The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Charging the Poor: Modern-Day Debtors’ Prisons, Neil L. Sobol
Legal Research – Then and Now, Neil L. Sobol
Protecting Consumers from Zombie-Debt Collectors, Neil L. Sobol
Tales from the Trenches: Customer Service: From the Mundane to the Bizarre, Neil L. Sobol
Writing Persuasively for Paralegals, Neil L. Sobol
Antitrust, Institutions, and Merger Control, D. Daniel Sokol
Cartels, Corporate Compliance, and What Practitioners Really Think About Enforcement, D. Daniel Sokol
Designing Antitrust Agencies for More Effective Outcomes: What Antitrust Can Learn From Restaurant Guides, D. Daniel Sokol
Explaining the Importance of Public Choice for Law, D. Daniel Sokol
Globalization of Law Firms: A Survey of the Literature and a Research Agenda for Further Study, D. Daniel Sokol
Law and Development: The Way Forward or Just Stuck in the Same Place?, D. Daniel Sokol
The Future of International Antitrust and Improving Antitrust Agency Capacity, D. Daniel Sokol
The Strategic Use of Public and Private Litigation in Antitrust as Business Strategy, D. Daniel Sokol
Competition Policy and Comparative Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, D. Daniel Sokol
Limiting Anticompetitive Government Interventions that Benefit Special Interests, D. Daniel Sokol
Monopolists without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age, D. Daniel Sokol
Order Without (Enforceable) Law: Why Countries Enter into Non-Enforceable Competition Policy Chapters in Free Trade Agreements, D. Daniel Sokol
Antitrust Merger Efficiencies in the Shadow of the Law, D. Daniel Sokol and James A. Fishkin
Antitrust Energy, D. Daniel Sokol and Barak Orbach
Regulation Room: How the Internet Improves Public Participation in Rulemaking, Jackeline Solivan and Cynthia R. Farina
Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access (Discussion), David Solomon, Brian L. Frye, Neal Hutchens, Stephen Wrinn, and Jennifer Bartlett
Multiculturalism, Sarah Song
Was Revenge a Hidden Rationale for Torture?, Avani Mehta Sood
Autonomía universitaria y supervisión estatal: ¿Es inconstitucional la SUNEDU?, Daniel Soria Luján
La defensa de la democracia dentro y fueras de las fronteras. El proceso político de la Mesa de Diálogo de la OEA del año 2000, Daniel Soria Luján
La República y el Imperio de Star Wars: Una Aproximación Jurídico-Política, Daniel Soria Luján
Límites constitucionales al modelo educativo de la escuela privada confesional, Daniel Soria Luján
Privacy Policies and Metadata Collection, Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Age, David Sorkin
Brady Reconstructed: An Overdue Expansion of Rights and Remedies, Leonard N. Sosnov Mr.
Memorial Service for Michael Mandel, Lorne Sossin, Nancy Sperling, James Moore, Gus Van Harten, Harry W. Arthurs, Sherry Aiken, Patrick Case, and Eric Tucker
ظهور پيدايش قدرت هاى نهادی در دولت ایران وتأثير آن در مذاكرات با ايالات متحده, Ahmed SOUAIAIA
Theories and Practices of Islamic Finance and Exchange Laws: Poverty of Interest, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
ظهور پيدايش قدرت هاى نهادی در دولت ایران وتأثير آن در مذاكرات با ايالات متحده, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
Safeguarding the Stocks: A report on analytical projects to support the development of a regional MCS strategy for Pacific oceanic fisheries, Duncan Soutar, Quentin A. Hanich, Mark Korsten, Tim Jones, and Jack McCaffrie
Competing policy packages and the complexity of energy security, Benjamin K. Sovacool and Harry D. Saunders
(NEW!!) ABSTRACT: 2014 American State Litter Scorecard, Stephen [Steve] Spacek
THE 2014 American State Litter Scorecard FINAL: Includes Scores, Charts, Stephen [Steve] Spacek
Teaching to Student Strengths to Bridge the Cultural Divide in the Legal Research Classroom, Julie M. Spanbauer
The Scrivener Extends Its Thanks to Jane Siegel for Her Valuable Contributions, Julie M. Spanbauer
Institutionalizing the Multiple Assessment Teaching Assistant Program, Julie M. Spanbauer, Rogelio Lasso, and Maureen Kordesh
Institutionalizing the Multiple Assessment Teaching Assistant Program, Julie M. Spanbauer, Rogelio Lasso, and Maureen Kordesh
Institutionalizing the Multiple Assessment Teaching Assistant Program, Julie M. Spanbauer, Rogelio Lasso, and Maureen Kordesh
Good Faith Discrimination, Girardeau A. Spann
The Rescission Doctrine: Everything Old is New Again, Allen Sparkman
