About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015


Des méthodes et des hommes. La production sociale du savoir sur l’efficacité de la peine de mort, Sacha Raoult

Empirische Sozialforschung und ihre Macher, Sacha Raoult


Foucault et la critique marxiste du droit, Sacha Raoult

Toutes choses égales par ailleurs. Durcissement des peines et droits de la défense aux Etats-Unis., Sacha Raoult


Virtuous Billing, Nancy B. Rapoport and Randy D. Gordon


Plausible Cause: Exploring the Limits of Loss Causation In Pleading and Proving Market Fraud Claims Under Securities Exchange Act Section 10(b) and SEC Rule 10b-5, Robert N. Rapp

Democratic Capital: A Voting Rights Surge in Washington Could Strengthen the Constitution for Everyone, Jamin Raskin

We the students : Supreme Court cases for and about students, Jamin Raskin


When Peace Is Not the Goal of a Class Action Settlement, D. Theodore Rave

Courts, Capacity and Engagement: Lessons from Hlophe v. City of Johannesburg, Brian E. Ray

Evictions, Aspiration and Avoidance, Brian E. Ray

"The Hindrance of a Law Degree": Justice Kagan on Law and Experience, Laura Krugman Ray


Homosexuality: From Burning at the Stake to Being Welcome at the Church, Dr Leonardo Raznovich


Finding the adequate legal framework for the deployment of Ocean Renewable Energy through area-based management, Xiao Recio-Blanco


Protecting Marine Biodiversity in Latin America Through Area-Based Fisheries Regulation, Xiao Recio-Blanco


Transnational Area-Based Ocean Management: Finding Avenues for Regulatory Harmonization, Xiao Recio-Blanco


Content and comprehensibility of juvenile and adult tender-of-plea forms: Implications for knowing, intelligent, and voluntary guilty pleas, Allison D. Redlich

There's No Place Like Confirmation: Tenth Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Nondischargeability Case in a Chapter 11 Plan, Patricia A. Redmond and Jessica Gabel Cino

Avenging Lincoln's Death: The Trial of John Wilkes Booth's Accomplices, Thomas J. Reed

Adjudication lottery for refugees, Sean Rehaag

Bisexuals Need Not Apply: A Comparative Appraisal of Refugee Law and Policy in Canada, the United States, and Australia, Sean Rehaag

Book Review: Governing Sexuality: The Changing Politics of Citizenship and Law Reform, Sean Rehaag

Book Review: Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means For Migration and Law, by Catherine Dauvergne, Sean Rehaag

Book Review: The Hart-Fuller Debate in the Twenty-First Century, by Peter Cane (ed), Sean Rehaag

Book Review: The Rights of Others Aliens, Residents and Citizens, by Seyla Benhabib, Sean Rehaag

Bordering on Legality: Canadian Church Sanctuary and the Rule of Law, Sean Rehaag

Canada pays thousands of Roma to abandon refugee appeals, leave country, Sean Rehaag

Canada’s refugee acceptance rate up despite asylum restrictions, Sean Rehaag

Death by Boat, Sean Rehaag

Decisions by Refugee Appeal Division members vary widely, Sean Rehaag

Do Women Refugee Judges Really Make a Difference? An Empirical Analysis of Gender and Outcomes in Canadian Refugee Determinations, Sean Rehaag

Jason Kenney's proposal to strip citizenship from 'terrorists' undermines Canadian values, Sean Rehaag

Judicial Review of Refugee Determinations: The Luck of the Draw?, Sean Rehaag

Law Society failing vulnerable refugee claimants, Sean Rehaag

Legal Aid seeks standing at penalty hearing for disgraced refugee lawyer, Sean Rehaag

Legal Aid vows to ‘weed out’ bad refugee lawyers, Sean Rehaag

No one is above the law on refugees: Churches keep Canada from violating international law, Sean Rehaag

Patrolling the Borders of Sexual Orientation: Bisexual refugee claims in Canada, Sean Rehaag

Refugee board members’ rulings varied widely in 2014, data suggests, Sean Rehaag

Restricted Access to Justice for Canadians Mistreated Abroad: Abdelrazik v. Canada (Re: Interim Costs), Sean Rehaag

The Role of Counsel in Canada's Refugee Determinations System: An Empirical Assessment, Sean Rehaag

Time for lawyers to confront anti-Roma stereotypes, Sean Rehaag

Troubling Patterns in Canadian Refugee Adjudication, Sean Rehaag

VIDEO: MP Peggy Nash on systemic bias against Hungarian Roma Refugee Claimants in Canada, Sean Rehaag

Legislation won't stop asylum seekers using human smugglers, Sean Rehaag and Sharryn Aiken

Stop vilifying Roma refugees, Sean Rehaag and Benjamin L. Berger

Stop vilifying Roma refugees, Sean Rehaag and Benjamin L. Berger

Réfugiés écartés, Sean Rehaag and Francois Crepeau

Ontario Legal Aid toughens rules after lawyers failed Roma clients, Sean Rehaag and Jennifer Danch

Odds stacked against Roma refugees, researchers find, Sean Rehaag, Jennifer Danch, and Julianna Beaudoin

