About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Intensive Training, Ryan Rowberry

Law School Update: LCCHP Law School Survey Report on Cultural Heritage Curricula, Ryan Rowberry

Legal History Through Digital Sources, Ryan Rowberry

Medieval Manuscript Transcription and Collation, Ryan Rowberry

Ode to Language, Ryan Rowberry

The Anglo-Saxon Axe: An Introductory Study, Ryan Rowberry

The Battle Over Maldon: Byrthnoth's Ofermode, Ryan Rowberry

Violence & Affray in Herefordshire During the Early Tudor Period (1485-1547), Ryan Rowberry

Spoken English for International Communication, Ryan Rowberry, Salena Chow, and West Delavera

A Brief History of Coptic Personal Status Law, Ryan Rowberry and John Khalil

Patents, Genetically Modified Foods, and IP Overreaching, Elizabeth A. Rowe

Saving Trade Secret Disclosures on the Internet Through Sequential Preservation, Elizabeth A. Rowe

Striking a Balance: When Should Trade-Secret Law Shield Disclosures to the Government?, Elizabeth A. Rowe

Technology and Intellectual Property: New Rules for an Old Game?, Elizabeth A. Rowe

Introducing a Takedown for Trade Secrets on the Internet, Elizabeth A. Rowe

The Experimental Use Exception to Patent Infringement: Do Universities Deserve Special Treatment?, Elizabeth A. Rowe

Trade Secret Litigation and Free Speech: Is It Time to Restrain the Plaintiffs?, Elizabeth A. Rowe

When Trade Secrets Become Shackles: Fairness and the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine, Elizabeth A. Rowe

A Place for All at the Global Health Table: A Case Study about Creating an Interprofessional Global Health Project, Virginia Rowthorn

Health Law Service - Learning Trip: a How-To Guide, Virginia Rowthorn

La Tutela y Sus Alternativas: un manual sobre la ley de Maryland, Virginia Rowthorn and Ellen Callegary

Victim Gender and the Death Penalty, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Valerie P. Hans, Theodore Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells, John H. Blume, and Sheri Lynn Johnson

Victim Gender and the Death Penalty, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Valerie P. Hans, Theodore Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells, John H. Blume, and Sheri Lynn Johnson

Climate Change and Tribal Water Rights: Removing Barriers to Adaptation Strategies, Judith Royster


The Value of Privacy: Safeguarding your information in the age of the Internet of Everything, Monica Rozenfeld, Katherine Albrecht, and Katina Michael


Antitrust Settlements, Daniel L. Rubinfeld

Book Review: Harry First and Andrew I. Gavil, “The Microsoft Antitrust Cases.”, Daniel L. Rubinfeld


Why Was the Democratic Transition in South Africa Viable, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Robert P. Inman


Economics of Federalism, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Robert P. Inman


Measuring Benchmark Damages in Antitrust Litigation, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Justin McCrary


Is There a Market for Organic Search Engine Results and Can Their Manipulation Give Rise to Antitrust Liability?, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and James Ratliff


A Fresh Look at FOIA: Librarians and FOIAonline, Taryn L. Rucinski


Dreaming of a Green Conference…, Taryn L. Rucinski


Global Water Resources and Publications, Taryn L. Rucinski

The Elephant in the Room: Toward a Definition of Grey Legal Literature, Taryn L. Rucinski


To Abbreviate or Not to Abbreviate: A Perspective on Administrative Agency Bluebook Citations, Taryn L. Rucinski


Assessing Environmental Governance of the Hudson River Valley: Application of an IPPEP Model, Taryn L. Rucinski, Wang Xi, Albert K. Butzel, Richard L. Ottinger, Nicholas A. Robinson, John Louis Parker, Marla E. Wieder, Radina R. Valova, and Wang Pianpian

Congress Intended for Drake's Estero to Become a Wilderness Area, Catherine L. Rucker

Congress Intended for Drake's Estero to Become a Wilderness Area, Catherine L. Rucker

How Congress Defined "Potential Wilderness", Catherine L. Rucker


Resolution 10-08-2014, to improve Automated External Defibrillator (AED) accessibility, Catherine L. Rucker

What "Potential Wilderness" Really Means, Catherine L. Rucker

Supreme Court Forecasting Project: Legal and Political Science Approaches to Supreme Court Decision-Making, Theodore Ruger, Pauline T. Kim, Andrew D. Martin., and Kevin M. Quinn

Supreme Court Forecasting Project: Legal and Political Science Approaches to Supreme Court Decision-Making, Theodore Ruger, Pauline T. Kim, Andrew D. Martin., and Kevin M. Quinn

The Supreme Court Forecasting Project: Legal and Political Science Approaches to Predicting Supreme Court Decisionmaking, Theodore W. Ruger, Pauline T. Kim, Andrew D. Martin, and Kevin M. Quinn

Marketing and Outreach in Law Libraries: A White Paper, Amanda Runyon, L. Cindy Dabney, Carol A. Watson, Liz McCurry Johnson, Emily Lawson, Shira Megerman, Jamie Summer, T.J. Striepe, and Michele Thomas


34. Disclosure suspicion bias and abuse disclosure: Comparisons between sexual and physical abuse., Elizabeth B. Rush, Thomas D. Lyon, Elizabeth C. Ahern, and Jodi A. Quas

The Anticanonical Lesson of Huckleberry Finn, Sharon Rush

Beyond Admissions: Racial Equality in Law Schools, Sharon E. Rush

Diversity: The Red Herring of Equal Protection, Sharon E. Rush

Emotional Segregation: Huckleberry Finn in the Modern Classroom, Sharon E. Rush

Federalism, Diversity, Equality, and Article III Judges: Geography, Identity, and Bias, Sharon E. Rush

If Black is So Special, then Why isn't it in the Rainbow?, Sharon E. Rush

Lessons From and For "Disabled" Students, Sharon E. Rush

Prenatal Caretaking: Limits of State Intervention with and without Roe, Sharon E. Rush

Protecting the Dignity and Equality of Children: The Importance of Integrated Schools, Sharon E. Rush

Sexual Orientation: A Plea for Inclusion, Sharon E. Rush

Sharing Space: Why Racial Goodwill Isn't Enough, Sharon E. Rush

Stone, Seidman, Sunstein & Tushnet's Constitutional Law: An Inclusive, Scholarly, and Comprehensive Constitutional Law Casebook, Sharon E. Rush

Talking About Race and Equality, Sharon E. Rush

The Heart of Equal Protection: Education and Race, Sharon E. Rush

The Warren and Burger Courts on State, Parent, and Child Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Analysis and Proposed Methodology, Sharon E. Rush

Whither Sexual Orientation Analysis?: The Proper Methodology When Due Process and Equal Protection Intersect, Sharon E. Rush

Domestic Relations Law: Federal Jurisdiction and State Sovereignty in Perspective, Sharon Elizabeth Rush

Black Protectionism as a Civil Rights Strategy, Katheryn Russell-Brown

"Driving While Black": Corollary Phenomena and Collateral Consequences, Katheryn Russell-Brown

Racial Profiling: A Status Report of the Legal, Legislative, and Empirical Literature, Katheryn Russell-Brown


The ABA Section on Legal Education Revisions of the Law Library Standards: What Does It All Mean?, Gordon R. Russell


Don’t Get SLAMmed into Nefer Nefer Land: Complaints in the Civil Forfeiture of Cultural Property, Victoria A. Russell

The Supreme Court and the Establishment Clause at the Dawn of the New Millennium: "Bristl[ing] with Hostility to All Things Religious" or Necessary Seperation of Church and State?, Charles J. Russo and Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Supreme Court and Vouchers: An Overview for Educators in Catholic Schools, Charles J. Russo and Ralph D. Mawdsley


فعــــل المضــــرور الموجــــب للمساءلــــة فــي ضــوء دعــــاوى المسئوليــة التقصيريــة: الطبيعــة القانونيــة و الخصائــص العامــة (دراســــة تحليليــــة مقارنــــة), Mousa Ruzaiq and Mashael Alhajeri


The Elaborate Paper Tiger: Environmental Enforcement and the Rule of Law in China, Erin Ryan


The Paper Tiger Gets Teeth: Developments in Chinese Environmental Law, Erin Ryan


The Spending Power and Environmental Law After Sebelius, Erin Ryan


The West Digest / Key Number System - Instructor's Notes, Lee A. Ryan


The West Digest / Key Number System - Slides, Lee A. Ryan


Apuntes sobre las escuelas en el Análisis Económico del Derecho, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

Cambiar para mejorar... no para confundir: Comentarios críticos sobre la reforma al libro de Sucesionees, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Coase v. Pigou: Revisitando un debate clásico en el AED, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

¿Donde existe un remedio, existe un derecho? Apuntes sobre el aforismo "ubi remedium, ibi ius", Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

¿El derecho de autor proteger a los grafitis? Reflexiones a propósito de la imagen del "Súper Papa", Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

El mito de la teoría del incumplimiento eficiente: Una revisión crítica desde el análisis económico del derecho, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Evaluación y crítica del libro de contratos, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Evaluación y crítica del libro de responsabilidad civil, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Introducción a los remedios contractuales en el Derecho Privado, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


La causa no-imputable en la responsabilidad contractual: Análisis y guía de cláusulas contractuales, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

La competencia entre sistemas jurídicos: A propósito de una necesaria reforma al libro de sucesiones, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


La diferencia ius-económica entre precios y sanciones: Relevancia para el criterio de imputación, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

La inducción al incumplimiento contractual: Intersección entre el derecho contractual, la responsabilidad civil y la competencia desleal, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

La lesión: ¿mito o realidad?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


¿La noción de contrato es homogénea?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

La racionalidad humana en el derecho y la economía: El aporte de la psicología, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Las relaciones contractuales de hecho y el contacto social: ¿Instituciones incomprendidas?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Los tormentos de la teoría del contacto social: Contextualizando (otra vez) una categoría jurídica, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


No deseado, no solicitado y no autorizado: ¿Nuevos (o viejos) retos del derecho de autor?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Prestaciones postdivorcio y pactos en previsión de ruptura matrimonial: Una visión comparada, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

Sobre la Importancia de la Tutela Cesatoria y la Tutela Reparatoria. A propósito de la reforma del artículo 17 del Código Civil planteada en el Proyecto de Ley 582/2011- CR, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


Toma de decisiones: contratos de consumo y evaluación de riesgos, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco


International Law and American Foreign Policy: Revisiting the Law Versus Policy Debate, Hengameh Saberi