The Commerce Clause and FDA Regulation of Stem Cells - Regenerative Sciences Serves as the Example, Kathryn Spates
International Abduction of Children: Why the UCCJEA is Usually a Better Remedy Than the Abduction Convention, Robert G. Spector
Book Review: Eduardo Aldunate, Backpacks Full of Hope: The UN Mission in Haiti, Glenys Spence
Yours, mine, and ours: the development, management and protection of intellectual property in third sector organisations, Elizabeth C. Spencer and Francina Cantatore
Hic Abundant Leones: The UN Combat Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Federico Sperotto
The_Future_of_the_American_Fight_against Terrorists.pdf, Federico Sperotto
The Use of Drones in Targeted killing Operations, Federico Sperotto
The Use of Drones in Targeted Killings, Federico Sperotto
LEGAL AID In The 1920s: WHITHER LAW REFORM, Mark Spiegel
Social and Economic Rights As Fundamental Rights, Carla Spivack and Francesca Bignami
From International Competitive Carrier to the WTO: A Survey of the FCC’s International Telecommunications Policy Initiatives 1985-1998, Lawrence J. Spiwak
Authentic Sisters’: H.D. and Margaret Cravens, Robert Spoo
Copyright Misuse: Emerging Trends and Consequences for Rights-Holders, Robert Spoo
H.D.’s Dating of Asphodel: A Reassessment, Robert Spoo
Why Public Performances of James Joyce's Works Are Not a Thing of the Past, Robert Spoo
Use It or Lose It: Copyright and Fair Use for Researchers and Scholars, Robert Spoo, Adrian Alexander, Kevin Dettmar, Peter Jaszi, Brendan O'Neill, Kate O'Neill, Robert Pickering, Tamara Piety, Paul Saint-Amour, Laura Stevens, Sean Latham, and Sam Halabi
NLRB and Social Media, Robert Sprague
The Walls Have Eyes: Surveillance Through Social Media, Robert Sprague
What Kulch Accomplished, What Kulch Left Out , Tim L. Sprague and Sandra J. Kerber
Prices versus Prizes: Patents, Public Policy, and the Market for Inventions, Daniel F. Spulber
Prices versus Prizes: Patents, Public Policy, and the Market for Inventions, Daniel F. Spulber
Local Government, "One Person, One Vote," and the Jewish Question, Kenneth A. Stahl
Mobility and Community in Urban Policy, Kenneth A. Stahl
Confirmation Biases and the Dual Tasking Undermine Effectiveness of Home Loan Disclosures, Debra P. Stark
Perspectives on Deficiency Judgments, Debra P. Stark
Workshop on Mortgages and Deeds, Debra P. Stark
Market Evidence, Expert Opinion, and the Adjudicated Value of Distressed Businesses, Robert J. Stark, Jack F. Williams, and Anders J. Maxwell
Disestablishmentarianism Collides with the FIrst Amendment: The Ghost of Thomas Jefferson Still Haunts Churches, Mathew D. Staver and Anita L. Staver
Lifting the Veil: An Expose on the American Bar Association's Arbitrary and Capricious Accreditation Process, Mathew D. Staver and Anita L. Staver
A Quick Guide Consisting of Rules Associated to Employee Grievance, Kate Steele
A Quick Guide Consisting of Rules Associated to Employee Grievance, kate steele
Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, April 2014, Alex Stein
Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, February 2014, Alex Stein
Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, January 2014, Alex Stein
Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, March 2014, Alex Stein
Beyond Yucca Mountain: Split Liability Drives Action for Interim Nuclear Waste Storage, Amy L. Stein
Climate Change Under NEPA: Avoiding Cursory Consideration of Greenhouse Gases, Amy L. Stein
Reconsidering Regulatory Uncertainty: Making a Case for Energy Storage, Amy L. Stein
Renewable Energy through Agency Action, Amy L. Stein
State Fish Stocking Programs at Risk: Takings Under the Endangered Species Act, Amy L. Stein
The Tipping Point of Federalism, Amy L. Stein
Removal and Remand - Beyond the Supplements, Joan E. Steinman
The Puzzling Appeal of Summary Judgment Denials: When Are Such Denials Reviewable?, Joan E. Steinman
Winning Safer Workplaces: A Manual for State and Local Policy Reform, Rena I. Steinzor
Consequences for Cleanup: EPA Gets Serious about Weak Watershed Improvement Plans, Rena I. Steinzor and Anne Havemann
Falling Behind: Processing and Enforcing Permits for Animal Agriculture Operations in Maryland is Lagging, Rena I. Steinzor and Anne Havemann
Social implications of technology: the past, the present, and the future, Karl Stephan, Katina Michael, M. G. Michael, Laura Jacob, and Emily Anesta
Abandoning the Pre-Existing Duty Rule: Eliminating the Unnecessary, Corneill A. Stephens