About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

Constitution Day Looks at Mapp v. Ohio, Jonathan Witmer-Rich


The Fatal Flaws of the 'Sneak and Peek' Statute and How to Fix it, Jonathan Witmer-Rich

The Rapid Rise of Delayed Notice Searches, and the Fourth Amendment "Rule Requiring Notice", Jonathan Witmer-Rich

The Rapid Rise of 'Sneak and Peek' Searches, and the Fourth Amendment 'Rule Requiring Notice', Jonathan Witmer-Rich

2014 State Of Criminal Justice, (ed.) (American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section), Mark E. Wojcik

2014 Supreme Court Review and Preview, Mark E. Wojcik

Careers in Tort Law, Mark E. Wojcik

Closing Courts Down, Mark E. Wojcik

Consular Notification for Dual Nationals, Mark E. Wojcik


Executive Summary, Mark E. Wojcik

Finding Your Place(s) in the World: Making Your Name in International Legal Education, Mark E. Wojcik

How Not to Criticize a Judge, Mark E. Wojcik

Libel Tourism: Defending Reputations Around the Globe, Mark E. Wojcik

Libel Tourism Update: England Talks Back to America's SPEECH Act, Mark E. Wojcik

Male. Female. Other. India Requires Legal Recognition of a Third Gender, Mark E. Wojcik

Olympian Troubles: Responses to Russia's Anti-Gay Legislation During the Sochi Winter Olympics, Mark E. Wojcik

Op-Ed, Same-sex Marriage Delay Creates Confusion, Mark E. Wojcik

Private International Law in a Post-Recession World: The Theberge Award Winners' Panel, Mark E. Wojcik

Recognizing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik

Russia's Anti-Gay Propaganda Law, Mark E. Wojcik

Speaker, Mark E. Wojcik

Speaker, Mark E. Wojcik

UN International Day of Older Persons: Forum on the Chicago Declaration on the Rights of Older Persons, Moving Forward, Mark E. Wojcik


Hacking the Anti-Hacking Statute: Using the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to Secure Public Data Exclusivity, Nicholas A. Wolfe


Nuclear Chain Reaction: Why Economic Sanctions Are Not Worth the Public Costs, Nicholas C.W. Wolfe

Advancing Research on Stored Biological Materials: Reconciling Law, Ethics, and Practice, Leslie E. Wolf

Certificates of Confidentiality: Legal Counsels' Experiences With and Perspectives on Legal Demands for Research Data, Leslie E. Wolf

Certificates of Confidentiality: Protecting Human Subject Research Data in Law and Practice, Leslie E. Wolf

Clinical Case: "Universal" Precautions, Leslie E. Wolf

IRB Policies Regarding Finders Fees and Role Conflicts in Recruiting Research Participants, Leslie E. Wolf

Law Professor: Georgia Ebola Policy Has Constitutional Problem, Leslie E. Wolf

Major Developments in Stem Cell Research, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Culture and Controversy, Leslie E. Wolf

New Issues in HIV Testing, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Leslie E. Wolf

The Research Ethics Committee is Not the Enemy: Oversight of Community-Based Participatory Research, Leslie E. Wolf

To Disclose Hepatitis C Virus Infection or Not: Who Decides?, Leslie E. Wolf

When Parents Reject Interventions to Reduce Postnatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission, Leslie E. Wolf

Genetic Research with Stored Biological Materials: Ethics and Practice, Leslie E. Wolf, Timothy A. Bouley, and Charles E. McCulloch

The Challenges of IRB Review and Human Subjects Protections in Practice-Based Research, Leslie E. Wolf, Mary Croughan, and Bernard Lo

Implementing Routine HIV Testing: The Role of State Law, Leslie E. Wolf, Alexis Donoghoe, and Tim Lane

Valuing Lives: Allocating Scarce Medical Resources During a Public Health Emergency and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Leslie E. Wolf and Wendy Hensel

Valuing Lives: Allocating Scarce Medical Resources During a Public Health Emergency and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Leslie E. Wolf and Wendy Hensel

AIDS II. Health Care and Research Issues, Leslie E. Wolf and Rachel L. Hulkower

Empowering and Protecting Patients: Lessons for Physician-Assisted Suicide from the African-American Experience, Leslie E. Wolf and Patricia A. King

AIDS Health-Care and Research Issues, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Ethical Dimensions of HIV Treatment and Research, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Ethics and Clinical Research: An Issue for All Internists, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Informed Consent in HIV Research, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Practicing Safer Research: Using the Law to Protect Sensitive Research Data, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Untapped Potential: IRB Guidance and Ethics on Research with Stored Biological Materials, Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

What about the Ethics? [HIV Vaccine Trials], Leslie E. Wolf and Bernard Lo

Legal Barriers to Implementing Recommendations for Universal, Routine Prenatal HIV Testing, Leslie E. Wolf, Bernard Lo, and Lawrence O. Gostin

Crime and Punishment: Is There a Role for Criminal Law in HIV Prevention Policy?, Leslie E. Wolf and Richard Vezina

Human Subjects Issues and IRB Review in Practice-Based Research, Leslie E. Wolf, Janice F. Walden, and Bernard Lo

