The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Karl popper-Philosophy of science, Rakesh Yadav
Managing Global HR issues, Rakesh Yadav
The Ethics of Downsizing, Rakesh Yadav
The Ethics of Downsizing, Rakesh Yadav
Critical Analysis of Acquitted Conduct Sentencing in the U.S.: 'Kafka-Esque', 'Repugnant', 'Uniquely Malevolent' and 'Pernicious'?, Orhun Hakan Yalincak
Federal Wealth Transfer Taxes, Kevin M. Yamamoto and Samuel A. Donaldson
To Read Or Not To Read: Privacy Within Social Networks, The Entitlement Of Employees To A Virtual “Private Zone” And The Balloon Theory, Shlomit Yanisky-Ravid Professor of Law
Cap. 615: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance, Sidney Yankson
Foreword: An Introduction to Ethics in a World of Mandatory Arbitration, Douglas Yarn
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn
An Introduction to Ethics in a World of Mandatory Arbitration, Douglas H. Yarn
Commercial Arbitration in Olde England (602-1698), Douglas H. Yarn
Confessions of a Practicing Neutral, Douglas H. Yarn
Conflict Resolution as Evolution, Douglas H. Yarn
Designing a Conflict Management System for Higher Education: A Case Study for Design in Integrative Organizations, Douglas H. Yarn
Developing a Comprehensive Internal Dispute Resolution System, Douglas H. Yarn
Does a Mediator Have an Affirmative Duty to Assure That Consent to Settle is Truly Informed? Response #3, Douglas H. Yarn
Environmental Mediation: Great Promise, Some Problems, Douglas H. Yarn
Ethical Duties and Best Practices When Engaging a Mediator, Douglas H. Yarn
Ethics 2000: The ABA Proposes New Ethics Rules for Lawyer-Neutrals and Attorneys in ADR, Douglas H. Yarn
Fixing the Out-of-Doors Out of Court: Use of ADR in Environmental Disputes, Douglas H. Yarn
Fostering Consent, Douglas H. Yarn
Georgia Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice And Procedure In Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn
International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under the United States Trade Laws, Douglas H. Yarn
Law, Love, and Reconciliation: Searching for Natural Conflict Resolution in Homo Sapiens, Douglas H. Yarn
Mediation, Douglas H. Yarn
Mediation/Arbitration, Douglas H. Yarn
Mediation in the U.S.A., Douglas H. Yarn
Minitrials, Douglas H. Yarn
Mini-Trials and Summary Jury Trials, Douglas H. Yarn
Negotiation, Douglas H. Yarn
Private Judges, Douglas H. Yarn
Proposed Changes in the Arbitration Law of Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn
Successful Mediating, Douglas H. Yarn
The Attorney as Duelist's Friend: Lessons From the Code Duello, Douglas H. Yarn
The Death of ADR: A Cautionary Tale of Isomorphism Through Institutionalization, Douglas H. Yarn
The Development of Canadian Law on Trans-Border Data Flow, Douglas H. Yarn
The Transfer of Technology and UNCLOS III, Douglas H. Yarn
Three Construction Mediations, Douglas H. Yarn
Transnational Conflict Resolution Practice: A Brief Introduction to the Context, Issues, and Search for Best Practice in Exporting Conflict Resolution, Douglas H. Yarn
The Facility Issues Negotiation Process of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act: An Evaluation with Recommendations, Douglas H. Yarn and Michael Elliot
A Biological Approach to Understanding Resistance to Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation in Group Conflict, Douglas H. Yarn and Gregory Todd Jones
Georgia Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice And Procedure In Georgia, Douglas H. Yarn and Gregory Todd Jones
In Our Bones (or Brains): Behavioral Biology, Douglas H. Yarn and Gregory Todd Jones
What Is an Accident?, daniel b. yeager
Coordination-Focused Patent Policy, Stephen Yelderman
Improving Patent Quality with Applicant Incentives, Stephen Yelderman
International Cooperation and the Patent-Antitrust Intersection, Stephen Yelderman
The Sentencing Commission Takes on Crack, Again., David N. Yellen
Panelist, Exception & Limitation Reforms, Alfred C. Yen
The Constructive Role of Confusion in Trademark, Alfred C. Yen
The Constructive Role of Confusion in Trademark, Alfred C. Yen
Estimando os Custos do Projeto do Novo Código Comercial, Luciana L. Yeung
Aftermath of a Revolution: A Case Study of Turkish Family Law, Seval Yildirim
Discussing Islam in the Post-9/11 Epistemological Terrain, Seval Yildirim
Global Tangles: Laws, Headcoverings and Religious Identity, Seval Yildirim
Panel Two : Global Tangles: Laws, Headcoverings and Religious Identity, Seval Yildirim, Peter Danchin, Anissa Helie, and Beth Van Schaack
Claims, Defenses and Strategies in Legal Malpractice Cases, B. Casey Yim Esq.
Real Estate Contracts: Buyers and Sellers Beware, B. Casey Yim Esq.
After the Revolution: Egypt's Changing Forms of Corruption, M. Patrick Yingling and Mohamed A. 'Arafa
Defective Decision-Making and Mistakes, Man YIP
The Pallant v Morgan Equity Reconsidered, Man YIP
The Rules Applying to Unmarried Cohabitants' Family Home, Man YIP
The Rules Applying to Unmarried Cohabitants’ Family Home: Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53, Man YIP
The Use Value of Money in the Law of Unjust Enrichment, Man YIP
Use Value of Money: The Defence of Exhaustion of Benefits, Man YIP
Dealing with Unforeseen Circumstances: Contractual Construction and Equitable Adjustment, Man YIP and Yihan GOH
Liability for work done where contract is denied: Contractual and restitutionary approaches, Man YIP and Yihan GOH
"Less than Straightforward" People, Facts and Trusts: Reflections on Context: Favor Easy Management Ltd v Wu [2012] EWCA Civ 1464, Man YIP and James LEE
I’m a Lawyer, Not an Economist: A plea for plain language Law and Economics, Derek K. Yonai
Point of Attack: War and Law for the 21st Century, John C. Yoo
What Are the Limits of Presidential Power?, John C. Yoo and Neil J. Kinkopf
Conclusion, John C. Yoo and Laurent Mayali
Non-deal roadshows preceding debt securities offerings, Bradley J. Young
The Constitutionality Of The Criminal Organisation Acts In Australia: Where To Now In 2014?, Bradley J. Young
Experimentalism and Economic and Social Rights, Katharine G. Young
Moderator, In the Balance: The Law and Politics of the Supreme Court, Katharine G. Young
Panelist, Comparative Constitutional Law Roundtable, Katharine G. Young
American Exceptionalism and Government Shutdowns: A Comparative Constitutional Reflection on the 2013 Lapse in Appropriations, Katharine G. Young
Engendering Governance: From the Local to the Global, Katharine G. Young
Adjudicating Social and Economic Rights: Can Democratic Experimentalism Help?, Katharine G. Young and Sandra Liebenberg
Barriers in the law of obligations, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
Barriers in the law of obligations, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
Breach of the contract in Iran, Egypt , and the U.S laws, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
Breach of the contract in Iran, Egypt , and the U.S laws, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
comparession Iran law, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
comparession Iran law, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
comparision Iran law and eurosia law, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
comparison Iran laws and the U.S. violation obligation in civil law, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani
conditions of law, Mohamad Ali Ali Yousefkhani