The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Caveat Emptor: Direct-to-Consumer Supply and Advertising of Genetic Testing, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Fragmenting the Body, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Intractable Neurological Disorders, Genetics and Society: Some Legal and Ethical Issues in Canada, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Possible strike looms at York University, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Public Bodies, Private Parts: Genetics in a Post-Keynesian Era, Roxanne Mykitiuk
The New Genetics in the Post-Keynesian State, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Sites of Exclusion: Disabled Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Ena Chadha
TRIPS and its Implications for Healthcare, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Michelle Dagnino
The Rights of the Adolescent: The Mature Minor, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Victoria J. Davis
Parental Separation and the Child Custody Decision -- Towards a Reconception, Roxanne Mykitiuk and David Duff
The Public Nature of Private Violence, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Martha Albertson Fineman
Regulating Inheritable Genetic Modification or Policing the Fertile Imagination?: A Feminist Response, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Isabel Karpin
Clinical Practice Guideline: Informed Consent to Donate Embryos for Research Purposes, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Erin Nelson, and Jeff Nisker
Assisted Reproduction, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Jeff Nisker
The Canadian Assisted Human Reproduction Act: Protecting Women’s Health While Potentially Allowing Human Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer into Non-Human Oocytes, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Jeff Nisker, and Robyn Bluhm
Terminal Care, Terminal Justice: The Supreme Court of Canada and Sue Rodriguez, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Jeremy Paltiel
Screening for Deficits: Legal and Ethical Implications of Genetic Screening and Testing to Reduce Health Care Budgets, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Steven Penney
Risky Pregnancy: Liability, Blame, and Insurance in the Governance of Prenatal Harm, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Dayna Nadine Scott
Risky Pregnancy: Liability, Blame, and Insurance in the Governance of Prenatal Harm, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Dayna Nadine Scott
Legal Dimensions of Adolescent Sexuality, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Stephanie Turnham
Prenatal Diagnosis and Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Legal and Ethical Issues, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Stephanie Turnham, and Mireille Lacroix
The 'Affected' Post-PGD Embryo, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Estair Van Wagner, and Jeff Nisker
Regulating Reproductive Technologies in Canada, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Albert Wallrap
Kashmir, India, Pakistan and the United Sttes: A Clarification of Legal-Policy Interests of Concerned States, Winston P. Nagan
International Intellectual Property, Access to Health Care, and Human Rights: South Africa v. United States, Winston P. Nagan
Reflections on Racism and World Order, Winston P. Nagan
The Struggle for Justice in the Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery: The Legacy of the Magna Carta and the Common Law Tradition, Winston P. Nagan
The International Law of Torture: From Universal Proscription to Effective Application and Enforcement, Winston P. Nagan and Lucie Atkins
Old Poison in New Bottles: Trafficking and the Extinction of Respect, Winston P. Nagan and Alvaro de Medeiros
Recognition of Palestinian Statehood: A Clarification of the Interests of the Concerned Parties, Winston P. Nagan and Aitza M. Haddad
Communications Theory and World Public Order: The Anthropomorphic, Jurisprudential Foundations of International Human Rights, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
Patriotism, Nationalism, and the War on Terror: A Mild Plea in Avoidance, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
The Changing Character of Sovereignty in International Law and International Relations, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
The Conceptual and Jurisprudential Aspects of Property in the Context of the Fundamental Rights of Indigenous People: The Case of the Shuar of Ecuador, Winston P. Nagan and Craig Hammer
Racism, Genocide, and Mass Murder: Toward a Legal Theory about Group Deprivations, Winston P. Nagan and Vivile F. Rodin
The Emerging Restrictions on Sovereign Immunity: Peremptory Norms of International Law, the U.N. Charter, and the Application of Modern Communications Theory, Winston P. Nagan and Joshua L. Root
Globalism from an African Perspective: The Training of Lawyers for a New and Challenging Reality, Winston P. Nagan and Marcio Santos
National Security Policy and Ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Winston P. Nagan and Erin K. Slemmens