Sleeping Better at Night: Investigators' Experiences with Certificates of Confidentiality, Leslie E. Wolf and Jolanta Zandecki

Institutional Review Board Guidance on Pediatric Research: Missed Opportunities, Leslie E. Wolf, Jolanta Zandecki, and Bernard Lo

The Certificates of Confidentiality Application: A View from the NIH Institutes, Leslie E. Wolf, Jolanta Zandecki, and Bernard Lo

A Yellow Light for “Green Zoning”: Some Words of Caution About Incorporating Green Building Standards into Local Land Use Law, Michael Allan Wolf

Conservation Easements and the "Term Creep" Problem, Michael Allan Wolf

Looking Backward: Richard Epstein Ponders the “Progressive” Peril, Michael Allan Wolf

Strategies for Making Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Tools 'Takings-Proof', Michael Allan Wolf

Supreme Guidance for Wet Growth: Lessons from the High Court on the Powers and Responsibilities of Local Governments, Michael Allan Wolf

Taking Regulatory Takings Personally: The Perils of (Mis)Reasoning by Analogy, Michael Allan Wolf

The Brooding Omnipresence of Regulatory Takings: Urban Origins and Effects, Michael Allan Wolf

William Faulkner, Legal Commentator: Humanity and Endurance in Hollywood's Yoknapatawpha, Michael Allan Wolf

Hugo Lafayette Black and John Harlan - Two Faces of Constitutional Law With Some Notes on Teaching of Thayer's Subject, O. W. Wollensak and Paul R. Baier

An Ethical and Legal Dilemma: Participation in Sports by HIV Infected Athletes, John T. Wolohan

Book Review: College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the NCAA's Amateur Myth, John T. Wolohan

Book Review: The Sports Lawyers Guide to Legal Periodicals, John T. Wolohan

The Curt Flood Act of 1998 and Major League Baseball's Federal Antitrust Exemption, John T. Wolohan


EU Trademark Regulation 2013, Rebecca Wong Dr

Social networking: the application of the Data Protection Framework revisited, Rebecca Wong Dr


Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund, Ethical Investment, and Climate Change, Charlotte Wood and Matthew Rimmer

Can We Teach Old Laws a New Risk?, John D. Wood


Freedom of Speech & Election Day at the Polls: Thou Doth Protest Too Much, James J. Woodruff II

Evidence of Lies and Rules of Evidence: The Admissibility of fMRI-Based Expert Opinion of Witness Truthfulness, William A. Woodruff

Expert Testimony, William A. Woodruff

Hearsay, William A. Woodruff

A Behavioral Approach to Human Rights, Andrew K. Woods

Moral Judgments & International Crimes: The Disutility of Desert, Andrew K. Woods

Toward a Situational Model for Regulating International Crimes, Andrew K. Woods

Corporations Acting with the State, Andrew K. Woods, Errol Meidinger, and Harlan G. Cohen

Scope of the Uniform Commerical Code: Advances in Technology and Survey of Computer Contracting Cases, William J. Woodward Jr., Amelia H. Boss, and Harold R. Weinberg

Legislative Process and Commerical Law: Lessons from the Copyright Act of 1976 and the Uniform Commercial Code, William J. Woodward Jr. and Harold R. Weinberg

Is Greed Good? A Catholic Perspective on Modern Usury, William M. Woodyard and Chad G. Marzen

A New Time for Denominators - Toward a Dynamic Theory of Property in the Regulatory Takings Relevant Parcel Analysis, Danaya C. Wright

Collapsing Liberalism's Public/Private Divide: Voldemort's War on the Family, Danaya C. Wright

Eminent Domain, Exactions, and Railbanking: Can Recreational Trails Survive the Court’s Fifth Amendment Takings Jurisprudence, Danaya C. Wright

Foreword: Toward a Multicultural Theory of Property Rights, Danaya C. Wright

The Crisis of Child Custody: A History of the Birth of Family Law in England, Danaya C. Wright

The Logic and Experience of Law: Lawrence v. Texas and the Politics of Privacy, Danaya C. Wright

The Shifting Sands of Property Rights, Federal Railroad Grants, and Economic History: Hash v. United States and the Threat to Rail-Trail Conversions, Danaya C. Wright

"Well-Behaved Women Don't Make History": Rethinking English Family, Law, and History, Danaya C. Wright

Pipes, Wires, and Bicycles: Rails-to-Trails, Utility Licenses, and the Shifting Scope of Railroad Easements from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries, Danaya C. Wright and Jeffrey M. Hester


The Google Art Project: An Analysis from a Legal and Social Perspective on Copyright Implications, Katrina Wu




Rebuttable Presumption of Public Interest in Protecting the Public Health—The Necessity for Denying Injunctive Relief in Medically Related Patent Infringement Cases After eBay v. MercExchange, Lance E. Wyatt Jr.

NLRB: Employers May Restrict Employee Use of Office E-mail for Union Solicitation and Other Employee Organizational Activity, John F. Wymer III, William C. Barker, and Windsor Adams


How independent (Outside) directors’ compensation structure, their frequency of meetings and concentrated ownership effects shareholder’s wealth? Evidence from Indian traded companies, Rakesh Yadav


International Human resources management, Rakesh Yadav


It pays back to the company to add soft-skills to your technical employees!, Rakesh Yadav