About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

Saving Apes with the Laws of Men: Great Ape Protection in a Property-Based Animal Law System, Alexandra B. Rhodes

Veganism as a Nontraditional Religion: First Amendment Protection for Employees and Prisoners?, Alexandra B. Rhodes

Fundamental Rights, Moral Law, and the Legal Defense of Life in a Constitutional Democracy, Martin Rhonheimer and Paolo G. Carozza

The Indian Reorganization Act, The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and a Proposed Carcieri "Fix": Updating the Trust Land Aquisition Process, G. Rice

Collaboration between Public Health and Law Enforcement: The Constitutional Challenge, Edward P. Richards

Communicable Disease Control in Colorado: A Rational Approach to AIDS, Edward P. Richards

Evolving Viruses and Stagnant Public Health Policies: Flu, Fear, and Free Riders, Edward P. Richards

Public Policy Implications of Liability Regimes for Injuries Caused by Persons with Alzheimer's Disease, Edward P. Richards

Symposium Introduction: Past as Prolog: Can Managed Care Overcome the Conflicts Inherited from Fee-For-Service Medicine?, Edward P. Richards

The Hurricane Katrina Levee Breach Litigation: Getting the First Geoengineering Liability Case Right, Edward P. Richards

The Jurisprudence of Prevention: The Right of Societal Self-Defense Against Dangerous Individuals, Edward P. Richards

The Police Power and the Regulation of Medical Practice: A Historical Review and Guide for Medical Licensing Board Regulation of Physicians in ERISA-Qualified Managed Care Organizations, Edward P. Richards

The Role of the Horrible in Understanding Medicine: A Meditation on David Rothman's Strangers at the Bedside, Edward P. Richards

Administrative Compensation for Medical Malpractice Injuries: Reconciling the Brave New World of Patient Safety and the Torts System, Edward P. Richards and Thomas R. McLean

Health Care's "Thirty Years War": The Origins and Dissolution of Managed Care, Edward P. Richards and Thomas R. McLean

Managed Care Liability for Breach of Fiduciary Duty after Pegram v. Herdrich: The End of ERISA Preemption for State Law Liability for Medical Care Decision Making, Edward P. Richards and Thomas R. McLean

Teleradiology: A Case Study Of The Economic And Legal Considerations In International Trade In Telemedicine, Edward P. Richards and Thomas R. McLean

Making State Public Health Laws Work for SARS Outbreaks, Edward P. Richards and Katharine C. Rathbun

The Role of the Police Power in 21st Century Public Health, Edward P. Richards and Katharine C. Rathbun

The Smallpox Vaccination Campaign of 2003: Why Did It Failand What Are the Lessons for Bioterrorism Preparedness?, Edward P. Richards, Katharine C. Rathbun, and Jay Gold

Risk Management Theory: Reducing Liability in Corporate and Medical Environments, Edward P. Richards and Abraham Silvers

Scanning Our Needs and Options: How Selecting an Overhead Scanner for ILL was a Team Effort (Poster Session), Elizabeth A. Richardson and Cindy Kristof


A History of Financial Regulation in the USA from the Beginning Until Today: 1789 to 2011, Gary Richardson


Real Change or a Red Herring?: The FDA's Proposal to Alter the Nutrition Facts Label After Two Decades, Katie Sierra Richardson


Resume, Katie Sierra Richardson


Abandonment and Adverse Possession, Sally Brown Richardson

Jeff Rasley: Mountains of Meaning, Pam Richards and Jeff Rasley

Teaching Transactional Skills in Upper-Level Doctrinal Courses: Three Exemplars, Rachel Arnow Richman, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley

Teaching Transactional Skills in Upper-Level Doctrinal Courses: Three Exemplars, Rachel Arnow Richman, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley


The Future of Sex Offense Courts: How Expanding Specialized Sex Offense Courts Can Help Reduce Recidivism and Improve Victim Reporting, Catharine Richmond and Melissa Richmond

Commercial or Advertising Purpose Under Florida Statutes Section 540.08 Demystified, Michael L. Richmond

In Defence of Poesie, Michael L. Richmond

Scraping Some Moss from the Old Oaken Doctrine: Election Between Undisclosed Principals and Agents and Discovery of Their Net Worth, Michael L. Richmond


Seeking Consistency for Prior Consistent Statements: Amending Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), Liesa L. Richter


Toward a Less Adversarial Relationship Between Chevron and Gardner, James Ridgway

An Ethnography of Abstractions?, Annelise Riles

A New Agenda for the Cultural Study of Law: Taking on the Technicalities, Annelise Riles

Anthropology, Human Rights, and Legal Knowledge: Culture in the Iron Cage, Annelise Riles

Cultural Conflicts, Annelise Riles

Division within the Boundaries, Annelise Riles

Encountering Amateurism: John Henry Wigmore and the Uses of American Formalism, Annelise Riles

Ethnography in the Realm of the Pragmatic: Studying Pragmatism in Law and Politics, Annelise Riles

