About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013


New Peril + Old Promises = Bad Results, Paul F. Eschenfelder


Air Carrier Flight Crew Guide - Birdstrike Mitigation, Paul F. Eschenfelder and Richard Sowden


Testing the Logic of Strategic Defection: The Case of the Philippine Supreme Court, 1986-2010, Laarni Escresa and Nuno Garoupa


Testing the Logic of Strategic Defection: The Case of the Philippine Supreme Court—An Empirical Analysis (1986–2010), Laarni Escresa and Nuno Garoupa

Environmental and Occupational Interventions for Primary Prevention of Cancer: a Cross-Sectorial Policy Framework, Carolina Espina, Miquel Porta, Joachim Schüz, Ildefonso Hernández Aguado, Robert V. Percival, Carlos Dora, Terry Slevin, Julietta Rodriguez Guzman, Tim Meredith, Philip J. Landrigan, and Maria Neira


Criterios de Profundización, Carlos Alfredo Espinoza De la Cruz


The Future of Federal Farm Policy: Steps for Achieving a More Sustainable Food System, William Eubanks

European Union and Investment Arbitration: Quo vadis?, Dimitrij Euler


“Nixon’s sabotage”: How Politics Pushed the “Discriminatory Purpose” Requirement into Equal Protection Law, Danieli Evans


Reverse Engineering IP, Tonya M. Evans


'Safe Harbor' for the Innocent Infringer in the Digital Age, Tonya M. Evans


Legal Mirrors of Entrepreneurship, Mirit Eyal-Cohen


Flawed Transparency: Shared Data Collection and Disclosure Challenges for Google Glass and Similar Technologies, Jonathan I. Ezor


Privacy, Transparency & Google's Blurred Glass, Jonathan I. Ezor

Beyond Napster: Using Antitrust Law to Advance and Enhance Online Music Distribution, Matthew Fagin, Frank Pasquale, and Kim Weatherall


The Movement to Destroy the Income Tax and the IRS: Who is doing it and how they are succeeding, Diane L. Fahey




Autonomia collettiva e concorrenza nel sistema riformato della vendita della stampa quotidiana e periodica, michele faioli


Decentralized Collective Bargaining in Italy, Germany and France, michele faioli

Europa, Germania, lingua e metodo nel diritto transnazionale del lavoro, michele faioli


Famiglia, conciliazione vita/lavoro, diritto del lavoro, michele faioli


Harry Arthurs - Keynote, michele faioli


Seconda Giornata della Bilateralità - 5 dicembre 2013, michele faioli


Sistema pensionistico ENASARCO, michele faioli


Turismo, contrattazione collettiva e occupabilità giovanile, michele faioli


US/EU Trade for Cross-Border Alternative Societies Labor and Industrial Relations in the Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement Guidelines, michele faioli

Anti-Social Contracts: The Contractual Governance of Virtual Worlds, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Avatar Experimentation: Human Subjects Research in Virtual Worlds, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Big Brother is Watching You - Because Little Brother Has Opened the Door: An Experiment on Information Sharing in Social Networks, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Castles in the Air: F. Gregory Lastowka's Virtual Justice, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Cracks in the Foundation: The new Internet Regulation's Hidden Threat to Privacy and Commerce, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

"Do-Not-Track" as Contract, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Do-Not-Track as Default, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Escape Into the Panopticon: Virtual Worlds and the Surveillance Society, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Mixed Reality: How the Laws of Virtual Worlds Govern Everyday Life, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Nexus Crystals: Crystallizing Limits on Constractual Control of Virtual Worlds, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

The Cost of Consent: Optimal Standardization in the Law of Contract, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

The End of the (Virtual) World, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

The Magic Circle, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

The Search Interest in Contract, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

To Err is Human: The Judicial Conundrum of Curing Apprendi Error, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

We the People in a Virtual World, Joshua A.T. Fairfield


Institutionalized Word Taboo: The Continuing Saga of FCC Indecency Regulation, Christopher M. Fairman


Legal Update: A Tortured Path to Same-Sex Marriage in Tennessee - A Practitioner's Guide, Akram Faizer

War on Terror -- Lessons from Lincoln, Akram Faizer


Chief Justice John “Marshall” Roberts – How the Chief Justice’s Majority Opinion Upholding the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Evokes Chief Justice Marshall’s Decision in Marbury v. Madison, Mohamed Akram Faizer

Book Review, Patricia J. Falk

Introduction, Toward More Reliable Jury Verdicts?: Law, Technology and Media Developments Since the Trials of Dr. Sam Sheppard, Patricia J. Falk

