The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Confusing the Roles of Lawyers and Guardians: A System of Juvenile Injustice, Alberto Bernabe
Dangerous Dogs: Regulation, Civil Litigation and Criminal Prosecution, Alberto Bernabe
Waiving Goodbye to a Fundamental Right: Allocation of Authority Between Attorneys and Clients and the Right to a Public Trial, Alberto Bernabe
Filosofía de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual, Carlos L. Bernal and Jorge Luis Fabra
Muntu Meets Mencius: Can Ancient Principles Guide Modern Negotiations on the Export of Africa's Natural Resources to China?, Phyllis E. Bernard
Whose Choice Are We Talking About: The Exclusion of Students with Disabilities From For-Profit Online Charter Schools, Matthew Bernstein
'The Last Acceptable Prejudice': Student Harassment of Gay Public School Teachers, Matthew D. Bernstein
On Not Throwing Out the Baby: Planning the Future of Legal Information, Robert Berring
The Education of the Twentieth Century Law Librarian, Robert Berring
Welcome and Opening Remarks, Robert C. Berring
Chinese Law, Trade and the New Century, Robert C. Berring
Collapse of the Structure of the Legal Research Universe: The Imperative of Digital Information, Robert C. Berring
Dyspeptic Ramblings of a Retiring Past President, Robert C. Berring
Farewell to All That, Robert C. Berring
Full-Text Databases and Legal Research: Backing into the Future, Robert C. Berring
Legal Information and the Search for Cognitive Authority, Robert C. Berring
Legal Research and Legal Concepts: Where Form Molds Substance, Robert C. Berring
Legal Research and the World of Thinkable Thoughts, Robert C. Berring
Mike Jacobstein: Truly a Giant, Robert C. Berring
The End of Scholarly Bibliography: Reconceptualizing Law Librarianship, Robert C. Berring
The Great Law Books: An Introduction to Chapter One, Robert C. Berring
Universal Citation Systems - Will Tinkering with the Future be the End of Reliable, Standardized Opinions, Robert C. Berring and Gary Sherman
Legal Research: A Final Response, Robert C. Berring and Kathleen Vanden Heuvel
Legal Research: Should Students Learn It or Wing It, Robert C. Berring and Kathleen Vanden Heuvel
A Review of: Digital Information Culture: The Individual and Society in the Digital Age (Book Review), Robert Berry
Business Roundtable: Patents & Trademarks, Robert Berry
Case Law Research using Westlaw Campus, Robert Berry
Civil Liberties Constraints on Tribal Sovereignty after the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968, Robert Berry
Constitution Day, 2007, Robert Berry
Constitution Day, 2008, Robert Berry
Constitution Day 2012: The American Judiciary, Robert Berry
Digital Information Culture: The Individual And Society In The Digital Age (Book Review), Robert Berry
Indigenous Nations and International Trade, Robert Berry
Plagiarism: The Legal Landscape, Robert Berry
Small Business Strategies Series: Patents & Trademarks, Robert Berry
User-Centred Library Websites: Usability Evaluation Methods (Book Review), Robert Berry
Brief History of the Ethiopian Legal Systems - Past and Prfesent, Tsegaye Beru
Speaker, Allison Bethel
Speaker, Allison Bethel
Speaker, Allison Bethel
There’s no place like home: more choices for housing voucher holders, Allison Bethel
Ugly Isn’t Pretty: Glenview Reacts to Changes in Fair Housing Ordinance, Allison Bethel
Mandatory Foreign Language Training for All Military Members, Samuel W. Bettwy
Multinational Corporations Are Overlooked Players in Stability, Security, Transition and Reconstruction Operations, Samuel W. Bettwy
A Remedy To Fit the Crime: A Call for the Unreasonable Rejection of a Parent by a Child as Tort, Bruce L. Beverly
A Strategy for Teaching Objectivity to the Domestic Relations Student: Utilizing Psychodrama to Explore Attorney Empathy Toward Improving Family Law Outcomes, Bruce L. Beverly
The Three Voices Of Libel, Randall Bezanson and Brian C. Murchison
Terrorism and Associations, Ashutosh A. Bhagwat
Community Involvement and its mobilization for sustainable fisheries management in Reservoir and floodplain wetland managed on a community based approach., Utpal Bhaumik and Ganesh Chandra
Adaptive Management and the Future of Environmental Law, Eric Biber
Climate Change and Backlash, Eric Biber
Climate Change, Causation, and Delayed Harm, Eric Biber
Exploring Regulatory Options for Controlling the Introduction of Non-Indigenous Species to the United States, Eric Biber
House with a View, A, Eric Biber
The Application of the Endangered Species Act to the Protection of Freshwater Mussels: A Case Study, Eric Biber
The Challenge of Collecting and Using Environmental Monitoring Data, Eric Biber
