The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Occupiers of 51 Olivia Road v. City of Johannesburg: Enforcing the Right to Adequate Housing through Engagement, Brian E. Ray
Policentrism, Political Moblization, and the Promise of Socioeconomic Rights, Brian E. Ray
Residents of Joe Slovo Community v Thubelisha Homes and Others: The Two Faces of Engagement, Brian E. Ray
Reprocessing Single-Use Medical Devices: The State of the Debate, Brian E. Ray and Mark Hermann
Children, Armed Conflict, and Genocide: Applying the Law of Genocide to the Recruitment and Use of Children in Armed Conflict, Jeffery R. Ray
Investor Security in the Energy Sector: Comparative Analysis of United States and European Union, Jeffery R. Ray
Offshore Safety and Environmental Regimes: A Post-Macondo Comparative Analysis of the United States and United Kingdom, Jeffery R. Ray
Labor Rights and Free Trade; Social Development Parallel to Economic Development, Hassan Razavi
Agency and Luck, Joseph Raz
Dworkin: A New Link in the Chain, Joseph Raz
Human Rights in the New World Order, Joseph Raz
On the Socratic Maxim, Joseph Raz
Responsibility and the Negligence Standard, Joseph Raz
Rights and Politics, Joseph Raz
The Identity of Legal Systems, Joseph Raz
Risk Tradeoff Analysis, Public Opinion and Nuclear Safety: A Spanish Case Study, Xiao Recio-Blanco
Preventing Cold War: Militarization in the Southernmost Continent and the Antarctic Treaty System's Fading Effectiveness, Dillon A. Redding
Examining wrongful convictions: Stepping back, moving forward, Allison D. Redlich
A Commercial Boomerang: Why Lenders Need to Check Their Contracts Twice, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Arrested Development: Taking Rule 2004 Examinations of Criminal Defendants, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Clutching a Home-Run Recovery from a Shortstop Transferee and the Single-Satisfaction Umpire, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Delaware Decision Revisits "an Interest of the Debtor in Property", Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Digging the Nail Out of the Coffin: LLC Law Responds to Olmstead, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Ferreting Out Fraud: When Courts Require Creditors to Use a Crystal Ball, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
Not All Loans Are Created Equal: Equitable Subordination and Prepetition Insider Lending After SI Restructuring, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
The Tip of the Iceberg: What Lies Beneath for Homebuilder Bankruptcies in the Wake of United Airlines, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
The Unforgiven: "Excusable Neglect" No Refuge for the Lawless, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
The Ups and Downs of the New Ordinary-Course-of-Business Defense, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica D. Gabel
The Sun Also Rises: Prospects for Solar District Heating in the United States, Adam L. Reed and John S. McCartney
Navigating the Law of Defense Counsel Ex Parte Interviews of Treating Physicians, Joe Regalia and Drew Cass
Respectful Language in CBA Publications and Communications in Touchstones, Sean Rehaag
Tribute: A Tribute to Justice Harry A. Blackmun: "The Kind Voice of Friends", William H. Rehnquist; Ruth Bader Ginsburg; William J. Brennan, Jr.; Byron R. White; Richard Arnold; A.M. Keith; Paul R. Baier; Allan Gates; Erwin N. Griswold; Edward Lazarus; Norval Morris; Gregg Orwoll; Estelle H. Rogers; Herman Schwartz; Nina Totenberg; and Sarah Weddington
Grounding Drones: Big Brother’s Tool Box Needs Regulation Not Elimination, Melanie M. Reid
The Quagmire that Nobody in the Federal Government Wants to Talk About: Marijuana, Melanie M. Reid
Business Law Breakfast - Justice Deferred is Justice Denied: We Must End Our Failed Experiment in Deferring Corporate Criminal Prosecution, Peter R. Reilly
Fixing Corporate Responsibility Internationally, Peter R. Reilly
Fixing Corporate Responsibility Internationally, Peter R. Reilly
Justice Deferred is Justice Denied: We Must End Our Failed Experiment in Deferring Corporate Criminal Prosecution, Peter R. Reilly
Justice Deferred is Justice Denied: We Must End Our Failed Experiment in Deferring Corporate Criminal Prosecution, Peter R. Reilly
Justice Deferred is Justice Denied: We Must End Our Failed Experiment in Deferring Corporate Criminal Prosecution, Peter R. Reilly
Copyright and the Tragedy of the Common, Tracy Reilly
Copyright and the Tragedy of the Common, Tracy Reilly
Copyright and the Tragedy of the Common, Tracy Reilly
Copyright and the Tragedy of the Commons, Tracy Reilly
Healthcare Reform Creates Pathway for Biosimilar Biologics, Frederick H. Rein, Scott A. Warren, and Yaniv Heled
Condoms Never FDA-Approved for Sodomy, Judith A. Reisman PhD
The Kinsey Cult: How They're Hypersexualizing Your Kids, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Cracking the 'Chicken' Code, Judith A. Reisman PhD and Eunice V. Ray
An Overview of the Fannie and Freddie Conservatorship Litigation, David J. Reiss
Armed, Unarmed or Harmed by Knowledge? A Comment on the FHA's Housing Counseling Pilot Program, David J. Reiss
Comment on Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Proposed Rulemaking, David J. Reiss
The FHFA's Proposed Single Security Structure, David J. Reiss
The Future of Fannie and Freddie, David J. Reiss
The Future of the Private Label Securities Market, David J. Reiss
Who Should Be Providing Mortgage Credit to American Households?, David J. Reiss
Comment on the FHFA's Small Multifamily Subgoal, David J. Reiss and Jeffrey Lederman
Comment on the FHFA's Small Multifamily Subgoal, David J. Reiss and Jeffrey Lederman
Comment on the CFPB's Policy on No-Action Letters, David J. Reiss, K. Sabeel Rahman, and Jeffrey Lederman
Relying on Government in Comparison: What Should the United States Learn from Abroad in Relation to Administrative Estoppel?, Dorit R. Reiss
The Eye of the Beholder: Participation and Impact in telecommunications (De)Regulation, Dorit R. Reiss
Licensee Standing to Prosecute in Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Claims, Susan R. Reiss and Michael B. Landau
Redressing Past Wrongs: Changing the Common Rule to Increase Minority Voices in Research, William C. Rencher and Leslie E. Wolf
Absolute Conveyance As a Mortgage in Iowa, Doug Rendleman
Bankruptcy Revision: Process and Procedure, Doug Rendleman
Civilizing Pornography: The Case for an Exclusive Obscenity Nuisance Statute, Doug Rendleman
Compensatory Contempt: Plaintiff's Remedy When Defendant Violates an Injunction, Doug Rendleman
Free Press-Fair Trial: Restrictive Orders After Nebraska Press, Doug Rendleman
Free Press-Fair Trial: Review of Silence Orders, Doug Rendleman
Liquidation Bankruptcy Under the '78 Code, Doug Rendleman
Review of J. Lieberman ed., The Role of Courts in American Society: The Final Report of the Council on the Role of Courts, Doug Rendleman
Review of Owen Fiss, The Civil Rights Injunction, Doug Rendleman
Collection of Student Loans: A Critical Examination, Doug Rendleman and Scott Weingart
From Blue to Green: The Development and Implementation of a Horticultural Therapy Program for Residents of a Battered Women’s Shelter, Claire M. Renzetti, Diane R. Follingstad, and Diane Fleet
Critique of Partnership Tax Reform, James R. Repetti
Moderator, Corporate Taxation, James R. Repetti
Revitalizing the Estate Tax, James R. Repetti
The Role of Economic Efficiency in Formulating Tax Policy, James R. Repetti
What is the Appropriate Role for Economic Efficiency in Formulating Tax Policy?, James R. Repetti
Revitalizing the Estate Tax: Five Easy Pieces, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
Introduction to United States International Taxation, 6th Edition, James R. Repetti, Diane M. Ring, and Paul R. McDaniel
Introduction to United States International Taxation, 6th Edition, James R. Repetti, Diane M. Ring, and Paul R. McDaniel
Handbook on the Law of Agency and Partnership, Harold Gill Reuschlein and William A. Gregory
The Law of Agency and Partnership, Harold Gill Reuschlein and William A. Gregory
The Law of Agency and Partnership: Student Edition, Harold Gill Reuschlein and William A. Gregory
El Consejo Nacional Electoral: peligro para la democracia, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
El futuro del tribunal de aforados, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
La reforma político-judicial de Santos, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
La reforma político-judicial de Santos (II), Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
Latin American State Building in Comparative Perspective (Marcus Kurtz), Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
Transformación urbana de Leticia. Énfasis en el periodo 1950-1960 (Jorge E. Picón), Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
How Can Behavioral Economics Inform Research on Workplace Injuries?, Robert T. Reville, Leslie I. Boden, Seth A. Seabury, and Hilary J. Rhodes
UOW and Westpac Supporting Women in Technology, Grant Reynolds and Katina Michael
A Critical Examination of the Climate Engineering Moral Hazard and Risk Compensation Concern, Jesse Reynolds
A Critical Examination of the Climate Engineering Moral Hazard and Risk Compensation Concern, Jesse Reynolds
Climate Engineering Field Research: The Favorable Setting of International Environmental Law, Jesse Reynolds
Response to Svoboda and Irvine (Ethical and Technical Challenges in Compensating for Harm Due to Solar Radiation Management Geoengineering), Jesse Reynolds
The International Regulation of Climate Engineering: Lessons from Nuclear Power, Jesse Reynolds
The New Territorialism in the Not-So-New Frontier of Cyberspace, William L. Reynolds and Juliet M. Moringiello
Incentivizing Credit Rating Agencies under the Issuer Pay Model Through a Mandatory Compensation Competition, Robert J. Rhee