The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
New Law, Old Cases, Fair Outcomes: Why the Illinois Supreme Court Must Overrule People v Flowers, Timothy P. O'Neill
New Law, Old Cases, Fair Outcomes: Why the Illinois Supreme Court Must Overrule People v Flowers, 43 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 727 (2012), Timothy P. O'Neill
Petition for Leave to Appeal, People of the State of Illinois v. Di Vincenzo, 700 N.E.2d 981 (Ill. 1997) (No. 82942), Timothy P. O'Neill
Recent Decision Breathes Fresh Air Into the Terry and Gross Rulings, Timothy P. O'Neill
Reconciling Race in the Declaration and the Constitution, Timothy P. O'Neill
Reply Brief of the Appellant, People of the State of Illinois v. Di Vincenzo, 183 Ill.2d 239, Docket No. 82942 (Supreme Court of Illinois 1998), Timothy P. O'Neill
Rethinking Miranda: Custodial Interrogation as a Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure, 37 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1109 (2004), Timothy P. O'Neill
Scalia's Poker: Puzzles and Mysteries in Constitutional Interpretation, 24 Const. Comment. 663 (2007), Timothy P. O'Neill
Standards Of Review In Illinois Criminal Cases: The Need For Major Reform, 17 S. Ill. U. L.J. 51 (1992), Timothy P. O'Neill
"Stop Me before I Get Reversed Again": The Failure of Illinois Appellate Courts to Protect Their Criminal Decisions from United States Supreme Court Review, Timothy P. O'Neill
Subjective interpretations run counter to the law’s objective nature, Timothy P. O'Neill
The CLEAR Initiative and Mental States: 1½ Problems Solved, 41 J. Marshall L. Rev. 701 (2008), Timothy P. O'Neill
The Good, the Bad, and the Burger Court: Victims' Rights and a New Model of Criminal Review, Timothy P. O'Neill
The Good, the Bad, and the Burger Court: Victims' Rights and a New Model of Criminal Review, 75 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 363 (1984), Timothy P. O'Neill
The Pre-Appointment Experience of Supreme Court Justices: Response to Professor Barton, 64 Fla. L. Rev. F. 29 (2012), Timothy P. O'Neill
There Will Be Blame: Misfortune and Injustice in the Sweet Hereafter, 5 U. Denv. Sports & Ent. L.J. 19 (2008), Timothy P. O'Neill
The Role of Race-Based Jury Nullification in American Criminal Justice: Foreword, 30 J. Marshall L. Rev. 907 (1997), Timothy P. O'Neill
"The Stepford Justices": The Need for Experiential Diversity on the Roberts Court, 60 Okla. L. Rev. 701 (2007), Timothy P. O'Neill
Truth Is Made, Not Discovered: Some Reflections on the Role of an Appellate Court Justice, Timothy P. O'Neill
Truth Is Made, Not Discovered: Some Reflections on the Role of an Appellate Court Justice, Timothy P. O'Neill
Two Concepts of Liberty Valance: John Ford, Isaiah Berlin, and Tragic Choice on the Frontier, 37 Creighton L. Rev. 471 (2004), Timothy P. O'Neill
Vagrants in Volvos: Ending Pretextual Traffic Stops and Consent Searches of Vehicles in Illinois, Timothy P. O'Neill
Vagrants in Volvos: Ending Pretextual Traffic Stops and Consent Searches of Vehicles in Illinois, 40 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 745 (2009), Timothy P. O'Neill
Vindicating the Defendant's Constitutional Right to Testify at a Criminal Trial: The Need for an On-The-Record Waiver, 51 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 809 (1990), Timothy P. O'Neill
Waiver of Constitutional Issues in Criminal Cases: Confusion in the Illinois Supreme Court, 11 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 55 (1990), Timothy P. O'Neill
Why Miranda Does Not Prevent Confessions: Some Lessons from Albert Camus, Arthur Miller and Oprah Winfrey, 51 Syracuse L. Rev. 863 (2001), Timothy P. O'Neill
"With Malice toward None": A Solution to an Illinois Homicide Quandary, Timothy P. O'Neill
“With Malice toward None”: A Solution to an Illinois Homicide Quandary, 32 DePaul L. Rev. 107 (1982), Timothy P. O'Neill
Ong on rescission, Denis Ong
Ong on specific performance, Denis Ong
Ong on subrogation, Denis Ong
Trust Law in Australia, 4th edition, Denis Ong
An Argument for Alienability of Patent Licenses to Business Successors, Anna A. Onley
NCAA Athletes, Unpaid Interns and the S-Word: Exploring the Rhetorical Impact of the Language of Slavery, Maria Ontiveros
Intersections of Violence against Women and Health: Implications for Health Law and Policy in Nigeria, Cheluchi Onyemelukwe
Rediscovery of Limited-Purpose Policing in East Africa: The Case of the National Parks and Wildlife Services, James S. E. Opolot
Bridgefunding Is Crowdfunding for Startups across the Private Equity Gap, Seth C. Oranburg
Democratizing Startups, Seth C. Oranburg
The Solution, Charles Orange
The ‘Long-Arm-Reach’ of the Svalbard Treaty?, Peter T. Orebech
Could the Rwandan and Darfur (Sudan) Genocides have been Prevented by the International Community? A Postmortem, Ifem E. Orji
Lectura N° 02: "El principio Competence-Competence en la nueva Ley Peruana de Arbitraje", David Ortiz
