The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Dirt Lawyers and Dirty REMICs, Bradley T. Borden and David J. Reiss
Goliath versus Goliath in Hight-Stakes MBS Litigation, Bradley T. Borden and David J. Reiss
REMIC Tax Enforecement as Financial-Market Regulator, Bradley T. Borden and David J. Reiss
PSLRA, SLUSA, and Defrauded Retirement Investors: Overlooked Side Effects of a Potent Legislative Medicine, Michael J. Borden
The Role of Financial Journalists in Corporate Governance, Michael J. Borden
Appellate Review of Social Facts in Constitutional Rights Cases, Caitlin E. Borgmann
Urban Bias, Rural Sexual Minorities, and the Courts, Luke A. Boso
Constitutional Amendment to End Homelessness, Ruben B. Botello JD
Education, Complaints, and Accountability, Juan Botero, Alejandro Ponce, and Andrei Shleifer
Antidiscrimination Law and the Multiracial Experience: A Reply to Nancy Leong, Tina F. Botts
Balancing competing interests in FDI policy - A developing country perspective, Laurence Boulle
Promoting rights through court-based ADR?, Laurence Boulle
Gender and Global Lawyering: Where are the Women?, Steven A. Boutcher and Carole Silver
Cross-Border Tax Administrative Assistance: “For The Times They Are a-Changin’”, Christian BOVET and Fabien LIEGEOIS
Manufacturing Moral Panic as Political Distraction: An Empirical and Social Theoretical Analysis of DOMAs, Deirdre Bowen
All that Heaven Will Allow: A Statistical Analysis of the Co-existence of Same Sex Marriage and Gay Matrimonial Bans, Deirdre M. Bowen
I Wanna Marry You: The Irrelevancy and Distraction of DOMA, Deirdre M. Bowen
Panel 3: New Cases and New Tactics: Approaching Gideon Through a Modern Lens, Josh Bowers, Ron Wright, Margareth Etienne, John Gross, and Nora V. Demleitner
A Prescription for Curing U.S. Export Controls, Gregory Bowman
A Prescription for Curing U.S. Export Controls, Gregory Bowman
The Feng Shui of Study Abroad Programs, Gregory W. Bowman
Full Disclosure: Cognitive Science, Informants, and Search Warrant Scrutiny, Mary N. Bowman
BOOK REVIEW: The Three and a Half Minute Transaction: What Sticky Boilerplate Reveals About Contract Law and Practice, Andrea J. Boyack
Ethics for Health Care Providers and Counsel, Bobbi Jo Boyd
Advocating for Children in Care in a Climate of Economic Recession: The Relationship between Poverty and Child Maltreatment, Bruce A. Boyer
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara: Contemporary Lessons in the Child Welfare Wars, Bruce A. Boyer and Steven Lubet
Democracy v. Capitalism: An Inquiry Into the Role of Government in the Economy, Daniel J. Boyle
Democracy V. Capitalism: An Inquiry Into the Role of Government in the Economy, Daniel J. Boyle
Democracy v. Capitalism Presentation Notes, Daniel J. Boyle
10 truths a PhD supervisor will never tell you, Tara Brabazon
Community Commons: An analysis of the Gullah communities of South Carolina, Elizabeth Brabec
Locative Media as a Tool for Landscape Interpretation, Elizabeth Brabec
Federal Search Commission? Access, Fairness, and Accountability in the Law of Search, Oren Bracha and Frank Pasquale
Beguiled: Free Exercise Exemptions and the Siren Song of Liberalism, Gerard V. Bradley
Catholic Faith and Legal Scholarship, Gerard V. Bradley
Dogmatomachy - A "Privatization" Theory of the Religion Clause Cases, Gerard V. Bradley
Forum Juridicum: Church Autonomy in the Constitutional Order - The End of Church and State?, Gerard V. Bradley
Imagining the Past and Remembering the Future: The Supreme Court's History of the Establishment Clause, Gerard V. Bradley
Law Enforcement and the Separation of Powers, Gerard V. Bradley
Plea Bargaining and the Criminal Defendant's Obligation to Plead Guilty, Gerard V. Bradley
Praying in Greece, Gerard V. Bradley
Present at the Creation? A Critical Guide to Weeks v. United States and Its Progeny, Gerard V. Bradley
Protecting Religious LIberty: Judicial and Legislative Responsibilities, Gerard V. Bradley
Religion at a Public University, Gerard V. Bradley
Remaking the Constitution: A Critical Reexamination of the Bowers v. Hardwick Dissent, Gerard V. Bradley
Response to Endicott: The Case of the Wise Electrician, Gerard V. Bradley
Response to Hittinger, Gerard V. Bradley
Retribution and the Secondary Aims of Punishment, Gerard V. Bradley
Retribution: The Central Aim of Punishment, Gerard V. Bradley
Supreme Court to hear case on separating church and state, Gerard V. Bradley
The Bill of Rights and Originalism, Gerard V. Bradley
The Constitutional Theory of the Fourth Amendment, Gerard V. Bradley
The No Religious Test Clause and the Constitution of Religious Liberty: A Machine That Has Gone of Itself, Gerard V. Bradley
What Happens in Greece Stays in Greece?, Gerard V. Bradley
Editorial Introduction, Gerard V. Bradley and John M. Finnis
The New Natural Law Theory: A Reply to Jean Porter, Gerard V. Bradley and Robert George
Marriage and the Liberal Imagination, Gerard V. Bradley and Robert P. George
An Unconstitutional Stereotype: Catholic Schools as Pervasively Sectarian, Gerry Bradley
Supreme Court Heads Into a New Term, Gerry Bradley
Charting a Progressive International Financial Agenda, Daniel Bradlow
Materials for a 4-Part On-Line Course on Global Financial Governance Offered by United Nations Institute on Training and Research (UNITAR), Daniel Bradlow
The Evolution of Operational Policies and Procedures at International Financial Institutions: Normative Significance and Enforcement Potential, Daniel Bradlow and Andria Naude Fourie
Limited Mandates and Intertwined Problems: A New Challenge for the World Bank and the IMF, Daniel Bradlow and Claudio Grossman
Conclusion: The Future of International Law and International Financial Institutions, Daniel Bradlow and David Hunter
Introduction: International Financial Institutions and International Law, Daniel Bradlow and David Hunter
Much to Gain and Nothing to Lose Implications of the History of the Declaratory Judgment for the (b)(2) Class Action, Andrew Bradt
Grable on the Ground: Mitigating Unchecked Jurisdictional Discretion, Andrew D. Bradt
The Shortest Distance: Direct Filing and Choice of Law in Multidistrict Litigation, Andrew D. Bradt
IMFing with your Economic Rights: The Greek Tragedy of the Eurozone, James C. Brady
IMFing with your Economic Rights: The Greek Tragedy of the Eurozone, James C. Brady
The exclusion of sexual orientation grounds for persecution under the 1951 Refugee Convention, TIM BRAIMAH
Sex Trafficking in Edo State, Nigeria: Causes and Solutions, Tim s. Braimah
The art of reflected intractability: critique according to Foucault, Leila Brännström
The Ghostwritten Will, Ralph C. Brashier
Kampala and the Crime of Aggression: Will the Selling of Heavy Artillery by one State to Illegal Armed Groups in another State Constitute a Prosecutable Crime of Aggression?, Carollann N. Braum
The Risky Interplay of Tort and Criminal Law: Punitive Damages, Daniel M. Braun
Timeless Trial Strategies and Tactics: Lessons From the Classic Claus von Bülow Case, Daniel M. Braun
Chapter X: Perú, Juan Jonnathan Bravo and Jaime Gray
Chapter X: Perú, Juan Jonnathan Bravo and Jaime Gray
Liabilities for design defects in a collaborative, integrated, digital age, Juan Jonnathan Bravo and Jaime Gray
Asserting Patents to Combat Infringement via 3D Printing: It's No "Use", Daniel Harris Brean
Will the “Nexus” Requirement of Apple v. Samsung Preclude Injunctive Relief in the Majority of Patent Cases?: Echoes of the Entire Market Value Rule., Daniel Harris Brean
Constitutional Patriotism: A Reasonable Theory of Radical Democracy?, Vito Breda
The Concept of Objectivity in the UK Supreme Court through a Comparative Looking Glass, Vito Breda
Baccalaureate Mass Reflection: The Catholic Lawyer and the Meaning of “Success,”, John M. Breen
Baccauaureate Mass Reflection: The Catholic Lawyer: Justice and the Incarnation, John M. Breen
Justice and Jesuit Legal Education: A Critique, John M. Breen
Incorporation by Reference in an Open-Government Age, Emily S. Bremer
The Unwritten Administrative Constitution, Emily S. Bremer
LEGAL AFFINITIES: Explorations in the Legal Form of Thought, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Legal Affinities: Studies in the Legal Form of Thought (forthcoming), Patrick McKinley Brennan
“Religious Freedom,” The Individual Mandate, and Gifts: On Why the Church Is Not a Bomb Shelter, Patrick McKinley Brennan
“Religious Freedom,” The Individual Mandate, and Gifts: On Why the Church Is Not a Bomb Shelter, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Subsidiarity in the Tradition of Catholic Social Doctrine, Patrick McKinley Brennan
THE LIBERTY OF THE CHURCH: Source, Scope and Scandal, Patrick McKinley Brennan
The Mighty Work of Making Nations Happy: A Response to James Davison Hunter, Patrick McKinley Brennan
The Mighty Work of Making Nations Happy: A Response to James Davison Hunter, Patrick McKinley Brennan
The Mighty Work of Making Nations Happy: A. Response to James Davison Hunter, Patrick McKinley Brennan
“The Pursuit of Happiness” Comes Home to Roost? Same-Sex Union, the Summum Bonum, and Equality, Patrick McKinley Brennan