About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Human Rights and Environmentalism: Forging Common Ground, Gabriel Eckstein and Miriam Gitlin

Roundtable Discussion [Santa Clara Journal of International Law Symposium 2008: Common Grounds, Common Waters: Towards a Water Ethic], Gabriel Eckstein and Irene Klaver


Network Neutrality and Network Management Regulation: Quality of Service, Price Discrimination, and Exclusive Contracts, Nicholas Economides and Joacim Tag

Symbolic Compliance and Judicial Deference in Federal EEO Cases, Lauren Edelman

The Effects of Parental Involvement on the College Student Transition: A Qualitative Study at a Large Midwestern University, Lauren Edelman

The Endogeneity of Law, Lauren Edelman

When Best Practices Win, Employees Lose, Lauren Edelman

Rivers of Law Contested Terrain: A Law and Society Approach to Economic Rationality, Lauren B. Edelman

Professional Construction of Law: The Inflated Threat of Wrongful Discharge, Lauren B. Edelman, Steven E. Abraham, and Howard S. Erlanger

Internal Dispute Resolution: The Transformation of Civil Rights in the Workplace, Lauren B. Edelman, Howard S. Erlanger, and John Lande

Legal Ambiguity and the Politics of Compliance: Affirmative Action Officers' Dilemma, Lauren B. Edelman, Stephen Petterson, Elizabeth Chambliss, and Howard S. Erlanger

When the Haves Hold Court: Speculations on the Organizational Internalization of Law, Lauren B. Edelman and Mark C. Suchman

Chapter 2: Clearings and Thickets: Intellectual Property Law and Growth Economics, Aaron Edlin and Robert D. Cooter


The Role of Switching Costs in Antitrust Analysis: A Comparison of Microsoft and Google, Aaron Edlin and Robert Harris


Activating Actavis, Aaron Edlin, Scott Hemphill, Herbert Hovenkamp, and Carl Shapiro


Freedom to Trade and the Competitive Process, Aaron S. Edlin and Joseph Farrell

A Most Interesting Part of Baseball's Monetary Structure - Salary Arbitration in Its Thirty-Fifth Year, Ed Edmonds

Over Forty Years in the On-Deck Circle: Congress and the Baseball Antitrust Exemption, Ed Edmonds

A compendium of corruption: Some of the notorious (and some alleged) scandals in sports history, Edmund P. Edmonds

Arthur Soden's Legacy: The Origins and Early History of Baseball's Reserve System, Edmund P. Edmonds

At the Brink of Free Agency: Creating the Foundation for the Messersmith-McNally Decision - 1968-1975, Edmund P. Edmonds

Postsecondary Athletics and the Law: A Selected Bibliography, Edmund P. Edmonds

The Curt Flood Act of 1998: A Hollow Gesture After All These Years?, Edmund P. Edmonds

Cyber-Banking Gains Currency and Interest, Walter A. Effross

High-Tech Heroes, Virtual Villains, and Jacked-In Justice: Visions of Law and Lawyers in Cyberpunk Science Fiction, Walter A. Effross

Logos, Links, and Lending: Towards Standardized Privacy and Use Policies for Banking Web Sites, Walter A. Effross

Owning Enlightenment: Proprietary Spirituality in the 'New Age' Marketplace, Walter A. Effross

Withdrawal of the Reference: Rights, Rules, and Remedies for Unwelcomed Web-Linking, Walter A. Effross


International Straits, Compulsory Pilotage and the Protection of the Marine Environment, Edwin E. Egede


The Politics of International Law and International Justice, Edwin Egede and Peter Sutch


The Determinants of Open Access Publishing: Survey Evidence from Germany, Thomas Eger, Marc Scheufen, and Daniel Meierrieks


Medical Malpractice Screening Panels: An Update and Assessment, Jean M. Eggen


Navigating between Scylla and Charybdis: Preemption of Medical Device “Parallel Claims”, Jean M. Eggen

Opening the Doors to the Local Courthouse: Maryland’s New Private Right of Action for Employment Discrimination, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg

Regulation by Amicus: The Department of Labor's Policy Making in the Courts, Deborah Thompson Eisenberg

Alternative Dispute Resolution and Public Confidence in the Judiciary: Chief Judge Bell's "Culture of Conflict Resolution", Deborah Thompson Eisenberg, Rachel Wohl, and Toby Treem Guerin

The Reliability of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Database: An Initial Empirical Analysis, Theodore Eisenberg and Margo Schlanger


Banning High Capacity Magazines: Heller and the Right to Bear Arms, Matthew J. Eitelberg


African Transnational Threat to Turkey, Doç.Dr. Behsat Ekici


Ankara’s challenges: Increased Drug Trafficking From Iran, Doç.Dr. Behsat Ekici


Iranian Methamphetamine and Turkey: An Emerging Transnational Threat, Doç.Dr. Behsat Ekici


Gay Talk: Protecting Free Speech for Public School Teachers, Stephen J. Elkind and Peter D. Kauffman

Chapter 6, John Eller


Banksy Got Back? Problems with Chains of Unauthorized Derivative Works and Arrangement Rights in Cover Songs under a Compulsory License, Matthew Adam Eller Esq.

“Referring or Linking To” Liability: Does the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Really Mean What It Says?, Chris Ellis Jr.


