The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
A Critical Assessment of the Content of the (Leaked) IP Chapter of the TPP, Irene Calboli
Blurring Trademark and Copyright Boundaries: When Works Become Brands, Irene Calboli
Chair and Commentator - Cultural Economy and Intellectual Property, Irene Calboli
Chair and Commentator - Is Intellectual Property a Lex Specialis?, Irene Calboli
Commentator - Intellectual Property in an Open Society, Irene Calboli
Copyright Misuses in the United States, Irene Calboli
From Guarantees of Quality to Symbols of Status: The Evolving Role of Trademark and Why Quality Should Matter More, Irene Calboli
Innovation, Conservation, and Cultural Identity: Intellectual Property and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Irene Calboli
Merchandising Right: Comparing the U.S. and the E.U., Irene Calboli
National Patentability Concerns and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Provisions on Patentable Subject Matter, Irene Calboli
Panel Moderator, 4th Global forum in Intellectual Property, Irene Calboli
Promoting Cultural Diversity: The Role of GIs, Irene Calboli
Protecting Geographical Indications of Origin to Preserve and Promote Cultural Diversity in Asia, Irene Calboli
Protection of Geographical Indications: Supporting Local Producers in the Global Market, Irene Calboli
Recent Intellectual Property Developments in the United States, Irene Calboli
Secondary Liability in Trademark Law: Perspectives from ASEAN, Irene Calboli
The Resurrecting Doctrine of Aesthetic Functionality in United States Trade Mark Law, Irene Calboli
The Role of Comparative Legal Analysis in Intellectual Property Law: From Good to Great?, Irene Calboli
The Role of Comparative Legal Analysis in Intellectual Property Law: From Good to Great?, Irene Calboli
The Role of Comparative Legal Analysis in Intellectual Property Law: From Good to Great?, Irene Calboli
The Value of Territoriality in a Global Economy: Advantages of Intellectual Property Diversity and “One Size Does Not Fit All,, Irene Calboli
A Tribute to Andrew W. McThenia, Jr., Samuel W. Calhoun
A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis, Samuel W. Calhoun
Conviction Without Imposition: A Response to Professor Greenawalt, Samuel W. Calhoun
Critical Vendors: Line Breakers Par Excellence, Samuel W. Calhoun
Did Custer Disobey?, Samuel W. Calhoun
Getting the Framers Wrong: A response to Professor Geoffrey Stone, Samuel W. Calhoun
Grounding Normative Assertions: Arthur Leff's Still Irrefutable, But Incomplete, "Sez Who?" Critique, Samuel W. Calhoun
Impartiality in the Classroom: A Personal Account of a Struggle to be Evenhanded in Teaching About Abortion, Samuel W. Calhoun
May the President Appropriately Invoke God? Evaluating the Embryonic Stem Cell Vetoes, Samuel W. Calhoun
Misreading the Judeo-Christian Tradition and the Law: A Response to Professor Smolin, Samuel W. Calhoun
"Partial-Birth Abortion" Is Not Abortion: Carhart II's Fundamental Misapplication of Roe, Samuel W. Calhoun
(reviewing Elizabeth Mensch and Alan Freeman, The Politics of Virtue: Is Abortion Debatable (1993)), Samuel W. Calhoun
Stopping Philadelphia Abortion Provider Kermit Gosnell and Preventing Others Like Him: An Outcome that Both Pro-Choicers and Pro-Lifers Should Support, Samuel W. Calhoun
The Law and the Little Big Horn: What Beginning Law Students Can Learn from General Custer, Samuel W. Calhoun
Valuing Intrauterine Life, Samuel W. Calhoun
Abraham Lincoln's Religion: The Case for His Ultimate Belief in a Personal, Sovereign God., Samuel W. Calhoun and Lucas E. Morel
Is It Possible To Take Both Fetal Life And Women Seriously? Professor Laurence Tribe And His Reviewers, Samuel W. Calhoun and Andrea E. Sexton
El divorcio en el Perú y en España, Angel Calisaya
Reconciling the Self and Universalism, Leon R. Calleja
Cause, Consideration, Promissory Estoppel, and Promises Under Deed: What our Students Should Know about Enforcement of Promises in Historical and International Context, Charles R. Calleros
Contracts: Cases, Text, and Problems, Charles R. Calleros
Do singular e do plural no Direito da Concorrência, Victor J. Calvete and Manuel Lopes Porto
The Rule of Law Goes to Work: How Collective Bargaining May Promote Access to Justice in the U.S., Canada, and Around the World, Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Elementary Pleading, Charles B. Campbell
Multi-Country Event Study Methods, Cynthia J. Campbell, Arnold R. Cowan, and Valentina Salotti
On Courts and Communication Strategies: Book Review of Pamela D. Schulz, Courts and Judges on Trial: Analysing and Managing the Discourses of Disapproval, Andrew J. Cannon
A step too far in consumer credit protection: Are external dispute resolution schemes wielding the Sword of Damocles?, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall
Businesses are people too? Anomalies in widening the ambits of "consumer" under consumer credit law, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
¿Adiós a las historias de papel?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
¿Ambos convivientes pueden adoptar?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Atención mutua versus unión civil: entre la contradicción y el retroceso, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Conformación de salas del Poder Judicial no puede afectar derechos de hijos de magistrados, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Costo de la prueba del ADN como obstáculo a la filiación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Elusión del principio de prueba escrita en la unión de hecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Estudios exitosos más allá del mero dato numérico, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La muerte de la unión civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La prueba de ADN más allá del proceso monitorio, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La unión civil en los umbrales del matrimonio homosexual, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Motivos justificados para el cambio de nombre, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Negación de la negación. La filiación genética contra el Código Civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
No creo plausible crear un conflicto acerca del alcance del daño moral, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Paso enorme hacia la adopción por ambos concubinos, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Paternidad del marido en discusión, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Principio de prueba escrita en la unión de hecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Reconocimiento de derechos sucesorios en las uniones de hecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Reglamento de la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Relevancia de enfermedad en separación de hecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Separación de hecho: La jurisprudencia después del Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Síndrome de alienación contra la madre, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Un proyecto de ley que marca un parteaguas: unión civil para parejas del mismo sexo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Utilidades incluidas en el cómputo de los alimentos, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Prescripción civil y penal. Un enfoque doctrinario y jurisprudencial, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez and Elky Alexander Villegas Paiva
Il nuovo atto di appello e il necessario "dialogo" con la sentenza, Giuseppe Caristena
Il requisito della data certa e l'intervento delle Sezioni Unite, Giuseppe Caristena
Un ritocco auspicato al concordato in bianco, Giuseppe Caristena
From Buchanan to Button: Legal Ethics and the Naacp (Part II), Susan Carle
Lawyers' Duty to Do Justice: A New Look at the History of the 1908 Canons, Susan Carle
Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan Carle
Race, Class, and Legal Ethics in the Early Naacp (1910-1920), Susan Carle
Structure and Integrity, Susan Carle
Defining the Struggle: National Organizing for Racial Justice, 1880-1915, Susan D. Carle
"Dignitizing" Constitutions Worldwide: On the Proliferation of Human Dignity in National Constitutions, Guy E. Carmi and Doron Shultziner
Planning for the future: Arrangements for the assistance of people planning for the future of people with impaired capacity, Terry Carney and Patrick Keyzer
Climate Change and the Oceans, David D. Caron
Confronting Complexity, Valuing Elegance, David D. Caron
International Claims and Compensation Bodies, David D. Caron
Time and the Public Trust Doctrine: Law's Knowledge of Climate Change, David D. Caron
The UNCITRAL arbitration rules : a commentary (with an integrated and comparative discussion of the 2010 and 1976 UNCITRAL arbitration rules), David D. Caron and Lee Caplan
Dedication, David D. Caron, Laurel E. Fletcher, James Gordley, and Andrew T. Guzman
Continuity and Rupture in "New Approaches to Comparative Law", Paolo G. Carozza
Cultivating Democracy: Community Organizing in Haiti, Paolo G. Carozza
From Conquest to Constitutions: Retrieving a Latin American Tradition of the Idea of Human Rights, Paolo G. Carozza
Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights: A Reply, Paolo G. Carozza
"My Friend is a Stranger": The Death Penalty and the Global Ius Commune of Human Rights, Paolo G. Carozza
Organic Goods: Legal Understandings of Work, Parenthood, and Gender Equality in Comparative Perspective, Paolo G. Carozza