The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Timing is everything: Cross-border recognition and Bear Stearns reprised
Twombly, Iqbal, and the Future of Pleading
Vitro: A roadmap for resisting third-party releases in cross-border insolvency cases
WIPO and the American Constitution
Advanced Research in Comorbidity: Twelve Meta-Studies
Advanced Research in Comorbidity: Twelve Meta-Studies
Analysis of Admissions of UC-Eligible California Public High School Graduates 2006-07
Annual Report on Student Financial Support 2005-06
Continue the Journey: An Introduction to Graduate Education at the University of California
Eligibility and Admissions Study Group: Final Report to the President (April 2004)
Financing Guide for Parents and Students
Financing Guide for Transfer Students
Great Futures Start Here: A Guide for Students and Parents Considering the University of California
Guia Financiera para Alumnos y Padres
Hubert H. Humphrey Program at Emory University (2005-2006)
Individual Academic Planner for High School Students
Information for Prospective Students from Other Countries
Italian Civilian Internment on South Australian Revisited
ITSENKO-CUSHING: The syndrome and the disease
MATERNAL-FETAL CONFLICTS, from torts to criminal justice: A medical-legal study of 120 cases
MATERNAL-FETAL CONFLICTS, from torts to criminal justice: A medical-legal study of 120 cases
Matevosyan NR. The Overuse of Cesarean Sections: Medical, Research, Legal, and Economical Pitfalls
Matevosyan NR. The Overuse of Cesarean Sections: Medical, Research, Legal, and Economical Pitfalls
Misadventures of a Law School Misfit
Misadventures of a Law School Misfit
Postdoctoral residence at Boston University (2008-2010)
Quick Reference for Counselors
Regional Scholar Exchange Program at the George Washington University (2000-2001)
Rethinking Economic Governance: A Naturalistic Cosmopolitan Jurisprudence
Rethinking Economic Governance: A Naturalistic Cosmopolitan Jurisprudence
Student Mental Health Committee Final Report (September 2006)
The full list of awards and visits in Canada, EU, and USA covering the period of 1998-2010
Un Futuro Brillante Comienza Aqui
Systems of Navier-Stokes equations on Cantor sets, , , and
Major Federal Environmental Decisions, Todd S. Aagaard
Environmental Harms, Use Conflicts, and Neutral Baselines in Environmental Law, Todd S. Aagaard
Modernizing Jury Instructions in the Age of Social Media, David Aaronson and Sydney Patterson
Sketching and validating the location-based services regulatory framework in Australia, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M.G. Michael, and Rob Nicholls
Report to the Connecticut Judicial Branch Access to Justice Commission, Melanie B. Abbott, Leslie C. Levin, and Stephen Wizner
Savagery in the Subways: The First Amendment, Anti-Muslim Ads and the Efficacy of Counterspeech, Engy Abdelkader
Causes and Impacts of Land Degradation and Desertification: Case Study of the Sudan, Omar A. Abdi, Edinam K. Glover, and Olavi Luukkanen
Deciding Who Decides: Searching for a Deference Standard When Agencies Preempt State Law, John R. Ablan
Transcript: Advocacy Before Regional Human Rights Bodies: A Cross-Regional Agenda, Victor Abramovich, Charlotte de Broutelles, Santiago Canton, Paolo Carozza, Andrew Drzemczewski, Jonathan Fanton, Leonardo Franco, Felipe González, Claudio Grossman, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Bahame Tom-Mukirya Nyanduga, Diane Orentlicher, Fatsah Ouguergouz, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Manuel Ventura Robles, and Pablo Saavedra
Professor Janet Spragens: In Memory of a Friend, in Celebration of an Idea, Nancy S. Abramowitz
Thinking about Conflicting Gravitational Pulls - LITCS: The Academy and the IRS, Nancy S. Abramowitz
A Constitutional Law for the Age of Anxiety, Kathryn Abrams
A Constitutional Law for the Age of Anxiety, Kathryn Abrams
Barriers and Boundaries: Exploring Emotion in the Law of the Family, Kathryn Abrams
Barriers and Boundaries: Exploring Emotion in the Law of the Family, Kathryn Abrams
Choice, Dependence, and the Reinvigoration of the Traditional Family, Kathryn Abrams
Choice, Dependence, and the Reinvigoration of the Traditional Family, Kathryn Abrams
Complex Claimants and Reductive Moral Judgments: New Patterns in the Search for Equality, Kathryn Abrams
Complex Claimants and Reductive Moral Judgments: New Patterns in the Search for Equality, Kathryn Abrams
Critical Strategy and the Judicial Evasion of Difference, Kathryn Abrams
Critical Strategy and the Judicial Evasion of Difference, Kathryn Abrams
Destabilizing Domesticity, Kathryn Abrams
Destabilizing Domesticity, Kathryn Abrams
Elusive Coalitions: Reconsidering the Politics of Gender and Sexuality, Kathryn Abrams
Elusive Coalitions: Reconsidering the Politics of Gender and Sexuality, Kathryn Abrams
Emotions in the Mobilization of Rights, Kathryn Abrams
Emotions in the Mobilization of Rights, Kathryn Abrams
Empathy and Experience in the Sotomayor Hearings, Kathryn Abrams
Empathy and Experience in the Sotomayor Hearings, Kathryn Abrams
Exploring the Affective Constitution, Kathryn Abrams
Exploring the Affective Constitution, Kathryn Abrams
Feminist Lawyering and Legal Method, Kathryn Abrams
Feminist Lawyering and Legal Method, Kathryn Abrams
Feminists in International Human Rights: The Changer and the Changed, Kathryn Abrams
Feminists in International Human Rights: The Changer and the Changed, Kathryn Abrams
Fighting Fire with Fire: Rethinking the Role of Disgust in Hate Crimes, Kathryn Abrams
Fighting Fire with Fire: Rethinking the Role of Disgust in Hate Crimes, Kathryn Abrams
From Autonomy to Agency: Feminist Perspectives on Self-Direction, Kathryn Abrams
From Autonomy to Agency: Feminist Perspectives on Self-Direction, Kathryn Abrams
Gender Discrimination and the Transformation of Workplace Norms, Kathryn Abrams
Gender Discrimination and the Transformation of Workplace Norms, Kathryn Abrams
Gender in the Military: Androcentrism and Institutional Reform, Kathryn Abrams
Gender in the Military: Androcentrism and Institutional Reform, Kathryn Abrams
Hearing the Call of Stories, Kathryn Abrams