The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Chs. 1-9, 63-67, Corneill A. Stephens
Creditors' Rights in Georgia, Corneill A. Stephens
Escape From the Battle of the Forms: Keep It Simple, Stupid, Corneill A. Stephens
On Ending the Battle of the Forms: Problems with Solutions, Corneill A. Stephens
Part I: Georgia Civil Practice and Procedure, Corneill A. Stephens
What Happens Next? Will Protection Against Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Workplace Discrimination Expand During President Obama’s Second Term?, Sarah M. Stephens
Clash of the Titans: Collisions of Economic Regulations and the Need to Harmonize Prescriptive Jurisdiction Rules, Milena Sterio
Humanitarian Intervention Post-Syria: Legitimate and Legal?, Milena Sterio
International Law in Crisis: Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, Milena Sterio
Introductory Note to the International Criminal Court: Summary of the Prosecutor's Application Under Article 58, Milena Sterio
Islam and democracy can co-exist, and the United States must respect that, Milena Sterio
On the Right to External Self-Determination: "Selfistans," Secession, and the Great Powers' Rule, Milena Sterio
Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia: The Argument for Pirate Prosecutions in the National Courts of Kenya, The Seychelles, and Mauritius, Milena Sterio
Rethinking Amnesty, Milena Sterio
Seeking the Best Forum to Prosecute International War Crimes: Proposed Paradigms and Solutions, Milena Sterio
The Gaza Strip: Israel, Its Foreign Policy, and the Goldstone Report, Milena Sterio
The Right to Self-Determination under International Law : 'Selfistans', Secession, and the Great Powers' Rule, Milena Sterio
The Somali Piracy Problem: A Global Puzzle Necessitating A Global Solution, Milena Sterio
Encyclopedia of Journalism, Christopher H. Sterling and Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
The Political Logic of China’s New Environmental Courts, Rachel E. Stern
Bound by Laws, or by Values? A Multi-Level and Cross-National Approach to Understanding the Protection of Minority Owners in Family Firms, Charles E. Stevens, Roland E. Kidwell, and Robert Sprague
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, Deborah G. Stevenson and Gary L. Rose
Bargaining in the Shadow of Big Data, Dru Stevenson and Nicholas J. Wagoner
Do Androids Dream of Electric Free Speech? Visions of the future of copyright, privacy and the First Amendment in science fiction, Daxton R. Stewart
Weeds, Seeds, & Deeds Redux: Natural and Legal Evolution in the U.S. Seed Wars, Rebecca K. Stewart
Law Review Usage and Suggestions for Improvement: A Survey of Attorneys, Professors, and Judges, Max Stier, Kelly M. Klaus, Dan L. Bagatell, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Global Brief (Definition): The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is ..., Dan E. Stigall
Law and the Lodestar: Tunisian Civil Law and the Task of Ordering Plurality in the Aftermath of the Jasmine Revolution, Dan E. Stigall
The Civil Codes of Libya and Syria: Hybridity, Durability, and Post-Revolution Viability in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring, Dan E. Stigall
Law and the Lodestar: Tunisian Civil Law and the Task of Ordering Plurality in the Aftermath of the Jasmine Revolution, Dan E. Stigall
Human Rights and Military Decisions: Counterinsurgency and Trends in the Law of International Armed Conflict Anniversary Contributions - Use of Force, Dan E. Stigall, Christopher L. Blakesley, and Chris Jenks
Appointment Politics and the Ideological Composition of the Judiciary, Jed Stiglitz
Appointment Politics and the Ideological Composition of the Judiciary, Jed Stiglitz
Incapacitation Through Maiming: Chemical Castration, the Eighth Amendment, and the Denial of Human Dignity, John F. Stinneford
Punishment Without Culpability, John F. Stinneford
Rethinking Proportionality Under the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause, John F. Stinneford
The Illusory Eighth Amendment, John F. Stinneford
The "Not a Search" Game, John F. Stinneford
The Original Meaning of "Unusual": The Eighth Amendment as a Bar to Cruel Innovation, John F. Stinneford
Youth Matters: Miller v. Alabama and the Future of Juvenile Sentencing, John F. Stinneford
Managing Construction Conflict: Unfinished Revolution, Continuing Evolution, Thomas J. Stipanowich
Soft Law in the Organization and General Conduct of Commercial Arbitration Proceedings, Thomas J. Stipanowich
Living with ADR: Evolving Perceptions and Use of Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Management in Fortune 1,000 Corporations, Thomas J. Stipanowich and Ryan Lamare
Commercial Arbitration and Settlement: Empirical Insights into the Roles Arbitrators Play, Thomas J. Stipanowich and Zachary P. Ulrich
Construction vs. Development: Polarizing Models of Human Gestation, Richard Stith
Living Without Rights-- In Manners, Religion, and Law, Richard Stith
Parental Substance Use Disorders: Disparate Outcomes for Adjudicated Delinquent Youths, Patricia A. Stoddard Dare, Christopher A. Mallett, and Chiquitia Welch-Brewer
