The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: General Principles, Charles Adams
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: The Discovery Tools , Charles Adams
Developments in Oklahoma Civil Procedure 1997-98, Charles Adams
Oklahoma Civil Procedure--Recent Developments, Charles Adams
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Civil Procedure, Charles Adams
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Law--Civil Procedure, Charles Adams
Service of Process under the Oklahoma Pleading Code, Charles Adams
Surety Bonds for Federal and Oklahoma Public Works Projects, Charles Adams
A Brief History of Indirect Liability for Patent Infringement, Charles W. Adams
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Civil Appellate Procedure, Charles W. Adams and J. Michael Medina
Euthanasia: Whose Right is it Anyway?, Muna Adan
Euthanasia: Whose Right is it Anyway?, Muna Adan
Comparative Negligence and Mitigation of Damages: Two Sister Doctrines in Search of Reunion, Dr. Yehuda Adar
Shedding Light on the Reliance Interest, Dr. Yehuda Adar
Principles and Rules in the Emerging Euoropean Contract Law: From the PECL to the CESL, and Beyond, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Prof. Pietro Sirena
Southeastern Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, , Beth Adelman, Constance Ard, Jan Baker, John Beatty, Erika Beck, Jennifer Behrens, Billie J. Blaine, Pamela Bluh, Elizabeth D. Bradsher, Pam Brannon, Kevin Butterfield, Charlene Cain, Sean Chen, Terrye Conroy, Jessica de Perio Wittman, Marin Dell, James M. Donovan, Maureen A. Eggert, Robb Farmer, Elizabeth Farrell, Vicen Feliu, Sarah Glassmeyer, Suzanne R. Graham, Ismael Gullon, Edward T. Harte, Christine Heaton, James Heller, Sally Irvin, Kate Irwin-Smiler, Faye Jones, David Lehmann, Andrew Lentini, Terry Long, Shannon L. Malcolm, Terrance Manion, Roxanne Marmion, Katherine Marsh, Sarah Mauldin, Rebekah Maxwell, Pamela R. Melton, Marian Parker, Merryl Penson, Gordon Russell, James C. Smith, Dick Spinelli, Kay Todd, Robert T. Trotter, Carol A. Watson, Julie Webster-Matthews, Laura Weidig, Sarah K. Wiant, and Patrick Wiseman
The Rise of the Megacorporation, Richard Adelstein
The Unblinking Eye Turns to Appellate Law: Cameras in Trial Courtrooms and Their Effect on Appellate Law, Mary E. Adkins
Awakening the Giant: The Revitalization of the American Labor Movement, Lee Adler and Lowell Turner
Sex as a team sport: a reaction to Hanna Rosin's The End of Men, Libby Adler
Letting Nature Work in the Pacific Northwest: A Manual for Protecting Ecosystem Services under Existing Law, Robert Adler, Robert Glicksman, Yee Huang, Daniel Rohlf, and Robert R.M. Verchick
Доктрина "політичного питання" в українському виборчому праві, Maryana V. Afanasyeva
Телеологічна складова виборчої інженерії, Maryana V. Afanasyeva
A Market for Tax Compliance, Walter E. Afield III
Eyewitness to Workplace Violence: The Virginia Tech Killings, Laura E. Agnich
Gun Violence in the United States, Laura E. Agnich
Gun Violence in the United States and Canada-A Comparison, Laura E. Agnich
Principals' Perceptions of School Violence: A Multilevel Cross-National Analysis, Laura E. Agnich
Prison Rape in Context, Laura E. Agnich
The Effects of Gender, Student Achievement, and Poverty on Bullying Victimization in Cross-National Contexts, Laura E. Agnich
"Drank Up in My Cup:" How Prevalent is the Illicit Use of Codeine Cough Syrup Mixture "Purple Drank," and Who Is Using It?, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller
Training in FCIL Librarianship for Tomorrow's World, Neel Kant Agrawal
"Calling" and career decison making, Javier Agudo
Neuroprediction of future rearrest, Eyal Aharoni, Gina M. Vincent, Carla L. Harenski, Vince D. Calhoun, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Michael S. Gazzaniga, and Kent A. Kiehl
30. Facilitating maltreated children's use of emotional language., Elizabeth C. Ahern and Thomas D. Lyon
6. Syria and US Foreign Policy: The Constitutionalism of International Law in the Hermeneutics,, Dr Nafees Ahmad
Underneath her pantsuit: a reflection on Hanna Rosin’s The End of Men, Aziza Ahmed
USAID v. AOSI: a victory for sex workers and feminist allies, Aziza Ahmed
Defending Weak States Against the "Unwilling or Unable" Doctrine of Self-Defense, Dawood I. Ahmed
Legislative and Regulatory Update, W. Jonathon Airey, Mike McCormac, and Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Pop password pill, or simply stick it, Alysha Aitken and Katina Michael
Concurrent Session 2E. Race and the Criminal Justice System- Harmonizing Clinical and Doctrinal Teaching to Advance Social Justice: Part One, Amna Akbar, Adam Gershowitz, Brooks Holland, Cynthia Jones, John King, Nancy Leong, Jenny Roberts, and Robin Walker Sterling
