The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Parent-Initiated Termination of Parental Rights: The Ultimate Weapon in Matrimonial Warfare, D. Blair
The New Oklahoma Adoption Code: A Quest to Accommodate Diverse Interests, D. Blair
1998 Amendments to the Oklahoma Adoption Code: The Third Round of Adoption Reform, Marianne Blair
Getting the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth: The Limits of Liability for Wrongful Adoption, Marianne Blair
International Application of the UCCJEA: Scruntinizing the Escape Clause, Marianne Blair
Liability of Adoption Agencies and Attorneys for Misconduct in the Disclosure of Health-related Information, Marianne Blair
Lifting the Genealogical Veil: A Blueprint for Legislative Reform of the Disclosure of Health-Related Information in Adoption, Marianne Blair
Safeguarding the Interests of Children in Intercountry Adoption: Assessing the Gatekeepers, Marianne Blair
The Right of an Indigent Defendant to an Interpreter in a Civil Trial: Jara v. Municipal Court, Marianne Blair
The Uniform Adoption Act's Health Disclosure Provisions: A Model that Should Not Be Overlooked, Marianne Blair
Unveiling Our Heritage: A Comparative Examination of Access by Adopted Persons and Their Families to Identifying and Non-identifying Information, Marianne Blair
Oklahoma Family Law - Statutes and Rules - Annotated (Divorce & Adoption) 2012-2013, Marianne Blair, Robert Spector, and Carolyn Thompson
International Family Law: Conventions, Statutes, and Regulatory Materials, Marianne Blair and Merle Weiner
Resolving Parental Custody Disputes - A Comparative Exploration, Marianne Blair and Merle H. Weiner
Family Law in the World Community, Marianne Blair, Merle Weiner, Barbara Stark, and Solangel Maldonado
Twombly is the Logical Extension of the Mathews v. Eldridge Test to Discovery, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Increased Market Power as a New Secondary Consideration in Patent Law, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Profits as Commercial Success, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Tax in the Cathedral: Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Tax, Andrew Blair-Stanek
A Legal 'Red Line'? Syria and the Use of Chemical Weapons in Civil Conflict, Jillian Blake
Ovaries, Testicles, and Uteruses, Oh My! Regulating Reproductive Tissue Transplants, Valarie Blake
Article: No Child Left Behind: Why Race-Based Achievement Goals Violate the Equal Protection Clause, Ayriel Bland
Where Babies and Death-row Inmates Intersect: Is Arbitrary Agency Decision-making Supported Under Existing Law?, Lisa C. Blanton BS., MJ.
Supreme Court Term Review, Vincent Blasi, Jesse H. Choper, Anne Coughlin, A. E. Dick Howard, William H. Rehnquist, William W. Van Alstyne, and J. Harvie Wilkinson III
Interception and offshore processing of asylum seekers, Sam Blay, Jennifer Burn, and Patrick Keyzer
Offshore Processing of Asylum Seekers: The Search for Legitimate Parameters, Sam Blay, Jennifer Burn, and Patrick Keyzer
How Much Are My Cells Worth?- Poster, Elizabeth Bley
Springtime for Freedom of Religion or Belief: Will Newly Democratic Arab States Guarantee International Human Rights Norms or Perpetuate Their Violation?, Robert C. Blitt
The Natural Rights of Children, Walter E. Block
American "Road Rage": A Scary and Tangled Cultural-Legal Pastiche, Robert F. Blomquist
Annoyancetech Vigilante Torts and Policy, Robert F. Blomquist
Applying Pesticides: Toward Reconceptualizing Liability to Neighbors for Crop, Livestock and Personal Damages from Agricultural Chemical Drift, Robert F. Blomquist
Concurrence, Posner-Style: Ten Ways to Look at the Concurring Opinions of Judge Richard A. Posner, Robert F. Blomquist
Congressional Oversight of Counterterrorism and Its Reform, Robert F. Blomquist
In Search of Themis: Toward the Meaning of the Ideal Legislator--Senator Edmund S. Muskie and the Early Development of Modern American Environmental Law, 1965-1968, Robert F. Blomquist
Judge Posner's Dissenting Judicial Oeuvre and the Aesthetics of Canonicity, Robert F. Blomquist
Overinterpreting Law, Robert F. Blomquist
Playing on Words: Judge Richard A. Posner's Appellate Opinions, 1981-82--Ruminations on Sexy Judicial Opinion Style During an Extraordinary Rookie Season, Robert F. Blomquist
Re-Enchanting Torts, Robert F. Blomquist
Six Thinking Hats for the Lorax: Corporate Responsibility and the Environment, Robert F. Blomquist
Solar Energy Development, State Constitutional Interpretation and Mount Laurel II: Second-Order Consequences of Innovative Policymaking by the New Jersey Supreme Court, Robert F. Blomquist
The Logic and Limits of Environmental Criminal Law in the Global Setting: Brazil and the United States--Comparisons, Contrasts, and Questions in Search of a Robust Theory, Robert F. Blomquist
