The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Subsidiarity as a Structural Principle of International Human Rights Law, Paolo G. Carozza
Uses and Misuses of Comparative Law in International Human Rights: Some Reflections on the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Paolo G. Carozza
Women and HIV/AIDS: Toward a Jurisprudence of Social and Economic Rights, Anna Carpenter
The Project Model of Clinical Education: Eight Pedagogical Principles to Maximize Student Learning and Social Justice Impact, Anna E. Carpenter
Against Juvenile Sex Offender Registration, Catherine L. Carpenter
Transparency, Consumers and the Pursuit of an Open Internet: A Critical Appraisal, Jeremy Carp, Isabella Kulkarni, and Patrick Schmidt
Innocent Defendants: Divergent Case Outcomes and What They Teach Us, Julia Carraano, Jon Gould, Richard Leo, and Katie Hail-Jares
Howard University and The Challenges Facing Black Colleges, Greg Carr and
Looking Forward: Barack Obama’s Second Term (Video), Greg Carr and
"The Zimmerman Trial" Dr. Carr Speaks (video), Greg Carr and
California Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers, David A. Carrillo and Danny Y. Chou
California Constitutional Law: the Religion Clauses, David A. Carrillo and Shane G. Smith
Digital Preservation and Copyright: Open Licenses, Michael W. Carroll
Digital Preservation and Copyright: Open Licenses, Michael W. Carroll
Digital Preservation and Copyright: Open Licenses, Michael W. Carroll
Open Access Interview with Michael W. Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
Open Access Interview with Michael W. Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
STLR Symposium: Digital Copyright | Keynote Speech with Michael Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
STLR Symposium: Digital Copyright | Keynote Speech with Michael Carroll, Michael W. Carroll
Essay for Certified Emergency Manager Application, Thomas Lyons Carr III Appl.Sc., CEM
Essay for Certified Emergency Manager Application, Thomas Lyons Carr III Appl.Sc., CEM
Basic Copyright Exceptions for Educators, Bryan M. Carson
Basic Copyright Exceptions for Educators, Bryan M. Carson
Dewey, Daster, and the OCLC-Library Hotel Dispute: A Question of Trademark or Copyright, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- "A Wink is as good as a Nod:" The Law of Trade Secrets, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Consideration and the Statute of Frauds: Necessary Elements in the Formation and Enforcement of Contracts, Bryan M. Carson J.D. M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Copyright and For-Profit Educational Institutions, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Creating a Level Playing Field in the WIPO, Bryan M. Carson
Legally Speaking -- Do Librarians Need Liability Insurance?, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Do we Still need Books for Legal Research? (Why books still matter.), Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Drama in the Library: Always Seek Permission to Publicly Perform Scripts, Even when the Library Opens, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Fair Use and The Common Law of Copyrights, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- How to File a Freedom of Information Act Request, Bryan M. Carson J.D, M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- I got you babe!, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Independent Contractors, Work For Hire Agreements and The Way To Avoid A Sticky Mess, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking: Intellectual Property Roundup, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Is Open Source Software a Violation of Antitrust Law: Considering the Case of Wallace v. IBM, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- John Doe and the PATRIOT Act, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking: Legal Implications of Reference Books for Publishers and Consumers, Bryan M. Carson
Legally Speaking -- Round-up of Library-Related Legislation in the 109th Congress, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Search Warrants and Records: What Libraries and Bookstores Need to Know, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Tarisoff, Patron Confidentiality, and Duty to Society: An Ethical Quandary, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- The Copyright Status of Unpublished Works, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- The Legality of Open Source Part II: Jacobsen v. Katzer, Bryan M. Carson
Legally Speaking -- "The Tie that Binds:" The Nuts and Bolts of Contract Formation, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- The Top Ten Intellectual Property Cases of the Past 25 Years, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- The World Wide Web and Intellectual Property Law: Digital Transmitting, Linking, Framing, and Other Potential Problems, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- "To Filter or Not to Filter: That is the Question:" A Brief Discussion of Internet Use Policies, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Virtual Copyright: The Applicability and Ownership of Copyright in Second Life, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- Warren, Brandeis, and the Creation of the Legal Concept of Privacy, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- What's Coming Down the Pike: Trademark and Patent Bills Pending in Congress, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Surveying Privacy: Library Privacy Laws in the Southeastern United States, Bryan M. Carson
TEACHing Online: An Update on the TEACH Act, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S.
