The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Uber: ¿un negocio innovador desregularizado o vulnerador de la libre competencia?, Linda Sofía Sánchez Salazar, Sebastián Avendaño Jiménez, Yeisson Coronel Ávila, and Luis Alberto Castellanos Castillo
Abstract Democracy: A Review of Ackerman's We the People, Terrance Sandalow
Alfred F. Conard and Allan F. Smith, Terrance Sandalow
Andrew Walkover, Terrance Sandalow
A Skeptical Look at Contemporary Republicanism, Terrance Sandalow
Comment on Powell v. McCormack, Terrance Sandalow
Comment on Preliminary Report on Freedom of Expression and Campus Harassment Codes, Terrance Sandalow
Constitutional Interpretation, Terrance Sandalow
Equality and Freedom of Speech (Eighteenth Annual Law Review Symposium: Demise of the First Amendment? Focus on RICO and Hate Crime Litigation), Terrance Sandalow
Federalism and Social Change, Terrance Sandalow
Francis A. Allen, Terrance Sandalow
George Palmer, Terrance Sandalow
In Appreciation of Ted St. Antoine, Terrance Sandalow
Introduction [to Symposium on Constitutional Protection of Human Rights: Perspectives from Abroad], Terrance Sandalow
Jefferson B. Fordham: His Contribution to Local Government Law, Terrance Sandalow
Jefferson B. Fordham: His Contribution to Local Government Law , Terrance Sandalow
Judicial Protection of Minorities, Terrance Sandalow
Local Government in Sweden, Terrance Sandalow
Minority Preferences Reconsidered, Terrance Sandalow
On Becoming a Law Professor, Terrance Sandalow
Potter Stewart, Terrance Sandalow
Racial Preferences in Higher Education: Political Responsibility and the Judicial Role, Terrance Sandalow
Rejoinder (Response to article by William G. Bowen and Derek Bok), Terrance Sandalow
Review of Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience, by A. Fortas, Terrance Sandalow
Review of Free Speech in Its Forgotten Years, Terrance Sandalow
Social Justice and Fundamental Law: A Comment on Sager's Constitution, Terrance Sandalow
Ted St. Antoine: An Appreciation, Terrance Sandalow
The Distrust of Politics, Terrance Sandalow
The Moral Responsibility of Law Schools, Terrance Sandalow
The Supreme Court in Politics., Terrance Sandalow
The University and the Aims of Professional Education, Terrance Sandalow
Lost in the Cloud: Information Flows and the Implications of Cloud Computing For Trade Secret Protection, Sharon K. Sandeen
Lost in the Cloud: Information Flows and the Implications of Cloud Computing For Trade Secret Protection, Sharon K. Sandeen
De Recto, De Jure, or De Facto: Another Look at the History of U.S./Tribal Relations, Marren Sanders
Genomic Research in Indian Country: The New Road to Termination?, Marren Sanders
Bitcoin: The Revolutionary Currency, Tracy Sanders
Inclusive Excellence: Diversity Pipeline from School to Practice in AZ, Tracy Sanders
Pension Spiking, Tracy Sanders
ACPERA and What Business Lawyers Need to Know Right Away in an Antitrust Investigation, Robert M. Sanger
A Scientific Approach to Scientific Evidence: A Four-Stage Rule for Admissibility and Scope, Robert M. Sanger
Capital Punishment in Recent Literature -- Jaques Derrida, Robert M. Sanger
Death Penalty in America -- Recent Pew Study, Robert M. Sanger
Empiricism in Daubert and the California Supreme Court in Sargon, Robert M. Sanger
Government Denial Under Oath – HIDTA, Hemisphere and Parallel Construction, Robert M. Sanger
Juvenile Offenders: Life Without Parole (LWOP), Term of Years and a Reasonable Opportunity for Release, Robert M. Sanger
Shredded Fish,, Robert M. Sanger
The Limits of Game Theory on Important Legal Issues, Robert M. Sanger
Abuso del diritto nel recesso del preponente dal contratto di agenzia, Valerio Sangiovanni
Circolazione di titoli di debito e responsabilità degli investitori professionali, Valerio Sangiovanni
Contrastanti orientamenti nel difficile accertamento della natura di operatore qualificato nelle operazioni di swap, Valerio Sangiovanni
Delibera assembleare di riduzione facoltativa del capitale nella s.r.l. e opposizione dei creditori, Valerio Sangiovanni
Il diritto di esclusiva nel rapporto di agenzia, Valerio Sangiovanni
Mutui bancari, ammortamento alla francese e nullità delle clausole sugli interessi per indeterminatezza, Valerio Sangiovanni
Prestazione di servizi di investimento, Valerio Sangiovanni