Roma refugees victims of systemic discrimination in Canada, new report finds, Sean Rehaag, Jennifer Danch, and Julianna Beaudoin

Introduction to ‘Convergence in Dispute Resolution Processes', Sean Rehaag and Erik S. Knutsen

Playing politics with refugees, Sean Rehaag and Audrey Macklin

Kenney confuses on permanent residence loss, Sean Rehaag, Audrey Macklin, and Lorne Waldman

Globalization and Instrument Choice: The Role of International Law, Sean Rehaag and Stephen J. Toope

A Reverse Notice and Takedown Regime to Enable Pubic Interest Uses of Technically Protected Copyrighted Works, Jerome H. Reichman, Graeme B. Dinwoodie, and Pamela Samuelson

A Reverse Notice and Takedown Regime to Enable Public Interest Uses of Technically Protected Copyrighted Works, Jerome H. Reichman, Graeme B. Dinwoodie, and Pamela Samuelson

A Reverse Notice and Takedown Regime to Enable Public Interest Uses of Technically Protected Copyrighted Works, Jerome H. Reichman, Graeme B. Dinwoodie, and Pamela Samuelson

Intellectual Property Rights in Data?, Jerome H. Reichman and Pamela Samuelson


The importance of work or productive activity in life care planning and case management, Christine Reid and Susan Riddick-Grisham

What's It Worth to Keep a Secret?, Gavin C. Reid, Nicola Searle, and Saurabh Vishnubhakat

United States v. Jones: Big Brother and the "Common Good" versus the Fourth Amendment and Your Right to Privacy, Melanie Reid


Crime and Punishment, A Global Concern: Who Does It Best and Does Isolation Really Work?, Melanie M. Reid


Government Secrets: The Public's Misconceptions of the Snowden Disclosures, Melanie M. Reid


NSA and DEA Intelligence Sharing: Why It's Legal and Why Reuters and the Good Wife Got It Wrong, Melanie M. Reid

NSA and DEA Intelligence Sharing: Why It's Legal and Why Reuters Got It Wrong, Melanie M. Reid

A Paradigm for Sexual Harassment: Toward the Optimal Level of Loss, Marie T. Reilly

In Good Times and in Debt: The Evolution of Marital Agency and the Meaning of Marriage, Marie T. Reilly

Making Sense of Successor Liability, Marie T. Reilly

The FDIC as Holder in Due Course: Some Law and Economics, Marie T. Reilly

The Latent Efficiency of Fraudulent Transfer Law, Marie T. Reilly

The Wasted Sacrifice of Lessors' Lost Profit Claims in Bankruptcy, Marie T. Reilly

Mindfulness, Emotions, and Mental Models: Theory that Leads to More Effective Dispute Resolution, Peter Reilly

Mindfulness, Emotions, and Mental Models: Theory That Leads to More Effective Dispute Resolution, Peter Reilly

Mindfulness, Emotions, and Mental Models: Theory that Leads to More Effective Dispute Resolution, Peter Reilly

Negotiating Bribery: Toward Increased Transparency, Consistency, and Fairness in Pretrial Bargaining under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Peter Reilly

Negotiating Bribery: Toward Increased Transparency, Consistency, and Fairness in Pretrial Bargaining under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Peter Reilly

Resistance Is Not Futile: Harnessing the Power of Counter-Offensive Tactics in Legal Persuasion, Peter Reilly

Was Machiavelli Right? Lying in Negotiation and the Art of Defensive Self-Help, Peter Reilly

Attorneys and Negotiation Ethics: A Material Misunderstanding?, Peter Reilly, Art Hinshaw, and Andrea Kupfer Schneider

Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium, Peter J. Reilly

Incentivizing Corporate America to Eradicate Transnational Bribery Worldwide: Federal Transparency and Voluntary Disclosure under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Peter R. Reilly


Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder and Mental Illness in Criminal Offenders, Jayme M. Reisler


Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder and Mental Illness in Criminal Offenders, Jayme M. Reisler

The Twenty-Sixth Annual John Marshall International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law: Bench Memorandum, 25 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 305 (2008), Leslie Ann Reis, David E. Sorkin, Panagiota Kelali, Jessica Diehl, Carlos A. Encinas, Matthew Hector, Gina Spada, Steven Tseng, and Priya Krishnamoorthy Venkat

Planned Parenthood Legitimizes Kinsey’s Child Abuse Crimes, Judith A. Reisman PhD

"The first High Court [Australian] judge to declare his homosexuality, has paid emotional tribute to Alfred Kinsey", Judith A. Reisman PhD

Gender Identity In Public Schools, Judith A. Reisman PhD and Mary E. McAlister Esq.


Underwriting Sustainable Homeownership: The Federal Housing Administration and the Low Down Payment Loan, David J. Reiss

Infected Physicians & Invasive Procedures: Safe Practice Management, Angelique M. Reitsma, Michael L. Closen, Marshall Cunningham, Henry N.F. Minich, Jonathan D. Moreno, Ronald L. Nichols, Richard D. Pearson, Robert G. Sawyer, Brian Wispelwey, Patricia M. Tereskerz, and Paul A. Lombardo

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman

Measurement of Restitution: Coordinating Restitution with Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages, Doug Rendleman