How attorneys question children about the dynamics of sexual abuse and disclosure in criminal trials., Stacia N. Stolzenberg and Thomas D. Lyon
36. Evidence summarized in attorneys' closing arguments predicts acquittals in criminal trials of child sexual abuse., Stacia N. Stolzenberg and Thomas D. Lyon
Evidence summarized in attorney’s closing arguments predicts acquittals in criminal trials of child sexual abuse, Stacia N. Stolzenberg and Thomas D. Lyon
Proportionality, General Principles of Law, and Investor-State Arbitration: A Response to Jose Alvarez, Alec Stone Sweet
The Challenge of Strong Religion in the Liberal State, Gila Stopler
The Right to an Exclusively Religious Education – The Ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel in Comparative Perspective, Gila Stopler
Article 4 of the ECHR and the Obligation of Criminalizing Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking, Vladislava Stoyanova
Gay Panic and the Case for Gay Shield Laws, Kelly Strader, Molly Selvin, and Lindsey Hay
Judicial Takings or Due Process?, Lior Strahilevitz and Eduardo Peñalver
Administrative Arbitrary Embarrassments at brazilian social security procedures, carlos luiz strapazzon and Maria Helena Pinheiro Renck
Narrow Tailoring, Compelling Interests, and Free Exercise: On ACA, RFRA and Predictability, Mark Strasser
Schuette, Electoral Process Guarantees, and the New Neutrality, Mark Strasser
Climate Geoengineering, An Assessment for the Future, Andrew L. Strauss
Climate Geoengineering Governance: The Role of International Law, Andrew L. Strauss
Environmental Constitutionalism in Africa, Andrew L. Strauss
The Islamic Awakening in North Africa, Andrew L. Strauss
Leases, Robert D. Strauss, Ellen Taylor, and Stephen T. Whelan
Most Sensibly Conservative and Safely Radical: Oklahoma's Constitutional Regulation of Economic Power, Land Ownership, and Corporate Monopoly, Rennard Strickland and James Thomas
3D Printing and IP: What Challenges and Responses in the EU?, Alain Strowel and Hee-Eun Kim
The Legacy of Operation Allied Force: A Reflection on its Legality Under United States and International Law, Jason Reed Struble and Richard A.C. Alton
Disproof of Stephen Cook's P=NP or other Similar Problems Stating Solved Equals Verified, James T. Struck
Disproof Riemann, Goldbach, Poincare, P=NP, Bernoulli, All Math Theorems, James T. Struck
James T. Struck BA, BS, AA, MLIS's Disproof of Fermat's Last Theorem, James T. Struck
Navier Stokes Disproved Containers Geometries State of matter not Scalar or Smooth, James T. Struck
Supreme Court Orders Potentially Misunderstood and Confusing-Case Study of Two Recent Supreme Court Orders, James T. Struck
Writ of Certorari-Co-Presidency, Monopoly, Invent, Press, Beating Victim, Nobel, Elder Abuse, Disability Discrimination, James T. Struck
Las garantías legales, explícitas e implícitas: derecho a la idoneidad de los consumidores, Pierino Stucchi and José Antonio Bezada Alencastre
In Search of Effective Ethics & Compliance Programs, Maurice E. Stucke
Creating and Certifying the Professional Mediator -- Education and Credentialing, Joseph B. Stulberg, Donald C. Peters, Tracy L. Allen, and Judith P. Meyer
China's Homegrown Free-Speech Tradition: Imperial Past and Modern Present. And Post-Modern Future?, Roy L. Sturgeon
Free Speech in China: Past and Present. And Future?, Roy L. Sturgeon
Justiciability and the Role of Courts in Adequacy Litigation: Preserving the Constitutional Right to Education, Robynn K. Sturm and Julia A. Simon-Kerr
Brian H. Stuy (with foreward by David Smolin), Open Secret: Cash and Coercion in China's International Adoption Program, Brian H. Stuy
Does Testing = Race Discrimination?: Ricci, the Bar Exam, the LSAT, and the Challenge to Learning, Dan Subotnik
Rethinking ‘Ghost Surgery’ in Teaching Hospitals: the Dilemma of Informed Consent and Surgical Education, Chia-Jui Su
Compelling Product Sellers to Transmit Government Public Health Messages, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Case for Performance-Based Regulation of Food and Beverage Retailers, Stephen D. Sugarman
The United States, Chapter 10, Stephen D. Sugarman
Tort Damages for Non-Economic Losses, Stephen D. Sugarman
Torts -- A Wider View, Stephen D. Sugarman
Compensation for Accidental Personal Injury: What Nations Might Learn from Each Other, Stephen D. Sugarman
Compensation for Accidental Personal Injury: What Nations Might Learn From Each Other, Stephen D. Sugarman
Doing Away with Tort Law, Stephen D. Sugarman
Family Choice: The Next Step in the Quest for Equal Educational Opportunity?, Stephen D. Sugarman
Family Law for the Next Cenutry: Background and Overview of the Conference, Stephen D. Sugarman
Financial Support of Children and the End of Welfare As We Know It, Stephen D. Sugarman
Foreward: Choosing among Systems of Auto Insurance for Personal Injury, Stephen D. Sugarman
Judges as Tort Law Un-Makers: Recent California Experience with New Torts, Stephen D. Sugarman
Land-Possessor Liability in the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Too Much and Too Little, Stephen D. Sugarman
Part of the Solution Rather Than Part of the Problem: A Role for American Private Elementary and Secondary Schools in the 1990s, Stephen D. Sugarman