About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Hermeneutic Tourist: Statutory Interpretation in Comparative Perspective, Daniel A. Farber

Indirect Land Use Change, Uncertainty, and Biofuels, Policy, Daniel A. Farber

Introduction: Legal Scholarship, the Disaster Cycle, and the Fukushima Accident, Daniel A. Farber

Introduction: Legal Scholarship, The Disaster Cycle, and The Fukushima Accident, Daniel A. Farber

Introduction: Practical Reason and the Scholarship of Philip P. Frickey, Daniel A. Farber

Introduction: The Role of Lawyers in a Disaster-Prone World, Daniel A. Farber

Is the Supreme Court Irrelevant--Reflections on the Judicial Role in Environmental Law, Daniel A. Farber

Judicial Review and its Alternatives: An American Tale, Daniel A. Farber

Justice Stevens, Habeas Jurisdiction, and the War on Terror, Daniel A. Farber

Legal Formalism and the Red-Hot Knife, Daniel A. Farber

Legal Pragmatism and the Constitution, Daniel A. Farber

Legislative Deals and Statutory Bequests, Daniel A. Farber

Missing The "Play of Intelligence", Daniel A. Farber

Missing the Play of Intelligence, Daniel A. Farber

Modeling Climate Change and Its Impacts: Law, Policy, and Science, Daniel A. Farber

Moving the Supremes to the Heartland: The Case for Omaha, Daniel A. Farber

National Security, the Right to Travel, and the Court, Daniel A. Farber

Our (Almost) Perfect Constitution, Daniel A. Farber

Panel IV: Culpability, Restitution, and the Environment: The Vitality of Common Law Rules - Third Panelist, Daniel A. Farber

Parody Lost/Pragmatism Regained: The Ironic History of the Coase Theorem, Daniel A. Farber

Place-Based Theory of Standing, A, Daniel A. Farber

Pledging a New Allegiance: An Essay on Sovereignty and the New Federalism, Daniel A. Farber

Politics and Procedure in Environmental Law, Daniel A. Farber

Positive Theory as Normative Critique, Daniel A. Farber

Probabilities Behaving Badly: Complexity Theory and Environmental Uncertainty, Daniel A. Farber

Public Choice and Just Compensation, Daniel A. Farber

Reassessing the Economic Efficiency of Compensatory Damages for Breach of Contract, Daniel A. Farber

Recurring Misses, Daniel A. Farber

Reinventing Brandeis: Legal Pragmatism for the Twenty-First Century, Daniel A. Farber

Rethinking Regulatory Reform after American Trucking, Daniel A. Farber

Richmond and Republicanism, Daniel A. Farber

Rights as Signals, Daniel A. Farber

Risk Regulation in Perspective: Reserve Mining Revisited, Daniel A. Farber

Saving Overton Park: A Comment on Environmental Values, Daniel A. Farber

State Regulation and the Dormant Commerce Clause, Daniel A. Farber

Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Supremacy, Daniel A. Farber

Statutory Interpretation, Legislative Inaction, and Civil Rights, Daniel A. Farber

Stretching the Adjudicative Paradigm: Another Look at Judicial Policy Making and the Modern State, Daniel A. Farber

Stretching the Margins: The Geographic Nexus in Environmental Law, Daniel A. Farber

Supreme Court Selection and Measures of Past Judicial Performance, Daniel A. Farber

Taking Slippage Seriously: Noncompliance and Creative Compliance in Environmental Law, Daniel A. Farber

Tale of Two Cases, A, Daniel A. Farber

Terminator 2 1/2: The Constitution in an Alternate World, Daniel A. Farber

The BP Blowout and the Social and Environmental Erosion of the Louisiana Coast, Daniel A. Farber

The Case against Brilliance, Daniel A. Farber

The Case for Climate Compensation: Justice for Climate Change Victims in a Complex World, Daniel A. Farber

The Categorical Approach to Protecting Speech in American Constitutional Law, Daniel A. Farber

The Constitution's Forgotten Cover Letter: An Essay on the New Federalism and the Original Understanding, Daniel A. Farber

The Dead Hand of the Architect, Daniel A. Farber

The Importance of Being Final, Daniel A. Farber

The Inevitability of Practical Reason: Statutes, Formalism, and the Rule of Law, Daniel A. Farber

