About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Lower Courts and Constitutional Comparativism, Roger P. Alford

Misusing International Sources to Interpret the Constituion, Roger P. Alford

On War as Hell, Roger P. Alford

"Revolution Through Social Enterprise" at the Graziadio Executive Center at Pepperdine University, Roger P. Alford

Roper v. Simmons and Our Constitution in International Equipoise, Roger P. Alford

Subsidiarity and Competition: Decentralized Enforcement of EU Competition Laws, Roger P. Alford

The American Influence on International Arbitration, Roger P. Alford

The Claims Resolution Tribunal and Holocaust Claims against Swiss Banks, Roger P. Alford

Why a Private Right of Action Against Dumping Would Violate GATT, Roger P. Alford

International Law Colloquia, Spring 2006 Series, Roger P. Alford, Laura A. Dickinson, Mark A. Drumbl, Karen Knop, Diane Orentlicher, Brad R. Roth, and Edward T. Swaine

International Law Colloquia, Spring 2006 Series, Roger P. Alford, Laura A. Dickinson, Mark A. Drumbl, Karen Knop, Diane Orentlicher, Brad R. Roth, and Edward T. Swaine

An Introduction: The Legalization of International Relations/The Internationalization of Legal Reglations, Roger P. Alford and Mary Ellen O'Connell

An Introduction: The Legalization of International Relations/The Internationalization of Legal Reglations, Roger P. Alford and Mary Ellen O'Connell


Application of responsive regulation in the food safety regulations of Bangladesh, Abu Noman M. Atahar Ali


Responsive regulation and application of grading systems in the food safety regulatory regimes of developing countries, Abu Noman M. Atahar Ali

Application of the responsive regulation theory in the food safety regulatory regime in Bangladesh, Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali

Food safety and public health issues in Bangladesh: a regulatory, Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali

Responsive regulation and application of grading system in the regulation of food safety, Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali


Food Safety Offenses in New South Wales, Australia: A Critical Appreciation of Their Complexities, Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali and S M. Solaiman


The Saudi External Institutional Framework for Corporate Governance, Faleh Salem Alkahtani

Does Your Lawyer Make a Difference? Plea Bargaining Drug Cases for Indigent Defendants, Cynthia J. Alkon

Expand Defense Rights to Discovery in Plea Bargaining: Re-visiting Brady v. Maryland in the Wake of Lafler v. Cooper and Missouri v. Frye, Cynthia J. Alkon


Direct Participation in Hostilities From Cyberspace, Collin Allan


Women at the Forefront: An Examination of the Disproportionate Exposure of Mothers to Liability under Parental Responsibility Laws, Portia Allen-Kyle

The SEC Cooperation Initiative And Its Criminal Roots, Matthew P. Allen

The SEC Cooperation Initiative and its Criminal Roots, Matthew P. Allen


The SEC Cooperation Initiative And Its Criminal Roots, Matthew P. Allen



America’s Evolving Electric Power Grid, Gary Allison

Energy Sectionalism: Economic Origins and Legal Responses, Gary Allison

Explorvelopment: A Theoretical Hybrid Looking for Fertile Legal Soil in an Unfertile Economy, Gary Allison

Free Speech, Indecency and the Electronic Media: The Fragmentation of the Supreme Court, Gary Allison

Imprudent Power Construction Projects: The Malaise of Traditional Public Utility Policies, Gary Allison

Judging the Prudence of Constructing Nuclear Power Plants: A Report to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Gary Allison

Natural Gas Pricing: The Eternal Debate, Gary Allison

Natural Gas Pricing: The Eternal Debate, Gary Allison

Natural Gas Prorationing v. Take-or-Pay: The Risk-shifting Battle Continues, Gary Allison

Oklahoma Water Rights: What Good Are They?, Gary Allison

Oklahoma Water Rights: What Good Are They?, Gary Allison

Overview: Utility Competition-The Work of Hands, Visible and Invisible, Gary Allison

Prelude to a Church-State: The Supremes Set the Stage for Faith-Based Initiatives, Gary Allison

Protecting Party Purity in the Selection of Nominees for Public Office: The Supremes Strike Down California's Blanket Primaries and Endanger the Open Primaries of Many States, Gary Allison

Railroad Employees and Amtrak: The Free Ride May Continue, Gary Allison

Ratable Taking v. Take-or-Pay: Hijinks in the Gas Patch,, Gary Allison

Sanctioning Sodomy: The Supreme Court Liberates Gay Sex and Limits State Power to Vindicate the Moral Sentiments of the People, Gary Allison

Survey of Oklahoma Water Law, Gary Allison

Survey of Oklahoma Water Law, Gary Allison

The Cyberwar of 1997: Timidity and Sophistry at the First Amendment Front, Gary Allison

