About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Martin v. Ohio; Patterson v. New York; Self-Defense; Ulster County, New York v. Allen, Russell Christopher

Meta-Blackmail, Russell Christopher

Mistake of Fact in the Objective Theory of Justification: Do Two Rights Make Two Wrongs Make Two Rights...?, Russell Christopher

Self-Defense, Russell Christopher

Self-Defense and Defense of Others, Russell Christopher

Self-Defense and Objectivity: A Reply to Judith Jarvis Thomson, Russell Christopher

Self-Defense and Security, Russell Christopher

Should Being a Victim of a Crime Be a Defense to the Same or a Different Crime?, Russell Christopher

The Contrived Defense and Deterrent Threat Doctrines: A Reply to Professors Finkelstein & Katz, Russell Christopher

The Prosecutor's Dilemma: Bargains and Punishments, Russell Christopher

The Trilemma of Meta-Blackmail: Is Conditionally Threatening Blackmail Worse, the Same, or Better than Blackmail Itself?, Russell Christopher

Time and Punishment, Russell Christopher

Tripartite Structures of Criminal Law in Germany and Other Civil Law Jurisdictions, Russell Christopher

Unknowing Justification and the Logical Necessity of the Dadson Principle in Private Defence, Russell Christopher

Adult Impersonation: Rape by Fraud as a Defense to Statutory Rape, Russell Christopher and Kathryn Christopher

Criminal Law: Model Problems and Outstanding Answers, Russell Christopher and Kathryn Christopher

The Paradox of Statutory Rape, Russell Christopher and Kathryn Christopher

Symposium Foreword, Russell L. Christopher

The Paradox of Statutory Rape, Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn H. Christopher

Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang

Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy, Janie Chuang

Commentary on CEDAW Article 6, Janie Chuang

Rescuing Trafficking from Ideological Capture: Prostitution Reform and Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy, Janie Chuang

The United States as Global Sheriff: Using Unilateral Sanctions to Combat Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang

Anomalous swelling of lipid bilayer stacks is caused by softening of the bending modulus, Nanjun Chu, Norbert Kucerka, Yufeng Liu, Stephanie Tristram-Nagle, and John F. Nagle

Tort Law: The American and Louisiana Perspectives, John M. Church, William R. Corbett, Thomas E. Richard, and John Valery White


Innocent Spouse Relief - Relief From the Sneaky Spouse, Corinna Marie Cicmanec


2nd Amendment: The Right to Keep & Bear Arms -- Teaching D.C. v. Heller, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Article III: Cases & Controversies - Teaching the Already v. Nike Case, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Teaching the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) Case, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Teaching the U.S. v. Arizona Immigration Law Case, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Teaching the U.S. v. Windsor Same Sex Marriage/Equal Protection/DOMA Case, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Teaching U.S. v. Windsor: The Defense of Marriage Act and its Constitutional Implications, Corey A. Ciocchetti


The Constitution and Business, Corey A. Ciocchetti


The Constitution, The Roberts Court & Business: The Significant Business Impact of the Supreme Court's 2011-2012 Term, Corey A. Ciocchetti


The Constitution, The Roberts Court & Business: The Significant Business Impact of the Supreme Court's 2011-2012 Term, Corey A. Ciocchetti


Tricky Business: A Decision-Making Framework for Legally Sound, Ethically Suspect Business Tactics, Corey A. Ciocchetti

Using Development Financing Tools to Help Cover Costs of Adapting to Climate Change in Tornado Alley and Beyond, Carl J. Circo



Criminalizing Revenge Porn, Danielle Keats Citron and Mary Anne Franks

Addressing the Harm of Total Surveillance: a Reply to Professor Neil Richards, Danielle Keats Citron and David C. Gray

Addressing the Harm of Total Surveillance: a Reply to Professor Neil Richards, Danielle Keats Citron and David C. Gray

Network Accountability for the Domestic Intelligence Apparatus, Danielle Keats Citron and Frank Pasquale

A Demanding Boss, Rodger D. Citron

Introduction: Persecution Through Prosecution: Revisiting Touro Law Center’s Conference in Paris on the Dreyfus Affair and the Leo Frank Trial, Rodger D. Citron

Brief for Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. et al., as Amici Curiae supporting Respondents, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 132 S.Ct. 1738 (2012) (No. 10-1491)., Bradford R. Clark and Anthony J. Bellia Jr.

The Alien Tort Statute and the Law of Nations, Bradford R. Clark and Anthony J. Bellia Jr.

