About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

"An Unqualified Human Good": E.P. Thompson and the Rule of Law, Daniel H. Cole

Book Review. From Renaissance Poland to Poland's Renaissance, Daniel H. Cole

Book Review. Taking Coase Seriously: Neil Komesar on Law's Limits, Daniel H. Cole

Cleaning Up Krakow: Poland's Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of International Environmental Assistance, Daniel H. Cole

Clearing the Air: Four Propositions About Property Rights and Environmental Protection, Daniel H. Cole

Climate Change, Adaptation, and Development, Daniel H. Cole

Debt-Equity Conversions, Debt-for-Nature Swaps, and the Continuing World Debt Crisis, Daniel H. Cole

From Global to Polycentric Climate Governance, Daniel H. Cole

Law, Politics, and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Daniel H. Cole

Poland's 1997 Constitution in Its Historical Context, Daniel H. Cole

The Importance of Being Comparative: M. Dale Palmer Professorship Inaugural Lecture, Daniel H. Cole

The "Stern Review" and its Critics: Implications for the Theory and Practice of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Daniel H. Cole

Why Kelo Is Not Good News for Local Planners and Developers, Daniel H. Cole

Clearing the Air: Four Propositions about Property Rights and Environmental Protection, Daniel H. Cole

Environmental Instrument Choice in a Second-Best World: A Comment on Professor Richards, Daniel H. Cole

Rhetoric, Reality, and the Law of Unfunded Federal Mandates, Daniel H. Cole and Carol S. Comer

Protecting Private Property with Constitutional Judicial Review: A Social Welfare Approach, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman

Institutions Matter! Why the Herder Problem is Not a Prisoner's Dilemma, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman

When Is Command-and-Control Efficient? Institutions, Technology, and the Comparative Efficiency of Alternative Regulatory Regimes for Environmental Protection, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman


Africa’s Relationship with the International Criminal Court: More Political than Legal, rowland cole


Power-Sharing, Post-Electoral Contestations, and the Dismemberment of the Right to Democracy in Africa, rowland cole

Chronic Illness Care Education: Reflections on a Longitudinal Interprofessional Mentorship Experience, Lauren Collins MD, Christine A. Arenson MD, Christine Jerback MD, Richard Dressel, Patrick Kane, Reena Antony MPH, Jillian Necky, and Ayo Oduneye

Adopting Adaptive Technologies, Maureen B. Collins

Careers in Entertainment Law, Maureen B. Collins

Haiku in the Legal Writing Classroom, Maureen B. Collins

So A Guy Walks Into a Bar: Using Voice Recognition Softward in Legal Storytelling, Maureen B. Collins

Corporations and Commercial Speech, Ron Collins, Mark Lopez, Tamara Piety, and David Vladeck


Fashion, Sexism, and the United States Federal Judiciary, Charles E. Colman


The Naked Private Square, Ronald J. Colombo

Prejudgment Interest in International Arbitration, Jeffrey M. Colon and Michael S. Knoll

American Workplace Dispute Resolution in the Individual Rights Era, Alexander Colvin

Employment Arbitration: Empirical Findings and Research Needs, Alexander Colvin

Participation Versus Procedures in Non-Union Dispute Resolution, Alexander Colvin

The Emerging Anglo-American Model: Convergence in Industrial Relations Institutions?, Alexander Colvin and Owen R. Darbishire

Paths to Global Social Regulation – What Can Americans Learn from the European Union, Lance A. Compa and Lowell Turner

Bargaining in the Dark: the Normative Incoherence of Lawyer Dispute Bargaining Role, Robert J. Condlin

"Practice Ready Graduates": A Millennialist Fantasy, Robert J. Condlin


Getting Individuals Committed to the MT State Hospital Out of County Jails, Anna Conley


Torture in US Jails and Prisons: An Analysis of Solitary Confinement Under International Law, Anna Conley

Freedom to Filter Versus User Control: Limiting the Scope of § 230(c)(2) Immunity, Nicholas R. Conlon

Freedom to Filter Versus User Control: Limiting the Scope of § 230(c)(2) Immunity, Nicholas R. Conlon



Freedom to Filter Versus User Control: Limiting the Scope of § 230(c)(2) Immunity, Nicholas R. Conlon



A New First Amendment Goal line Defense – It’s Time to Stop the Right of Publicity Offensive, Mark A. Conrad


A New First Amendment Goal line Defense – It’s Time to Stop the Right of Publicity Offensive, Mark A. Conrad

Listening and Speaking are Lawyering Skill, Too, Lurene Contento

More than the Memo, The Evolving Legal Writing Classroom, Lurene Contento

Plagiarism, What Every Law Student Needs to Know, Lurene Contento

Stepped Oral Presentations: Incorporating Public Speaking in the First Semester, Lurene Contento

Think Long; Write Short' and Other Tips for Writing for a U.S. Audience, Lurene Contento

The Importance of Teaching International Students to Read Before We Teach Them to Write, Lurene Contento and Alissa Hartig


Fixing FRAND: A Pseudo-Pool Approach to Standards-Based Patent Licensing, Jorge Contreras