The Geography of Racial Stereotyping: Evidence and Implications for VRA Preclearance After Shelby County, Christopher S. Elmendorf and Douglas M. Spencer

A Dedication to Randall P. Bezanson, John W. Elrod, Mark H. Grunewald, Lewis H. LaRue, J. Hardin Marion, Doug Rendleman, and Allan W. Vestal



"GMO:" Genetically Modified Organism or Gigantic Monetary Obligation? The Liability Schemes for GMO Damage in the United States and the European Union, A. Bryan Endres


Community Supported Agriculture and Community Labor: Constructing a New Model to Unite Volunteers and Employers, A. Bryan Endres and Rachel Armstrong

A Step-By-Step Guide to the Analysis of Contract Remedies, David Enevoldsen and Stephen A. Gerst


Better Good Than Lucky: Defending the Legality of "One-Week" Fantasy Football Leagues, Conner A. England


The International Criminal Court and Lubanga: the Feminist Critique and Jus Cogens, Eric Allen Engle

Book Review: Tennessee's New Abolitionists: The Fight to End the Death Penalty in the Volunteer State, by Amy L. Sayward and Margaret Vandiver (eds.), Lyn Entzeroth

Brady Violations Committed by the Prosecutor's Office in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, Lyn Entzeroth

Constitutional Prohibition on the Execution of the Mentally Retarded Criminal Defendant, Lyn Entzeroth

David R. Dow, The Autobiography of an Execution (2010), Lyn Entzeroth

Federal Habeas Review of Death Sentences, Where are We Now: A review of Wiggins v. Smith and Miller-el v. Cockrell, Lyn Entzeroth

Judicial Profile: Honorable Bana Roberts, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Western District of Oklahoma, Lyn Entzeroth

Putting the Mentally Retarded Criminal Defendant to Death: Charting the Development of a National Consensus to Exempt the Mentally Retarded from the Death Penalty, Lyn Entzeroth

Reflections on Fifteen Years of the Teague v. Lane Retroactivity Paradigm: A Study of the Persistence, the Pervasiveness, and the Perversity of the Court's Doctrine, Lyn Entzeroth

Struggling for Federal Judicial Review of Successive Claims of Innocence: A Study of How Federal Courts Wrestled with the AEDPA to Provide Individuals Convicted of Non-Existent Crimes with Habeas Corpus Review, Lyn Entzeroth

Symposium Foreword, Lyn Entzeroth

The Challenge and Dilemma of Charting a Course to Constitutionally Protect the Severely Mentally Ill Capital Defendant from the Death Penalty, Lyn Entzeroth

The End of the Beginning: The Politics of Death and the American Death Penalty Regime in the Twenty-First Century, Lyn Entzeroth

The Illusion of Sanity: The Constitutional and Moral Danger of Allowing States to Medicate Condemned Prisoners in Order to Execute Them, Lyn Entzeroth

The United States' Continuing Practice of Executing the Mentally Ill, Lyn Entzeroth

Judicial Advocacy in Pro Se Litigation: A Return to Neutrality, Lyn Entzeroth and Robert Bacharach

Capital Punishment and the Judicial Process, Lyn Entzeroth and Randall Coyne

Report Regarding Implementation of the American Bar Association's Recommendations and Resolutions Concerning the Death Penalty and Calling for a Moratorium on Executions, Lyn Entzeroth and Randall Coyne

Book Review: Sporting Equality: Title IX Thirty Years Later, Adam Epstein

Book Review: Titlting the Playing Field: Schools, Sports, Sex and Title IX , Adam Epstein


Maryland Sports Law, Adam Epstein


Missouri Sports Law, Adam Epstein


Sports Law, Adam Epstein


Surveying Colorado Sports Law, Adam Epstein


Irreparable Misidentifications and Reliability: Reassessing the Threshold for Admissibility of Eyewitness Identification, Jules Epstein


Ruminations on an Ethical Issue When Examining the Child Witness: Zealous Advocacy or Destroying Evidence, Jules Epstein

The NAS and the Courts: A Three-Year Perspective, Jules Epstein

DePaul University College of Law: Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law (panel moderator), Wendy Netter Epstein

Midwestern Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting 2013: The Reciprocity Norm in Public-Private Contracting, Wendy Netter Epstein

University of Chicago Legal Scholarship Workshop 2013: The Reciprocity Norm in Public-Private Contracting, Wendy Netter Epstein

The Literary Kiss - Gestures of Subterfuge, Bethel G.A Erastus-Obilo

Annual Supplement to "Patents", Samuel F. Ernst


Introduction, Martha Ertman

Accepting the Court's Invitation, Martha M. Ertman

Book Review: Legal Tenderness, Martha M. Ertman

Contract Sports, Martha M. Ertman

Love and Contracts in Don Quixote, Martha M. Ertman

Love and Work: A Response to Vicki Schultz's Life's Work, Martha M. Ertman

The Business of Intimacy: Bridging the Private-Private Distinction, Martha M. Ertman

The Elasticity of Contract, Martha M. Ertman


The Law of the Land: Will Gay Marriage Change Marriage, and if so, how?, Martha M. Ertman

The Legacy of Jane Larson: The Politics of Practicality and Surprise, Martha M. Ertman

What's Wrong with a Parenthood Market? A New and Improved Theory of Commodification, Martha M. Ertman


Apuntes sobre la naturaleza de la concesión minera, Francisco Escajadillo Ch.


Concesión Minera vs Derecho de Propiedad: Sobre los conflictos entre el concesionario minero y el propietario del suelo, Francisco Escajadillo Ch.

La Demasía Minera, Francisco Escajadillo Ch.


Retos de la publicidad formal en el siglo XXI, Francisco Escajadillo Ch.


ERAU Spring 2013 newsletter, Paul F. Eschenfelder