A Better Route Through The Swamp: Causal Coherence In Disparate Treatment Doctrine, Brian S. Clarke


A Better Route Through The Swamp: Causal Coherence In Disparate Treatment Doctrine, Brian S. Clarke


The Gross Confusion Deep in the Heart of Univ. of Texas S.W. Med. Center v. Nassar, Brian S. Clarke

Hanks Australian Constitutional Law: Materials and Commentary, Jennifer Clarke, Patrick Keyzer, and James Stellios


Liberalism in Decline: Legislative Trends Limiting Religious Freedom in Russia and Central Asia, Elizabeth A. Clark


Religions as Sovereigns: Why Religion is "Special", Elizabeth A. Clark

Religious Education in the United States, Elizabeth A. Clark

Judges Judging Judicial Candidates: Should Currently Serving Judges Participate in Commissions to Screen and Recommend Article III Candidates Below the Supreme Court Level?, Mary Clark

My Brethren's (Gate) Keeper - Testimony by U.S. Judges at Others' Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings: Its Implications for Judicial Independence and Judicial Ethics, Mary Clark

One Man's Token is Another Woman's Breakthrough - The Appointment of the First Women Federal Judges, Mary L. Clark


Empower People with Mental Illness through Ulysses Arrangements, Judy A. Clausen Professor

A History of the Idea of "God's Law" (Theonomy): Its Origins, Development and Place in Political and Legal Thought, Marc A. Clauson

A Moral Case for Markets?, Marc A. Clauson

A Study of Scottish Hermeneutical Method from John Knox to the Early Twentieth Century: From Christian to Secular, Marc A. Clauson

Book Review: An Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism, Marc A. Clauson

Book Review: Iustitia Dei, Marc A. Clauson

Book Review: Paradise Mislaid, Marc A. Clauson

Book Review: The Fountainhead of Federalism, Marc A. Clauson

Book Review: The Mind and the Market, Marc A. Clauson

Integration of Faith and Learning, Marc A. Clauson

The Equitable Remedy and Common Property Resource Allocation, Marc A. Clauson

The "New" Christian Left, the Kingdom of God and American Politics, Marc A. Clauson, Thomas S. Mach, and Mark Caleb Smith

Workers’ rights, worker mobilisation and workers’ voice, Stefan Clauwaert, Aline Hoffmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Kurt Vandaele

Workers’ rights, worker mobilisation and workers’ voice, Stefan Clauwaert, Aline Hoffmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Kurt Vandaele

Workers’ rights, worker mobilisation and workers’ voice, Stefan Clauwaert, Aline Hoffmann, Romuald Jagodzinski, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, and Kurt Vandaele

Clarion Call or Sturm Und Drang: A Response to Pierre Schlag's Lecture on the State of Legal Scholarship, David R. Cleveland

Draining the Morass: Ending the Jurisprudentially Unsound Unpublication System, David R. Cleveland

Draining the Morass: Ending the Jurisprudentially Unsound Unpublication System, David R. Cleveland

Local Rules in the Wake of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32.1, David R. Cleveland

Overturning the Last Stone: The Final Step in Returning Precedential Status to All Opinions, David R. Cleveland

Post-Crisis Reconsideration of Federal Court Reform, David R. Cleveland

The Ermine and Woolsack: Disciplinary Proceedings Involving Judges, Attorney-Magistrates, and Other Judicial Figures, David R. Cleveland and Jason Masimore

The Decline of Oral Argument in the Federal Courts of Appeals: A Modest Proposal for Reform, David R. Cleveland and Steven Wisotsky


Resurrecting Court Deference to the Securities and Exchange Commission: Definition of "Security", Steven J. Cleveland


Resurrecting Deference to the Securities and Exchange Commission: Mark Cuban and Trading on Inside Information, Steven J. Cleveland


Holmes and The Common Law: A Jury's Duty, Matthew P. Cline


Panel 2- Regulation, policy recommendations and responses, Jonathan Clough, Scott Mellis, Simon Brown, Graham Ingram, Alana Maurushat, Katina Michael, and Jason Ryning

Symposium Introduction: The Competing Claims of Law and Religion: Who Should Influence Whom? , Robert F. Cochran Jr. and Michael A. Helfand

Symposium: Client Counseling and Moral Responsibility, Robert F. Cochran Jr, Deborah L. Rhode, Paul R. Tremblay, and Thomas L. Shaffer



Seeking Truth for Power: Informational Strategy and Regulatory Policy Making, Cary Coglianese, Richard Zeckhauser, and Edward A. Parson


Combating Terrorism on the Free Highway, raphael cohen-almagor

Internet Architecture, Freedom of Expression and Social Responsibility: Critical Realism and Proposals for a Better Future, raphael cohen-almagor

Interchange: The Promise of Digital History, Daniel J. Cohen, Michael Frisch, Patrick Gallagher, Steven Mintz, Kirsten Sword, Amy Murrell Taylor, William G. Thomas III, and William J. Turkel

Conflicts as Inner Trials: Transitions for Clients, Ideas for Lawyers, Jonathan R. Cohen

Fostering Race-Related Dialogue: Lessons from a Small Seminar, Jonathan R. Cohen

The Path Between Sebastian's Hospitals: Fostering Reconciliation After a Tragedy, Jonathan R. Cohen

Talking Pop-ups Seriously: The Jurisprudence of the Infield Fly Rule, Neil B. Cohen and Spencer Weber Waller


Retirement Security: Leveraging the Research and Development Tax Credit, Tristen J. Cohen

Indian questions: Native American writing in response to removal, Daniel Cole

Accoundting For Sustainable Development, Daniel H. Cole

Accounting for Sustainable Development, Daniel H. Cole

An Outline History of Environmental Law and Administration in Poland, Daniel H. Cole