National Discretion and International Deference in the Restriction of Human Rights: A Comparison Between the Jurisprudence of the European and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Pablo Contreras

Integración Regional y Políticas Transnacionales: EITLC y las Estrategias del Sector Popular en México, Maria Lorena Cook

Les Relations Industrielles Mexicaines et la Democratic Dans le Context de l'ALENA [Mexican Industrial Relations and Democracy under NAFTA], Maria Lorena Cook

National Labor Strategies in Changing Environments: Perspectives from Mexico, Maria Lorena Cook

Organizing Opposition in the Teachers' Movement in Oaxaca, Maria Lorena Cook

Regional Integration and Transnational Labor Strategies under NAFTA, Maria Lorena Cook

Relaciones Industriales en America del Norte: Sindicalismo y Sector Automotriz en los Estados Unidos [Industrial Relations in North America: Unions and the Auto Sector in the United States], Maria Lorena Cook

The Advocate’s Dilemma: Framing Migrant Rights in National Settings, Maria Lorena Cook

Unauthorized Migration and Border “Control”: Three Regional Views, Maria Lorena Cook

Unions, Markets, and Democracy in Latin America, Maria Lorena Cook

Bringing Unions Back In: Labour and Left Governments in Latin America, Maria Lorena Cook and Joseph C. Bazler

Making Free Trade More Fair: Developments in Protecting Labor Rights, Maria Lorena Cook, Morley Gunderson, Mark Thompson, and Anil Verma

The Politics of Economic Restructuring in Mexico: Actors, Sequencing, and Coalition Change, Maria Lorena Cook, Kevin J. Middlebrook, and Juan Molinar Horcasitas

Carbon Offsets and Environmental Impacts: NEPA, the Endangered Species Act, and Federal Climate Policy, David M. Cooley and Jonas J. Monast


Unnatural Disasters: Rethinking the Distinction between Natural and Man-Made Catastrophe, Michael D. Cooper, Esq.


The Conversation about Torture We Need to Have: Blaming 'Zero Dark Thirty' Misses the Point, Michael D. Cooper, Esq. and Jennifer Trahan


The Falcon’s Gyre: Legal Foundations of Economic Innovation and Growth, Robert D. Cooter

American Legal Education: Where Did It Come From? Where Is It Going?, Daniel R. Coquillette

Presentation of new research on the first black graduates of Harvard Law School, Daniel R. Coquillette

Reporter, Meeting of the Standing Committee on Rules, Daniel R. Coquillette


The Prisoners At Guantanamo, And The Rule Of Law, Daniel R. Coquillette

Past the Pillars of Hercules: Francis Bacon and the Science of Rulemaking, Daniel R. Coquillette

Awaking Rip Van Winkle: Has the National Labor Relations Act Reached a Turning Point?, William Corbett

McDonnell Douglas, 1973-2003: May You Rest in Peace?, William Corbett

Awaking Rip Van Winkle: Has the National Labor Relations Act Reached a Turning Point?, William R. Corbett

An Allegory of the Cave and the Desert Palace, William R. Corbett

A Somewhat Modest Proposal to Prevent Adultery and Save Families: Two Old Torts Looking for a New Career, William R. Corbett

Babbling About Employment Discrimination Law: Does the Builder Understand the Blueprint for the Great Tower?, William R. Corbett

Faragher, Ellerth, and the Federal Law of Vicarious Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors: Something Lost, Something Gained, and Something to Guard Against, William R. Corbett

Faragher, Ellerth, and the Federal Law of Vicarious Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors: Something Lost, Something Gained, and Something to Guard Against, William R. Corbett

Fixing Employment Discrimination Law, William R. Corbett

Hotness Discrimination: Appearance Discrimination as a Mirror for Reflecting on the Body of Employment Discrimination Law, William R. Corbett

"The More Things Change,…": Reflections on the Stasis of Labor Law in the United States, William R. Corbett

The Narrowing of the National Labor Relations Act: Maintaining Workplace Decorum and Avoiding Liability, William R. Corbett

The Need for a Revitalized Common Law of the Workplace, William R. Corbett

The Ugly Truth About Appearance Discrimination and the Beauty of Our Employment Discrimination Law, William R. Corbett

The Ugly Truth About Appearance Discrimination and the Beauty of Our Employment Discrimination Law, William R. Corbett

Unmasking a Pretext for Res Ipsa Loquitur: A Proposal to Let Employment Discrimination Speak for Itself, William R. Corbett

Waiting for the Labor Law of the Twenty-First Century: Everything Old Is New Again, William R. Corbett

What Is in GINA's Genes? The Curious Case of the Mutant-Hybrid Employment Law, William R. Corbett


Exposing Judges' Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting, Dr. Richard Cordero Esq.


Exposing Judges' Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting, Dr. Richard Cordero Esq.


Exposing Judges' Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting, Dr. Richard Cordero Esq.

The gender gap: A quota for women on the board, J. F. Corkery and Madeline Taylor

Executive remuneration under scrutiny: The cutting edge of the 'shareholder spring', Jim Corkery and Sabina Medarevic