Lesbian Mothers: Psychosocial Assumptions in Family Law, Patricia J. Falk

Novel Theories of Criminal Defense Based Upon the Toxicity of the Social Environment: Urban Psychosis, Television Intoxication, and Black Rage, Patricia J. Falk

Rape by Drugs: A Statutory Overview and Proposals for Reform, Patricia J. Falk

Rape by Fraud and Rape by Coercion, Patricia J. Falk

Second-Parent Adoption, Patricia J. Falk

The Prevalence of Social Science in Gay Rights Cases: The Synergistic Influences of Historical Context, Justificatory Citation, and Dissemination Efforts, Patricia J. Falk

The Three Marital Exemptions in Ohio's Rape Statute, Patricia J. Falk

Courts' Citation and Reference to Social Science in Legal Opinions Involving Gay Individuals, Patricia J. Falk


Not Logic, But Experience: Drawing on Lessons from the Real World in Thinking about the Riddle of Rape-by-Fraud, Patricia J. Falk

The Gap Between Psychological Assumptions and Empirical Research in Lesbian Mother Child Custody Cases, Patricia J. Falk


What Do You Care What the Color of my Sole Is?: Analyzing if Copyright Law is a Better Solution for the Those Seeking Protection for Color in the Fashion Industry, Sara Falk


Easing the Guidance Document Dilemma Agency by Agency: Immigration Law and Not Really Binding Rules, Jill E. Family


Surveillant and Counselor: A Reorientation in Compliance for Financial Firms, JAMES A. FANTO

Sustainable Consumption and Communities: Bringing the American Way of Life into the Twenty-First Century, Daniel Farber

The Ninth Amendment and Individual Rights: A Reply to Professor McAffee, Daniel A. Farber

Access and Exclusion Rights in Electronic Media:Complex Rules for a Complex World, Daniel A. Farber

Adapting to Climate Change: Who Should Pay, Daniel A. Farber

Adjudication of Things Past: Reflections on History as Evidence, Daniel A. Farber

A Fatal Loss of Balance: Dred Scott Revisited , Daniel A. Farber

Afterword: Property and Free Speech, Daniel A. Farber

Another View of the Quagmire: Unconstitutional Conditions and Contract Theory, Daniel A. Farber

Apportioning Climate Change Costs, Daniel A. Farber

Backward-Looking Laws and Equal Protection: The Case of Black Reparations, Daniel A. Farber

Basic Compensation for Victims of Climate Change, Daniel A. Farber

Brilliance Revisited, Daniel A. Farber

Building Bridges over Troubled Waters: Eco-pragmatism and the Environmental Prospect, Daniel A. Farber

Civilizing Public Discourse: An Essay on Professor Bickel, Justice Harlan, and the Enduring Significance of Cohen v. California, Daniel A. Farber

Climate Adaptation and Federalism: Mapping the Issues, Daniel A. Farber

Climate Change, Federalism, and the Constitution, Daniel A. Farber

Climate Justice and the China Fallacy, Daniel A. Farber

Commercial Speech and First Amendment Theory, Daniel A. Farber

Conflicting Visions and Contested Baselines: Intellectual Property and Free Speech in the Digital Millennium, Daniel A. Farber

Constitutional Cadenzas, Daniel A. Farber

Content Regulation and the First Amendment: A Revisionist View, Daniel A. Farber

Contract Law and Modern Economic Theory, Daniel A. Farber

Courts, Statutes, and Public Policy: The Case of the Murderous Heir, Daniel A. Farber

Democracy and Disgust: Reflections on Public Choice, Daniel A. Farber

Did Roe v. Wade Pass the Arbitrary and Capricious Test, Daniel A. Farber

Disarmed by Time: The Second Amendment and the Failure of Originalism, Daniel A. Farber

Disaster Law and Inequality, Daniel A. Farber

Dollars and Sense: A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance Reform, Daniel A. Farber

Do Theories of Statutory Interpretation Matter--A Case Study, Daniel A. Farber

Earthquakes and Tremors in Statutory Interpretation: An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of Interpretation, Daniel A. Farber

Environmental Protection as a Learning Experience, Daniel A. Farber

Equitable Discretion, Legal Duties, and Environmental Injunctions, Daniel A. Farber

Expressive Commerce in Cyberspace: Public Goods, Network Effects, and Free Speech, Daniel A. Farber

Fatal Loss of Balance: Dred Scott Revisited, A, Daniel A. Farber

Foreword, Daniel A. Farber

Foreword: Hate Speech after R.A.V., Daniel A. Farber

Foreword--Speaking in the First Person Plural: Expressive Associations and the First Amendment, Daniel A. Farber

From Here to Eternity: Environmental Law and Future Generations, Daniel A. Farber

From Plastic Trees to Arrow's Theorem, Daniel A. Farber