The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
The Political Origins of English Private Law, Dan Priel
The Question for the Description of the Law, by Reider Edvinsson, Dan Priel
The Scientific Model of Jurisprudence, Dan Priel
Tort Law for Cynics, Dan Priel
Torts, Rights, and Right-Wing Ideology, Dan Priel
Two Models of General Jurisprudence, Dan Priel
Were the Legal Realists Legal Positivists?, Dan Priel
Where Law and Morality Meet, Dan Priel
Jurisprudence and (Its) History, Dan Priel and Charles L. Barzun
Legal Realism and Natural Law, Dan Priel and Charles L. Barzun
Levitt, Carole A. & Judy K. Davis, Internet Legal Research on a Budget: Free and LowCost Resources for Lawyers, Chicago: American Bar Association, 2014. 321p. $89.95., Jennifer S. Prilliman
It's All Interpretation, All the Way Down, or, the Reason We Call It the “Practice” of Law: With Observations From Two Different Legal Systems, John R. Prince III
Safety Concerns, Fear and Precautionary Behavior among College Women: An Exploratory Examination of Two Measures of Residency, Adam J. Pritchard, Carol E. Jordan, and Pamela Wilcox
Humor In Judicial Opinions, Steve Probst
President's Column, Steve Probst
What Exactly Do We Do?, Steve Probst
What Would You Like to See?, Steve Probst
Valparaiso University Law School Guide to Faculty Publications 1879-2014, Steven Probst
Slowly Returning the "Special Needs" Doctrine to its Roots, Steven R. Probst
Telemarketing, Commercial Speech, and Central Hudson: Potential First Amendment Problems for Indiana Code Section 24-4.7 and Other "Do-Not-Call" Legislation, Steven R. Probst
"They're Practically Learning:" Pointers on Practical Legal Research Exams, Steven R. Probst
Most-Favoured Nation Treatment in International Investment Law: Ascertaining the Limits through Interpretative Principles, Dr. P.R. Thulasidhass
Acting White? Or Acting Affluent? A Book Review of Acting White? Rethinking Race in "Post-Racial" America, Lisa R. Pruitt
Justice in the Hinterlands: Arkansas as a Case Study of the Rural Lawyer Shortage and Evidence-Based Solutions to Alleviate It, Lisa R. Pruitt
The False Choice Between Race and Class and Other Affirmative Action Myths, Lisa R. Pruitt
The False Choice between Race and Class and Other Affirmative Action Myths, Lisa R. Pruitt
Urbanormativity, Spatial Privilege, and Judicial Blind Spots in Abortion Law, Lisa R. Pruitt
Who's Afraid of White Class Migrants? On Denial, Discrediting, and Disdain (and Toward a Richer Conception of Diversity), Lisa R. Pruitt
Amenities, Amenities, Amenities? How Policymakers Can SWOT Their Way to Better Entrepreneurial Facility Options, Darren Prum
Clear Rules Still Produce Fuzzy Results: Impossibility in Indian Contract Law, C. Scott Pryor
Consideration in the Common Law of Contracts: A Biblical-Theological Critique, C. Scott Pryor
Contractual Good Faith: Variations on the Theme of Expectations, C. Scott Pryor
God's Bridle: John Calvin's Application of Natural Law, C. Scott Pryor
How Revised Article 9 Will Turn the Trustee's Strong-Arm Into a Weak Finger: A Potpourri of Cases, C. Scott Pryor
Looking for Bedrock: Accounting for Human Rights in Classical Liberalism, Modern Secularism, and the Christian Tradition, C. Scott Pryor
Mission Possible: A Paradigm for Analysis of Contractual Impossibility at Regent University, C. Scott Pryor
Municipal Bankruptcy: When Doing Less is Best, C. Scott Pryor
Principled Pluralism and Contract Remedies, C. Scott Pryor
Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9: Impact in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
Rock, Scissors, Paper: ERISA, The Bankruptcy Code and State Exemption Laws for Individual Retirement Accounts, C. Scott Pryor
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Perspectives on the Wage Priority in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
Third Time's the Charm: The Coming Impact of the Restatement (Third) Restitution and Unjust Enrichment in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
Who Pays the Price: The Necessity of Taxpayer Participation in Chapter 9, C. Scott Pryor
Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions (book review), C. Scott Pryor
Reflections on Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law: The Law of Heaven and Earth, C. Scott Pryor
The Law of Contracts: A Place to Start, C. Scott Pryor
Who Bears the Burden? The Place for Participation of Municipal Residents in Chapter 9, C. Scott Pryor
Puritan Revolution and the Law of Contracts, C. Scott Pryor and Glenn M. Hoshauer
Watertight? Royalty Indemnity Ruling Is Not, C. Scott Pryor and Jeremy L. Pryor
