The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Supreme Interference: The Justices' Improper and Dangerous Reading of the Second Amendment, Eric J. Segall
Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court Is Not a Court and Its Justices Are Not Judges, Eric J. Segall
Telling the Truth About the Filibuster: It Is Time to Put It on the Shelf, Eric J. Segall
Ten Fun Facts (and Morals) About the Affordable Care Act and the Supreme Court, Eric J. Segall
Ten Wild and Crazy Facts, a Few Opinions, and One Prediction About the Supreme Court, Eric J. Segall
The 10 Worst Things About Rep. Darrell Issa's Panel and the Contraception Debate, Eric J. Segall
The Constitution According to Justices Scalia and Thomas: Alive and Kickin', Eric J. Segall
The First Amendment in a Justice Rehnquist World, Eric J. Segall
The High Court's Supreme Secrecy, Eric J. Segall
The Hypocrisy of the Abortion Debate: Why Conservatives Should Vote Pro-Choice and Leave Planned Parenthood Alone, Eric J. Segall
The Internet as a Game Changer: Reevaluating the True Threats Doctrine, Eric J. Segall
The Last Honest Conservative: Meet the Brilliant Ronald Reagan Appointee Making Antonin Scalia's Life Very Difficult, Eric J. Segall
The Prop. 8 Ruling, in Lay Person's Terms, Eric J. Segall
The Scalia-Posner War and Why it Matters, Eric J. Segall
The Skeptic's Constitution, Eric J. Segall
The Supreme Court and Affirmative Action: Why Now?, Eric J. Segall
The Taxing Law of Taxpayer Standing, Eric J. Segall
The Week the Supreme Court Came Out of the Closet, Eric J. Segall
Twenty Questions (Or the Hardest Course in Law School), Eric J. Segall
Umpires, the Affordable Care Act, and the Rule of Law, Eric J. Segall
What are They Hiding?, Eric J. Segall
What Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor" and Professional Wrestling Have in Common, Eric J. Segall
What Elena Kagan Could Have and Should Have Said (and Still Have Been Confirmed), Eric J. Segall
What Elena Kagan Could Have & Should Have Said (& Still Have Been Confirmed), Eric J. Segall
What Elena Kagan Could Have & Should Have Said (& Still Have Been Confirmed): A Reply, Eric J. Segall
What President Obama Should Have Said About the Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act, Eric J. Segall
Why I Still Teach Marbury (and So Should You): A Response to Professor Levinson, Eric J. Segall
Why I Still Teach Marbury (And So Should You): A Response to Professor Levinson, Eric J. Segall
Why Rick Santorum Is a Menace and a Libertarian's Worst Nightmare, Eric J. Segall
Gay Rights, Racial Prejudice, and True Equality, Eric J. Segall and Erwin Chemerinsky
Our Daughters' Future, Eric J. Segall and Erwin Chemerinsky
Shades of Gray: The Future of Affirmative Action in Higher Education, Eric Segall, Sarah M. Shalf, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, and Andrea L. Dennis
An overview of recent developments at the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, Jean-Francois Seguin
Structuring joint ventures in Saudi Arabia: what every foreign investor should know..., Jean-Francois Seguin
Duress as Rent Seeking, Mark Seidenfeld and Murat C. Mungan
A Pragmatic Critique of Modern Evidence Scholarship, Michael L. Seigel
Bringing Coherence to Mens Rea Analysis for Securities-Related Offenses, Michael L. Seigel
Effective Use of War Stories in Teaching Evidence, Michael L. Seigel
On Collegiality, Michael L. Seigel
Pragmatism Applied: Imagining a Solution to the Problem of Court Congestion, Michael L. Seigel
Rationalizing Hearsay: A Proposal for a Best Evidence Hearsay Rule, Michael L. Seigel
Corporate America Fights Back: The Battle over Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege, Michael L. Seigel
An Unsettling Outcome: Why the Florida Supreme Court Was Wrong to Ban All Settlement Evidence in Saleeby v Rocky Elson Construction, Inc., 3 So. 3d 1078 (Fla. 2009), Michael L. Seigel, Robert J. Hauser, and Allison D. Sirica
Measuring the Value of Collegiality Among Law Professors, Michael L. Seigel and Kathi Miner-Rubino
Some Preliminary Statistical, Qualitative, and Anecdotal Findings of an Empirical Study of Collegiality among Law Professors, Michael L. Seigel and Kathi Minor-Rubino
Prosecuting Martha: Federal Prosecutorial Power and the Need for a Law of Counts, Michael L. Seigel and Christopher Slobogin
Admissibility of Co-Conspirator Statements in a Post-Crawford World, Michael L. Seigel and Daniel Weisman
The Pedagogical Prosecutor, Nirej Sekhon
A Father's Crusade: The Medical Murder of Ina Raja, Nirej S. Sekhon
Beefeaters, Nirej S. Sekhon
Complementarity and Post-Coloniality, Nirej S. Sekhon
Equality and Identity Hierarchy, Nirej S. Sekhon
Note, A Birthright Rearticulated: The Politics of Bilingual Education, Nirej S. Sekhon
Punitive Injunctions, Nirej S. Sekhon
Redistributive Policing, Nirej S. Sekhon
Willing Suspects & Docile Defendants: The Contradictory Role of Consent in Criminal Procedure, Nirej S. Sekhon
Arbetsrätt i centrum och periferi. Migrationsrätt, arbetsrätt och (ir)reguljär arbetskraftsmigration, Niklas Selberg
Europadomstolens första dom om sympatiåtgärder: Europakonventionen är tillämplig men brittiskt förbud godtogs, Niklas Selberg
The Laws of “Illegal” Work and Dilemmas in Interest Representation on Segmented Labor Markets: À propos irregular migrants in Sweden, Niklas Selberg
Gendering Labour Law and Dilemmas in Critical Legal Scholarship: A Conversation with Judy Fudge, Niklas Selberg and Hanna Pettersson
Inför specialister i arbetsrätt i EU-domstolen, Niklas Selberg and Erik Sjödin
Inför specialister i arbetsrätt i EU-domstolen, Niklas Selberg and Erik Sjödin
Ceramic Petrofacies: Modeling the Angelina River Basin in East Texas, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Consilience: Radiocarbon, Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, and Litigation in the Ancestral Caddo Region, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Epistemology and Synthesis: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis and the Caddo Tradition, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Linking Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) with Geology in the Ancestral Caddo Region, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Modeling Regional Radicarbon Trends: A Case Study from the East Texas Woodland Period, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
The Archaeology of the Caddo, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
The Clements Site (41CS25): A Late 17th-to Early 18th-Century Nasoni Caddo Settlement and Cemetery, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S10, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S11, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S12, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S13, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S14, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S15, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S16, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S18, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S19, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S20, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S21, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S23, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S24, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S25, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S26, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S27, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S3, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S30, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S31, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S32, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S33, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S34, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S4, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S5, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S6, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-S7, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Vanderpool Vessel FIN-SC2, Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Spatial Dynamics of U.S. Cultural Resource Law, Robert Z. Selden Jr. and C. Britt Bousman
At the Confluence of GIS and Geochemistry: Identifying Geochemical Correlates of Ripley Engraved Caddo Ceramics, Robert Z. Selden Jr. and Timothy K. Perttula
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of Shell-Tempered Ceramics in the Ancestral Caddo Region: Rethinking Methods, Robert Z. Selden Jr. and Timothy K. Perttula
Radiocarbon Trends and the East Texas Caddo Tradition (ca. A.D. 800-1680), Robert Z. Selden Jr. and Timothy K. Perttula