About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

Transforming News: How Mediation Principles Can Depolarize Public Talk, Carol Pauli


Analysis of the Mechanisms to Control the Fulfillment of the EU Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels in Directive 2009/28/EC, (Part II), Evgenia Pavlovskaia


Environmental Sustainability Criteria in the Coffee Sector – Lessons that Can be Learnt, Evgenia Pavlovskaia


Governance Approaches that Can be Used to Implement Sustainability Criteria, Evgenia Pavlovskaia


Legal Analysis of the EU Policy for Sustainable Transport Biofuels, Evgenia Pavlovskaia

Mechanisms to control the fulfillment of the EU sustainability criteria for transport biofuels in directive 2009/28/EC, Evgenia Pavlovskaia

Sustainability Criteria as a Tool to Promote Sustainable Products and their Sustainable Production, Evgenia Pavlovskaia

The EU policy for sustainable transport biofuels and Directive 2009/28/EC from a legal perspective, Evgenia Pavlovskaia


The International Rule of Law in a Human Rights Era, Evgenia Pavlovskaia


Contribuciones Analíticas al Proyecto de Ley Federal de Competencia Económica, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor


Iniciativa Federal en Competencia Económica, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor

A Tale of Two Constitutional Orders? Departmentalism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Presidential Veto, Bruce Peabody


Critiquing Modern-Day U.S. Legal Education with Rhetoric: Frank's Plea and the Scholar Model of the Law Professor Persona, Carlo A. Pedrioli

Aboriginal sovereignty claims: contemporary voices in Australia, Alessandro Pelizzon

Earth laws, rights of nature and legal pluralism, Alessandro Pelizzon

Relational subjectivity in the normative worlds of the first Australians, Alessandro Pelizzon


The Basis for Noerr-Pennington Immunity: An Argument Based on Supreme Court Precedent That Federal Antitrust Law Forms the Foundation of Noerr-Pennington, Not the First Amendment, Michael Pemstein

Regulatory Taxings, Eduardo Peñalver

Restoring the Right Constitution? (reviewing Randy Barnett, Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty (2004)), Eduardo Peñalver

The Costs of Regulation or the Consequences of Poverty? Progressive Lessons from de Soto, Eduardo Peñalver

Property and Community, Eduardo Peñalver and Gregory Alexander

Property and Community, Eduardo Peñalver and Gregory Alexander

Property Outlaws: How Squatters, Pirates and Protesters Improve the Law of Ownership, Eduardo Peñalver and Sonia Katyal

Acts of God or Toxic Torts? Applying Tort Principles to the Problem of Climate Change, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Is Land Special? The Unjustified Preference for Landownership in Regulatory Takings Law, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Is Public Reason Counterproductive?, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Land Virtues, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Property as Entrance, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Property Metaphors and Kelo v. New London: Two Views of the Castle, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Property's Memories, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Reconstructing Richard Epstein, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Redistributing Property: Natural Law, International Norms, and the Property Reforms of the Cuban Revolution, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Restoring the Right Constitution?, Eduardo M. Peñalver

The Concept of Religion, Eduardo M. Peñalver

The Illusory Right to Abandon, Eduardo M. Peñalver

The Persistent Problem of Obligation in International Law, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Treating Religion as Speech: Justice Stevens's Religion Clause Jurisprudence, Eduardo M. Peñalver

Property Outlaws, Eduardo M. Peñalver and Sonia K. Katyal

Property Outlaws , Eduardo Moisés Peñalver and Sonia K. Katyal

Judicial Takings or Due Process, Eduardo M. Peñalver and Lior Jacob Strahilevitz

Land Use Regulation, Eduardo Peñalver and Stewart Sterk

The Impact of State Anti-Predatory Lending Laws: Implications and Insights, Anthony Pennington-Cross, Raphael Bostic, Kathleen Engel, Patricia McCoy, and Susan Wachter


A Return to the State’s Right Model: Amending the Constitution’s, Meg Penrose

A Return to the State’s Right Model: Amending the Constitution’s, Meg Penrose


Perceived Barriers for Implanting Microchips in Humans: A Transnational Study, Christine Perakslis, Katina Michael, M.G. Michael, and Robert Gable

Drones Humanus, Christine Perakslis, Jeremy Pitt, and Katina Michael

Presidential Power to Address Climate Change in an Era of Legislative Gridlock, Robert V. Percival

Testimony of Robert V. Percival University of Maryland Carey School of Law Before the House Committee on Natural Resources Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Endangered Species Act, April 8, 2014, Robert V. Percival

Escaping the Common Law's Shadow: Standing in the Light of Laidlaw, Robert V. Percival and Joanna B. Goger

The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Governance in the United States and China, Robert V. Percival and Zhao Huiyu

Global Environmental Law at a Crossroads, Robert V. Percival, Jolene Lin, and William Piermattei

