About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014


Corporations - An Open Source Casebook, (2014 Edition), Brian JM Quinn

Panelist, Tech, Texts, and Learning, Brian JM Quinn

Embryonic Stem Cell Research as an Ethical Issue: On the Emptiness of Symbolic Value, Kevin Quinn

Politics of Embryonic Discourse, Kevin Quinn

An experimental, computerized, ESL lesson on two-word verbs using mnemonics and imagery, Kevin Loyd Quinn

The Academic Study of Decision Making on Multimember Courts, Kevin M. Quinn

The Best Interests of Incompetent Patients: The Capacity for Interpersonal Relationships as a Standard for Decisionmaking, Kevin P. Quinn

The Politics of Embryonic Discourse, Kevin P. Quinn

"La Inconstitucionalidad de las cuotas de mercado en materia de hidrocarburos. Un modelo para armar", Javier Fernando Quiñones




The Widespread Handcuffing of Arrestees in the United States, Francois Quintard-Morenas

The Rationalization of Policy: On the Relation Between Democracy and the Rule of Law, ofer raban

A Sending down Sabbatical: The Benefits of Lawyering in the Legal Services Trenches, Suzanne Rabe and Stephen A. Rosenbaum

A Positive Psychological Theory of Judging in Hindsight, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Lawmaking, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Cognitive Errors, Individual Differences, and Paternalism, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Evidence-Based Law, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Gains, Losses, and the Psychology of Litigation, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Heuristics and Biases in the Court: Ignorance or Adaptation?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Heuristics, Biases, and Philosophy, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Is Evolutionary Analysis of Law Science or Storytelling?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Juries: Arbiters or Arbitrary?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Misunderstanding Ability, Misallocating Responsibility, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Noah by the Numbers: An Empirical Evaluation of the Endangered Species Act , Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Processing Pleadings and the Psychology of Prejudgments, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Protecting Endangered Species Without Regulating Private Landowners: The Case of Endangered Plants, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Regulating in Foresight Versus Judging Liability in Hindsight: The Case of Tobacco, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Scientific Jury Selection and the Equal Protection Rights of Venire Persons, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

The "New" Law and Psychology: A Reply to Critics, Skeptics, and Cautious Supporters, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

The Psychological Foundations of Behavioral Law and Economics, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

The Psychology of Global Climate Change, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

The Uncertain Psychological Case for Paternalism, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Why Heightened Pleading - Why Now?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

Cognitive Psychology and Optimal Government Design, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Cynthia R. Farina

Contrition in the Courtroom: Do Apologies Affect Adjudication?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, and Andrew J. Wistrich

Heuristics and Biases in Bankruptcy Judges, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, and Andrew J. Wistrich

Inside the Bankruptcy Judge's Mind, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, and Andrew J. Wistrich

Does Unconscious Racial Bias Affect Trial Judges?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Sheri Johnson, Andrew J. Wistrich, and Chris Guthrie

Does Unconscious Racial Bias Affect Trial Judges?, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Sheri Johnson, Andrew J. Wistrich, and Chris Guthrie

Remedies and the Psychology of Ownership, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Forest Jourden

Barack Obama, Implicit Bias, and the 2008 Election, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Gregory S. Parks

Implicit Bias, Election '08, and the Myth of a Post-Racial America, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski and Gregory S. Parks

Altering Attention in Adjudication, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Andrew J. Wistrich, and Chris Guthrie

The Inheritance Rights of Women Under Jewish and Islamic Law, Mary F. Radford

2002 Updates to Chapters 1-12, Mary F. Radford

Advancements and the Consequences of Drawing Bright Line Rules, Mary F. Radford

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Matters , Mary F. Radford

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Matters, Mary F. Radford

Affirmative Action in American Employment Law: Past, Present & Future, Mary F. Radford

An Introduction to the Uses of Mediation and Other Forms of Dispute Resolution in Probate, Trust, & Guardianship Matters, Mary F. Radford

By Invitation Only: The Proof of Welcomeness in Sexual Harassment Cases, Mary F. Radford

