The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Dismissals Due to Business Reasons in Canada, Eric M Tucker and Christopher Grisdale
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in the United Kingdom and Ontario, Canada: A Political Economy Perspective, Eric M. Tucker and Theo Nichols
All that is Solid Melts into Air: Worker Participation in Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario, 1970-2000, Eric M. Tucker and Robert Storey
Is There a Deterrence Gap in Employment Standards Enforcement?, Eric M Tucker and Mark Thomas
Bare Necessities: The Argument for a “Revenge Porn” Exception in Section 230 Immunity, Allison L. Tungate
A Malthusian Analysis of the So-Called Dynasty Trust, William J. Turnier and Jeffrey L. Harrison
Student Mobility Funding: Map Jakarta – Urban Resilience for Climate Adaptation – Disaster relief & mitigation - Indonesia, Etienne Turpin, Tomas Holderness, and Katina Michael
Map Jakarta (PetaJakarta): Smart Data Collection | Community Participation | Civic Infrastructure | Geo-social Intelligence, Etienne Turpin, Tomas Holderness, Rohan Wickramasuriya, Matthew Berryman, Sara Dean, Ian Buchanan, Psacal Perez, Rodney Clarke, and Katina Michael
Sustaining Coastal and Marine Zones: (Meet the Researchers), Etienne Turpin, Tomas Holderness, Rohan Wickramasuriya, Pascal Perez, Ian Buchanan, Rodney Clarke, and Katina Michael
Response to 'Pervasive Sequence Patents Cover the Entire Human Genome', Shine Tu and Yaniv Heled
All of This Has Happened before and All of This Will Happen Again: Innovation in Copyright Licensing, Rebecca Tushnet
How Many Wrongs Make a Copyright?, Rebecca Tushnet
“I’m a Lawyer, Not an Ethnographer, Jim”: Textual Poachers and Fair Use, Rebecca Tushnet
More than a Feeling: Emotion and the First Amendment, Rebecca Tushnet
Impact of Organizational Policies and Practices on Workplace Injuries in a Hospital Setting, T. H. Tveito, G. Sembajwe, L. I. Bodden, J. T. Dennerlein, G. R. Wagner, C. Kenwood, A. M. Stoddard, S. Reme, K. Hopcia, Dean M. Hashimoto, W. S. Shaw, and G. Sorensen
Analyzing Effects and Implications of Regulating Charitable Hybrid Forms as Charitable Trusts: Round Peg and a Square Hole?, John E. Tyler III
Annexation and the Mid-Size Metropolis: New Insights in the Age of Mobile Capital, Christopher J. Tyson
At the Intersection of Race and History: The Unique Relationship Between the Davis Intent Requirement and the Crack Laws, Christopher J. Tyson
Localism and Involuntary Annexation: Reconsidering Approaches to New Regionalism, Christopher J. Tyson
Municipal Identity as Property, Christopher J. Tyson
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Christopher J. Tyson
Interactions Between Public and Private Resource Governance: Key Insights from the Fisheries Case, Zdravka Tzankova
A Constitutional Consideration: Poverty, Political Power, and Equal Protection, Miguel Ubiles
Natural Disasters and the Theory of International Law, Toshiya Ueki, David D. Caron, Michael J. Kelly, and Anastasia Telesetsky
The Birth of a New Teaching Idea, Jalae Ulicki
Breaking the Shackled Silence: Unheard Voices of Women from Kandhamal, Saumya Uma
Staking Our Claim: Some Reflections of Work on Single Women and Land Rights in Gujarat, Saumya Uma
Supreme Court Verdict on Adoptions is a Turning Point, Saumya Uma
Battered and Betrayed: A Report of Visit to Muzaffarnagar Camps, Saumya Uma and Hasina Khan
U.S. Supreme Court Justices and Public Mood, Isaac Unah
Administrative Adjudication in Kentucky: Ethics and Unauthorized Practice Considerations, Richard H. Underwood
Adversary Ethics: More Dirty Tricks, Richard H. Underwood
Book Review | John Evangelist Walsh, Moonlight: Abraham Lincoln and the Almanac Trial (2000), Richard H. Underwood
Comments on Professor Rotunda's Essay, Richard H. Underwood
Curbing Litigation Abuses: Judicial Control of Adversary Ethics--The Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Proposed Amendments to the Rules of Civil Procedure, Richard H. Underwood
Discovery in Kentucky: An Overview, Richard H. Underwood
Evaluating Scientific and Forensic Evidence, Richard H. Underwood
False Witness: A Lawyer's History of the Law of Perjury, Richard H. Underwood
Kentucky Law Survey: Evidence, Richard H. Underwood
Kentucky Law Survey: Insurance, Richard H. Underwood
Legal Ethics and Class Actions: Problems, Tactics and Judicial Responses, Richard H. Underwood
Logic and the Common Law Trial, Richard H. Underwood
Making Stuff Up, Richard H. Underwood
Part-Time Prosecutors and Conflicts of Interest: A Survey and Some Proposals, Richard H. Underwood
Perjury: An Anthology, Richard H. Underwood
Perjury! The Charges and the Defenses, Richard H. Underwood
Taking and Pursuing a Case: Some Observations Regarding "Legal Ethics" and Attorney Accountability, Richard H. Underwood
The Limits of Cross-Examination, Richard H. Underwood
The Professional and the Liar, Richard H. Underwood
What Gets Judges in Trouble, Richard H. Underwood
When the Law Doesn't Work, Richard H. Underwood
"X-Spurt" Witnesses, Richard H. Underwood
Genetics, Genetic Testing, and the Specter of Discrimination: A Discussion Using Hypothetical Cases, Richard H. Underwood and Ronald C. Cadle
The Attorney-Client and Work Product Privileges: The Case for Protecting Internal Investigations on the University Campus, Virginia H. Underwood and Richard H. Underwood
