The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Something to [Lex Loci] Celebrationis: Federal Marriage Benefits following United States v. Windsor, Meg Penrose
The Sistren: Ranking the Top 10 Female Supreme Court Justices, Meg Penrose
Tinkering with Success: College Athletes, Social Media and the First Amendment, Meg Penrose
Unbreakable Vows: Same-Sex Marriage and the Fundamental Right to Divorce, Meg Penrose
Unbreakable Vows: Same-Sex Marriage and the Fundamental Right to Divorce, Meg Penrose
Books Are Dead: Long Live Books!, Douglas Pepper and Giuseppina D'Agostino
Skeptical Environmentalist or Statistical Spin-Doctor?: Bjørn Lomborg and the Relationship Between Environmental Law and Environmental Progress, Robert V. Percival
Skeptical Environmentalist or Statistical Spin-Doctor?: Bjørn Lomborg and the Relationship Between Environmental Law and Environmental Progress, Robert V. Percival
Of Word Grenades and Impermeable Walls: Imperial Scholarship Then and Now, Juan F. Perea
Racial Templates, Juan F. Perea and Richard Delgado
A Pointless Legal Revolution - Constitutional Supremacy and EU Membership in Spain, 1978-2015, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut
El trasplante de los principios de justicia de John Rawls en la Constitución colombiana de 1991 y su aplicación por la Corte Constitucional en la Sentencia T-406 de 1992, Carlos Pérez-Garzón
Cosmopolitan Right, Jus Gentium and the Many Faces of Universalism in Constitutional Law, Vlad Perju
Geoengineering: The Perspective from Global Constitutionalism, Vlad Perju
Proportionality and Stare Decisis, Vlad Perju
The Ages of European Law, Vlad Perju
The Romanian Double Executive and the 2012 Constitutional Crisis, Vlad Perju
Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government, Vlad Perju, Matt Grellette, and François Tanguay-Renaud
A Historical Perspective on Administrative Jurisdiction in Latin America: Continental European Tradition versus US Influence, Ricardo Perlingeiro
2015 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Developing DROP Discipline: Training and Testing Operators of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Game of Drones (with E. Sprague), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Making Civilian Drones Safe: Performance Standards, Self-Certification, and Post-Sale Data Collection (with Albert J. Plawinski), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
One Centimeter Over My Back Yard: Where Does Federal Preemption of State Drone Regulation Start? (with Albert J. Plawinski", Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Using the Internet to Make Drones Safe (with Albert J. Plawinski), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Law Abiding Drones, Henry H. Perritt Jr. and Eliot O. Sprague
Documentation of Cemeteries and Funerary Offerings from Sites in the Upper Neches River Basin, Anderson, Cherokee, and Smith Counties, Texas, Timothy K. Perttula, Bo Nelson, and Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Additional New Radiocarbon Dates from East Texas Caddo Sites, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.
Documentation of Caddo Ceramic Vessels in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Holdings from Goliad State Park, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.
New Radiocarbon Dates from East Texas Caddo Sites, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.
A Catalog of Selected Caddo Ceramic Vessels in the Buddy Jones Collection at the Gregg County Historical Museum, Timothy K. Perttula, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and Bo Nelson
Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Volume 41, Timothy K. Perttula, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and Bo Nelson
Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology, Volume 40, Timothy K. Perttula, Robert Z. Selden Jr., Bo Nelson, and Mark Walters
Analysis of the Ceramic Sherds from Area C at the Ware Acres Site (41GG31), Gregg County, Texas, Timothy K. Perttula, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and R. Bo Nelson
La rete per il libero accesso al diritto, Ginevra Peruginelli
Atomoxetine treatment in children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: what are the long-term health-related quality-of-life outcomes?, Amy R. Perwien, Christopher J. Kratochvil, Douglas E. Faries, Brigette S. Vaughan, Thomas Spencer, and Ronald T. Brown
Reconciling Intellectual & Personal Property, Aaron Perzanowski and Jason Schultz
Reconsidering Federal and State Obstacles to Human Trafficking Victim Status and Entitlements, Amanda J. Peters
Funding Programs That Work: Lessons from the Federal Home Visiting Program, Philip G. Peters Jr.
