The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Different Conclusions on Sex Assaults, Jake New
The Supersession of Historical Injustices, Dwight Newman, Alice MacLachlan, Brian Slattery, and Michael Giudice
Enron and the Special Purpose Entities - Use or Abuse - The Real Problem - The Real Focus, Neal Newman
Enron and the Special Purpose Entities - Use or Abuse - The Real Problem - The Real Focus, Neal Newman
The Carrot Approach to Accounting Standard Setting, Neal Newman
The Carrot Approach to Accounting Standard Setting, Neal Newman
One Worldwide Set of Global Accounting Standards - HMM, Neal F. Newman
One Worldwide Set of Global Accounting Standards - HMM, Neal F. Newman
The U.S. Move to International Accounting Standards - A Matter of Cultural Discord - How Do We Reconcile, Neal F. Newman
The U.S. Move to International Accounting Standards - A Matter of Cultural Discord - How Do We Reconcile, Neal F. Newman
At the Whim of the Sovereign: Aboriginal Title Reconsidered, Nell Jessup Newton
Can the United States Be Held Liable for Its Failure to Maintain Fort Apache?, Nell Jessup Newton
Can The United States Be Held Liable For Mismanaging a Tribal Mineral Lease?, Nell Jessup Newton
Counties Seek to Tax Land Owned by Indians on Indian Reservations, Nell Jessup Newton
Does the First Amendment Accommodate the Religious Use of Peyote?, Nell Jessup Newton
Does Time or Treaty Control the Catawba Tribe’s Land Claim?, Nell Jessup Newton
Does Time or Trust Control Transfer of Indian Allotments?, Nell Jessup Newton
Do States Have Criminal Jurisdiction over Indians Accused of Committing Major Crimes on Reservations in the State?, Nell Jessup Newton
Federal Court Jurisdiction Over Indians, Nell Jessup Newton
Federal Power over Indians: Its Sources, Scope, and Limitations, Nell Jessup Newton
Indian Tribal Trust Funds, Nell Jessup Newton
Let a Thousand Policy-Flowers Bloom, Nell Jessup Newton
Panelists, Indiana State Bar Association’s 2015 Legal Education Conclave, Nell Jessup Newton
Permanent Legislation to Correct Duro v. Reina, Nell Jessup Newton
Recognizing and Enforcing State and Tribal Judgments: A Roundtable Discussion of Law, Policy and Practice, Nell Jessup Newton
Regulating Bingo on Reservations: Will Indian Tribes Hit the Jackpot?, Nell Jessup Newton
Should Tribes Be Treated as States under the Commerce Clause?, Nell Jessup Newton
State-Tribal Conflict over Regulating Hunting and Fishing on Lands Acquired by the Federal Government for the Construction of a Reservoir, Nell Jessup Newton
The Criminal Jurisdiction of Tribal Courts Over Nonmember Indians, Nell Jessup Newton
The Judicial Role in Fifth Amendment Takings of Indian Lands: An Analysis of the Sioux Nation Rule, Nell Jessup Newton
The Native American Church in the 'Drug War' Era, Nell Jessup Newton
Too Little Land-Too Many Heirs: Is the Indian Lands Consolidation Act a Constitutional Solution?, Nell Jessup Newton
Tribal Court Praxis: One Year in the Life of Twenty Tribal Courts, Nell Jessup Newton
When is a Taking Not a Taking?, Nell Jessup Newton
Who Controls Development on the Reservation?, Nell Jessup Newton
Who Decides an Indian Child's Welfare?, Nell Jessup Newton
Will the Supreme Court Uphold New York's Attempt to "Smoke Out" Cigarette Tax Evaders on Indian Reservations?, Nell Jessup Newton
Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law, Nell Jessup Newton, Felix Cohen, and Robert Anderson
Designing Trial Avoidance Procedures for Post-Conflict, Civil Law Countries: Is German Absprachen an Appropriate Model for Efficient Criminal Justice in Afghanistan?, Nasiruddin Nezaami
The Common Law of Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Professor David Vaver, Catherine W. Ng, Lionel Bently, and Giuseppina D'Agostino
Health Care Reform and Affordable: The Graduate Student's Need for Further Reform, Angela N. Nicewonder
Market Based Approaches to Environmental Preservation: To Environmental Mitigation Fees and Beyond, James C. Nicholas and Julian C. Juergensmeyer
The Neomercantilist Fallacy and the Contextual Reality of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Philip M. Nichols
'Creatures of the State': Regulatory Federalism, Local Immunities, and EU Waste Regulation in Comparative Perspective, Fernanda Nicola
An Incredible Legacy, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Book Review, Cardinal Rules of Advocacy: Understanding and Mastering Fundamental Principles of Persuasion, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Book Review, The First Century: One Hundred Years of AALL History, 1906-2005, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Legal Resources for the Bench and Bar at UT's LaValley Law Library, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Librarian Director as Manager of Union Employees: Staff, Analysis One, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Librarian Director as Manager of Union Employees: Staff, Analysis One, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Memorial: Nancy P. Johnson (1949-2014), Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Vanishing into the Ether: Link Rot and Disappearing Precedent, Kristina L. Niedringhaus
Mastering Looseleaf Services, Kristina L. Niedringhaus and Elizabeth G. Adelman
Lawyers and Learning: A Metacognitive Approach to Legal Education, 13 Widener L. Rev. 33 (2006), Anthony Niedwiecki