The Nontariff Trade Barrier Challenge: Development and Distortion in the Age of Interdependence, Gary Allison

The Prorationing of Natural Gas in Oklahoma, Gary Allison

Backlash: The Court Protects the Entrenched Advantages of the Majority, Gary Allison and Louis Bullock

Democracy DeLayed: The High Court Distorts Voting Rights Principles to Thwart Partially the Texas Republican Gerrymander, Gary D. Allison

Franco-American Charolaise: The Never Ending Story, Gary D. Allison

Protecting Our Nation's Political Duopoly: The Supremes Spoil the Libertarians' Party, Gary D. Allison

School Vouchers: The Educational Silver Bullet, or an Ideological Blank Round, Gary D. Allison

The Cultural War over NEA Funding: Illogical Statutory Deconstruction Erodes Expressive Freedom, Gary D. Allison

The Effects of State Laws and Regulations on the Development of Renewable Sources of Electric Energy, Gary Allison and John L. Williams

ADR Research: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, and More, Jennifer Allison


Austrian Legal Research, Jennifer Allison


California Law Research Guide, Jennifer Allison


Legal Research Guide: Council of Europe, Jennifer Allison


Legal Research Guide: Regulation of Food Advertising (with Terri Saint-Amour), Jennifer Allison


Research Guide - ADR Research: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, and More, Jennifer Allison


Research Guide: The National Hockey League and the Law, Jennifer Allison


Judicial Activism: an (Un)expected Result of Legal Interpretation in Complex Societies?, Fabio P L Almeida Mr and Alexandre A. Costa Dr


Registering Relationships, Erez l. Aloni


Towards a Conceptual Model of User Acceptance of Location-Based Emergency Services, Anas Aloudat and Katina Michael

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Social Acceptance of Location-Based Mobile Government Services for Emergency Management, Anas Aloudat, Katina Michael, Xi Chen, and Mutaz Al-Debei

Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia, Ty Alper

Blind Dates: When Should the Statute of Limitations Begin to Run on a Method-of-Execution Challenge, Ty Alper

Blind Dates: When Should the Statute of Limitations Begin to Run on a Method-of-Execution Challenge?, Ty Alper

The Truth about Physician Participation in Lethal Injection Executions, Ty Alper

Toward a Right to Litigate Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Ty Alper

The Human Right to Water Bill in California: An Implementation Framework for State Agencies, Roxanna M. Altholz

Conference: Reparations in the Inter-American System: A Comparative Approach Conference, Ignacio Alvarez, Carlos Ayala, David Baluarte, Agustina Del Campo, Santiago A. Canton, Dean Claudio Grossman, Darren Hutchinson, Pablo Jacoby, Viviana Krsticevic, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Fernanda Nicola, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Francisco Quintana, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Alice Riener, Frank La Rue, Dinah Shelton, Ingrid Nifosi Sutton, and Armstrong Wiggins


A cidade e a copa: exceções do estado e do direito em favor da fifa, Rafael de Oliveira Alves

International Law Colloquia, Spring 2007 Series, Diane Amann, Curtis Bradley, Jacob Cogan, Derek Jinks, Janet Levit, Joost Pauwelyn, and Melissa Waters


Digital Forensic Evidence: Legislative and Judicial Policies Developed in Uk, USA and India, Nalini Ambad and Sukdeo Ingale


A Comprehensive Approach to Bridging the Gap between Cyberbullying Rules and Regulations and the Protections Offered by the First Amendment for Off-Campus Student Speech, Vahagn Amirian


Executive Summary of Special Report Submitted to the Honorable Jack Markell Governor, State of Delaware, May 10, 2010, Independent Review of the Earl Brian Bradley Case, Linda L. Ammons


Extending Courthouse 'Keys' to Those in Need, Linda L. Ammons


Seasons & Sea Changes: Weathering the Storm, an Encouraging Tale, Linda L. Ammons

Regulating Systemic Risk: Towards an Analytical Framework, Iman Anabtawi and Steven L. Schwarcz

“Less Is More”: New Property Paradigm in the Information Age?, Aarthi S. Anand

Abraham Lincoln and the American Regime: Explorations, George Anastaplo

Bush v. Gore and a Proper Separation of Powers, George Anastaplo

But Not Philosophy: Seven Introducations to Non-Western Thought, George Anastaplo

Constitutionalism and the Good: Explorations, George Anastaplo

John Quincy Adams Revisited, George Anastaplo

Justice, the Liberal Arts, and Some Basic Training for Lawyers, George Anastaplo

Law, Judges and the Principles of Regimes: Explorations, George Anastaplo