The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1991
Recent Legal Developments Affecting Court Operations, J. Rich Leonard
Introductory Note to the Bank for International Settlements: Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices' Consultative Paper on International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Remarks (as Panelist) on Europe 1992: Roundup on the Law and Politics of the European Community, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Kibitzers, Fuzzies, and Apes Without Tails: Pragmatism and the Art of Conversation in Legal Theory, Robert Justin Lipkin
Tracing the American Concept of Stewardship to English Antecedents, Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
A Reappraisal of the Tax Consequences of Abandonments in Bankruptcy, Ray D. Madoff
Grievance Arbitration: Accommodating an Increasingly Diversified Work Force, Martin H. Malin
Legal Environment of Business (with J. Blackburn & E. Klayman), Martin H. Malin
Restricting Surrogacy to Married Couples: A Constitutional Problem? The Married-parent Requirement in the Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act, Ann MacLean Massie
Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries: a Comparative Approach, Ugo Mattei and Roberto Pardolesi
Getting Hamr'd: Highest Applicable Marginal Rates That Nail Unsuspecting Taxpayers, James Edward Maule
Report of the Subcommittee on Comparison of S Corporations and Partnerships, James Edward Maule
Public Values and Private Justice: A Case for Mediator Accountability, Judith Maute
AALS Section on Women in Legal Education, Chair (1997); Chair-elect (1996); Treasurer (1995); Executive Committee (1991-1998), Judith L. Maute
National Conference of Bar Examiners, Multi-State Professional Responsibility Drafting Committee (1991-1998), Judith L. Maute
For a Political Economy of Annotation, Laurent Mayali
One senses it or one does not, Laurent Mayali
Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Haslip; Implications for Toxic Tort Practitioners Part I, James R. May
Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Haslip; Implications for Toxic Tort Practitioners Part II, James R. May
The Efficacy of Successorship Clauses in Collective Bargaining Agreements, Celestine McConville
Civil Disobedience and the Lawyer's Obligation to the Law, Judith A. McMorrow
Rule 11 and Federalizing Lawyer Ethics, Judith A. McMorrow
Life After Law School: On Being a Retired Law Professor, Judith A. McMorrow and Anthony R. Baldwin
The Limitations of Legal Institutions for Addressing Environmental Risks, Peter Menell
Market Structure and Technical Advance: The Role of Patent Scope Decisions, Robert P. Merges and Richard Nelson
Cosmology Big Howler, Milan Meszaros
Re-Examining Hearsay under the Federal Rules: Some Method for the Madness, Paul Milich
Employment Law -- 1990, Gary Minda
Rediscovering Progressive Labor Politics, Gary Minda
The Dilemmas of Property and Sovereignty in the Postmodern Era: The Regulatory Takings Problem, Gary Minda
Note, Bankruptcy and Class Actions: The Continuing Conflict Over Class Proofs of Claim, Nicholas A. Mirkay
Note, The Supreme Court’s Decision in Cheek: Does It Encourage Willful Tax Evasion?, Nicholas A. Mirkay
Book Review: Frederick H. Miller et al., Practitioner's Guide to the Oklahoma Uniform Consumer Credit Code (1991), Daniel J. Morgan and Tommie J. Fent
Celebrating a New Direction in Graduate Legal Studies, Mary Jane Mossman
Legal Dimensions of U.S.-Soviet Cooperation in Combating Terrorism, John F. Murphy
Nonviolent Responses to Violence-Prone Problems: The Cases of Disputed Maritime Claims and State-Sponsored Terrorism , John F. Murphy
Review of "Human Rights in a Changing World," Antonio Cassese, Terrorism and Political Violence, John F. Murphy
Good Legal Writing: A Guide for the Perplexed, Samuel K. Murumba
The Rule of Law? or the Rule of Fear: Some Thoughts on Extradition in Colombia, Luz Estella Nagle-Ortiz
The Sacred Flag and the First Amendment, Sheldon Nahmod
Clients, Colleagues and Conscience: Affective Taxonomy in the Live Client Clinic, Nathaniel C. Nichols
Deep sea-bed mining and the protection of the marine environment, André Nollkaemper
Privatization in Ukraine: Economics, Law, and Politics, Matthew S. R. Palmer
Civil and Criminal Forfeitures of Real Property, Joyce Palomar
