The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Why Lawyers Fear Love: Mohandas Gandhi’s Significance To The Mindfulness In Law Movement, Nehal A. Patel
Crimes in the Name of Honour by Prof. vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
India, Union Budget 2015-2016 Union Budget 2015-16 through Gender Lens, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Marathi Article on Socioeconomic Status of Muslims in Maharashtra, Professor Vibhuti Patel
People's Reporter Feb. 10-25 2015, Vol. 28, No.3 Obituary Pravinaben Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Pictorial Presentation of Student-led National Conference on Social Media for GenNext by SNDTWU, Mumbai, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel on Gender and Millennium Development Goals, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting JDMC, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting Peoples Reporter vol. 28 no. 15 2015, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting Peoples Reporter vol. 28 no. 15 2015, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Vibhuti Patel Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting Peoples Reporter vol. 28 no. 15 2015, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Research Horizon 2015.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting by Prof. Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting by Prof. Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Special Number on Women and Millennium Development Goals, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Urdhava Mula Women's Studies Journal Vol 8 & 9 2015 & 2016.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Vidura, July-September, 2015, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Vioces of Women, Professor Vibhuti Patel
What isin Store for Women in The Union Budget of india 2015-16 ?, Professor Vibhuti Patel
The Jurisdictional Dilemma Surrounding the Intellectual Property Appellate Board, Harshad Pathak
The Evolving State and the Future of Global Trade, Dennis M. Patterson, Ruth Buchanan, Michael Giudice, and François Tanguay-Renaud
Information Deserts, Carol Pauli
News Media as Mediators, Carol Pauli
Legal Framework for the Sustainable Production of Non-Eatable Products of an Agricultural Origin: the Example of Biofuels, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Using Sustainability Criteria for Biomass, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
A dollhouse to inspire young women into science, engineering and technology, Stathi Paxinos and Katina Michael
Más cerca los chips implantados en humanos, Lourdes S. Payan and Katina Michael
Professor Kingsfield in Conflict: Rhetorical Constructions of the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo Pedrioli
A Key Influence on the Doctrine of Actual Malice: Justice William Brennan's Judicial Philosophy at Work in Changing the Law of Seditious Libel, Carlo A. Pedrioli
A New Image in the Looking Glass: Faculty Mentoring, Invitational Rhetoric, and the Second-Class Status of Women in U.S. Academia, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Beyond Aristotle: Alternative Rhetorics and the Conflict over the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo A. Pedrioli
Constructing Modern-Day U.S. Legal Education with Rhetoric: Langdell, Ames, and the Scholar Model of the Law Professor Persona, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Constructing the Other: U.S. Muslims, Anti-Sharia Law, and the Constitutional Consequences of Volatile Intercultural Rhetoric, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Critiquing Modern-Day U.S. Legal Education with Rhetoric: Frank's Plea and the Scholar Model of the Law Professor Persona, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Instrumentalist and Holmesian Voices in the Rhetoric of Reapportionment: The Opinions of Justices Brennan and Frankfurter in Baker v. Carr, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Lifting the Pall of Orthodoxy: The Need for Hearing a Multitude of Tongues in and Beyond the Sexual Education Curricula at Public High Schools, Carlo A. Pedrioli
New York Times v. Sullivan and the Rhetorics of Race: A Look at the Briefs, Oral Arguments, and Opinions, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Professor Kingsfield in Conflict: Rhetorical Constructions of the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo A. Pedrioli
Professor Kingsfield in Conflict: Rhetorical Constructions of the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo A. Pedrioli
The Controversy Over the Legacy Highway in Utah: An Opportunity for Invitational Rhetoric, Carlo A. Pedrioli
The Rhetoric of Catharsis and Change: Law School Autobiography as a Nonfiction Law and Literature Subgenre, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Under a Critical Race Theory Lens -- Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and Its Troubled Legacy, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death: Some Lives Are Worth More Than Others, Ralph Peeples and Catherine T. Harris