Exploring Critical Issues in Religious Genocide: Case Studies of Violence in Tibet, Iraq and Gujarat, 40 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 163 (2008), Robert Petit, Stuart K. Ford, and Neha Jain
Rights in Conflict: The Dilemma of Charter Legitimacy, Andrew Petter and Allan C. Hutchinson
Can Access to a Medical-Legal Partnership Benefit Patients with Asthma Who Live in an Urban Community?, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
Can Access to a Medical-Legal Partnership Benefit Patients with Asthma Who Live in an Urban Community?, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
Collaborative Diagnosis: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Between Physicians and Lawyers, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
Collaborative Diagnosis: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Between Physicians and Lawyers, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
Collaborative Diagnosis: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Between Physicians and Lawyers, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
Collaborative Diagnosis: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Between Physicians and Lawyers, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Radtke Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
The Health Law Partnership: A Medical-Legal Partnership Strategically Designed to Provide a Coordinated Approach to Public Health Legal Services, Education, Advocacy, Evaluation, Research, and Scholarship, Robert Pettignano, Lisa R. Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
The Health Law Partnership: A Medical-Legal Partnership Strategically Designed to Provide a Coordinated Approach to Public Health Legal Services, Education, Advocacy, Evaluation, Research, and Scholarship, Robert Pettignano, Lisa R. Bliss, and Sylvia B. Caley
A Case for Including Lawyers on the Care Team, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss
A Case for Including Lawyers on the Care Team, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss
Medical-Legal Partnership: Impact on Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss
Medical-Legal Partnership: Impact on Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Robert Pettignano, Sylvia B. Caley, and Lisa R. Bliss
Free Expression, In-Group Bias, and the Court's Conservatives: A Critique of the Epstein-Parker-Segal Study, Todd E. Pettys
Global Economies, Regulatory Failure, and Loose Money: Lessons for Regulating the Finance Sector from Iceland's Financial Crisis, Birgir T. Petursson and Andrew P. Morriss
Global Economies, Regulatory Failure, and Loose Money: Lessons for Regulating the Finance Sector from Iceland's Financial Crisis, Birgir T. Petursson and Andrew P. Morriss
The Constitutional Right Not to Cooperate - Local Sovereignty and the Federal Immigration Power, Huyen Pham
The Private Enforcement of Immigration Laws, Huyen Pham
Economic Impact of Local Immigration Regulation: An Empirical Analysis, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
The Economic Impact of Local Immigration Regulation: An Empirical Analysis, Huyen Pham and Pham Hoang Van
The Lord's Resistance Army and Forced Conscription in Northern Uganda, Phuong N. Pham, Patrick Vinck, and Eric Stover
Climate Change and Human Rights: Intellectual Property Challenges and Opportunities, Alexandra Phelan
Climate Change and Human Rights: Intellectual Property Challenges and Opportunities, Alexandra Phelan
CBC Commentary: Income splitting: Who really benefits?, Lisa Philipps
Cracking the Conjugal Myths: What Does it Mean for the Attribution Rules?, Lisa Philipps
Disability, Poverty, and the Income Tax: The Case for Refundable Credits, Lisa Philipps
Discursive Deficits: A Feminist Perspective on the Power of Technical Knowledge in Fiscal Law and Policy, Lisa Philipps
Five reasons to stop obsessing about balanced budget, Lisa Philipps
Gender Budgets and Tax Policy-Making: Contrasting Canadian and Australian Experiences, Lisa Philipps
Helping Out in the Family Firm: The Legal Treatment of Unpaid Market Labor, Lisa Philipps
Helping out in the Family Firm: The Legal Treatment of Unpaid Market Work, Lisa Philipps
Income Splitting and Gender Equality: The Case for Incentivizing Intra-Household Wealth Transfers, Lisa Philipps
Law school dean leaves Lakehead, Lisa Philipps
Measuring the Effects of Feminist Legal Research: Looking Critically at "Failure" and "Success", Lisa Philipps
Real Versus Notional Income Splitting: What Canada Should Learn from the US 'Innocent Spouse' Problem, Lisa Philipps
Real Versus Notional Income Splitting: What Canada Should Learn from the US "Innocent Spouse" Problem, Lisa Philipps
Re-Privatizing Women: Tax Law and Family Economies, Lisa Philipps
Same ‘stuff,’ different day, Lisa Philipps
Silent Partners: The Role of Unpaid Market Labor in Families, Lisa Philipps
Strategic Research Planning in a Law School Setting, Lisa Philipps
Taxation Law, Lisa Philipps
Tax cuts: Why the opposition should have insisted on changes, Lisa Philipps
Tax Law and Social Reproduction: The Gender of Fiscal Policy in an Age of Privatization, Lisa Philipps
Tax Policy and the Gendered Distribution of Wealth, Lisa Philipps
The Amazing Three-headed Limited Partner: Reflections on Old Loopholes and New Jurisprudence, Lisa Philipps
The Globalization of Tax Expenditure Reporting: Transplanting Transparency in India and the Global South, Lisa Philipps
There's Only One Worker: Toward the Legal Integration of Paid Employment and Unpaid Caregiving, Lisa Philipps
The Supreme Court of Canada's Tax Jurisprudence: What's Wrong with the Rule of Law, Lisa Philipps
Thinking Critically About the Taxation of Capital Gains on Donated Public Securities (or Looking Paragraph 38(A.1) in the Mouth, Lisa Philipps
Why a balanced budget law could mean more debt for consumers, Lisa Philipps
Why balanced budgets aren’t always good budgets, Lisa Philipps
Tax Expenditures: State of the Art, Lisa Philipps, Neil Brooks, and Jinyan Li
Tax Expenditures: State of the Art, Lisa Philipps, Neil Brooks, and Jinyan Li
Income Splitting, Lisa C. Philipps