Civil and Criminal Forfeitures of Real Property: Marketability of the Government's Title, Joyce Palomar
Title Insurance and Creditors' Rights Laws (Speaker & Chair of Panel), Joyce Palomar
Intereses sobre capital ajustado: ¿arbitrariedad judicial?, Martin Paolantonio
Inviable retorno al nominalismo, Martin Paolantonio
Las letras de consumo y su problemática jurídica, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Causa y verificación, Martin Paolantonio and Eduardo Moccero
La representación cambiaria en las asociaciones civiles, Martin Paolantonio and Eduardo Moccero
‘Exploring Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum’. Theoretical and Practical suggestions, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Keynote address to the New Zealand School Principals' Annual Conference, Dunedin., Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
No More Stick: An Examination of the Legal Background to Britain's Abolition of Corporal Punishment, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
La inflación en la Unión Soviética, Luis Pazos de la Torre
The New Soviet - East European Economic Relationship: Post CMEA, Joseph Pelzman
La regulación de las franquicias comerciales en Europa y su posible incidencia en América Latina, Víctor Pérez Vargas
1991 Wiley Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt
Adjudication of Civil Penalties Under the Federal Aviation Act, prepared for the Administrative Conference of the United States, Henry H. Perritt
Electronic Contracting, Publishing and EDI Law (with Michael Baum), Henry H. Perritt
Workplace Torts: Rights and Liabilities, Henry H. Perritt
Let Them Become Professionals: An Analysis of the Failure to Enforce Title VII’s Pay Equity Mandate, Pamela L. Perry
Two Faces of Disparate Impact Discrimination, Pamela L. Perry
Fiduciary Duties: Congreve’s The Way of the World, Penelope J. Pether
Hardy and the Law, Penelope J. Pether
Literature and Law , Penelope J. Pether and Simon Petch
A Code of Evidence for the State of New York, Robert M. Pitler
Demystifying the Law: Adding an Environmental Law Course to Environmental Studies Curricula, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Intellectual Property Protection for the Creative Chef, or How to Copyright a Cake: A Modest Proposal, Malla Pollack
The Reservation as Place: A South Dakota Essay, Frank Pommersheim
Tribal-State Relations: Hope for the Future?, Frank Pommersheim
Deregulation of EC Securities Markets: Trading on the Bourse, Norman Poser
Insider Trading in the United Kingdom, Norman Poser
International Securities Regulation: London's Big Bang and the European Securities Markets (& Supp. 1991-1992), Norman Poser
The Measure of Damages in Churning Cases, Norman Poser
Double Jeopardy: Grady and Dowling Stir the Muddy Waters, Anne Poulin
The Fourth Amendment: Elusive Standards, Elusive Review, Anne Poulin
Equal Justice, Eric Rakowski
From Prerogative to Accountability: The Amenability of the President to Suit, Laura K. Ray
Due Process Protections for Juveniles in Civil Commitment Proceedings, Richard E. Redding
NITA Problems in Evidence: Student Manual, Thomas J. Reed
Tax Aspects of Organizing and Operating a Business, James R. Repetti
Distinguishing Tresspass and Nuisance: A Journey Through a Shifiting Borderland, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.
Panelist on program on Revision of UCC Article 3, James S. Rogers
Presented paper on commercial law history at faculty colloquium, James S. Rogers
Inconstitucionalidades en la Ley de Instituciones de Crédito, José Roldán Xopa
Case Comment, Mark D. Rosen
Celebrating the Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights, Ronald D. Rotunda
Commercial Speech and the Platonic Ideal: Libre expression et libre enterprise, Ronald D. Rotunda
Exporting the American Bill of Rights: The Lessons from Romania, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Conference - Second Circuit: RICO and the Proposed Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, Ronald D. Rotunda
Nici o constitutie, Ronald D. Rotunda
Public Executions: Should the Imposition of the Death Sentence Be Televised, Ronald D. Rotunda
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
1991 Pocket Part to Treatise on Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Constitutional Law (a one volume treatise on Constitutional Law), Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak