The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
The Case for Weaker Patents, Lucas S. Osborn
The Case for Weaker Patents, Lucas S. Osborn
The Case for Weaker Patents in the Digital Age of Innovation, Lucas S. Osborn
Digital Patent Infringement in an Era of 3D Printing, Lucas S. Osborn and Timothy R. Holbrook
Corporate "Human Rights" to Intellectual Property Protection, J. Janewa Osei Tutu
Climate Change Litigation: Regulatory Pathways to Cleaner Energy, Hari M. Osofsky and Jacqueline Peel
Análisis Económico de las Sanciones Administrativas en el Derecho de la Competencia y del Consumo, Camilo Ossa
Políticas Públicas de Fomento a la Competencia, Camilo Ossa
The nature of banking pay late penalties and the possibility of its adjustment in the banking system in Iran, masoud ostovan
The Unheightened Reality of Plausibility Pleading: Identification of Defendants in Copyright Infringement Claims Using Only an IP Address Impacts Hundreds of Thousands, Harmony N. Oswald
AIDS: Coping with HIV on Campus, 27 J. Marshall L. Rev. 449 (1994), Jane D. Oswald, Robert G. Johnston, and Mark E. Wojcik
In Harm's Way - A Dismal State of Justice: The Legal Odyssey of Cesar Fierro, Ana M. Otero
Fitness to plead in Queensland's youth justice system: The need for pragmatic reform, Suzanne O'Toole, Jodie O'Leary, and Bruce Watt
Fitness to plead in Queensland's youth justice system: The need for pragmatic reform, Suzanne O'Toole, Jodie O'Leary, and Bruce Watt
NEPA and Environmental Justice: Integration, Implementation, and Judicial Review, Uma Outka
Siting Renewable Energy: Land Use and Regulatory Context, Uma Outka
Local Promise for Climate Mitigation: An Empirical Assessment, Uma Outka and Richard Feiock
Conflicted Counselors: Retaliation Protections for Attorney-Whistleblowers in an Inconsistent Regulatory Regime, Jennifer M. Pacella
Corporate Social Responsibility & Concession Theory, Stefan Padfield
Breaking Bad Facts: What Intriguing Contradictions in Fiction Narratives Can Teach Lawyers About Coping with Harmful Evidence, Cathren Page
The curious untidiness of property and ecosystem services: a hybrid method of measuring place, John Page, Ann Brower, and Johannes Welsch
Traditional Knowledge Rights and Wrongs, Sean Pager
Traditional Knowledge Rights and Wrongs, Sean Pager
Infringement as Unfair Competition: A Blueprint for Global Governance?, Sean Pager and Eric Priest
A Neo-Chicago Approach to Concerted Action, William H. Page
Josh Wright’s “Chicago School Papers”: An Overview, William H. Page
Judging Monopolistic Pricing: F/RAND and Antitrust Injury, William H. Page
Objective and Subjective Theories of Concerted Action, William H. Page
The FTC's Procedural Advantage in Discovering Concerted Action, William H. Page
Antitrust, Innovation, and Product Design in Platform Markets: Microsoft and Intel, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
Measuring Compliance with Compulsory Licensing Remedies in the American Microsoft Case, William H. Page and Seldon J. Childers
In the Shadow of the Great Charter: Common Law Constitutionalism and the Magna Carta, Robert M. Pallitto
Optical Detection of Acoustic Emission Signals, C Harvey Palmer and Robert E. Green Jr
Judicial Review, Matthew S R Palmer
The Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand's Law and Constitution in 2015, Matthew S. R. Palmer QC
Palmer J Swearing In Speech 27 October 2015.pdf, The Hon Justice Matthew Palmer
4th Biennial Employment Law Institute, , Carol Pate Palmore, Robert D. Hudson, J. Whitney Wallingford III, James D. Moyer, Walter F. Skiba Jr., Richard E. Blanchard, Richard G. Griffith, Linda Scholle Cowan, Matthew R. Westfall, Carolyn S. Bratt, Richard C. Stephenson, Paula J. Shives, Robert J. Reid, Marvin L. Coan, Jon L. Fleischaker, Joseph M. Hood, William H. Fortune, John Frith Stewart, Donna King Perry, and Donald P. Wagner
4th Biennial Employment Law Institute, , Carol Pate Palmore, Robert D. Hudson, J. Whitney Wallingford III, James D. Moyer, Walter F. Skiba Jr., Richard E. Blanchard, Richard G. Griffith, Linda Scholle Cowan, Matthew R. Westfall, Carolyn S. Bratt, Richard C. Stephenson, Paula J. Shives, Robert J. Reid, Marvin L. Coan, Jon L. Fleischaker, Joseph M. Hood, William H. Fortune, John Frith Stewart, Donna King Perry, and Donald P. Wagner
Title Insurance Law, Joyce Palomar
Messy But Fair: The ACA’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program and the Notice-and-Comment Process, Janus Pan
Going Viral: Creative Capital Raising and Shared Equity, Lynnise E. Pantin
Presenter, Nuts and Bolts Teaching Plenary, Lynnise E. Pantin
The First Year: Integrating Transactional Skills, Lynnise E. Pantin
China’s Trade Negotiation Strategies: Matters of growth and regional economic integration, Xiaoming Pan
Cuenta Corriente Bancaria en el Código Civil y Comercial, Martin Paolantonio
El Portador Protegido del Título Valor y el Código Civil y Comercial, Martin Paolantonio
La CSJN y el "Cepo Cambiario", Martin Paolantonio