Legally Speaking -- The Other "L" Word: A Primer for Creating Library Lobbying and Marketing Campaigns While Staying Within the Law, Bryan M. Carson J.D., M.I.L.S. and Robin McGinnis
Legally Speaking-Copyright and Distance Education, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Copyright, Tasini and our new realtiy, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Databases, Tasini and the Information Age, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Domain Names, Cybersquatting, and the ICANN System, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Reference Questions and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Researching the Legal Issues Faced by Librarians, Publishers and Book Distributors, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-What Publishers Need to Know to Avoid Defamation Lawsuits, Bryan M. Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act: 2B or not 2B, Bryan Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Anne F. Jennings
Legally Speaking-What is Intellectual Property?, Bryan Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Anne F. Jennings
Legally Speaking-Microsoft Antitrust Trial and Verdict, Bryan Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Publishing the Law: The Origins of Legal Publishing, Bryan Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
Legally Speaking-Written Law From Gutenberg to the Internet-A Historical Perspective, Bryan Carson, Jack G. Montgomery, and Bruce Strauch
A Patent and Its Continuation as an Antitrust Tying Arrangement, Mark R. Carter , J.D., Ph.D.
Applying the Fragmented Literal Similarity Test to Musical-Work and Sound-Recording Infringement: Correcting the Bridgeport Music, Inc. v. Dimension Films Legacy, Mark R. Carter , J.D., Ph.D.
Congress' Encroachment on the President's Power in Indian Law and Its Effect on Executive-Order Reservations, Mark R. Carter , J.D., Ph.D.
Cases and Materials on Fair Housing and Fair Lending (6th ed. supp.), F. Willis Caruso
Mock Fair Housing Hearing, F. Willis Caruso and Alison Bethel
Mock Fair Housing Hearing, F. Willis Caruso and Allison Bethel
Is a “Science of Law” possible? Current state of affairs and outlook for Brazilian legal scholarship., Cristiano Carvalho
Sanções Tributárias. Uma visão estruturalista e funcionalista do Direito., Cristiano Carvalho
Teoria da Decisão Tributária, Cristiano Carvalho
Katina Michael, Laura Casaceli and Katina Michael
How the America Invents Act Hurts American Inventors and Weakens Incentives to Innovate, Jennifer Case
Without Grace: How the America Invents Acts Hurts Inventors and Weakens Incentives to Innovate, Jennifer L. Case
Discover: A Resource for People Planning for the Future. A DisabilityCare Australia, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Help Guide, Gail Casey, Veronica Jones, and Patrick Keyzer
Results of a Pilot Intervention to Improve Health and Safety for Health Care Workers, Caitlin Eicher Caspi, Jack T. Dennerlein, Christopher Kenwood, Anne M. Stoddard, Karen Hopcia, Dean M. Hashimoto, and Glorian Sorensen
A Framework of Norms: International Human-Rights Law and Sovereignty, Douglass Cassel
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Douglass Cassel
Corporate Aiding and Abetting of Human Rights Violations: Confusion in the Courts, Douglass Cassel
Corporate Initiatives: A Second Human Rights Revolution?, Douglass Cassel
Defending Human Rights in the "War" Against Terror, Douglass Cassel
Does International Human Rights Law Make a Difference?, Douglass Cassel
Empowering United States Courts to Hear Crimes Within the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, Douglass Cassel
International Human Rights Law and Security Detention, Douglass Cassel
International Perspective, Douglass Cassel
International Remedies in National Criminal Cases: ICJ Judgment in Germany v. United States, Douglass Cassel
Introduction and Postscript: Partial Progress on UN Reform, Douglass Cassel
Is There a New World Court?, Douglass Cassel
Lessons from the Americas: Guidelines for International Response to Amnesties for Atrocities, Douglass Cassel
Pretrial and Preventive Detention of Suspected Terrorists: Options and Constraints under International Law, Douglass Cassel
The Globalization of Human Rights: Consciousness, Law and Reality, Douglass Cassel
The ICC's New Legal Landscape: The Need to Expand U.S. Domestic Jurisdiction to Prosecute Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, Douglass Cassel
The Rome Treaty for an International Criminal Court: A Flawed but Essential First Step, Douglass Cassel
The United States Supreme Court Rulings of Detention on "Enemy Combatants" - Partial Vindication of the Rule of Law, Douglass Cassel
Civil Asset Recovery: The American Experience, Stefan D. Cassella
Civil Asset Recovery: The American Experience, Stefan D. Cassella