The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Lessons from Suffering: How Social Justice Informs Spirituality, John A. Powell
Living and Learning: Linking Housing and Education, John A. Powell
Minority-Majority Nation: Racing the Population in the Twenty-First Century, A, John A. Powell
New Property Disaggregated: A Model to Address Employment Discrimination, John A. Powell
Opportunity-Based Housing, John A. Powell
Post-Racialism or Targeted Universalism, John A. Powell
Race and Poverty: A New Focus for Legal Services, John A. Powell
Racial Realism or Racial Despair, John A. Powell
Reflections on the Past, Looking to the Future: The Fair Housing Act at 40, John A. Powell
Reflections on the Past, Looking to the Future: The Fair Housing Act of 40, John A. Powell
Righting the Law: Seeking a Humane Voice, John A. Powell
Rights Talk/Free Speech and Equality, John A. Powell
Structural Racism: Building upon the Insights of John Calmore, John A. Powell
The Colorblind Multiracial Dilemma: Racial Categories Reconsidered, John A. Powell
The Multiple Self: Exploring between and beyond Modernity and Postmodernity, John A. Powell
The Needs of Members in a Legitimate Democratic State, John A. Powell
The Race and Class Nexus: An Intersectional Perspective, John A. Powell
The Racing of American Society: Race Functioning as a Verb before Signifying as a Noun, John A. Powell
The Tensions between Integration and School Reform, John A. Powell
Welfare Reform for Real People: Engaging the Moral and Economic Debate, John A. Powell
Whites Will Be Whites: The Failure to Interrogate Racial Privilege, John A. Powell
Worlds Apart: Reconciling Freedom of Speech and Equality, John A. Powell
Welcome & Opening Remarks, john a. powell and Joaquin Avila
The Right to Die, John A. Powell and Adam S. Cohen
Hostage to the Drug War: The National Purse, the Constitution and the Black Community, John A. Powell and Eileen B. Hershenov
Beyond Public/Private: Understanding Excessive Corporate Prerogative, John A. Powell and Stephen Mendendian
Fisher V. Texas: The Limits of Exhaustion and the Future of Race-Conscious University Admissions, john a. powell and Stephen Menendian
Little Rock and the Legacy of Dred Scott, John A. Powell and Stephen Menendian
Parents Involved: The Mantle of Brown, the Shadow of Plessy, John A. Powell and Stephen Menendian
Remaking Law: Moving beyond Enlightenment Jurisprudence, John A. Powell and Stephen M. Menendian
The Future of Fair Housing and Fair Credit: From Crisis to Opportunity, John A. Powell and Jason Reece
The Future of Fair Housing and Fair Credit: From Crisis to Opportunity, Symposium: New Strategies in Fair Housing, John A. Powell and Jason Reece
Brown Is Not Brown and Educational Reform Is Not Reform If Integration Is Not a Goal, John A. Powell and Marguerite L. Spencer
Giving Them the Old One-Two: Gentrification and the K.O. of Impoverished Urban Dwellers of Color, John A. Powell and Marguerite L. Spencer
Remaking the Urban University for the Urban Student: Talking about Race, John A. Powell and Marguerite L. Spencer
Corporate Prerogative, Race, and Identity under the Fourteenth Amendment, John A. Powell and Caitlin Watt
Negotiating the New Political and Racial Environment, John A. Powell and Caitlin Watt
An Analysis of Demands for Open Spaces in Maryland Subdivision Regulations, John Brentnall Powell Jr.