The Importance of Resource Allocation in Administrative Law, Eric Biber
The More The Merrier: Multiple Agencies and The Future of Administrative Law Scholarship, Eric Biber
The Price of Admission: Causes, Effects, and Patterns of Conditions Imposed on States Entering the Union, Eric Biber
The Problem of Environmental Monitoring, Eric Biber
Too Many Things to Do: How to Deal with the Dysfunctions of Multiple-Goal Agencies, Eric Biber
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Judicial Review of Administrative Agency Action and Inaction, Eric Biber
Which Science - Whose Science - How Scientific Disciplines Can Shape Environmental Law, Eric Biber
officious Intermeddlers or Citizen Experts - Petitions and Public Production of Information in Environmental Law, Eric Biber and Berry Brosi
Restoring Public Trust in the Public Lands: An Agenda for the New Administration, Eric Biber, Holly Doremus, Dan Farber, and Rick Frank
Stopping the Conversation: Amended ESA Section 7 Regulations Put Species at Risk, Eric Biber and Cynthia Drew
Social and Legal Effects on Monitoring and Adaptive Management: A Case Study of National Forest Grazing Allotments, Eric Biber, Nathan F. Sayre, and Greta Marchesi
A Move to Bring Staff Scholars Out of the Shadows, Donna M. Bickford and Anne Mitchell Whisnant
Towards a More Comprehensive Approach to the Promotion of Creativity, Henry P. Biggs PhD
Towards a More Comprehensive Approach to the Promotion of Creativity, Henry P. Biggs PhD
State Storm Rising? On the Fall and Potential New Rise of State Trademark Rights, Henry P. Biggs PhD and Charles McManis
Phoenix Rising: On the Fall and Potential New Rise of State Trademark Rights, Henry P. Biggs PhD and Charles R. McManis JD
Doctrinal reform and post-contractual modifications in New Brunswick: Nav Canada v. Greater Fredricton Airport Authority Inc., Rick Bigwood
Fairness awry? Reflections on the BCLI Report on proposals for unfair contracts relief, Rick Bigwood
Fine-tuning affirmation of a contract by election: Part 1, Rick Bigwood
Fine-tuning affirmation of a contract by election: Part 2, Rick Bigwood
Madison’s Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention, Mary S. Bilder
Member, Advisory Committee on Massachusetts Judicial Nominations, Mary S. Bilder
An Assessment of Waste Management activities of Plateau Environmental Protection and Sanitation Agency, N L. Binbol PhD, F Ogboji, and A A. Lahor
Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt: In Quest of Reality, Uta Bindreiter
SWEDEN. Legal Philosophy in the 20th Century, Uta Bindreiter
The Realist Hans Kelsen, Uta Bindreiter
Tore Strömberg: A Conventionalist Legal Realist, Uta Bindreiter
The instrumental period, Robert Bindschadler, Eberhard Fahrbach, Jim Fastook, Jaume Forcarda, Josep-Maria Gili, Nancy Bertler, D M. Bergstrom, Mauro Gugliemin, Julian Gutt, Hartmut Hellmer, F Hennion, Roberto Bargagli, Carlo Barbante, Karen Heywood, Dominic Hodgson, David Holland, Sungmin Hong, Angus Atkinson, Rob Arthern, Byron Adams, A H.L Huiskes, Steve Chown, Enrique Isla, Stan Jacobs, Anna Jones, David Bromwich, Claude Boutron, Josifino Comiso, Pete Convey, Alison Cook, Guido di Prisco, James Bockheim, Mark Stevens, Colin Summerhayes, Phil Trathan, John A. Turner, Kees van der Veen, David Vaughan, Mike Meredith, Paul Mayewski, Gareth Marshall, Cinzia Verde, Andrew Lenton, Howard Roscoe, Sharon A. Robinson, Steve Rintoul, Hans-Otto Portner, Sergio Rossi, Ted Scambos, Jon Shanklin, Lloyd Peck, Nicholas Metzl, Andrew Monaghan, David Webb, Christian Wiencke, Covadonga Orejas, Philip Woodworth, Tony Worby, Roger Worland, Kevin K. Newsham, Alberto Naveira-Garabato, Takashi Yamanouchi, Victor Smetacek, and Kevin Speer
Closing the Widening Net: The Rights of Juveniles at Intake, Tamar R. Birckhead
Becoming a Fifth Branch (with M. Henderson), William Birdthistle
Copyright Pioneers, Michael D. Birnhack
Naked in Front of the Machine: Does Airport Scanning Violate Privacy?, Michael D. Birnhack and Yofi Tirosh
North American Border Wars: The Role of Canadian and American Scholarship in U.S. Labor Law Reform Debates, Susan Bisom-Rapp and Michael J. Zimmer
Dynamics of Valentine's Day Celebrations in Bangladesh, Dr. Zahidul Islam Biswas
Law, Culture and Politics of Hartal, Dr. Zahidul Islam Biswas
The Rights of Disabled Students, Derek W. Black, Robert A. Garda Jr., John E. Taylor, and Emily Gold Waldman
Criticality and Pedagogical Reconstruction of Leadership Standards in an Educational Leadership Classroom, William R. Black and Zorka Karanxha
Criticality and the pedagogical reconstruction of leadership standards in an educational leadership classroom., William R. Black and Zorka Karanxha