Applying Jus in Bello Proportionality to Drone Warfare, David J. Akerson
The Contribution of the Ad Hoc Tribunals to International Humanitarian Law, Payam Akhavan, Robert K. Goldman, Theodor Meron, W. Hays Parks, and Patricia Viseur-Sellers
Show Me The Note!, William K. Akina, David J. Reiss, and Bradley T. Borden
Climate Change and the Ageing Population: Enforcing The Rights to Life and Health Under Human Rights, Health And Climate Change Regimes, Saheed A. Alabi
Controlling Corruption in International Business: The International Legal Framework, Padideh Ala'i
Judicial Lobbying at the WTO: The Debate Over the Use of Amicus Curiae Briefs and the U.S. Experience, Padideh Ala'i
Leopold & Morel: A Story of ‘Free Trade’ and ‘Native Rights’ in the Congo Free State, Padideh Ala'i
The Legacy of Geographical Morality and Colonialism: A Historical Assessment of the Current Crusade Against Corruption, Padideh Ala'i
Trade and Sustainable Development, Padideh Ala'i
The principles of constitutional government in the European Union, Giorgi Alasania
ევროკავშირის მმართველობის კონსტიტუციური პრინციპები, Giorgi Alasania
La autorización administrativa de licencias de funcionamiento, Alberto Huamán Ordoñez
La concepción etérea del interés público en la jurisprudencia del TC, Alberto Huamán Ordoñez
Poder de policía administrativa y mercados. STC La Parada, Alberto Huamán Ordoñez
La publicitación de las ordenanzas como normas de carácter general, Alberto Huamán Ordoñez Alberto Huamán Ordoñez Alberto Huamán Ordoñez
Institutional Inequality, Catherine Albiston
The Rule of Law and the Litigation Process: The Paradox of Losing by Winning, Catherine Albiston
Ten Lessons for Practitioners About Family Responsibilities Discrimination and Stereotyping Evidence, Catherine Albiston, Kathryn Burkett Dickson, Charlotte Fishman, and Leslie F. Levy
Bargaining in the Shadow of Social Institutions: Competing Discourses and Social Change in Workplace Mobilization of Civil Rights, Catherine R. Albiston
Flexibility for Families that Work, Catherine R. Albiston
Benefit of Office Face Time a Myth, Catherine R. Albiston and Shelley Correll
The Procedural Attack on Civil Rights: The Empirical Reality of Buckhannon for the Private Attorney General, Catherine R. Albiston and Laura Beth Nielsen
Expanding the Empirical Study of Access to Justice, Catherine R. Albiston and Rebecca L. Sandefur
Connected: To Everyone and Everything, Katherine Albrecht and Katina Michael
Implementation of Patients’ Rights Legislation in the Republic of Macedonia: Gaps and Disparities, Gabriela Alcheva, Filip Gerovski, and Leo Beletsky
Yale’s Repatriation of the Machu Picchu Artifacts to Peru, Kimberly L. Alderman
The dilution of the trust, Gregory S. Alexander
“Legislated Isomorphism of Immigrant Religions: Lessons from Sweden”, Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis
Report to Law Revision Commission Regarding Recommendations for Changes to California Arbitration Law , Roger Alford
Ancillary Discovery to Prove Denial of Justice, Roger P. Alford
Federal Courts, International Tribunals, and the Continuum of Deference, Roger P. Alford
Federal Courts, International Tribunals, and the Continuum of Deference: A Postscript on Lawrence v. Texas, Roger P. Alford
Four Mistakes on the Debate on "Outsourcing Authority", Roger P. Alford
Free Speech and the Case for Constitutional Exceptionalism, Roger P. Alford
Justice for Sale (Quotes: Roger Alford) - Washington Free Beacon, February 4, 2013, Roger P. Alford
Reflections on US - Zeroing: A Study in Judicial Overreaching by the WTO Appellate Body, Roger P. Alford
Report to Law Revision Commission Regarding Recommendations for Changes to California Arbitration Law, Roger P. Alford
The Claims Resolution Tribunal and Holocaust Claims Against Swiss Banks, Roger P. Alford
The Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust Laws: A Postscript on Hartford Fire Insurance Co. v. California, Roger P. Alford
The Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust Laws: The United States and European Community Approaches, Roger P. Alford
The Internationalization of Legal Relations, Roger P. Alford
The Nobel Effect, Roger P. Alford
The Nobel Effect: Nobel Peace Prize Laureates as International Norm Entrepreneurs, Roger P. Alford
The Proliferation of International Courts and Tribunals: International Adjudication in Ascendance, Roger P. Alford
The Self-Judging WTO Security Exception, Roger P. Alford
A Broken Windows Theory of International Corruption, Roger P. Alford
Apportioning Responsibility Among Joint Tortfeasors for International Law Violations, Roger P. Alford
Foreign Relations as a Matter of Interpretation: The Use and Abuse of Charming Betsy, Roger P. Alford
In Search of a Theory for Constitutional Comparativism, Roger P. Alford