The Shaky Ground of the Right to Be Delisted, Miquel Peguera
Liberdade de expressão, liberdade de ofender, Antonio Pele
The sentience of plants: animal rights and rights of nature intersecting?, Alessandro Pelizzon and Monica Gagliano
Assisted Suicide: A Tough Pill to Swallow, Mary Margaret Penrose
Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?, Mary Margaret Penrose
Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?, Mary Margaret Penrose
Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?, Mary Margaret Penrose
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Mary Margaret Penrose
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Mary Margaret Penrose
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Mary Margaret Penrose
Free Speech versus Free Education: First Amendment Considerations in Limiting Student Athletes' Use of Social Media, Mary Margaret Penrose
Free Speech versus Free Education: First Amendment Considerations in Limiting Student Athletes' Use of Social Media, Mary Margaret Penrose
Free Speech versus Free Education: First Amendment Considerations in Limiting Student Athletes' Use of Social Media, Mary Margaret Penrose
Impunity- Inertia, Inaction, and Invalidity: A Literature Review, Mary Margaret Penrose
Impunity- Inertia, Inaction, and Invalidity: A Literature Review, Mary Margaret Penrose
Impunity- Inertia, Inaction, and Invalidity: A Literature Review, Mary Margaret Penrose
In the Name of Watergate: Returning FERPA to Its Original Design, Mary Margaret Penrose
In the Name of Watergate: Returning FERPA to Its Original Design, Mary Margaret Penrose
In the Name of Watergate: Returning FERPA to Its Original Design, Mary Margaret Penrose
I Said NO, Mary Margaret Penrose
I Said NO, Mary Margaret Penrose
I Said NO, Mary Margaret Penrose
It's Good to Be the King: Prosecuting Heads of State and Former Heads of State under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
It's Good to Be the King: Prosecuting Heads of State and Former Heads of State under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
It's Good to Be the King: Prosecuting Heads of State and Former Heads of State under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
Lest we fail: the importance of enforcement in international criminal law, Mary Margaret Penrose
Lest we fail: the importance of enforcement in international criminal law, Mary Margaret Penrose
Lest we fail: the importance of enforcement in international criminal law, Mary Margaret Penrose
No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court, Mary Margaret Penrose
No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court, Mary Margaret Penrose
No Badges, No Bars: A Conspicuous Oversight in the Development of an International Criminal Court, Mary Margaret Penrose
Spandau Revisited: The Question of Detention for International War Crimes, Mary Margaret Penrose
Spandau Revisited: The Question of Detention for International War Crimes, Mary Margaret Penrose
Spandau Revisited: The Question of Detention for International War Crimes, Mary Margaret Penrose
Tattoos, Tickets, and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide their Scandals, Mary Margaret Penrose
Tattoos, Tickets, and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide their Scandals, Mary Margaret Penrose
Tattoos, Tickets, and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide their Scandals, Mary Margaret Penrose
The Emperor's Clothes: Evaluating Head of State Immunity Under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
The Emperor's Clothes: Evaluating Head of State Immunity Under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
The Emperor's Clothes: Evaluating Head of State Immunity Under International Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
A Short and Plain Solution to the Medical Malpractice Crisis: Why Charles E. Clark Remains Prophetically Correct about Special Pleading and the Big Case, Mary Margaret Penrose and Dace A. Caldwell
A Short and Plain Solution to the Medical Malpractice Crisis: Why Charles E. Clark Remains Prophetically Correct about Special Pleading and the Big Case, Mary Margaret Penrose and Dace A. Caldwell
A Short and Plain Solution to the Medical Malpractice Crisis: Why Charles E. Clark Remains Prophetically Correct about Special Pleading and the Big Case, Mary Margaret Penrose and Dace A. Caldwell
A Return to States' Rights Model: Amending the Constitution's Most Controversial and Misunderstood Provision, Meg Penrose
A Return to States' Rights Model: Amending the Constitution's Most Controversial and Misunderstood Provision, Meg Penrose
Miranda, Please Report to the Principal's Office, Meg Penrose
Miranda, Please Report to the Principal's Office, Meg Penrose
Outspoken: Social Media and the Modern College Athlete, Meg Penrose
Outspoken: Social Media and the Modern College Athlete, Meg Penrose
Sharing Stupid $h*t with Friends and Followers: The First Amendment Rights of College Athletes to Use Social Media, Meg Penrose
Something to [Lex Loci] Celebrationis: Federal Marriage Benefits following United States v. Windsor, Meg Penrose