Questioni giuridiche connesse all'emissione e all'uso delle carte di credito revolving, Valerio Sangiovanni
Developing constructs for psychopathology research: Research Domain Criteria, Charles A. Sanislow, Daniel S. Pine, Kevin J. Quinn, Michael J. Kozak, Marjorie A. Garvey, Robert K. Heinssen, Philip Sung-En Wang, and Bruce N. Cuthbert
Backbone of rural prosperity, Vanessa Santilli
Beyond Legal Realism?: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Studies, and the Situation of Legal Scholarship, Austin Sarat and Jonathan Simon
Consultant, Teacher’s College November Conference, Evangeline Sarda
Dignity and the Legal Profession, Evangeline Sarda
Director, "Authority, Power and Justice: Leadership for Change", Evangeline Sarda
Presenter, "Theory of Case", Evangeline Sarda
Presenter/Concurrent Session, "Countering the Curmudgeon Effect: How to Sustain our Energy and Maintain Our Teaching Effectiveness after Being in the Trenches", Evangeline Sarda, Lynn Barenberg, and Naomi Mann
Presenter/Concurrent Session, "Replicating Reality: Mobilizing the Classroom to Simulate Societal Dynamics Related to Social Justice to Explore the Complexity of Working for Change", Evangeline Sarda and Amy Reichbach
Análisis de competencia, Jose Luis Sardon
Autonomía municipal y acceso al mercado, Jose Luis Sardon
Calidad institucional, Jose Luis Sardon
Capital democrático, Jose Luis Sardon
Comparaciones peligrosas, Jose Luis Sardon
Congestión vehicular, Jose Luis Sardon
Constitución y Convención, Jose Luis Sardon
Estado de Derecho, Jose Luis Sardon
Libertad económica, Jose Luis Sardon
Layers of Vulnerability in Occupational Health and Saftey for Migrant Workers: Case Studies from Canada and the United Kingdom, Malcolm Sargeant and Eric Tucker
Empirical Evidence that Formative Assessments Improve Final Exams, Carol Springer Sargent and Andrea A. Curcio
Constitutional limits to European integration in the New Member States after the biggest enlargement, Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
DNA data exchanges between EU member States and fundamental rights protection (particularly fundamental rights to data protection), Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
La tutela de las libertades económicas fundamentales en el proceso de integración europea (Fundamental economic freedoms protection in the European integration process), Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
How the Usage of IT is Effecting Academic Libraries, Mohammed J. Sarwar
Toward a neoclassical theory of sustainable consumption: eight Golden Age propositions, Harry D. Saunders
A Matter of Class: The Impact of Brown v. McLean on Employee Discharge Cases, Christina M. Sautter
Host-Country Councils: Concept and Legal Aspects, Karl P. Sauvant and E. R. Lanier
Notes on the Policy Seminar on Inequality and Development, Held on the 26th of September 2014 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, J. G. A. Saviranta
On the Political Economy of Economic Integration in North Africa and West Asia, J. G. A. Saviranta
Sur l'économie politique de l'intégration économique en Afrique du Nord et Asie de l'Ouest, J. G. A. Saviranta
Refining Per Se Unfair Trade Practices, Matthew W. Sawchak
A New Life for Wrongful Living, Nadia N. Sawicki
Compelling Images: The Constitutionality of Emotionally Persuasive Health Campaigns, Nadia N. Sawicki
Application of Default Rules to Address Financial Conflicts of Interest in Academic Medical Centers, Joanna K. Sax
Access to Prescription Drugs: A Normative Economic Approach to Pharmacist Conscience Clause Legislation, Joanna K. Sax
Evaluation of academic scientists’ responses to situations that pose a conflict of interest, Joanna K. Sax
Financial Conflicts of Interest in Science, Joanna K. Sax
Protecting Scientific Integrity: The Commercial Speech Doctrine Applied to Industry Publications, Joanna K. Sax
The Separation of Politics and Science, Joanna K. Sax
The States "Race" with the Federal Government for Stem Cell Research, Joanna K. Sax
The Tobacco Diaries: Lessons Learned and Applied to Regulation of Dietary Supplements, Joanna K. Sax
BRICS, a Multi-Centre “Legal Network”?, Lucia Scaffardi
Deadly Dicta: Roe’s “Unwanted Motherhood,” Gonzales’s “Women’s Regret” and the Shifting Narrative of Abortion Jurisprudence, Stacy A. Scaldo