The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Hearing the Call of Stories, Kathryn Abrams
Hiring Women, Kathryn Abrams
Hiring Women, Kathryn Abrams
Hybridizing Citizenship, Kathryn Abrams
Hybridizing Citizenship, Kathryn Abrams
Ideology and Women's Choices, Kathryn Abrams
Ideology and Women's Choices, Kathryn Abrams
Law's Republicanism, Kathryn Abrams
Law's Republicanism, Kathryn Abrams
Lawyers and Social Change Lawbreaking: Confronting a Plural Bar, Kathryn Abrams
Lawyers and Social Change Lawbreaking: Confronting a Plural Bar, Kathryn Abrams
Legal Feminism and the Emotions: Three Moments in an Evolving Relationship, Kathryn Abrams
Legal Feminism and the Emotions: Three Moments in an Evolving Relationship, Kathryn Abrams
New Jurisprudence of Sexual Harassment, Kathryn Abrams
New Jurisprudence of Sexual Harassment, Kathryn Abrams
No There There: State Autonomy and Voting Rights Regulation, Kathryn Abrams
No There There: State Autonomy and Voting Rights Regulation, Kathryn Abrams
On Reading and Using the Tenth Amendment, Kathryn Abrams
On Reading and Using the Tenth Amendment, Kathryn Abrams
Performing Interdependence: Judith Butler and Sunaura Taylor in the Examined Life, Kathryn Abrams
Performing Interdependence: Judith Butler and Sunaura Taylor in the Examined Life, Kathryn Abrams
Raising Politics Up: Minority Political Participation and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, Kathryn Abrams
Raising Politics Up: Minority Political Participation and Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, Kathryn Abrams
Redefining Women's Agency: A Response to Professor Williams, Kathryn Abrams
Redefining Women's Agency: A Response to Professor Williams, Kathryn Abrams
Relationships of Representation in Voting Rights Act Jurisprudence, Kathryn Abrams
Relationships of Representation in Voting Rights Act Jurisprudence, Kathryn Abrams
Respecting Women's Lives and Investigating Women's Consciousness: A Comment on Obiora, Kathryn Abrams
Respecting Women's Lives and Investigating Women's Consciousness: A Comment on Obiora, Kathryn Abrams
Sex Wars Redux: Agency and Coercion in Feminist Legal Theory, Kathryn Abrams
Sex Wars Redux: Agency and Coercion in Feminist Legal Theory, Kathryn Abrams
Social Construciton, Roving Biologism, and Reasonable Women: A Response to Professor Epstein, Kathryn Abrams
Social Construciton, Roving Biologism, and Reasonable Women: A Response to Professor Epstein, Kathryn Abrams
Some Realism about Electoralism: Rethinking Judicial Campaign Finance, Kathryn Abrams
Some Realism about Electoralism: Rethinking Judicial Campaign Finance, Kathryn Abrams
Songs of Innocence and Experience: Dominance Feminism in the University, Kathryn Abrams
Songs of Innocence and Experience: Dominance Feminism in the University, Kathryn Abrams
The Constitution of Women, Kathryn Abrams
The Constitution of Women, Kathryn Abrams
The Legal Subject in Exile, Kathryn Abrams
The Legal Subject in Exile, Kathryn Abrams
The Paths of Stories, Kathryn Abrams
The Paths of Stories, Kathryn Abrams
The Second Coming of Care, Kathryn Abrams
The Supreme Court, Visibility, and the Politics of Presence, Kathryn Abrams
The Supreme Court, Visibility, and the Politics of Presence, Kathryn Abrams
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Stanley Fish, Kathryn Abrams
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Stanley Fish, Kathryn Abrams
Third Annual Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture: The Global Impact of Feminist Legal Theory, Kathryn Abrams
Third Annual Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture: The Global Impact of Feminist Legal Theory, Kathryn Abrams
Title VII and the Complex Female Subject, Kathryn Abrams
Title VII and the Complex Female Subject, Kathryn Abrams
Women and Antiwar Protest: Rearticulating Gender and Citizenship, Kathryn Abrams
Women and Antiwar Protest: Rearticulating Gender and Citizenship, Kathryn Abrams
Law in the Cultivation of Hope, Kathryn Abrams and Hila Keren
