About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

The 2012 Amendments to Singapore's Evidence Act: More Questions than Answers as Regards Expert Opionion Evidence?, Siyuan CHEN

The Limits of Prosecutorial Discretion in Singapore: Past, Present, and Future, Siyuan CHEN

The Power of the Court to Change an Order for the Division of Matrimonial Assets, Siyuan CHEN

The stereotypical computer scientist: Gendered media representations as a barrier to inclusion for women., S Cheryan, V C. Plaut, C Handron, and L Hudson


Thinking Outside the Box: Publication Opportunities Beyond the Traditional Law Review, Susan Chesler, Anna P. Hemingway, and Tamara Herrera

Going Barefoot in the Middle Kingdom: A Preliminary Study of the Strategic Choices of Non-licensed Weiquan Lawyers in Modern China, Tin Muk Daisy Cheung




Public Accountability and check on Corruption (India), dewangana chhillar

Rand Patents and Exclusion Orders: Submission of 19 Economics and Law Professors to the International Trade Commission, Colleen Chien, Richard J. Gilbert, Carl Shapiro, Thomas F. Cotter, Stefania Fusco, Shubha Ghosh, Eric Goldman, Dan L. Burk, Daniel R. Cahoy, Michael A. Carrier, Jorge L. Contreras, Joseph Scott Miller, Michael Risch, Jason Schultz, Ted M. Sichelman, Arti K. Rai, Katherine J. Strandburg, Esther Van Zimmerman, and Christal Sheppard



The Google Conundrum: Perpetrator or Facilitator on the Net? - Forging a Fair Copyright Framework of Rights, Liability and Responsibility in Response to Search Engine 2.0 - Part II: The Google Books Search Project, Warren B. CHIK

Evolving Global Regulation of Adult Stem Cell Therapies and Technologies, Mary Ann Chirba


Individual And Group Coverage Under The ACA: More Patches To The Federal-State Crazy Quilt, Mary Ann Chirba

In Search of Regulatory Consistency: The Role of IVF Regulations in Improving FDA Oversight of Autologous Stem Cell Therapies, Mary Ann Chirba

Moderator, "New Regulatory Models Ensuring Safety and Accelerating Treatments", Mary Ann Chirba

Regulation vs. The Practice of Medicine, Mary Ann Chirba

ERISA Preemption of State “Play or Pay” Mandates: How PPACA Clouds an Already Confusing Picture, Mary Ann Chirba

A Decade’s Quest for Safer Drugs: Congressional Committee Green Lights Regulation of Drug Supply Chains and Compounding Manufacturers, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

Medical Malpractice, the Affordable Care Act and State Provider Shield Laws: More Myth than Necessity?, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

Our Bodies, Our Cells: FDA Regulation of Autologous Adult Stem Cell Therapies, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

The ACA’s Tobacco Use Rating: Implementation, Inconsistencies and Ironies, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

The Supreme Court On The Affordable Care Act: What We Are Waiting For, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

The Supreme Court Upholds The Individual Mandate: But Who Are We Talking About?, Mary Ann Chirba and Alice Noble

Health Care Reform: Law and Practice, Mary Ann Chirba, Alice A. Noble, and Michael M. Maddigan


Kicking Out the Murderers, Rapists, and Tax Offenders: An Analysis of Immigration Consequences for the Act of Committing a Tax Offense, Eugene Choi

The Struggle between the Doctrines of Universal Jurisdiction and Head of State Immunity, Brian M.H. Chok

Church, State and the Supreme Court: Current Controversy, Jesse Choper

Tributes to Arthur H. Sherry, Jesse Choper

Cases & Materials on Corporations, Little, Brown & Co., 1st ed. 1966; 2d ed. 1977; 3d ed. 1989; 4th ed. 1995; 5th ed. 2000 (co-author); 6th ed. 2004; 7th ed. 2008 (co-author); 8th ed., 2013 (co-author), Jesse H. Choper

A Century of Religious Freedom, Jesse H. Choper

Benchmarks, Jesse H. Choper

Bill Lockhart--Colleague Mentor, Friend, Jesse H. Choper

Comments on Stephen Carter's Lecture, Jesse H. Choper

Congressional Power to Expand Judicial Definitions of the Substantive Terms of the Civil War Amendments, Jesse H. Choper

Continued Uncertainty as to the Constitutionality of Remedial Racial Classifications: Identifying the Pieces of the Puzzle, Jesse H. Choper

Dangers to Religious Liberty from Neutral Government Programs, Jesse H. Choper

Defining Religion in the First Amendment, Jesse H. Choper

Did Last Term Reveal a Revolutionary States' Rights Movement within the Supreme Court, Jesse H. Choper

Federalism and Judicial Review: An Update, Jesse H. Choper

In Favor of Restoring the Sherbert Rule - with Qualifications, Jesse H. Choper

In Memoriam: Dr. Bernard L. Diamond, Jesse H. Choper

Observations on the Guarantee Clause - As Thoughtfully Addressed By Justice Linde and Professor Eule, Jesse H. Choper

On the Difference in Importance between Supreme Court Doctrine and Actual Consequences: A Review of the Supreme Court's 1996-1997 Term, Jesse H. Choper

On the Warren Court and Judicial Review, Jesse H. Choper

Religion and Race Under the Constitution: Similarities and Differences, Jesse H. Choper

Religion in the Public Schools: A Proposed Constitutional Standard, Jesse H. Choper

