The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
The Trajectories of European and American Antidiscrimination Law, Gráinne de Búrca
Contextualizing Actus Reus underArticle 25(3)(d) of the ICC Statute: Thresholds of Contribution, Randle C. DeFalco
Is There Life After Laptops? Further Thoughts on the Effects of Unplugging a Uniquely "Wired-In" Generation, Eric A. DeGroff
Anthologie van de Privacy. FULL TEXT, Paul De Hert, Serge Gutwirth, and Willem De Beuckelaere
Hacia una Teoría Crítica del Rechtsgeschäft: Una visión desde la Frankfurt Schule, joshimar de la cruz aroni
Hacia una Teoría Crítica del Rechtsgeschäft: Una visión desde la Frankfurt Schule, joshimar de la cruz aroni
Dictionary of International Human Rights Law, Connie de la Vega
Is American Law Inherently Racist, Richard Delgado and Daniel A. Farber
Diego Valadés: un jurista humanista, Juan Javier del Granado
From the Coase theorem to the Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem: Is Chicago law and economics facing an existential crisis?, Juan Javier del Granado
Javier del Granado era un hombre de alma bella, Juan Javier del Granado
La no excepcionalidad del common law: la propuesta de escindibilidad entre el hecho y el derecho, Juan Javier del Granado
Por qué estudiar Derecho Estadounidense en México, Juan Javier del Granado
International Legal Developments in Review: International Environmental Law: 2012 (co-author), Joseph W. Dellapenna
Localizing Climate Change Action, Marianne Dellinger
Localizing Climate Change Law, Marianne Dellinger
An Unstoppable Tide: Creating Environmental and Human Rights Law from the Bottom Up, Myanna Dellinger
California as an Oil Boom State?, Myanna Dellinger
Localizing the Law of Climate Change, Myanna Dellinger
That’s Wild! The Ongoing international Trade in Endangered Species, Myanna Dellinger
Moral, Politics and Method: The influence of Ronald Dworkin´s philosophy on the Brazilian Supreme Court, Luciano Del Monaco and Nuria López
Welcome to Anytown, U.S.A. - Home of Beautiful Scenery (and a Convicted Sex Offender): Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws in E.B. v. Verniero, David S. DeMatteo
Overlooked Areas of Federal Sentencing: Federal Enclaves, Indian Country, Transfer of U.S. Prisoners From Abroad, Nora Demleitner and Jon Sands
A Fresh Look at Offender Characteristics, Nora V. Demleitner
A New Start Calls for a Broadened Perspective, Nora V. Demleitner
Can and Should Human Rights Themes Impact Decision-making in a Law School? Reflections from the U.S. Perspective, Nora V. Demleitner
Challenge, Opportunity and Risk: An Era of Change in Comparative Law, Nora V. Demleitner
Collateral Sanctions in the United States and Europe: Retroactivity and Proportionality, Nora V. Demleitner
Constitutional Challenges, Risk-Based Analysis and Criminal History Databases: More Demands on the U.S. Sentencing Commission, Nora V. Demleitner
Crime and Sentencing in Canada: Parallels and Differences, Nora V. Demleitner
“Grasping the Nettle” Legal Education Crisis? Law School Deans Engage, Nora V. Demleitner
How Many Terrorists Are There? The Escalation in So-Called Terrorism Prosecutions, Nora V. Demleitner
Human Rights Themes in the Life of a Law School, Nora V. Demleitner
Offenses Involving Immigration, Naturalization and Passports: Model Sentencing Guidelines 211, 212, 213, 214, Nora V. Demleitner
Reforming Juvenile Sentencing, Nora V. Demleitner
Replacing Incarceration: The Need for Dramatic Change, Nora V. Demleitner
Risk Assessment: Promises and Pitfalls, Nora V. Demleitner
Searching for a Solution: How to Punish, Restrain and Treat Sex Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner
Stopping a Vicious Cycle: Release, Restrictions, Re-Offending, Nora V. Demleitner
Terms of Imprisonment: Treating the Noncitizen Offender Equally, Nora V. Demleitner
The Challenges to Legal Education in 1973 and 2012: An Introduction to the Anniversary Issue of the Hofstra Law Review, Nora V. Demleitner
The Federalization of Crime and Sentencing, Nora V. Demleitner
Unique Disadvantages, Unique Needs: Native American Sex Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner
Where to Go From Here? The Roberts Court at the Crossroads of Sentencing, Nora V. Demleitner
Witness Protection in Criminal Cases: Anonymity, Disguise or Other Options, Nora V. Demleitner
Abusing State Power or Controlling Risk?: Sex Offender Commitment and Sicherungverwahrung, Nora V. Demleitner
A Response to Mathias Reimann: More, More, More But Real Comparative Law, Nora V. Demleitner
"Collateral Damage": No Re-entry for Drug Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner
Combating Legal Ethnocentrism: Comparative Law Sets Boundaries, Nora V. Demleitner
Continuing Payment of One's Debt to Society: The German Model of Felon Disenfranchisement as an Alternative, Nora V. Demleitner
First Peoples, First Principles: The Sentencing Commission's Obligation to Reject False Images of Criminal Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner
Forced Prostitution: Naming an International Offense, Nora V. Demleitner
How Much Do Western Democracies Value Famiily and Marriage? : Immigration Law's Conflicted Answers, Nora V. Demleitner
Immigration Threats and Rewards: Effective Law Enforcement Tools in the "War" on Terrorism?, Nora V. Demleitner
Organized Crime and Prohibition: What Difference Does Legalization Make?, Nora V. Demleitner
Preventing Internal Exile: The Need for Restrictions on Collateral Sentencing Consequences, Nora V. Demleitner
Smart Public Policy: Replacing Imprisonment with Targeted Nonprison Sentences and Collateral Sanctions, Nora V. Demleitner
The Death Penalty in the United States: Following the European Lead, Nora V. Demleitner
The Fallacy of Social "Citizenship" Or the Threat of Exclusion, Nora V. Demleitner
Thwarting a New Start? Foreign Convictions, Sentencing and Collateral Sanctions, Nora V. Demleitner
Sentencing Law and Policy: Cases, Statues and Guidelines, Nora V. Demleitner, Douglas Berman, Marc L. Miller, and Ronald F. Wright
Non-Citizen Offenders and Immigration Crimes: New Challenges in the Federal System, Nora V. Demleitner and Jon M. Sands
Public Wrongs and the ‘Criminal Law’s Business’: When Victims Won’t Share, Michelle Dempsey
Victimless Conduct and the Volenti Maxim: How Consent Works, Michelle Dempsey
The Pre-Hearing “Subpoena Powers” of the Modern-Day Arbitrator, Benjamin P. Deninger
Extraterritoriality and the Dormant Commerce Clause: A Doctrinal Post-Mortem, Brannon P. Denning
One Toke over the (State) Line: Constitutional Limits on "Pot Tourism" Restrictions, Brannon P. Denning
How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Second Amendment: A Reply to Professor Magarian, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds
Popular and Aversive Constitutionalism in Uganda: Limiting American-Style Judicial Review by Design, David B. Dennison
The Resonance of Christian Political Conceptions within International Humanitarian Law, David B. Dennison
Ugandan Reader’s Guide to Michael Schutt’s "Redeeming Law", David B. Dennison and Patricia Johnson
Rights of Muslim Women in India, Rajesh Deoli and Anju Talukdar
Damages for Incompensable Harms (forthcoming, with Robert D. Cooter), David E. DePianto
What can intellectual property law learn from happiness research?, Estelle Derclaye
Acting As If Tomorrow Matters: Mapping the Obstacles to Sustainability, John C. Dernbach
As If Tomorrow Matters: Accelerating Progress Toward Sustainability, John C. Dernbach
Committee on Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Ecosystems: 2012 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
Hitting the Sustainability Accelerator: 51 Sustainability Experts, 4 Approaches, John C. Dernbach
U.S. Sustainability Efforts: Modest Progress but an Increasingly Distant Goal, John C. Dernbach
What Motivates Sustainability Efforts in the U.S.?, John C. Dernbach
The Growing Importance of Sustainability to Lawyers and the ABA, John C. Dernbach, Lee A. DeHihns, and Ira R. Feldman
The Sustainable Relationship: What the United States and the United Kingdom Can Teach Each Other About Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the National Level, John C. Dernbach and Andrea Ross
A Practical Guide to Legal Writing & Legal Method, John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton II, Cathleen Wharton, Joan Ruhtenberg, and Catherine J. Wasson
Pleading Innocents: Laboratory Evidence of Plea Bargaining's Innocence Problem, Lucian E. Dervan
Regulatory Crime: Solutions, Lucian E. Dervan
White Collar Over-Criminalization: Deterrence, Plea Bargaining, and the Loss of Innocence, Lucian E. Dervan
The Innocent Defendant’s Dilemma: An Innovative Empirical Study of Plea Bargaining’s Innocence Problem, Lucian E. Dervan and Vanessa A. Edkins
Stare Decisis and Certiorari Arrive to Brazil: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach, Angela de Santa Cruz Oliveira and Nuno Garoupa
Leveraging International Economic Tools to Confront Child Soldiering, Diane Desierto
Public Policy in International Investment and Trade Law: Community Expectations and Functional Decision-Making, Diane A. Desierto
Postcolonial International Law Discourses on Regional Developments in South and Southeast Asia, Diane A. Desierto
Conflict of Treaties, Interpretation, and Decision-Making on Human Rights and Investment during Economic Crises, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Sovereign Policy Flexibility for Social Protection: Managing Regulatory Risk in International Investment Agreements, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
The International Court of Justice in the Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes, Dr. Diane A. Desierto
Bridging the Public Interest Divide: Committee assistance for investor-host State Compliance with the ICESCR, Dr. Diane A. Desierto and Bruno Simma
Publishing the Unpublished Correspondence, Kevin Dettmar, William Brockman, and Robert Spoo
The Power of Stories and Images in Law School Teaching, Scott DeVito