Unconstitutional Practice of Severing Parental Rights without Due Process of Law, Kendra H. Fershee
Defining Sexual Violence as a Crime against Humanity in Colombia: Recommendations for Chamber of Deputies Bill 037/2012, Christina M. Fetterhoff
The Obligation to Investigate Ill-treatment of Persons with Disabilities: the Way Forward, Janos Fiala-Butora
Foreword: Health in the Workplace, Barbara Fick
Protecting Worker Complaints After Meyers Industries, Barbara Fick
Reconciling the NLRA and IRCA: Can an Undocumented Worker Receive Back Pay? An Analysis of Hoffman Plastic Compound, Inc. v. NLRB, Barbara J. Fick
Does Title VII Apply in Saudi Arabia? An Analysis of EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Co., Barbara J, Fick
A Case of Statutory Interpretation: Does 42 U.S.C. 1981 Prohibit Retaliation, Barbara J. Fick
An Independent Contractor Speaks His Mind: Can He Lose His Government Contract? An Analysis of Heiser v. Umbehr, Barbara J. Fick
Breaching the Union Constitution: Can a Member Make a Federal Case of It? An Analysis of Wooddell v. IBEW Local Union No. 71, Barbara J. Fick
Can Contested Disciplinary Actions Be Considered in Subsequent Termination Proceedings? An Analysis of United States Postal Service v. Gregory, Barbara J. Fick
Can Mother Vote in the Union Election? The Board's Authority to Define the Appropriate Bargaining Unit: An Analysis of NLRB v. Action Automotive, Inc., Barbara J. Fick
Do Agency Employees Have a Right to Union Representation When Questioned by an OIG Investigator? An Analysis of NASA v. FLRA, Barbara J. Fick
Does a Conspiracy to Terminate At-Will Employment Constitute an Injury to Property? An Analysis of Haddle v. Garrison, Barbara J. Fick
Does Sexual Harassment Require Proof of Psychological Injury? An Analysis of Harris v. Forklift Systems, Barbara J. Fick
Does Title IX Protect Academic Whistle Blowers? An Analysis of Jackson v. Birminghan Board of Education, Barbara J. Fick