Save Our Children: Overcoming the Narrative that Gays and Lesbians are Harmful to Children, Anthony Niedwiecki
Save Our Children: Overcoming the Narrative That Gays and Lesbians Are Harmful to Children, 21 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 125 (2013), Anthony Niedwiecki
Science Fact or Science Fiction? The Implications of Court-Ordered Genetic Testing Under Rule 35, 34 U.S.F. L. Rev. 295 (2000), Anthony Niedwiecki
State v. McHugh: The Louisiana Supreme Court Upholds Gaming Checks, 69 Tul. L. Rev. 611 (1994), Anthony Niedwiecki
Stephanie Feldman-Aleong: A Legacy of Love and Loyalty, 34 Nova L. Rev. 589 (2010), Anthony Niedwiecki
Teaching for Lifelong Learning: Improving the Metacognitive Skills of Law Students through More Effective Formative Assessment Techniques, 40 Cap. U. L. Rev. 149 (2012), Anthony Niedwiecki
Introduction: The Florida Example, 32 Nova L. Rev. 515 (2008), Anthony Niedwiecki and William E. Adams
Law Schools and Learning Outcomes: Developing a Coherent, Cohesive, and Comprehensive Law School Curriculum, Anthony S. Niedwiecki
Prepared for Practice? Developing a Comprehensive Assessment Plan for a Law School Professional Skills Program, 50 U.S.F. L. Rev ___ (forthcoming 2015), Anthony S. Niedwiecki
The New Qualified Immunity, Aaron Nielson and Christopher J. Walker
Sound Recordings, Works for Hire, and the Termination-of-Transfers Time Bomb, David Nimmer and Peter S. Menell
Preexisting Confusion in Copyright's Work-for-Hire Doctrine, David Nimmer, Peter S. Menell, and Diane McGimsey
Defectos y virtudes del proyecto de reforma del Código Civil. El caso de la representación en los negocios jurídicos., Fort Ninamancco Córdova
El objeto del negocio jurídico en una reciente sentencia en casación: notas sobre un confuso concepto., Fort Ninamancco Córdova
La metamorfosis incoherente (¿e inconstitucional?) del principio de fe pública registral, Fort Ninamancco Córdova
La supremacía constitucional del crédito inscrito sobre la propiedad no inscrita, Fort Ninamancco Córdova
La supremacía constitucional del crédito inscrito sobre la propiedad no inscrita, Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Los "puntos ciegos" de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina sobre los actos de disposición de bienes sociales., Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Mi designación como Amicus Curiae: comunicación oficial., Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Por la supremacía del crédito inscrito ante la propiedad no inscrita., Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Suprema decidirá sobre propiedad, Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Suprema decidirá sobre propiedad, Fort Ninamancco Córdova
Law's Slow Violence Workshop, Rob Nixon and Dayna Nadine Scott
A Humane Approach Can Work: The Effectiveness of Alternatives to Detention for Asylum Seekers, Mark Noferi
A Humane Approach Can Work: The Effectiveness of Alternatives to Detention for Asylum Seekers, Mark Noferi
A Humane Approach Can Work: The Effectiveness of Alternatives to Detention for Asylum Seekers, Mark Noferi
A Humane Approach Can Work: The Effectiveness of Alternatives to Detention for Asylum Seekers, Mark Noferi
Building Legal Competency: Foundations for a More Effective Criminology and Criminal Justice Discipline, Claire A. Nolasco Ph.D.
Media access to juvenile proceedings: Balancing the tightrope between privacy rights and freedom of the press, Claire A. Nolasco Ph.D.
Unlocking the black box: indicators of treatment noncompliance in a DWI court program, Claire A. Nolasco Ph.D.
Unlocking the black box: indicators of treatment noncompliance in a DWI court program, Claire A. Nolasco Ph.D.
Junk Science? Four Arguments Against the Radiological Age Assessment of Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum, Gregor Noll
Why the EU gets in the way of refugee solidarity, Gregor Noll
Power and Responsibility, André Nollkaemper
Shared Responsibility in International Law, André Nollkaemper
The Problem of Many Hands in International Law, André Nollkaemper
Towards Engaged Scholarship, John R. Nolon, Michelle Bryan Mudd, Michael Burger, Kim Diana Connolly, Nestor Davidson, Matthew Festa, Jill I. Gross, Lisa Heinzerling, Keith Hirokawa, Tim Iglesias, Patrick C. McGinley, Sean Nolon, Uma Outka, Jessica Owley, Kalyani Robbins, Jonathan Rosenbloom, and Christopher Serkin
On Porn Censorship and Liberal Ethics in the UK. Brief Notes of the Audivisual Media Services Regulations 2014, Guido Noto La Diega
Striking a Balance among Security, Privacy and Competition. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (DRIP), Guido Noto La Diega
Striking a Balance among Security, Privacy and Competition. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (DRIP), Guido Noto La Diega
The Law of Service Robots, Guido Noto La Diega, Monica A. Senor, Claudio Artusio, Mauro Alovisio, Carlo Blengino, Marco Ciurcina, Giovanni B. Gallus, Ugo Pagallo, Massimo Travostino, Giuseppe Vaciago, and Paolo Zampella
Direct Democracy as a Legislative Act, Henry S. Noyes
Labour Law in a Greying Labour Market - In Need of a Reconceptualisation of Work and Pension Norms?, Ann Numhauser-Henning
Labour Law, Pension Norms and the EU Ban on Age Discrimination: Towards Ultimate Flexibilisation?, Ann Numhauser-Henning