La Ley 27207 y los Principios Básicos de los Procesos de Reestructuración de la Deuda Soberana, Martin Paolantonio
Las obligaciones en moneda extranjera en el Código Civil y Comercial, Martin Paolantonio
Monólogo de Fuentes: el Pagaré de Consumo, Martin Paolantonio
Prórroga de Jurisdicción, Inmunidad Soberana, Deuda Externa y Per Saltum, Martin Paolantonio
Reflexiones adicionales sobre el pagaré de consumo, Martin Paolantonio
Appraisal Activism in M&A Deals: Recent Developments in the United States and the EU, Raluca Papadima
Anexo: El Desempeño como Litigante de la FNE Una Mirada Cuantitativa, Diego G. Pardow
Between Markets & Treaties, Kish Parella
Commenting on "Consistency and Legal Innovation in the BIT Universe, Kish Parella
New Challenges and Opportunities in Globalizing Legal Education, Kish Parella
Resolving Stakeholder Conflicts Over Natural Resources, Kish Parella
Transnational Legal Orders: Business and Regulatory Law, Kish Parella
An Analysis of Mortgage Modification in Chapter 13: The Viable Options for Debtors During Primary Residence Mortgage Modification, Tara M. Parente
Popular Culture's Portrayal Of Attorney Decision-Making and It's Consequences- An Analysis of an Attorney's Internal Ethical Conflict in Film, Tara M. Parente
Law and Economics in der Welt des Zivilrechts: Die Situation brasilianischer Gerichte, Mariana Pargendler and Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Tax Privacy: Taxpayers’ Big Data Disclosure for Academic Uses in Republic of Korea, Hyeongsu Park and Yunjung Song
Tax Privacy: Taxpayers’ Big Data Disclosure for Academic Uses in Republic of Korea, Hyeongsu Park and Yunjung Song
베니스에서 뮌헨까지 유럽지식재산권여행, Jinseok Park and Hee-Eun Kim
Debate, Implicit Race Bias and the 2008 Presidential Election: Much Ado About Nothing?, Gregory S. Parks, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, and Richard A. Epstein
Book Review: Banking Law in Australia by Alan Tyree; and Banking Law in Australia by Robin Edwards, Louise Parsons
Regulating Australia's financial stability in the national interest, Louise Parsons
¿Cómo solucionar un caso de mejor derecho de propiedad? La Corte Suprema se equivoca, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
¡El crédito en peligro!: los artículos 1708 y 2023 del Código Civil son inaplicables en el VII Pleno, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
Incoherencias y vacíos en la sentencia del VII Pleno Casatorio, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
¡Jueces supremos contradicen sus propios plenos casatorios!, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
La Corte Suprema contra el Código Civil y el sentido común. A propósito del VII Pleno Casatorio., Alan A. Pasco Arauco
Ni incoherente ni inconstitucional: El (¿nuevo?) 2014° CC, su falsa metamorfosis y nuestra fe pública registral “macondiana”, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
Precario y relaciones familiares, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
¿Puedo desalojar a mis padres?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
VII Pleno Casatorio: Entre la dictadura del crédito y la prepotencia de la propiedad, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
VII Pleno Casatorio: La norma que los defensores de la propiedad han olvidado (y que los defensores del crédito prefieren no mirar), Alan A. Pasco Arauco
VII Pleno Casatorio: La norma que los defensores del crédito han ignorado, Alan A. Pasco Arauco
VII Pleno Casatorio: La norma que los defensores del crédito han ignorado (y que los defensores de la propiedad no han invocado), Alan A. Pasco Arauco
A Crooked Journey through the Maze? Or: University Fees as Self-Education Expenses, John Passant
Book Review: The History of Democracy: a Marxist Interpretation by Brian S. Roper, John Passant
Cleaning the muck of ages from the windows into the soul of income tax, John Passant
The minerals resource rent tax: the Australian Labor Party and the continuity of change, John Passant
The "review of Australia's future tax system": implications for local government in Australia and recommendations, John Passant and John McLaren
Are returns received by householders from electricity generated by solar panels assessable income?, John Passant, John A. McLaren, and Parulian Silaen
Preventing Manifest Injustice in Florida, Angela R. Passaro
Innovating Contract Practices: Merging Contract Design with Information Design, Stefania Passera, Helena Haapio, and Thomas D. Barton
Gandhi’s Prophecy: Corporate Violence and A Mindful Law for Bhopal, Nehal A. Patel
Mindful Justice: The Search for Gandhi’s Sympathetic State After Bhopal, Nehal A. Patel
Mindful Use: Gandhi's Non-Possessive Property Theory, Nehal A. Patel
"Renounce and Enjoy": The Pursuit of Happiness Through Gandhi's Simple Living and High Thinking, Nehal A. Patel
Series: Mindful Law, Mindful World: Property, Possession, and Consumption Via Gandhi's Thought, Nehal A. Patel