Global Environmental Law at a Crossroads: Introduction, Robert V. Percival, Jolene Lin, and William Piermattei

Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America, 3rd ed., Juan F. Perea

Scotland and Galicia: Devolution versus Autonomía, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut

The Romanian Constitutional Crisis, Vlad Perju

The Romanian Double Executive and the 2012 Constitutional Crisis, Vlad Perju


“Far From the Turbulent Space”: Considering the Adequacy of Counsel in the Representation of Individuals Accused of Being Sexually Violent Predators, Michael L. Perlin and Heather Ellis Cucolo


"Toiling in the Danger and in the Morals of Despair": Risk, Security, Danger, the Constitution, and the Clinician's Dilemma, Michael L. Perlin and Alison Julia Lynch


“Friend to the Martyr, a Friend to the Woman of Shame”: Thinking About The Law, Shame and Humiliation, Michael L. Perlin and Naomi Weinstein

2014 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Drone Dread (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

How Will UAVs Affect the Next Generation of Aviators? (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Is There a Drone in Your Future? (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Law-Abiding Drones (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Law and Order in the Skies (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.

Leashing Drones (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.


Sharing Public Safety Helicopters, Henry H. Perritt Jr.


Drones, Henry H. Perritt Jr. and Eliot O. Sprague


Seeking Law Abiding Drones: What to Tell Clients that Want to Use Drones in Their Business (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr. and Eliot O. Sprague

Sharing Public Safety Helicopters (with E. Sprague & C. Cue), Henry H. Perritt Jr., Eliot O. Sprague, and Christopher L. Cue

Crowdfunding: A New Form of Investing, Requires a New Form of Investor Protection, Jorge Pesok

"Love and Hatred in Victorian Britain(1837-1901): Purgatory Urban Scenes Under Economic Liberalism: (Child) Labors.", Chien-Yu Kao Peter

Taiwan's Probable CCS Policy: A Realist Perspective., Chien-Yu Kao Peter


Modern Prostitution Reform and the Return of Volitional Consent, Amanda J. Peters

To Sue Is Human; to Settle Divine: Intercultural Collaborations to Expand the Use of Mediation in Costa Rica, Donald C. Peters

When Lawyers Move Their Lips: Attorney Truthfulness in Mediation and a Modest Proposal, Donald C. Peters

It Takes Two to Tango, and to Mediate: Legal Cultural and Other Factors Influencing United States and Latin American Lawyers’ Resistance to Mediating Commercial Disputes, Don C. Peters


One journalist, two roles: What happens when journalists also work as media coordinators?, Jonathan Peters


When Open Government and Academic Freedom Collide, Jonathan Peters



The Federal Experiment with Evidence-Based Funding: Lessons from the Home Visiting Program, Philip G. Peters Jr.

Can Access to a Medical-Legal Partnership Benefit Patients with Asthma Who Live in an Urban Community?, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

Can Access to a Medical-Legal Partnership Benefit Patients with Asthma Who Live in an Urban Community?, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

The Health Law Partnership: A Medical-Legal Partnership Strategically Designed to Provide a Coordinated Approach to Public Health Legal Services, Education, Advocacy, Evaluation, Research, and Scholarship, Robert Pettignano, Lisa R. Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

The Health Law Partnership: A Medical-Legal Partnership Strategically Designed to Provide a Coordinated Approach to Public Health Legal Services, Education, Advocacy, Evaluation, Research, and Scholarship, Robert Pettignano, Lisa R. Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

A Case for Including Lawyers on the Care Team, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss

A Case for Including Lawyers on the Care Team, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss

Medical-Legal Partnership: Impact on Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss

Medical-Legal Partnership: Impact on Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss

The Health Law Partnership: Adding a Lawyer to the Health Care Team Reduces System Costs and Improves Provider Satisfaction, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Susan McLaren


Campaign Finance, Federalism, and the Case of the Long-Armed Donor, Todd E. Pettys

Presented (invited), “U.S. Administrative Agencies” (weeklong seminar), Huyen T. Pham

Presenter - Domestic Migration and State-Created Immigration Climate in the United States, Huyen T. Pham


IPCC Makes Climate A Human Rights Issue, Alexandra Phelan and Matthew Rimmer

The Depths of Deepening Insolvency: Damage Exposure for Officers, Directors and Others, Kathy Bazoian Phelps and Jack F. Williams


Delayed treatment with a t-PA analogue and streptokinase in a rabbit embolic stroke model, David A. Phillips, Marc Fisher, Michael A. Davis, Thomas W. Smith, and Roy H.L. Pang

Cross-Jurisdictional Tolling, Tanya Pierce

Hot Topics in Legal Writing Curricular Development, Tanya Pierce

How Expanded Pretrial Consolidation Can Discourage Duplicative Litigation and Facilitate Global Settlements in Mass Torts, Tanya Pierce