About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

First Amendment and Land Use, in Recent Developments in Land Use, Planning, and Zoning, Alan C. Weinstein

First Amendment Issues in Land Use Law: Regulation of Signs, Adult Entertainment Businesses and Religious Institutions, Alan C. Weinstein

Homeowners Associations, Alan C. Weinstein

How to Avoid a "Holy War" -- Dealing with Potential RLUIPA Claims, Alan C. Weinstein

How to Cope With - Or Without - "Big Box" Retailers, Alan C. Weinstein

Incentive Zoning, Alan C. Weinstein

Kelo and Counting, Alan C. Weinstein

Kelo: One Year Later, Alan C. Weinstein

Landmark & Historical District Regulations, Alan C. Weinstein

Land Use and the Constitution: Principles for Planning Practice, Alan C. Weinstein

Land Use Regulation and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act: What Are the Courts Saying?, Alan C. Weinstein

Licensing Ordinances as an Adjunct to Zoning Regulation of Sexually Oriented Adult Entertainment Businesses (Part I), Alan C. Weinstein

Licensing Ordinances as an Adjunct to Zoning Regulation of Sexually Oriented Adult Entertainment Businesses (Part II), Alan C. Weinstein

Municipal Regulation of Adult Entertainment, Alan C. Weinstein

Performance Zoning: A Silver Anniversary Evaluation, Alan C. Weinstein

Planning and Zoning for an Aging Population, Alan C. Weinstein

Responding to the Adult Industry's Claims About "No Secondary Effects", Alan C. Weinstein

Revisiting the National Flood Insurance Program, Alan C. Weinstein

Rezoning or Amendment, Alan C. Weinstein

RLUIPA Challenges: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure, Alan C. Weinstein

RLUIPA: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Heading?, Alan C. Weinstein

Sign Regulation After City of Ladue v. Gilleo: Still No Answer to the Problem of Content-Based Regulations, Alan C. Weinstein

Symposium: Ohioans Without Health Insurance: How Big A Problem? Are There Solutions?, Alan C. Weinstein

The Challenge of Providing Adequate Housing for the Elderly . . . Along with Everyone, Alan C. Weinstein

The Effect of RLUIPA's Land Use Provisions on Local Government, Alan C. Weinstein

The "Modified" Takings Test of Goldberg v. Richmond Heights: Why the Ohio Supreme Court Didn't Get It Quite Right, Alan C. Weinstein

The Myth of Ministry vs. Mortar: A Legal & Policy Analysis of Landmark Designation of Religious Institutions, Alan C. Weinstein

The Ohio Supreme Court’s Perverse Stance on Development Impact Fees and What to Do About It, Alan C. Weinstein

The "Race-Neutral" Option for Local Government Contracting Programs, Alan C. Weinstein

What Planning Commissioners Need to Know About RLUIPA, Alan C. Weinstein

Zoning and Landmark Regulation of Religious Institutions after City of Boerne v. Flores, Alan C. Weinstein

Adult Entertainment Zoning Issues, Alan C. Weinstein

Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith, Alan C. Weinstein

Chapter 18, Floodplain Regulation, Alan C. Weinstein

Essay: The Challenge of Providing Adequate Housing for the Elderly...Along with Everyone Else, Alan C. Weinstein

First Amendment Zoning Issues: Regulation of Signs, Adult Entertainment & Religious Uses, Alan C. Weinstein

Impact Fees, Alan C. Weinstein

Land Use and the First Amendment, Alan C. Weinstein

Land Use Regulation of Religious Institutions: Balancing Planning Concerns with Constitutional and Statutory Safeguards for Religious Freedom, Alan C. Weinstein

Low-Value Speech, Alan C. Weinstein

O'Brien Content-Neutral Free Speech, Alan C. Weinstein

Powers of Planning Commissions and Planning Boards, Alan C. Weinstein

Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Law & (and) Public Policy Program: An Introduction and Summary, Alan C. Weinstein

Recent Developments Concerning RLUIPA, Alan C. Weinstein

Religious Land Use and RLUIPA Update, Alan C. Weinstein

Report of the Committee on Land Use, Planning and Zoning Law - Report of the Subcommittee on Land Use and the First Amendment, Alan C. Weinstein

Tax Increment Financing, Alan C. Weinstein

The Ohio Supreme Court's Perverse Stance on Development Impact Fees and What To Do About It, Alan C. Weinstein

The Renton Decision: A New Standard for Adult Business Regulation, Alan C. Weinstein

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Local Government: Immediate and Future Challenges, Alan C. Weinstein

Zoning Laws and Freedom of Speech, Alan C. Weinstein

Zoning Ordinances and "Free Speech", Alan C. Weinstein

Zoning Restrictions on Location of Adult Businesses, Alan C. Weinstein

Federal Land Use Law and Litigation, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, and Daniel R. Mandelker