Remarks on Justice Harlan and the Bill of Rights, Jesse H. Choper

Separation of Church and State: New Directions by the New Supreme Court, Jesse H. Choper

Some Difficulties in Assuring Equality and Avoiding Endorsement, Jesse H. Choper

Structuring the Separation of Powers: The Judiciary and Institutions of Judicial Review, Jesse H. Choper

Supreme Court and the Political Branches: Democratic Theory and Practice, Jesse H. Choper

Supreme Court and Unconstitutional Conditions: Federalism and Individual Rights, Jesse H. Choper

Taming Congress's Power under the Commerce Clause: What Does the Near Future Portend, Jesse H. Choper

The Burger Court: Misperceptions Regarding Judicial Restraint and Insensitivity to Individual Rights, Jesse H. Choper

The Constitutionality of Affirmative Action: Views from the Supreme Court, Jesse H. Choper

The Endorsement Test: Its STatus and Desirability, Jesse H. Choper

The Establishment Clause and Aid to Parochial Schools, Jesse H. Choper

The Establishment Clause and Aid to Parochial Schools-An Update, Jesse H. Choper

The Free Exercise Clause: A Structural Overview and an Appraisal of Recent Developments, Jesse H. Choper

The Political Question Doctrine: Suggested Criteria, Jesse H. Choper

The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment: Reconciling the Conflict, Jesse H. Choper

The Rise and Decline of the Constitutional Protection of Religious Liberty, Jesse H. Choper

The Scope of National Power Vis-a-Vis the States: The Dispensability of Judicial Review, Jesse H. Choper

The Unpredictability of the Supreme Court's Doctrine in Establishment Clause Cases, Jesse H. Choper

Thoughts on State Action: The Government Function and Power Theory Approaches, Jesse H. Choper

Thoughts on the Federalist Vision of Representative Democracy As Viewed at the End of the Twentieth Century: How Have We Used the Legacy of the Federalist Papers, Jesse H. Choper

Why the Supreme Court Should Not Have Decided the Presidential Election of 2000, Jesse H. Choper

William B. Lockhart and Bernard E. Witkin, Jesse H. Choper

Yale Kamisar: Collaborator, Colleague, and Friend, Jesse H. Choper

State Taxation and the Dormant Commerce Clause: The Object-Measure Approach, Jesse H. Choper and Tung Yin

Can the Government Prohibit Gay Marriage, Jesse H. Choper and John C. Yoo

Effective Alternatives to Causes of Action Barred by the Eleventh Amendment, Jesse H. Choper and John C. Yoo

The Scope of the Commerce Clause after Morrison, Jesse H. Choper and John C. Yoo

Who's Afraid of the Eleventh Amendment - The Limited Impact of the Court's Sovereign Immunity Rulings, Jesse H. Choper and John C. Yoo

Comments, Jesse Choper and Kenneth L. Karst


Cognitive Barriers to Rational Home Loan Decision Making: Implications for Mortgage Counseling, Jessica Choplin, Joseph Mikels, and Debra P. Stark

Doomed to Fail: A Psychological Analysis of Mortgage Loan Disclosures and Policy Implications, Jessica Choplin and Debra P. Stark


Reinventing the Development Wheel of the World Trading System (Reviewing Sonia E. Rolland, Development at the World Trade Organization (2012), Sungjoon Cho

Injunctive and Reverse Settlements--Blocking Litigation, Sungjoon Cho and Keith N. Hylton


Injunctive and Reverse Settlements in Competition-Blocking Litigation, Sungjoon Cho and Keith N. Hylton


Are World Trading Rules Passé?, Sungjoon Cho and Claire R. Kelly

Constitutional Transitions in the Middle East, Sujit Choudhry

Constitutional transitions in the Middle East: Introduction, Sujit Choudhry

Living Originalism in India? ‘Our Law’ and Comparative Constitutional Law, Sujit Choudhry

Proportionality: Comparative Perspectives on Israeli Debates, Sujit Choudhry

Rights Adjudication in a Plurinational State: the Supreme Court of Canada, Freedom of Religion, and the Politics of Reasonable Accommodation, Sujit Choudhry


Constitutional Review in New Democracies, Sujit Choudhry and K. Glenn Bass


International Standards for the Independence of the Judiciary, Sujit Choudhry and R. Stacey


Semi-Presidentialism as a Form of Government: Lessons for Tunisia, Sujit Choudhry and Richard Stacey

A Jail Diversion Program for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders: MISSION - DIRECT VET [English and Spanish versions], Paul Christopher, William H. Fisher, Mary Ellen Foti, Carl E. Fulwiler, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Stephanie W. Hartwell, David A. Smelson, and Debra Pinals

A Political Theory of Blackmail: A Reply to Professor Dripps, Russell Christopher

Control and Desert: A Comment on Moore's View of Attempts, Russell Christopher

Deterring Retributivism: The Injustice of 'Just' Punishment, Russell Christopher

Does Attempted Murder Deserve Greater Punishment than Murder? Moral Luck and the Duty to Prevent Harm, Russell Christopher

Fletcher's Essays on Criminal Law, Russell Christopher

Fletcher's Essays on Criminal Law, Russell Christopher

Ignorance and Mistake, Russell Christopher

Imminence in Justified Targeted Killings, Russell Christopher

Introduction, Russell Christopher

Justification: Self-Defense, Russell Christopher