The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Steepness of the Slippery Slope: Second Amendment Litigation in the Lower Federal Courts and What It Has to Do with Background Recordkeeping Legislation, Michael P. O'Shea
Why Firearm Federalism Beats Firearm Localism, Michael P. O'Shea
Análisis Económico de las Sanciones Administrativas en el Derecho de la Competencia y del Consumo, Camilo Ossa
Tratamiento de la colusión en la contratación pública: una visión del caso colombiano, Camilo Ossa
Tratamiento de la colusión en la contratación pública: una visión del caso colombiano, Camilo Ossa
EL PRINCIPIO DE PRECAUCIÓN EN LA JURISPRUDENCIA CONSTITUCIONAL COLOMBIANA: incertidumbre científica y omisiones selectivas, Camilo Ossa and Daniel Monroy
COMMODIFICATION OF THE FEMALE EGG: Stem Cell Technology and the Future, Rachel Rose Ostrander
China's Competition Policy Reforms: The Anti-Monopoly Law and Beyond, Bruce M. Owen, Su Sun, and Wentong Zheng
Bounties for Bad Behavior: Rewarding Culpable Whistleblowers under the Dodd-Frank Act and Internal Revenue Code, Jennifer M. Pacella
Heaven and hell: visions for pervasive adaptation, Ben Paechter, Jeremy Pitt, Nikola Serbedzija, Katina Michael, Jennifer willies, and Ingi Helgason
DIY Urbanism: Property and Process in Grassroots City Building, Celeste Pagano
Mapping property and ecosystem services, John Page
The implications of property diversity, John Page
Of earthquakes, red zones and property rights: the quake outcasts case, John Page and Ann Brower
Communication and Concerted Action, William H. Page
Workable Antitrust Remedies, William H. Page
Standard Oil and U.S. Steel: Predation and Collusion in the Law of Monopolization and Mergers, William H. Page
The Gary Dinners and the Meaning of Concerted Action, William H. Page
Thurman Arnold's International Antitrust Legacy, William H. Page
Bargaining in the Shadow of the European Microsoft Decision: The Microsoft-Samba Protocol License, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Software Development as an Antitrust Remedy: Lessons from the Enforcement of the Microsoft Communications Protocol Licensing Requirement, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Pari passu to Gunboats: NML v. Argentina, Vassilis Paliouras
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance: Regional Issues and Needs. Background Paper for the RPOA MCS Workshop, Mary Ann Palma, Ben M. Tsamenyi, and Quentin A. Hanich
How Can Government Lawyers contribute to Accountability, Matthew S. R. Palmer QC
Politics and Public Sector Employees: What's gone wrong with the relationship between ministers and public servants - why it matters, and what needs to be done to fix it, Matthew S. R. Palmer QC
The Status and Effect in New Zealand Law of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Matthew S. R. Palmer QC
General Principles of Law in International Sports Activities and Lex Sportiva, Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos Professor (Sp.Law)
In Sports Activities when there is Ludica, Lex is Not, but when Lex is, then only Lex Sportiva is !!! As a Category of Sports Law, Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos Professor (Sp.Law)
Domestic Violence and Gun Rights in Nevada, Michael Pandullo
Summary of Herman v. State, 122 Nev. Adv. Op. 17, Michael Pandullo
Summary of State v. Sargent, 122 Nev. Adv. Op. 18, Michael Pandullo
Underclaiming and Overclaiming, Sachin Pandya and Peter Siegelman
Deals or No Deals: Integrating Transactional Skills In the First Year Curriculum, Lynnise E. Pantin
Empowering Law Students to Develop Their Own Lawyer Personas Through a Community-Based Transactional Teaching Module, Lynnise E. Pantin
It’s Not Lawyering Unless You Are Litigating: Social Justice and the Transactional Law Clinic, Lynnise E. Pantin
Panelist, Incorporating Social Justice Themes into the 1L Writing Curriculum to Prompt Students to Develop a Broader Community-Based Mindset, Lynnise E. Pantin
Introducción a la Financiación Colectiva (Crowdfunding) en el Mercado de Capitales, Martin Paolantonio
La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación y el "Cepo Cambiario", Martin Paolantonio
Las facultades sancionatorias de la Comisión Nacional de Valores, Martin Paolantonio
Las obligaciones en moneda extranjera y las restricciones cambiarias en la contratación privada, Martin Paolantonio
Obligaciones en Moneda Extranjera en el Proyecto de Código Civil, Martin Paolantonio
Reajuste Contractual sin Indexación, Martin Paolantonio
Cities, Property, and Positive Externalities, Gideon Parchomovsky and Peter Siegelman
Selling Mayberry: Communities and Individuals in Law and Economics, Gideon Parchomovsky and Peter Siegelman
¿Es posible la renuncia al Derecho de propiedad?, Henrry Paredes Sanchez
¿Es posible la renuncia al Derecho de Propiedad?, Henrry Paredes Sanchez