Practice Lean! Implementing Technology-Driven Lean Six Sigma in a Law Firm, frank a. urbanic
The Privacy Pragmatic as Privacy Vulnerable, Jennifer M. Urban and Chris Jay Hoofnagle
The Privacy Pragmatic as Privacy Vulnerable, Jennifer M. Urban and Chris Jay Hoofnagle
Daños Punitivos. La Validez del Instituto en el Derecho Privado Argentino, Leonardo A. Urruti
Western Harvester Ants’ Foraging Success and Nest Densities in Relation to Grazing Intensity, Shaharra Usnick and Richard Hart
Barking Dogs: Code Enforcement Is All Barkand No Bite (Unless The Inspectors Have Assult Rifles), Marilyn Uzdavines
Furtive Encryption: Power, Trust, and the Constitutional Cost of Collective Surveillance, Jeffrey L. Vagle
On the Farm, in the Town, and in the City: Farmers’ Lives and Community in Rural Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada, 1855-1908, Nicholas Van Allen
Panel Participant: Student Staff in the Writing Centre, Nicholas Van Allen
Turkey Farmers of Canada Celebrates 40 Years, Nicholas Van Allen
Post Office Spaces and Communities in Rural 19th-Century Ontario, Nicholas Van Allen and Don Lafreniere
Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits Under Indiana's Workers' Compensation Law, Ruth C. Vance
Workers' Compensation and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Remedy for Employees, or a Shield for Employers?, Ruth C. Vance
Working Group on Chapter 2 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: Employment Contracts: Termination, Lea S. VanderVelde, Matthew W. Finkin, Stephen F. Befort, and William Corbett
Authorized Health Claims Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006: The Difficulty of Producer-Consumer Communication, Luis González Vaqué
Con el euro, sin el euro... ¿o contra el euro?, Luis González Vaqué
"El desperdicio de alimentos: algo más que un tema de actualidad…", Luis González Vaqué
"El futuro Reglamento (UE) relativo a la seguridad de los productos de consumo y su potencial 'conflictividad' por lo que se refiere a la aplicación de la legislación alimentaria", Luis González Vaqué
El TJUE clarifica el concepto de 'carne separada mecánicamente': la sentencia “Newby Foods Ltd” de 16 de octubre de 2014, Luis González Vaqué
“Gli obiettivi del ‘pacchetto di revisione’ in materia di sanità animale, protezione delle piante e sui controlli ufficiali proposto dalla Commissione Europea”, Luis González Vaqué
"Improving market supervision and market governance: 'Prevention of new obstacles and standardization'", Luis González Vaqué
Information to Consumers on the Absence or Reduced Presence of Gluten in Food, Luis González Vaqué
La clonación con fines ganaderos de los animales en la UE: de la Ética al Derecho agroalimentario, Luis González Vaqué
La fourniture d'informations aux consommateurs concernant l'absence ou la présence réduite de gluten dans les denrées alimentaires : le règlement d'exécution nº 828/2014 (UE), Luis González Vaqué
La información a los consumidores sobre la ausencia o la presencia reducida de gluten en los alimentos: el Reglamento de ejecución (UE) nº 828/2014 de la Comisión, Luis González Vaqué
"La protección de los consumidores vulnerables en el Derecho del Consumo de la UE [El Programa plurianual para el período 2014-2020]", Luis González Vaqué
La razón y las sinrazones de la indicación obligatoria del origen de los productos alimenticios, Luis González Vaqué
"La transposición de la Directiva 2011/83/UE al Derecho del Reino Unido: 'The (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013'", Luis González Vaqué
"Oportunidades para la exportación de alimentos a China", Luis González Vaqué
"¿Qué información hay que facilitar al consumidor cuando adquiere productos alimenticios por internet o mediante otros sistemas de comunicación a distancia?", Luis González Vaqué
“Simplifier, rationaliser et uniformiser les contrôles sur les aliments : l’impact de la proposition de la Commission sur l’ensemble de la législation alimentaire européenne”, Luis González Vaqué
¿Son los semáforos nutricionales la mejor manera de informar a los consumidores sobre los nutrientes contenidos en los productos alimenticios?, Luis González Vaqué
The Cloning of Animals for Farming Purposes in the EU: From Ethics to Agri-food Law, Luis González Vaqué
The Proposed EU Consumer Product Safety Regulation and its Potential Conflict with Food Legislation, Luis González Vaqué
Traducción de textos jurídicos: de la teoría a la práctica pasando por el desconcierto y la incertidumbre, Luis González Vaqué
"UE: ¿Cuándo se adoptará una nueva regulación de los 'Novel Foods'?", Luis González Vaqué
"Unfair Practices in the Food Supply Chain", Luis González Vaqué
Introducción al Derecho alimentario en China, Luis González Vaqué, Nicola Aporti, and Joan Mier
En el DO de la Unión Europea: Registro de Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, Indicaciones Geográficas Protegidas, etc., Luis González Vaqué and Cristina Vidreras Pérez
"¿Podrá frenar la UE el fraude alimentario?", Luis González Vaqué and José Mª Ferrer Villar
Razian Responsibility, Manuel Vargas
Responsibility in a World of Causes, Manuel Vargas
The Runeberg Problem: Theism, Libertarianism, and Motivated Reasoning, Manuel Vargas
Rational and Social Agency: The Philosophy of Michael Bratman, Manuel Vargas and Gideon Yaffe