The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Some Varieties and Vicissitudes of Lochnerism, Barry Cushman
The Clerks of the Four Horsemen, Barry Cushman
The Court-Packing Plan as Symptom, Casualty, and Cause of Gridlock, Barry Cushman
The Hughes Court and Constitutional Consultation, Barry Cushman
The Secret Lives of the Four Horsemen, Barry Cushman
The Structure of Classical Public Law, Barry Cushman
Scientific Evidence Review: Admissibility and the Use of Expert Evidence in the Courtroom, Cynthia H. Cwick, Jules Epstein, and Carol Henderson
Involuntary Parenthood and the Duty of Child Support: An International and Historical Comparison of the Child Support Duty, Karen Czapanskiy and Garland Rowland
Special Kids, Special Parents, Special Education, Karen Syma Czapanskiy
El Estado y los Derechos Fundamentales. Una Guía Mínima para el Alumno de Derecho, Teresa M. G. Da Cunha Lopes
University population dynamics as a recontracting allocative proccess, Teresa M. G. Da Cunha Lopes and Jesús Martínez Linares
Derecho Internacional, Filosofía Moral y Justicia Global. Cuestiones filosófico-jurídicas en un Mundo Globalizado, Teresa M. G. Da Cunha Lopes and Miguel Angel Medina Romero
Información y Nuevas Tecnologías, Teresa M. G. Da Cunha Lopes and Antonio Soto Robles
Desktop Piracy Factories: Will Existing Law Be Enough?, Andrew J. Daddono
New York State's 2007 Worker's Compensation Reform: Success or Failure?, Mary L. D'Agostino
Apology, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, & Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Susan Daicoff
Featured Speaker, Susan Daicoff
2012 Survey of Juvenile Law, Michael J. Dale
2013 Survey of Juvenile Law, Michael J. Dale
Something Rich and Strange: progressive land use regulation and the takings doctrine, Philip C. Dales
Bill Conger, The Blind Printer, Paula J. Dalley
Dignity Rights: Courts, Constitutions, and the Worth of the Human Person, Erin Daly
Lawmakers Increasingly Undermining Roe v. Wade, Erin Daly and John G. Culhane
Lawmakers Increasingly Undermining Roe v. Wade, Erin Daly and John G. Culhane
Constitutional Standing in Singapore: A Comment on Tan Eng Fong v Attorney General, Shubhankar DAM
Criminal Wrongs and Constitutional Rights: A View from India, Shubhankar DAM
India's Archaic Turn on Equality, Shubhankar Dam
Public Law and Public Resources in India, Shubhankar DAM
What is Intermediate Legislative Power?, Shubhankar DAM
Hosanna-Tabor in the Religious Freedom Panopticon, Peter G. Danchin
The Politics of Religious Establishment: Recognition of Muslim Marriages in South Africa, Peter G. Danchin
The Tangled Law and Politics of Religious Freedom, Peter G. Danchin
Article Five of the UTC and the Future of Creditors' Rights in Trusts, Robert T. Danforth
A Tribute To Edward 0. Henneman, Robert T. Danforth
Rethinking the Law of Creditors' Rights in Trusts, Robert T. Danforth
The Virginia Uniform Trust Code, Robert T. Danforth
Estate and Gift Taxation, Robert T. Danforth and Brant J. Hellwig
Estate and Gift Taxation, Robert T. Danforth and Brant J. Hellwig
A crise social induzida, Eliel Matias da Rosa
Originalism & Same-Sex Marriage, Grant R. Darwin
Originalism & Same-Sex Marriage, Grant R. Darwin
Elasticity, Incompleteness, and Constitutive Rules, Osny da Silva Filho and Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Don’t Close Guantánamo, Jennifer Daskal
Hamdan v. United States: A Death Knell for Military Commissions?, Jennifer Daskal
Pre-Crime Restraints: The Explosion of Targeted, Non-Custodial Prevention, Jennifer Daskal
The Geography of the Battlefield: A Framework for Detention and Targeting Outside the 'Hot' Conflict Zone, Jennifer Daskal
Don’t Expand the War on Terror, Jennifer Daskal and Stephen I. Vladeck
Abbott's copycat tow-back plan won't stop the boats, Azadeh Dastyari
Circumventing the system: no, not the asylum seekers, the government, Azadeh Dastyari
Explainer: Australia's obligations under the UN Refugee Convention, Azadeh Dastyari
Is Australia's new asylum policy the harshest in its history?, Azadeh Dastyari
Out of sight, out of right?: the United States’ migrant interdiction program in international waters and in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, Azadeh Dastyari