Law in the Cultivation of Hope, Kathryn Abrams and Hila Keren
Legal Hopes: Enhancing Resilience Through the External Cultivation of Positive Emotions, Kathryn Abrams and Hila Keren
Judge Frank Johnson in the Long Run, Kathryn Abrams and Ronald Wright
Judge Frank Johnson in the Long Run, Kathryn Abrams and Ronald Wright
Mediation Representation : Advocating as a Problem Solver, Harold I. Abramson
Playing Tough:The World of Sports and Politics, Roger I. Abrams
A Red Sox spring training scene setter, Roger I. Abrams and Edgar B. Herwick
Brazil, Lucas Abreu Barroso
Brésil, Lucas Abreu Barroso
Child consumption and food (in)security in Brazil, Lucas Abreu Barroso
The Iraqi Federal Oil and Gas Law 2011: Exploration, Exploitation and Expropriation, Yanal Abul Failat
The Jordanian Electricity Market - A Transitory Regime, Yanal Abul Failat
The Jordanian Electricity Regulatory Commission: Independence in Theory or in Practice, Yanal Abul Failat
the Oil and Gas Sector in Jordan - An Overview, Yanal Abul Failat
Oil and Gas Joint Operating Agreements: Default Provisions, A Dilemma by Default, Yanal Abul Failat and Birgitte Jensen
Windows of opportunity: addressing climate uncertainty through adaptation plan implementation, Yaser Abunasser, Elisabeth Hamin, and Elizabeth Brabec
On the Judicial Interest Rate: Towards a Law and Economics Theory, Hugo A. Acciarri and Nuno Garoupa
Income Tax Policy, or The Lack Thereof. How Codifying Tax Policy Will Harmonize Tax Enforcement Efforts, Arthur Acevedo
Ordinary and Necessary': Beyond the Rhetoric of Closing Income Tax Loopholes, Arthur Acevedo
Speaker, Arthur Acevedo
Patent Trolls Among Us, Kent R. Acheson
Patent Trolls Among Us, Kent R. Acheson
Ethical Issues to consider for Microchip Implants in Humans, Roger Achille, Christine Perakslis, and Katina Michael
Ámbito de desarrollo de los sistemas administrativos, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Análisis de los requisitos de validez del acto administrativo y los principales vicios que lo afectan, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
El Test de competencia: pautas jurídicas para dirimir conflictos de competencia en las instancias del Gobierno nacional, regional y local, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Evolución jurídica de las mancomunidades, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
La instrucción en el procedimiento administrativo y la actuación probatoria, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Medidas de ecoeficiencia para el sector público, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Normas para el uso del servicio de correo electrónico en las entidades de la Administración Pública, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Promoción del Perú para la exportación y el turismo: la Marca Perú, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo
Considering Shale Gas Extraction in North Carolina: Lessons from Other States, Sarah K. Adair, Brooks Rainey Pearson, Jonas Monast, Avner Vengosh, and Robert B. Jackson
Corrupción y honestiad, Jorge Adame Goddard
Cuatrocientos casos y respuestas de los juristas romanos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Cuatrocientos casos y respuestas de los juristas romanos, Jorge Adame Goddard
El nuevo derecho constitucional mexicano de la libertad religiosa, Jorge Adame Goddard
El nuevo Papa, hombre de oración, Jorge Adame Goddard
Esta el poder de la Suprema Corte por encima de la razón?, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Es viable un código penal único?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Ius y Lex en la tradición romana y en la perspectiva actual, Jorge Adame Goddard
La elección de un Papa, Jorge Adame Goddard
Para recibir a Cristo Jesús, Jorge Adame Goddard
Por qué renuncia el Papa, Jorge Adame Goddard
Appellate Procedure: Amendments for the Oklahoma and Federal Courts, Charles Adams
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: Depositions, Charles Adams