Law Enforcement and Technology: Requiring Technological Shields to Serve and Protect Citizen Rights, Ryan C. Pulley
The Family LLC: A New Approach to Insuring Dynastic Wealth, Evan M. Purcell
Are anti-corruption laws really tackling the problem?, Poonam Puri
Canadian Business Bankruptcy Law, Poonam Puri
Fair Dealing: Governance and Conflicts of Interest at the Investment Dealers Association, Poonam Puri
Financing of Litigation by Third-Party Investors: A Share of Justice?, Poonam Puri
Judgment Proofing the Profession, Poonam Puri
Legal Origins, Investor Protection, and Canada, Poonam Puri
Modi to reach Canada, first visit by Indian Prime Minister in 42 years, Poonam Puri
Securities Litigation and Enforcement: The Canadian Perspective, Poonam Puri
Sentencing the Criminal Corproation, Poonam Puri
Taking Stock of Taking Stock, Poonam Puri
The Death of Liability in the Law Firm: A Critical Analysis of Limited Liability Partnerships, Poonam Puri
The Future of Stakeholder Interests in Corporate Governance, Poonam Puri
The Promise of Certainty in the Law of Pre-Incorporation Contracts, Poonam Puri
The Supreme Court's Securities Act Reference Fails to Demonstrate an Understanding of the Canadian Capital Markets, Poonam Puri
The Supreme Court's Securities Act Reference Fails to Demonstrate an Understanding of the Canadian Markets, Poonam Puri
Twenty Years of Supreme Court Reference Decisions: Putting the Securities Reference Decision in Context, Poonam Puri
Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, Fifth Edition, Poonam Puri, Anita I. Anand, Ron Daniels, Aaron A. Dhir, Ed Iacobucci, Ian Lee, Jeff MacIntosh, Edward J. Waitzer, and Jacob S. Ziegel
Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, Fifth Edition, Poonam Puri, Anita I. Anand, Ron Daniels, Aaron A. Dhir, Ed Iacobucci, Ian Lee, Jeff MacIntosh, Edward J. Waitzer, and Jacob S. Ziegel
Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, Fifth Edition, Poonam Puri, Anita I. Anand, Ron Daniels, Aaron A. Dhir, Ed Iacobucci, Ian Lee, Jeff MacIntosh, Edward J. Waitzer, and Jacob S. Ziegel
Proportionate Liability Under the CBCA in the Context of Recent Corporate Governance Reform: Canadian Auditors in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time?, Poonam Puri and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Proportionate Liability Under the CBCA in the Context of Recent Corporate Governance Reform: Canadian Auditors in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time?, Poonam Puri and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Employees as Corporate Stakeholders, Poonam Puri and Tuvia Borok
Say on Pay, Soft Law and the Regulatory Focus on Enforcement and Transparency, Poonam Puri and Simon Kupi
White-Collar Crime, Poonam Puri and Simon Kupi
Who Needs Paper Anymore? Rationalizing an Allocation of Government Responsibility for the Transfer of Securities, Poonam Puri and Gil Lan
Introduction to Debates on Corporate Governance, Poonam Puri and J. Larsen
Corporate Governance and Securities Regulation in the 21st Century, Poonam Puri and Jeffrey Larsen
Developments in Financial Services Regulation: A Canadian Perspective, Poonam Puri and Andrew Nichol
Canadian Pension Funds: Investments and Role in the Capital Markets and Corporate Governance, Poonam Puri and P. M. Vasudev
A Female Disease: The Unintentional Gendering of Fibromyalgia Social Security Claims, Dara Purvis
Evaluating Legal Activism: A Response to Rosenberg, Dara Purvis
Female Law Students, Gendered Self-Evaluation, and the Promise of Positive Psychology, Dara Purvis
Government Advertising Space: Lessons for the 'Choose Life' Specialty License Plate Controversy, Dara Purvis
Intended Parents and the Problem of Perspective, Dara Purvis
Overruling the Jury: Duncan v. GMC and Appellate Treatment of Hostile Work Environment Judgments, Dara Purvis
Sexual Orientation of Fatherhood, Dara Purvis
The Origin of Parental Rights: Labor, Intent, and Fathers, Dara Purvis
The Right to Contract: Use of Domestic Partnership as a Strategic Alternative to the Right to Marry Same-Sex Partners, Dara Purvis
The Answer to Trial Publicity is a Better Question, Kevin F. Qualls
Net Neutrality - Computer Law, Matthew Charles Quattrochi
For Goodness’ Sake: A Two-Part Proposal for Remedying the U.S. Charity/Justice Imbalance, Fran Quigley
Georgia State E-Reserves Case, Laura Quilter
Mass Digitization Pilot Program, Request for Comments, Submission of Boston Library Consortium, Laura Quilter and Susan Stearns
Mass Digitization Pilot Program, Request for Comments, Submission of Boston Library Consortium, Laura Quilter and Susan Stearns