The Return to Rudd: a turn for the worse on asylum seeker policy?, Azadeh Dastyari
League Structure & Stadium Rent Seeking —the Antitrust Role Reconsidered, Haddock David, Jacobi Tonja, and Matthew Sag
Dwelling within the Law: Nahmanides’ Legal Theology, JOSEPH DAVID
Talmudic Controversies in Post-Talmudic Eyes, JOSEPH DAVID
The Notion of Tolerable Error from the Mishnah to Maimonides, JOSEPH DAVID
Toleration within Judaism, JOSEPH DAVID
Agricultural Irrigation, John Davidson
Contesting the Hyperion Energy Center's Application for an Air Pollution Permit - A Narrative Summary, John Davidson
Marketing Missouri River Water: Competing Plans for Commoditizing a Natural Resource, John Davidson
Missouri River Case Study, John Davidson
Intersectionality and International Law: Recognizing Complex Identities on the Global Stage, Aisha N. Davis
Prosecutors Who Intentionally Break the Law, Angela Davis
Benign Neglect of Racism in the Criminal Justice System, Angela J. Davis
Racial Fairness in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of the Prosecutor, Angela J. Davis
The American Prosecutor: Independence, Power, and the Threat of Tyranny, Angela J. Davis
There I Go but for the Grace of God, Angela J. Davis
Legal Profession's Failure to Discipline Unethical Prosecutors, Angela J. Davis
Race, Cops, and Traffic Stops, Angela J. Davis
The Problem of Interrogation-Induced False Confession: Sources of Failure in Prevention and Detection, Deborah Davis and Richard Leo
Disputed Interrogation Techniques in America: True and False Confessions and the Estimation and Valuation of Type I and Ii Errors, Deborah Davis, Richard Leo, and Michael Williams
Defying Conventional Wisdom: The Case for Private Antitrust Enforcement, Joshua P. Davis and Robert H. Lande
A strong need for civil legal assistance, Martha F. Davis
Introduction: framing economic, social, and cultural rights, Martha F. Davis
Individual and Institutional Responsibility: A Vision for Comparative Fault in Products Liability, Mary J. Davis
Mass Tort Litigation: Congress's Silent, But Deadly, Reform Effort, Mary J. Davis
The Battle over Implied Preemption: Products Liability and the FDA, Mary J. Davis
The Case Against Preemption: Vaccines & Uncertainty, Mary J. Davis
The Supreme Court and Our Culture of Irresponsibility, Mary J. Davis
Unmasking the Presumption in Favor of Preemption, Mary J. Davis
The Tainted Whistleblower Dilemma, Karie D. Davis-Nozemack and Sarah J. Webber
When does confidentiality become an impediment rather than a pathway to meeting the educational needs of students in the foster care system?, Angelique G. Day
Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: The Invisible Public Health Care Crisis Emergent Findings and Implications for Policy and Practice, Angelique G. Day
Stubbing Out Cigarettes for Good, Richard A. Daynard
Moral Rights, Copyrights, and the Case of Vivian Maier, David Deal
The Judicial Invention of Property Norms: Ellickson's Whalemen Revisited, Robert Deal
Applying Best Practice Principles to International Intellectual Property Lawmaking, Jeremy de Beer
Copyright Royalty Stacking, Jeremy de Beer
Access to Knowledge as a New Paradigm for Research on ICTs and Intellectual Property Rights, Jeremy de Beer and Sara Bannerman
Transatlantic Copyright Comparisons: Making Available via Hyperlinks in the European Union and Canada, Jeremy de Beer and Mira Burri
Knowledge & Innovation in Africa: Scenarios for the Future, Jeremy de Beer, Shirin Elahi, Dick Kawooya, Chidi Oguamanam, and Nagla Rizk
Knowledge & Innovation in Africa: Scenarios for the Future, Jeremy de Beer, Shirin Elahi, Dick Kawooya, Chidi Oguamanam, and Nagla Rizk
The Informal Economy, Innovation and Intellectual Property – Concepts, Metrics and Policy considerations, Jeremy de Beer, Kun Fu, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent
Open Minds: Lessons on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development from Nigeria, Jeremy de Beer and Chidi Oguamanam
Beyond the Charter: How Enlargement Has Enlarged the Human Rights Policy of the European Union, Gráinne de Búrca
If at First You Don't Succeed: Vote, Vote Again: Analyzing the Second Referendum Phenomenon in EU Treaty Change, Gráinne de Búrca