The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Proper Citations in Scholarly Works, Tanya Pierce
Book Talk: Professor Tamara Piety, Tamara Piety
The Heroic Corporation and First Amendment Romanticism: A Response to ProfessorsRedish and Neuborne, Tamara R. Piety
Article Withdrawn, David Pimentel
Derecho Bursatil, Norma E. Pimentel
Federalismo Hacendario, Norma E. Pimentel
Principios de economía Master UPAEP, Norma E. Pimentel
Reglamentación Corportativa Empresarial, Norma E. Pimentel
Criminal Records, Race and Redemption, Michael Pinard
Una nueva generación: ¿por qué las medianas empresas deben reducir su dependencia bancaria y apostar por el MAV?, John Pineda Galarza
Una visión de futuro: perspectivas del proceso de fusión de la BVL y CAVALI, John Pineda Galarza
Os Direitos Humanos e a responsabilidade do credor internacional, Douglas Antônio Rocha Pinheiro Prof.
Os Direitos Humanos e a responsabilidade do credor internacional, Douglas Antônio Rocha Pinheiro
Legami personali e strutturali al vaglio della disciplina antitrus: lacuna normativa o interpretativa?, Gian Diego Pini
Parental Rights at the Birth of a Near-Viable Infant: Conflicting Perspectives, JoAnn Pinkerton and Paul A. Lombardo
Cuestionario examen final Cátedra 2014 I, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Cuestionario examen final Cátedra 2014 I, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
The Iraqi Refugee Crisis and the U.S. Response, Michele R. Pistone
Fat Food Marketing to be Challenged at Open Night for Budding Researchers, Elise Pitt, Melissa Coade, and Katina Michael
Enforcement Of Noncompete Agreements: Protecting The Public Interest Through An Entrepreneurial Approach, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Rethinking the Worker Classification Test: Employees, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Let Educators Educate, Let Builders Build: Making A Case For School Facility Privatization, John Pizzo
Article: Tensions between Visionary Concept and Political Context in Wildlife Protection Law, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Author Meets Critics: Zygmunt Plater's The Snail Darter and the Dam..., Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Endangered Species Protection at 40: Tensions Between Concept & Context: Developers, Government Agencies, Ecoactivists, Wild Things, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Keynote Address, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Regulatory Takings Law in Broader Context, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Departed: Extinction in America, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
TVA v. Hill: A Little Fish in a Pork Barrel, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Models of Success in the Academy, Victoria Plaut
Race and ethnicity in the workplace: spotlighting the perspectives of historically stigmatized groups., Victoria C. Plaut, Kecia M. Thomas, and Michelle R. Hebl
Racial identity denial and its discontents: Implications for individuals and organizations., Victoria Plaut, K. M. Thomas, and N. M. Tran
Diversity ideologies in organizations: An introduction., Victoria Plaut, N. M. Tran, and K. M. Thomas
Abolish the Inflation Tax on the Poor and Middle Class, John Plecnik
Officers Under the Appointments Clause, John Plecnik
Reckless Means Reckless: Understanding the EITC Ban, John Plecnik
The New Flat Tax: A Modest Proposal For a Constitutionally Apportioned Wealth Tax, John Plecnik
Growing Trend Toward Limiting Capacity to Protect Compilations, Kenneth A. Plevan and Michael B. Landau
The Legal and the Local: Using Disparate Impact Analysis to Understand the Consequences of Writing Assessment, Mya Poe, Norbert Elliot, John Aloysius Cogan Jr., and Tito Nurudeen Jr.
The Colfax Street War, Albert E. Poirier Jr.
The Rise and Fall of the Exclusionary Rule, Albert E. Poirier Jr.
Associate Professor Jeffrey A. Pojanowski, Diploma Ceremony Address, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Private Law in the Gaps, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Same-Sex Marriage and Conflict of Law: The “Other” Constitutional Issue, Sheldon D. Pollack
WJP Rule of Law Index, Alejandro Ponce
Offsetting Benefits, Ariel Porat and Eric Posner
Personalizing Default Rules and Disclosure with Big Data, Ariel Porat and Lior Strahilevitz
Remarks on the Philosophy of Law in Brazil in the Twentieth Century, Ronaldo Porto Macedo Junior
Seminário Teoria da Decisão Judicial - A Justificação das Decisões Judiciais, Ronaldo Porto Macedo Junior
Principles of Federal Income Taxation, 6th edition, Daniel Q. Posin and Donald B. Tobin
Principles of Federal Income Taxation, 7th edition, Daniel Q. Posin Jr. and Donald B. Tobin
International Taxation: Corporate and Individual, Philip F. Postlewaite and Samuel A. Donaldson
Determining Treaty Eligibility for Hybrid Entities and Their Owners, Philip F. Postlewaite, Samuel A. Donaldson, and Allison D. Christians
Justice Thomas, Brown v. Board of Education, and Post-Racial Determinism, Cedric Merlin Powell
Doing illegal things online? Here's what the tech companies are doing to catch you, Rose Powell and Katina Michael
Expanding the NAFTA Chapter 19 Dispute Settlement System: A Way to Declaw Trade Remedy Laws in a Free Trade Area of the Americas?, Stephen J. Powell
Should or Must?: Nature of the Obligation of States to Use Trade Instruments for the Advancement of Environmental, Labour, and Other Human Rights, Stephen J. Powell
The Role of United States Trade Laws in Resolving the Florida-Mexico Tomato Conflict, Stephen J. Powell and Mark A. Barnett
Current Administration of U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws: Implications for Prospective U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Talks, Stephen J. Powell, Craig R. Giesse, and Craig L. Jackson
Is the WTO Quietly Fading Away?: The New Regionalism and Global Trade Rules, Stephen J. Powell and Trisha Low
Global Laws, Local Lives: Impact of the New Regionalism on Human Rights Compliance, Stephen J. Powell and Patricia Camino Pérez
The Cotton and Sugar Subsidies Decisions: WTO's Dispute Settlement System Rebalances the Agreement on Agriculture, Stephen J. Powell and Andrew Schmitz
Constitutional Limitations on Sovereignty, 2014 edition, Garrett Power
Requiem for Regulation, Garrett Power
Transparent Stakeholder Engagement in Practice: Lessons Learned from Applying Comprehensive Environmental Assessment to Research Planning for Nanomaterials, Christina Powers, Christine Hendren, Amy Wang, and Michael Davis
Breves apuntes sobre el nuevo "desalojo express" para los inquilinos bajo la cláusula del allanamiento futuro, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Applying Administrative Law Principles to Hydraulic Fracturing, Joel M. Pratt
Activist Compensation of Board Nominees & the Middle Ground Response, Adam Prestidge
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE: The Influence of U.S. News & World Report on the Rise of Transfer Students in Law Schools and a Modest Proposal for Reform, Bruce M. Price and Sara Star
Price on Contemporary Estate Planning, John R. Price and Samuel A. Donaldson
The Opioid-Dependent Criminal: Improving the Criminal Justice System to Account for Their Needs, Courtney E. Priolo
Law Stretched Thin: Access to Justice in Rural America, Lisa R. Pruitt
Law Stretched Thin: Access to Justice in Rural America, Lisa R. Pruitt
Law Stretched Thin: Access to Justice in Rural America, Lisa R. Pruitt
The Environmentally Conscious Skies: Did the European Union’s Game of Brinksmanship Lead to a Viable Global Plan for Emissions Trading in Aviation?, Darren Prum and Kathryn Kisska-Schulze
Green Building Geography Across the United States: Does Governmental Incentives or Economic Growth Stimulate Construction?, Darren Prum and Tetsuo Kobayashi
Set Up for Abduction and Extortion by the IRS: Does the Reporting of Interest Paid on U.S. Bank Deposits Undermine the Government’s Obligation to Avoid Instigating Terrorism by Foreign Criminal Gangs and Drug Cartels?, Darren Prum and Chad Marzen
Set Up for Abduction and Extortion by the IRS: Does the Reporting of Interest Paid on U.S. Bank Deposits Undermine the Government's Obligation to Avoid Instigating Terrorism by Foreign Criminal Gangs and Drug Cartels?, Darren Prum and Chad G. Marzen
The Technological and Business Evolution of Machine Based Gambling in America, Darren Prum and Carlin McCrory
Enforcement in a Regime Complex, Sergio Puig
Preventing and Countering the Financing of Terrorism within the Roman Catholic Church, Ryan J. Pulkrabek
Fracking:The Preemptive Scope of State Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority vs. Local Government Authority, And Why Preemption Is a Near Certainty in the State of Colorado, Brandon R. Pumphrey
Neurotechnologies at the Intersection of Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Painful Disparities, Painful Realities, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Adolescent Medical Decision Making and the Law of the Horse, Amanda C. Pustilnik and Leslie Meltzer Henry
Introduction: Adolescent Medical Decision Making and the Law of the Horse, Amanda C. Pustilnik and Leslie Meltzer Henry
Introduction: Adolescent Medical Decision Making and the Law of the Horse, Amanda C. Pustilnik and Leslie Meltzer Henry
Copyright and E-Resources : Licensing and Access Issues, Laura Quilter
FCC Commenting Workshop, Laura Quilter
FCC Comments Workshop, Laura Quilter
From 'Banned in Boston' to Ethnic Studies in Arizona: Intellectual Freedom in America Today, Laura Quilter
Guide to Policy & Legal Research in Three Easy Steps, Laura Quilter
Intellectual Property Cheat Sheet, Laura Quilter
Promulgating Knowledge and Managing Risk, Laura Quilter