Concepto y características de los derechos humanos, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Cuarta clase: "Los elementos del Estado. El pueblo", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Delimitación conceptual de los derechos humanos, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas. Cuarta Parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 01: El Constitucionalismo - Primera parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 01: Teoría de la Constitución, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 02: El Constitucionalismo - Segunda parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 02: Sistema de fuentes diseñado por la Constitución, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 03: Interpretación constitucional, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 03: La enseñanza del derecho constitucional en la formación del jurista, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 04: El Derecho Constitucional, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 06: Teoría de la Constitución, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 07: La interpretación constitucional, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 09: El proceso de amparo, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 10: El proceso de hábeas corpus-primera parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas N° 10: El proceso de hábeas corpus-segunda parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas Nº 05: El proceso de inconstitucionalidad, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas Nº 06: El proceso de acción popular, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas Nº 07: El proceso de hábeas data, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas Nº 08: El proceso de cumplimiento, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas. Primera Parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas. Segunda Parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Diapositivas. Tercera Parte, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 01: "El arbitraje: ¿Qué es y cuáles son sus ventajas e inconvenientes?", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 01: Teoría de la Constitución, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 02: "El costo de la legalidad", del profesor Enrique Ghersi, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 03: "El arbitraje con el Estado ", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 03: "Las sociedades políticas", de Víctor García Toma (extraído del libro "Teoría del estado y derecho constitucional"), David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 04: "Arbitraje con el Estado: ¿Ad Hoc o Institucional? ", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 05: "Arbitraje obligatorio y derecho en la contratación pública", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 06: "Enemigos íntimos: el arbitraje y los contratos administrativos", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 07: "Tendencias del arbitraje de contratación pública: análisis de laudos arbitrales", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 09: El proceso constitucional de amparo en el Perú, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura N° 10: El proceso de hábeas corpus, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura Nº 05: El proceso de inconstitucionalidad, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura Nº 06: El proceso de acción popular, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Lectura Nº 07: El proceso de hábeas data, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
"Manual de Derecho Constitucional" del profesor argentino Juan Vicente Sola, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Primera clase: "La vida humana y su naturaleza", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Quinta clase: "Elementos del Estado. El poder político", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Segunda clase: "Las sociedades prepolíticas", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Temario, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Tercera clase: "Las sociedades políticas", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Common Law Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Beasley v. Chicago Commission on Human Relations & Betts Realty (Cook County 2015), J. Damian Ortiz and
Complaint, Perea et al. v. Granville Terrace Mutual Ownership Trust et al., Docket No. 1:14-cv-08032 (Northern District of Illinois 2014), J. Damian Ortiz and
Petition for Review Docketed With Proof of Service, Bracken v. HUD, Docket No. 11-03538 (Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals 2011), J. Damian Ortiz and
Response Brief and Opening Brief of the Intervening Respondents/Cross-Petitioners, Ho v. Fung, Docket Nos. 08-1763 & 08-2159, 569 F.3d 677 (Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals 2009), J. Damian Ortiz and
Response/Reply Brief of Appellants/Cross-Appellees, Jacob Scoggins v. Lee's Crossing Homeowners, 718 F.3d 262, Docket No. 11-02202 (Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals 2013), J. Damian Ortiz and
Complaint, Davis v. Mueller, Docket No. 114-cv-07949 (Northern District of Illinois 2014), J. Damian Ortiz, Alison Bethel, and
Brief of Amicus Curiae, the John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Center & Clinic in Support of Appellant, Nicole Dussault, Dussault v. RRE Coach Lantern Holdings, LLC, et. al, No. CUM-11-591 (Maine 2012), J. Damian Ortiz, Michael P. Seng, and
Brief of Amicus Curiae, the John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Center & Clinic in Support of Appellant, Nicole Dussault, Dussault v. RRE Coach Lantern Holdings, LLC, et. al, No. CUM-11-591 (Maine 2012), J. Damian Ortiz, Michael P. Seng, and
Privacy and Organizational Persons, Eric W. Orts and Amy Sepinwall
The Risk, The Plan, The Payoff: Implementing a Repository at Washington and Lee, Caroline Osborne, Stephanie Miller, and John Jacob
From Patent Law to Chemical Weapons, Campbell Professor Lucas Osborn Is On the Global Stage, Lucas S. Osborn
The Case for Weaker Patents, Lucas S. Osborn