Hope in the Law, Annelise Riles

Infinity within the Brackets, Annelise Riles

Is New Governance the Ideal Architecture for Global Financial Regulation?, Annelise Riles

Is the Law Hopeful?, Annelise Riles

Managing Regulatory Arbitrage: An Alternative to Harmonization, Annelise Riles

Market Collaboration: Finance, Culture, and Ethnography after Neoliberalism, Annelise Riles

Models and Documents: Artefacts of International Legal Knowledge, Annelise Riles

Placeholders: Engaging the Hayekian Critique of Financial Regulation, Annelise Riles

Property as Legal Knowledge: Means and Ends, Annelise Riles

Real Time: Governing the Market After the Failure of Knowledge, Annelise Riles

Real Time: Unwinding Technocratic and Anthropological Knowledge, Annelise Riles

Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, Annelise Riles

Rights Inside Out: The Case of the Women's Human Rights Campaign, Annelise Riles

The Anti-Network: Private Global Governance, Legal Knowledge, and the Legitimacy of the State, Annelise Riles

The View from the International Plane: Perspective and Scale in the Architecture of Colonial International Law, Annelise Riles

The Virtual Sociality of Rights: The Case of "Women's Rights are Human Rights", Annelise Riles

User Friendly: Informality and Expertise, Annelise Riles

Wigmore's Shadow, Annelise Riles

Wigmore's Treasure Box: Comparative Law in the Era of Information, Annelise Riles

Reforming Knowledge? A Socio-Legal Critique of the Legal Education Reforms in Japan, Annelise Riles and Takashi Uchida


A Closer Look at Fair Use: Peter Jaszi and Naomi Novik testify to the United States Congress, Matthew Rimmer


A Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties on the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA), Matthew Rimmer


A Supplementary Submission on Trojan Horse Clauses: Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Matthew Rimmer


A Supplementary Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties on the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, Matthew Rimmer


Australians May Get their Own Stop Online Piracy Act #SOPA: Christmas Time for Copyright Owners, Matthew Rimmer


Blue Future: Maude Barlow, Water Rights, Investor Clauses, and Trade Deals, Matthew Rimmer

Copyright Law, Fair Use, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Free Speech, Remix Culture, and 3D Printing, Matthew Rimmer


Creative Destruction: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Jobs, and Labor Rights, Matthew Rimmer


Divest Harvard: Climate Justice, Higher Education, and Fossil Fuel Divestment, Matthew Rimmer


Does Australia need laws for 'Biotrespass' to protect Organic Farmers?, Matthew Rimmer


Environmental Technologies, Intellectual Property and Climate Change (2013) edited by Abbe Brown - a Review, Matthew Rimmer


Fossil Free Patent Law, Matthew Rimmer


Fossil Free Stanford: Universities, Climate Ethics, and Fossil Fuel Divestment, Matthew Rimmer


From Kafka to KAFTA: Intellectual Property, and the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, Matthew Rimmer


Geopiracy: Patent Law, Climate Change, and Geoengineering', (2014) 121 Counter-Reaction 41-42, Matthew Rimmer


Hawai’i, Clean Energy, and Climate Action, Matthew Rimmer


House of Cards: Will Congress Fast-Track Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership?, Matthew Rimmer


Intellectual Property and Global Warming: Fossil Fuels and Climate Justice, Matthew Rimmer


Intellectual Property, Innovation, and the Environment (2014) edited by Peter Menell and Sarah Tran, Matthew Rimmer


Ireland, Plain Packaging, and the Olive Revolution, Matthew Rimmer


Lock the Gate: Fracking, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Matthew Rimmer


Michael Kirby's Challenge: Intellectual Property, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights, Matthew Rimmer


New Zealand, Plain Packaging, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Matthew Rimmer


No Logo: Brand Bullies, Trade Mark Law, and The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Matthew Rimmer


Open for Litigation: Australia, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Matthew Rimmer


Senator Elizabeth Warren fights the White House over the Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP #TPPA, Matthew Rimmer


Smoke and Mirrors in Trade Disputes will Harm Public Health, Matthew Rimmer


'Stay Brave': This Changes Everything - Capitalism vs the Climate (2014) by Naomi Klein, Matthew Rimmer

Tesla Motors: Intellectual property, open innovation, and the carbon crisis, Matthew Rimmer


Tesla Motors' Open Source Revolution: Intellectual Property and the Carbon Crisis, Matthew Rimmer


The Fight for Fair Use in Australia: Copyright Law in an Age of Cloud Computing, Matthew Rimmer


The High Court of Australia and the Marlboro Man: The Battle Over The Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products, Matthew Rimmer


The High Price of Drug Patents: Australia, Patent Law, Pharmaceutical Drugs, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Matthew Rimmer


The Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products: A Submission to the New Zealand Parliament, Matthew Rimmer Dr


The Sentencing of Jono Moylan, Matthew Rimmer


The Solar Capital: Canberra, Clean Tech, and Climate Change, Matthew Rimmer


The State of the Union: President Obama, Intellectual Property, and Trade, Matthew Rimmer


The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Halloween Horror-Show, Matthew Rimmer