Outsourcing Corporate Accountability, Kish Parella
Outsourcing Corporate Accountability, Kish Parella
Transcommercial Institutional Legitimacy, Kish Parella
What is the role of trust in the marketplace?, Kish Parella
Popular Culture's Portrayal Of Attorney Decision-Making and It's Consequences- An Analysis of an Attorney's Internal Ethical Conflict in Film, Tara M. Parente
Reaching In, Reaching Out: Faith Schools, community engagement, and 21st-century skills for intercultural understanding., Marie Parker-Jenkins Professor
Reconciling the Irreconcilable Conflict in Insurance Severability of Interests Clause Interpretation, Johnny Parker
Facilitative Moderation for Online Participation in eRulemaking, Joonsuk Park, Claire Cardie, Cynthia R. Farina, Sally Klingel, Mary J. Newhart, and Joan-Josep Vallbé
Unconscious Bias and the 2008 Presidential Election, Gregory S. Parks and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Human rights and immigrants’ access to care, Wendy E. Parmet and Simon Fischer
Plenary Program: Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Wendy E. Parmet and Charity Scott
Combatant Immunity in Non-International Armed Conflicts Past and Future, Rymn J. Parsons
A Comparative Legal Approach for the Risks of Offshore Methane Hydrates: Existing Laws and Conventions, Roy A. Partain
The Application of Civil Liability for the Risks of Offshore Methane Hydrates, Roy A. Partain
A Summary Reflection on Legal Education, Robert A. Pascal and Olivier Moreteau
Desvaríos legislativos sobre la defensa posesoria extrajudicial y la estocada final a la fe pública registral. ¡Que celebren los traficantes de terrenos (más que los “neoliberales”)!, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
La tercería de propiedad frente a la hipoteca y el embargo. Cuando la dogmática puede más que el sentido común, la buena fe desaparece, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
The Cost of Conscience: Quantifying our Charitable Burden in an Era of Globalization, Frank A. Pasquale
Digital Culture Wars: SOPA and the Fight for Control of Online Content, Frank A. Pasquale
IP Law Book Review: Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code, and the Play of Every Day Practice, Frank A. Pasquale
Names, Trains, and Corporate Deals: Why Public Transit Shouldn't Sell Naming Rights, Frank A. Pasquale
Paradoxes of Digital Antitrust, Frank A. Pasquale
Private Certifiers and Deputies in American Health Care, Frank A. Pasquale
Resume, Angela R. Passaro
Updated Resume, Angela R. Passaro
Gandhi’s Nightmare: Bhopal and The Need for a Mindful Jurisprudence, Nehal A. Patel
A Mindful Environmental Jurisprudence?: Speculations on the Application of Gandhi’s Thought to MCWC v. Nestlé, Nehal A. Patel and Lauren Vella
Anirban Das, Towards Politics of the (IM) Possible: The Body in Third World Feminism, London, Anthem Press, 2012, 232 pp., $99, ISBN 9781843318552., Professor Vibhuti Patel
Equitable Society with Equal Opportunites, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Concerns in Manifestos of Political Parties by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Concerns in Manifestos of Political Parties by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Issues Find Space in Manifesto, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Issues Find Space in Manifesto, Professor Vibhuti Patel
MANJARI, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel on "Educational Reforms and Women’s issues in Maharashtra", Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel on "Educational Reforms and Women’s issues in Maharashtra", Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel on Gender Responsive Budgets in India, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel on Reservation of Seats for Women in the Parliament of India, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. vibhuti Patel "What is in Store for Women in The Union budget 2014-15?", Professor Vibhuti Patel
Providing Support to Survivors of Domestic Violence by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Research Horizon 2014.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Research Horizon 2014.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Vibhuti Patel Role of Collective Agency in Gencer Rights.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
WomenPowerConnect Newsletter, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Women's Reaearch and Action Group, Report of Activites, Professor Vibhuti Patel
WPC Annual Report 2015-2016.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
MOOCs and Modern Democracies, Richard L. Pate
Effect of Bribery in International Commercial Arbitration, Harshad Pathak, Pratyush Panjwani, Divya Srinivasan, and Punya Varma
Other People's Stories, Carol Pauli