Casenote, Constitutional Law--Equal Protection--New York Statute Requiring Consent of Mother, But Not of Father, as Prerequisite to Adoption of Illegitimate Child Violates the Fourteenth Amendment Because It Draws Gender-Based Distinction Which Bears No Substantial Relation to State Interest in Encouraging Adoption of Illegitimate Children--Caban v. Mohammed, 441 U.S. 380 (1979), Mary F. Radford

Elder Law: Economic Planning for the Golden Years: Symposium Issue: Introduction, Mary F. Radford

Wimberly and Beyond: Analyzing the Refusal to Award Unemployment Compensation to Women Who Terminate Prior Employment Due to Pregnancy, Mary F. Radford

Ethical Challenges in Representing Families in Family Limited Partnerships, Mary F. Radford

Exclusion and Exemption in Bankruptcy of Debtor's Interests in ERISA-Qualified Retirement Plans, Mary F. Radford

Georgia Guardianship and Conservatorship, Mary F. Radford

Georgia Inheritance Rights of Children Born Out of Wedlock, Mary F. Radford

Georgia Trusts and Trustees, Mary F. Radford

Guardianships and Conservatorships in Georgia, Mary F. Radford

Handbook for Georgia Probate Judges, Mary F. Radford

Implied Exceptions to the ERISA Prohibitions Against the Forfeiture and Alienation of Retirement Plan Interests, Mary F. Radford

Is the Use of Mediation Appropriate in Adult Guardianship Cases?, Mary F. Radford

Mediation in Adult Guardianship Cases, Mary F. Radford

Parental Leave: Judicial and Legislative Trends; Current Practices in the Workplace, Mary F. Radford

Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval and the Social Security Administration: How Modern Reproductive Technology Makes Strange Bedfellows, Mary F. Radford

Proposals for Revising Georgia's Probate Code, Mary F. Radford

Redfearn: Wills and Administration in Georgia, Mary F. Radford

Sex Discrimination in Employment, Mary F. Radford

Sex Stereotyping and the Promotion of Women to Positions of Power, Mary F. Radford

The Availability of Retirement Plan Benefits to Creditors in Bankruptcy: Analyzing the Conflict Between ERISA and the Bankruptcy Code, Mary F. Radford

The Case Against the Georgia Mortmain Statute, Mary F. Radford

The Inheritance Rights of Women under Jewish and Islamic Law, Mary F. Radford

The Transformation of Sex Discrimination Law and Theory, Mary F. Radford

The Use of Mediation in Adult Guardianship Cases - Training Module, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (1998-1999 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (1999-2000 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (2000-2001 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, and Administration of Estates (2005-2006 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, and Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, & Fiduciary Administration, Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships & Fiduciary Administration (2007-2008 Developments), Mary F. Radford

Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, & Fiduciary Administration (2008-2009 Developments), Mary F. Radford

The Law of Trusts and Trustees, secs. 975-1030, Mary F. Radford, George Gleason Bogert, and George Taylor Bogert

Irrevocability of Special Needs Trusts: The Tangled Web That is Woven When English Feudal Law is Imported into Modern Determinations of Medicaid Eligibility, Mary F. Radford and Clarissa Bryan

"Sufficient" Capacity: The Contrasting Capacity Requirements for Different Documents, Mary F. Radford and Lawrence A. Frolik

Georgia Probate Court Bench Book, Mary F. Radford and Floyd E. Propst

Georgia's New Probate Code, Mary F. Radford and F. Skip Sugarman





Choosing the Law of an Arbitration Agreement, Mohamed Raffa


What has Sharia got to do with Arbitration, Mohamed Raffa


A Due Process Compliant Pathway to Restore Constitutional Fetal Personhood and to Reverse Roe v Wade, philip a. rafferty par

A US Trip That Jacked Up Drug Prices, Srividhya Ragavan


BBC (Hindi) Interview, Srividhya Ragavan

Commentator, Srividhya Ragavan

Compulsory Licensing: Principles, Process & Experiences of Other Countries, Improving Access, Promoting Access & Innovation, Srividhya Ragavan