The Logic and Limits of Public Information Mandates Under Federal Hazardous Waste Law: A Policy Analysis, Robert F. Blomquist
The Pragmatically Virtuous Lawyer?, Robert F. Blomquist
The Presidential Oath, the American National Interest and a Call for Presiprudence, Robert F. Blomquist
The Trouble with Negligence Per Se, Robert F. Blomquist
Thinking About Law and Creativity: On the 100 Most Creative Moments in American Law, Robert F. Blomquist
What is Past is Prologue: Senator Edmund S. Muskie's Environmental Policymaking Roots as Governor of Maine, 1955-58, Robert F. Blomquist
Cases on Criminal Procedure, Robert M. Bloom
Chapter 19: Rent Control, Robert M. Bloom and Marshall F. Newman
Beyond the Bylaws: Hospital-Physician Relationships, Economics, and Conflicting Agendas, John D. Blum
Feng Shui and the Restructuring of the Hospital Corporation: A Call for Change in the Face of the Medical Error Epidemic, John D. Blum
Is Justice for One Justice for All? The Dilemma of Public Health Enforcement in an Interconnected World, John D. Blum
Leveraging Quality in Managed Care: Moving Advocates Back into the Box, John D. Blum
Overcoming Managed Care Regulatory Chaos Through A Restructured Federalism, John D. Blum
The Role of Law in Global E. Health: A Tool for Development and Equity in a Digitally Divided World, John D. Blum
Too Strange To Be Just Fiction: Legal Lessons from a Bioterrorist Simulation, the Case of Topoff 2, John D. Blum
Medicaid Governance in the Wake of National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius: Finding Federalism's Middle Pathway, from Administrative Law to State Compacts., John D. Blum and Gayland O. Hethcoat II
Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, Karen Blum, Erwin Chemerinsky, and Martin A. Schwartz
Municipal Liability and Liability of Supervisors: Litigation Significance of Recent Trends and Developments, Karen Blum, Celeste Koeleveld, Joel B. Rudin, and Martin A. Schwartz
Antimonopoly and the Radical Lochean Origins of Western Water Law, Michael Blumm
Lands Council, Karuk Tribe, and the Great Environmental Divide in the Ninth Circuit, Michael Blumm and Maggie Hall
The Public Trust in Wildlife, Michael Blumm and Aurora Paulsen
Final Appeals: Same-sex marriage reaches the Supreme Court (2014 Catholic Press First Place Award), Ellen K. Boegel
Evans v. Abney: Reverting to Segregation , David S. Bogen
Symposium: Directions in Labor Law: Concern for the Dignity of the Worker - Introduction, David S. Bogen
CJEU, can you hear me? Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Sanja Bogojevic
Emissions Trading Schemes: Markets, States and Law, Sanja Bogojevic
EU Climate Change Litigation, the Role of the European Courts, and the Importance of Legal Culture, Sanja Bogojevic
Economic Thought and Climate Disruption: Neoclassical and Economic Dynamic Approaches in the USA and the EU, Sanja Bogojevic and David Driesen
Liability for delay in multimodal transport under the Rotterdam Rules, Olena Bokareva
Liability for Delay in Multimodal Transport under the Rotterdam Rules, Olena Bokareva
When Fantasy Meets the Courtroom: An Examination of the Intellectual Property Issues Surrounding the Burgeoning Fantasy Sports Industry, Zachary C. Bolitho
Co-Moderator, Legal Education and the Profession in Transition Summit, Zachary C. Bolitho
Decision-Making, Zachary C. Bolitho
Finding Your Professional Purpose, Zachary C. Bolitho
Moderator, The Evolving Role of the Corporate Counsel: How Information Technology is Reinventing Legal Practice, Zachary C. Bolitho
Moderator, The Trial: a View from the Bench, Zachary C. Bolitho
Balancing Constitutional Rights: Introduction, Jacco Bomhoff
Balancing Constitutional Rights: The Origins and Meanings of Postwar Legal Discourse, Jacco Bomhoff
Review of Teubner, Constitutional Fragments (OUP 2012), Jacco Bomhoff
Victimization, Mainstreaming, and the Complexity of Gender in Armed Conflict, Johanna Bond
Culture, Dissent, and the State: The Example of Commonwealth African Marriage Law, Johanna E. Bond
A Decade After Abu Ghraib: Lessons in "Softening Up" The Enemy and Sex-Based Humiliation, Johanna E. Bond
Constitutional Exclusion and Gender in Commonwealth Africa, Johanna E. Bond
Gender, Discourse, and Customary Law in Africa, Johanna E. Bond
Honor as Property, Johanna E. Bond
Personal Delegations, Alexander Boni-Saenz
Social Capital: Friend or Foe in the Lives of Two Prominent Incarcerated Individuals, Froswa Booker-Drew
Majority-of-the-Minority Voting and Fairness in Freeze-out Mergers, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Two Faces of Materiality, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Notable Partnership Tax Articles of 2012, Bradley T. Borden
Quantitative Model for Measuing Line-Drawing Inequity, Bradley T. Borden
Using the Client-File Method to Teach Transactional Law, Bradley T. Borden