Due Process and Equal Protection, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck

Eminent Domain, Takings and Exactions, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck

Freedom of Religion and Expression, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck

Property Rights, Police Power, Nuisance and Vested Rights, Alan C. Weinstein, Brian W. Blaesser, Stephen G. Sizemore, and Stuart Meck

A Practical Guide to Winning Land Use Approvals and Permits, Alan C. Weinstein, R. Deems, and N. Jennette

Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County: An Assessment of Progress, Alan C. Weinstein, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Molly Schnoke

Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County: A Pilot Initiative, Interim Report, Alan C. Weinstein, Kathryn W. Hexter, and Molly Schnoke

Law and the City, Alan C. Weinstein and Lawrence F. Keller

The Association of Adult Businesses with Secondary Effects: Legal Doctrine, Social Theory, and Empirical Evidence, Alan C. Weinstein and Richard D. McCleary

Legal Issues in the Regulation of On-Premise Signs, Alan C. Weinstein, Mary Morris, Douglas Mace, and Mark L. Hinshaw

Report of the Subcommittee on First Amendment and Land Use, Alan C. Weinstein and Edward H. Ziegler Jr.

Do 'Off-Site' Adult Businesses Have Secondary Effects? Legal Doctrine, Social Theory, and Empirical Evidence, Alan Weinstein and Richard D. McCleary

Politics of Pretext VAWA goes global.docx, Deborah M. Weissman


Remaking Mexico: Law Reform as Foreign Policy, Deborah M. Weissman


Race, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health Disorders as Predictors of Juvenile Court Outcomes: Do They Vary By Gender?, Chiquitia Welch-Brewer, Patricia A. Stoddard Dare, and Christopher A. Mallett

Discovery of Nonparties' Tangible Things under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Sarah N. Welling

Intracorporate Plurality in Criminal Conspiracy Law, Sarah N. Welling

Money Laundering: The Anti-Structuring Laws, Sarah N. Welling

Reviving the Federal Crime of Gratuities, Sarah N. Welling

Smurfs, Money Laundering and the Federal Criminal Law: The Crime of Structuring Transactions, Sarah N. Welling

State ex rel. Swann v. Pack: Self-Endangerment and the First Amendment, Sarah N. Welling

The Uniform Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act, Sarah N. Welling

Victim Participation in Plea Bargains, Sarah N. Welling

Victims in the Criminal Process: A Utilitarian Analysis of Victim Participation in the Charging Decision, Sarah N. Welling

White Collar Crime from Scratch: Some Observations on the East European Experience, Sarah N. Welling

Defining Excessiveness: Applying the Eighth Amendment to Civil Forfeiture after Austin v. United States, Sarah N. Welling and Medrith Lee Hager

Friction in Reconciling Criminal Forfeiture and Bankruptcy: The Criminal Forfeiture Part, Sarah N. Welling and Jane Lyle Hord

Prison Reform Issues for the Eighties: Modification and Dissolution of Injunctions in the Federal Courts, Sarah N. Welling and Barbara W. Jones

Cyberlaundering: The Risks, the Responses, Sarah N. Welling and Andy G. Rickman

The Measure of Injury: Race, Gender and Tort Law, Catharine P. Wells

Theorizing Injustice, Catharine P. Wells

ILR Impact Brief - Evidence, Police Credibility, and Race Affect Juror First Votes, Martin T. Wells, Stephen P. Garvey, Paula Hannaford-Agor, Valerie P. Hans, Nicole L. Mott, and G. Thomas Munsterman

Fri rörlighet i Norden. Nordiska gränshinder i rättslig belysning. (Free Movement in the Nordic Area. Nordic Border Barriers in Legal Perspective.), Henrik Wenander

A Review on Military Robots and Warfare, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Robots - A Historical Review, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

The Robot - Technology, Ethics and Law, Yueh-Hsuan Weng


The Study of Safety Governance for Service Robots: On Open-Texture Risk, Yueh-Hsuan Weng


The Intelligentization of Automobiles:Smart-Cars、Robo-Cars and their Safety Governance, Yueh-Hsuan Weng and Dominic Hillenbrand


(Re)Defining Gamification, Kevin Werbach

Agriculture and Changing Legal Concepts in an Urbanizing Society, James C. Wershow and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Calling it a Leg Doesn't Make it a Leg: Doctors, Lawyers and Tort Reform, Ellen Wertheimer

Ockham's Scalpel: A Return to a Reasonableness Standard, Ellen Wertheimer

Punitive Damages and Strict Products Liability: An Essay in Oxymoron, Ellen Wertheimer

School Staff Perspectives on the Challenges and Solutions to Working with Court-Involved Students., Shantel West-Crosby, Angelique G. Day, Beverly Baroni, and Cheryl Somers

Dubious Interpretative Rules for Construing Federal Taxing Statutes, Richard A. Westin