The Jurisprudential Cab Ride: A Socratic Dialogue, Daniel A. Farber

The Legacy of Reserve Mining, Daniel A. Farber

The Originalism Debate: A Guide for the Perplexed, Daniel A. Farber

The Outmoded Debate over Affirmative Action, Daniel A. Farber

The Reliance Interests in Trade Law, Daniel A. Farber

The Rule of Law and the Law of Precedents, Daniel A. Farber

The Story of Boomer: Pollution and the Common Law, Daniel A. Farber

The Story of McCulloch: Banking on National Power, Daniel A. Farber

The Supreme Court and the Rule of Law: Cooper v. Aaron Revisited, Daniel A. Farber

The Supreme Court, the Law of Nations, and Citations of Foreign Law: The Lessons of History, Daniel A. Farber

The Trouble with Tarble's: An Excerpt from an Alternative Casebook, Daniel A. Farber

Tort Law in the Era of Climate Change, Katrina, and 9/11: Exploring Liability for Extraordinary Risks, Daniel A. Farber

Toxic Causation, Daniel A. Farber

Triangulating the Future of Reinvention: Three Emerging Models of Environmental Protection, Daniel A. Farber

Uncertainty, Daniel A. Farber

Uncertainty as a Basis for Standing, Daniel A. Farber

When the Court Has a Party, How Many Friends Show up - A Note on the Statistical Distribution of Amicus Brief Filings, Daniel A. Farber

Whither Socialism, Daniel A. Farber

Reinventing Flood Control, Daniel A. Farber, Robert G. Bea, Karlene Roberts, and Edward Wenk

Environmental Law: Cases and Materials, Daniel A. Farber and A. Carlson

Foreword: Positive Political Theory in the Nineties, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

Integrating Public Choice and Public Law: A Reply to DeBow and Lee, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

In the Shadow of the Legislature: The Common Law in the Age of the New Public Law, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

Is Carolene Products Dead--Reflections on Affirmative Action and the Dynamics of Civil Rights Legislation, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

Jurisprudence of Public Choice, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

Legislative Intent and Public Choice, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

Practical Reason and the First Amendment, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey

The Shadow of the Future: Discount Rates, Later Generations, and the Environment, Daniel A. Farber and Paul A. Hemmersbaugh

Free Trade and the Regulatory State: A GATT's-Eye View of the Dormant Commerce Clause, Daniel A. Farber and Robert E. Hudec

Beyond Promissory Estoppel: Contract Law and the Invisible Handshake, Daniel A. Farber and John H. Matheson

Is There a Text in This Class - The Conflict between Textualism and Antitrust, Daniel A. Farber and Brett H. McDonnell

Why (and How) Fairness Matters at the IP/Antitrust Interface, Daniel A. Farber and Brett H. McDonnell

Ideological Origins of the Fourteenth Amendment, Daniel A. Farber and John E. Muench

Beyond the Roe Debate: Judicial Experience with the 1980's Reasonableness Test, Daniel A. Farber and John E. Nowak

Justice Harlan and the First Amendment, Daniel A. Farber and John E. Nowak

The Misleading Nature of Public Forum Analysis: Content and Context in First Amendment Adjudication, Daniel A. Farber and John E. Nowak

A History of the American Constitution, Daniel A. Farber and S. Sherry

Is the Radical Critique of Merit Anti-Semitic, Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry

Telling Stories out of School: An Essay on Legal Narratives, Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry

The 200,000 Cards of Dimitri Yurasov: Further Reflections on Scholarship and Truth, Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry

The Forgotten Pan-American Trademark Convention of 1929: A Bold Vision of Extraterritorial Meets Current Realities, Christine Haight Farley

Trademark Dilution Law: A Remedy in Search of a Harm, Christine Haight Farley

Development of a Highway Safety Management System for Indiana: Phase 1, Omar Farooq, Kumares C. Sinha, John Nagle, Dwayne Stanley James, and Yi Jiang

Early conceptions of the State in New Zealand, John H. Farrar

Improving the governance of financial institutions, John H. Farrar

The governance and regulation of complex comglomerates, John H. Farrar

Confronting the new reality: Globalisation, the Global Financial Crisis and the State, John H. Farrar and David Mayes

Globalisation, the crisis and the state: Introduction, John H. Farrar and David G. Mayes

Globalisation, the Global Financial Crisis and the State, John H. Farrar and David G. Mayes