Terrorism Incident Response Education for Public-Safety Personnel in North Carolina and Tennessee: An Evaluation by Emergency Managers, John Eric Powell
The Wreck of the Deutschland and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius; A Comparison, John Joseph Powell
Making Space For Good Things To Happen: A Restorative Approach To The School To Prison Pipeline, Jon Powell
Los derechos sociales y el riesgo de rigidización ideológica, Rodrigo A. Poyanco Bugueño
Venezuela frente al Constitucionalismo. Cuando los fines no justifican los medios, Rodrigo A. Poyanco Bugueño
El derecho a la salud en Chile y en Brasil ¿Los jueces como Héroes de la Justicia social?, Rodrigo A. Poyanco Bugueño and Camila C. Gomes Romero
El administrador inmobiliario: A la espera de un marco legal, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
El administrador inmobiliario: A la espera de un marco legal, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Ahora sí: hipoteca sobre bienes futuros, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Breves comentarios al nuevo Proceso Único de Ejecución de Desalojo, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Breves comentarios sobre la competencia notarial para actos de disposición de inmuebles: continúan los desaciertos., Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Continúan los desaciertos: competencia o incompetencia notarial para actos de disposición de inmuebles, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Convocatoria a Junta de Propietarios en caso de acefalia... Un (nuevo y) acertado criterio, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
El título en la posesión precaria a la luz del IV Pleno Casatorio, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Inembargabilidad de los bienes objeto de leasing y el VII Pleno Casatorio, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
"La buena fe registral" ... ¿a favor de la propiedad no inscrita?, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
La defensa extrajudicial de la posesión por parte del Estado., Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Para Corte Suprema propietario no puede desalojar a la conviviente de su hijo, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Prescripción adquisitiva: (¡Una vez más!) Un equivocado criterio de la Corte Suprema, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
¿Se acabó el fraude inmobiliario con la Ley N° 30313?, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
Sentencia del VII Pleno Casatorio: Prevalece la propiedad no inscrita sobre el embargo inscrito, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
VII Pleno Casatorio Civil ... un análisis diferente desde la óptica de la tercería excluyente de propiedad, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez
¿Sentencia declarativa o constitutiva en los procesos de prescripción adquisitiva de dominio?, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez and Estefany Juárez Taipe
Questions for the Critics of Judicial Review, Saikrishna B. Prakash and John C. Yoo
Against Interpretive Supremacy, Saikrishna Prakash and John Yoo
The Compromise Verdict: How the Court’s Resolution of New Jersey v. Delaware III Implicitly Advanced Environmental Litigation, Joel M. Pratt
A Further Note on Federal Causes of Action, John F. Preis
How the Federal Cause of Action Relates to Rights, Remedies and Jurisdiction, John F. Preis
Injuries That Matter: Manufacturing Damage in Negligence, Nicolette M. Priaulx
Protecting Our Parents: Can Science Help?, Bruce H. Price, Ekaterina Pivovarova, and Judith G. Edersheim
Price on Contemporary Estate Planning, John R. Price and Samuel A. Donaldson
American Indian Law: Cases and Materials, Monroe E. Price, Robert N. Clinton, and Nell Jessup Newton
Wrecking Ball Disguised as Law Reform: ALEC's Model Act on Private Enforcement of Consumer Protection Statutes, Dee Pridgen
A Public Role for the Intentional Torts, Dan Priel
Are Jurisprudential Debates Conceptual?: Some Lessons from Democratic Theory, Dan Priel
Book Review: Justice in Robes by Ronald Dworkin (2006), Dan Priel
Book Review: Legal Reason: The Use of Analogy in Legal Argument by Lloyd L. Weinreb, Dan Priel
British Politics, the Welfare State, and Tort Liability of Public Authorities, Dan Priel
Description and Evaluation in Jurisprudence, Dan Priel
Farewell to the Exclusive-Inclusive Debate, Dan Priel
Free-Floating from Reality, Dan Priel
H.L.A. Hart and the Invention of Legal Philosophy, Dan Priel
In Defence of Quasi-Contract, Dan Priel
In Defence of Quasi‐Contract, Dan Priel
Is There One Right Answer to the Question of the Nature of Law?, Dan Priel
Jurisprudence and Necessity, Dan Priel
Jurisprudence and Psychology, Dan Priel
Jurisprudential Disagreements and Descriptivism, Dan Priel
Lon Fuller's Political Jurisprudence of Freedom, Dan Priel
One Right Answer?: The Meta Edition, Dan Priel
Positivism and the Separation of Law and Jurisprudence, Dan Priel
Private Law: Commutative or Distributive?, Dan Priel
Reconstructing Fuller's Argument Against Legal Positivism, Dan Priel
Reconstructing Fuller's Argument against Legal Positivism, Dan Priel
Sanction and Obligation in Hart's Theory of Law, Dan Priel
That Can't Be Rights (Review of Robert Stevens's 'Torts and Rights'), Dan Priel
The Boundaries of Law and the Purpose of Legal Philosophy, Dan Priel
The Indirect Influence of Politics on Tort Liability of Public Authorities in English Law, Dan Priel
The Justice in Unjust Enrichment, Dan Priel
The Law and Politics of Unjust Enrichment, Dan Priel
The Place of Legitimacy in Legal Theory, Dan Priel