Embracing the Journey from Objective to Persuasive Writing Through Stories Told to the Supreme Court, Mary Nagel
Introduction to Legal Reasoning and Case Analysis Class, Mary Nagel
Speaker:, Mary Nagel
The Differences and Similarities of the Federal and Illinois Rules on Civil Procedure, Mary Nagel
Think Like a Freak: How New Thinking about Thinking Can Improve LRW, Mary Nagel and Olymia Durhart
2014 U.S. - China Energy Forum, John Nagle
John Nagle shares thoughts about Earth Day on Fox News on April 24, 2015, John Nagle
President Obama’s Law, John Nagle
Law's Environment: How the Law Shapes the Places We Live, John C. Nagle
The Law of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, John C. Nagle
Appearance of Election Law, The;Symposium, John Copeland Nagle
How National Park Law Really Works, John Copeland Nagle
The Environmentalist Attack on Environmental Law, John Copeland Nagle
The Role of Case Studies in Natural Resources Law [summary], John Copeland Nagle
Wilderness Exceptions, John Copeland Nagle
The Law of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management. 2nd Edition., John Copeland Nagle, J. B. Ruhl, and Kalayani Robbons
The Practice and Policy of Environmental Law. 2nd Edition, John C. Nagle, James Salzman, and J. B. Ruhl
Constitutional Torts: Cases, Comments and Questions (with M. Wells et al.), Sheldon Nahmod
The judge looked at the consolidation of law and the rights of criminal policy approach, ali reza najariyan, Saeed kharadmandi, Ali Asghar Azami, and Kheyri Khazayi
The judge looked at the consolidation of law and the rights of criminal policy approach, ali reza najariyan, Saeed kharadmandi, Ali Asghar Azami, and Kheyri Khazayi
An Empirical Analysis of Diversity in the Legal Profession, Jason P. Nance and Paul E. Madsen
Sex-selective Abortion Bans are Not Associated with Changes in Sex Ratios at Birth among Asian Populations in Illinois and Pennsylvania, Arindam Nandi, Sital Kalantry, and Brian Citro
Constitutionalizing Patents: From Venice to Philadelphia, Craig Allen Nard and Andrew P. Morriss
Constitutionalizing Patents: From Venice to Philadelphia, Craig Allen Nard and Andrew P. Morriss
Agency Boundaries and Network Neutrality, Tejas N. Narechania
Federal and State Authority for Broadband Regulation, Tejas N. Narechania
Patent Conflicts, Tejas N. Narechania
What the Constitution Means by “Duties, Imposts, and Excises”—and “Taxes” (Direct or Otherwise), Robert G. Natelson
Health Care and the Balance Billing Problem: The Solution is the Common Law of Contracts and Strengthening the Free Market for Health Care., george A. Nation III
Hospital Chargemaster Insanity: Heeling The Healers, george A. Nation III
Contrato de Sociedad y Acuerdos Societarios. Introducción, Joe Navarrete
El contrato plurilateral, Joe Navarrete
La responsabilidad de los Administradores de las Personas Jurídicas Irregulares, Joe Navarrete
El fideicomiso y el financiamiento público, Joe Navarrete, Paulo Comitre, Marlene Bazán, Diana Farfán, Ronald Gutierrez, and Márllury Valdez
Opening the Barnyard Door: Transparency and the Resurgence of Ag-Gag & Veggie Libel Laws, Nicole Negowetti
Opening the Barnyard Door: Transparency and the Resurgence of Ag-Gag & Veggie Libel Laws, Nicole E. Negowetti
Corporate Conspiracy Charges for the Financial Crisis, J.S. Nelson
Frustration with the Intracorporate Conspiracy Doctrine Distorts other Areas of Law, J.S. Nelson
How We Should Have Tried Monsignor Lynn, J.S. Nelson
JPMorgan’s Witness and the Holes in Corporate Criminal Law, J.S. Nelson
Sex Abuse, Priests, and Corporate Conspiracy, J.S. Nelson
The Corporate Conspiracy Vacuum Presentation, J.S. Nelson
The Corporate Shell Game Presentation, J.S. Nelson
The Ethical Slide, Train Tickets, and Helping the Next Generation of Corporate Leaders to Choose Differently, J.S. Nelson
The Intracorporate Conspiracy Doctrine and CEO Turnover, J.S. Nelson
The Intracorporate Conspiracy Doctrine and D&O Litigation Incentives, J.S. Nelson
The Silenced Connecticut Sex-Abuse Case, J.S. Nelson
Where are the Prosecutions for Corporate Conspiracy?, J.S. Nelson
Broker-Dealer: A Fiduciary By Any Other Name?, William Alan Nelson II
Take It or Leave It: Unconscionability of Mandatory Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreements in the Securities Industry, William Alan Nelson II
Flexible Finality in Bankruptcy: The Right to Appeal A Denial of Plan Confirmation, Joseph L. Nepowada
The 2012 Saudi Arbitration Law: A Comparative Examination of the Law and its Effect on Arbitration in Saudi Arabia, Faris K. Nesheiwat and Ali Khasawneh
The 2012 Saudi Arbitration Law: A ComparativeExamination of the Law and Its Effect onArbitration in Saudi Arabia, Faris K. Nesheiwat and Ali Khasawneh
First Amendment Freedom of Speech and Religion - October 2009 Term, Burt Neuborne and Michael C. Dorf
The Commander in Chief's Authority to Combat Climate Change, Mark P. Nevitt
Apollo Meets Dionysus: Interdisciplinarity in Long-standing Interdisciplinary Programs, William H. Newell, James Hall, Steven Hutkins, Daniel Larner, Eric McGuckin, and Karen Oates