The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1991
Federalism and the Market for Corporate Control, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Insider Trading, Better Markets, Wall Street Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
New Churning Cases Add Twist to Claims for Portfolio Damages, National Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Kobylanski v. Chicago Bd. of Education: Wrongly Decided, Unevenly Applied, Ralph Brill
Book Review (reviewing ABA Staff, Options for All Ages: Family Dispute Resolution (1990), Ann H. Britton
Book Review (reviewing C. Shalev, Birth Power: The Case for Surrogacy (1989), Ann H. Britton
Mr. Justice Antonin Scalia: A Renaissance of Positivism and Predictability in Constitutional Adjudication, Beau James Brock
Bright Lines, George D. Brown
Dealing with Younger Abstention as a Part of Federal Courts Reform - The Role of the Vanishing Proposal, George D. Brown
1991 Survey of Florida Law, Ronald B. Brown
Real Property - Florida Supreme Court Survey, Ronald B. Brown
Minister's Legal Desk Reference, Lynn R. Buzzard
Garantía de Depósitos Bancarios, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Know-how Agreements and EEC Competition Law, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Los Organos de Representación Societaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Monologue or Dialogue in Management Decisions: A Comparison of Mandatory Bargaining Duties in the United States and Sweden, Timothy A. Canova
Necesidad que el Perú suscriba la Convención de Washington (CIADI), Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry
Commentary, Justice Brennan's Legacy and the Potentially Jilting Souter, John J. Capowski
Jumping the Hurdles: Establishing Pro Bono Programs in Government Law Offices, John J. Capowski
Attribution Amidst Revolution: The Experience of the Iran United States Claims Tribunal, David D. Caron
Iraq and the Force of Law: Why Give a Shield of Immunity?, David D. Caron
Protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer and the Structure of International Environmental Law Making, David D. Caron
The Gulf War, the United Nations Compensation Commission and the Search for Practical Justice, David D. Caron
Wheaton's Elements -- Notes from the Editor, David D. Caron
Case & Statute Comments, Search and Seizure-Search Warrants-Identification of Confidential Informants, R. Michael Cassidy
"Contracts: Flash Cards", David S. Caudill
Freud and Critical Legal Studies: Contours of a Radical Socio-Legal Psychoanalysis, David S. Caudill
Affirmative Action and the Supreme Court, Jesse H. Choper
The Brennan Legacy: A Roundtable Discussion, Jesse H. Choper
The Rise and Decline of the Constitutional Protection of Religious Liberty, Jesse H. Choper
Antidora, Antropología Católica de la Economía Moderna, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Razón de Estado, Razón de Individuo, Razón de Historia, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Foreign Plaintiffs Have an Absolute Right to Have Their Causes of Action Heard in Texas Courts: Dow Chemical Co. v. Alfaro, 786 S.W. 2d 674 (Tex. 1990), Andrew M. Coats
Commercial Law and Practice Guide (annual suppl. 1992-1996), Neil Cohen
Suretyship Principles in the New Article 3: Clarifications and Substantive Changes, Neil Cohen
Consumer Bankruptcy Manual, Arnold Cohn and Mitchell W. Miller
"De-Leveraging" the Leveraged Buyouts of the 1980s: A Prisoner's Dilemma for Unsecured Corporate Bondholders in the 1990s, Ann E. Conaway
"Highly Confident" Letters and Tender Offer Financing, Ann E. Conaway
Lapses, Conflict and Akrasia in Torts and Crimes, Robert Cooter
Kin Groups and the Common Law Process, Robert D. Cooter
Economic Theories of Legal Liability, Robert D. Cooter
Inventing Market Property: The Land Courts of Papua New Guinea, Robert D. Cooter
An Economic Model of the Fiduciary's Duty of Loyalty, Robert D. Cooter and Bradley J. Freedman
The Fiduciary Relationship: Its Economic Character and Legal Consequences, Robert D. Cooter and Bradley J. Freedman
Economic Analysis in Civil Law Countries: Past, Present, Future, Robert D. Cooter and James R. Gordley
Rights of Reproduction and the Provision of Library Services, Randall T. Coyne
Lyle Boren: Rebel Congressman, Von Creel and Bob Burke
Scienter in Professional Liability Cases, Nathan M. Crystal and John P. Freeman
Real and Imagined Effects of Statutes Restricting the Liability of Nonmanufacturing Sellers of Defective Products, John G. Culhane
Picturing Death: Televising Executions, Erin Daly and Karl Olson
Toward a Distinctive Canadian Corporate Law Regime, Ronald J. Daniels and Jeffrey G. MacIntosh
The anxieties of Anglo American gothic, Juan Javier del Granado
The Development of an Industrial Waste Regulatory Program, John C. Dernbach and William F. Pounds
Fifth Amendment - Seizure and Forfeiture of Property - Federal Court Upholds Pre-Notice Forfeiture of Real Property Used for Narcotics Trafficking, Bobby L. Dexter
The Supreme Court (1990 Term): Voting Rights Act, Judicial Elections: Chisom v. Roemer, Bobby L. Dexter
Impeachment of Jury Verdicts: Tanner and Beyond, James W. Diehm
Book review of International Human Rights Law: Universalism Versus Relativism, Douglas L. Donoho
Relativism Versus Universalism in Human Rights: The Search for Meaningful Standards, Douglas L. Donoho
Opting for the British Rule: Or, If Posner and Shavell Can't Remember the Coase Theorem, Who Will?, John Donohue
The Effects of Fee Shifting on the Settlement Rate: Theoretical Observations on Costs, Conflicts and Contingency Fees, John Donohue
Continuous versus Episodic Change: The Impact of Civil Rights Policy on the Economic Status of Blacks, John Donohue and James Heckman
Re-Evaluating Federal Civil Rights Policy, John Donohue and James Heckman
The Changing Nature of Employment Discrimination Litigation, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman
The Changing Nature of Employment Discrimination Litigation, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman
The Changing Nature of Employment Discrimination Litigation, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman
On the Nature of Belief, James M. Donovan
Patron Expectations about Collocation: Measuring the Difference between the Psychologically Real and the Really Real, James M. Donovan
Intellectual Property Law: Commercial, Creative, and Industrial Property, Jay Dratler
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Law Librarian? A Look at AALL Scholarship Recipients, 1967-1988, James E. Duggan
Book Review - The Transformation of Corporate Control, Lauren Edelman
Legal Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures: Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman
Legal Ambiguity and the Politics of Compliance: Affirmative Action Officers' Dilemma, Lauren Edelman, Stephen Petterson, Elizabeth Chambliss, and Howard S. Erlanger
"The Orwellian Nightmare" Reconsidered: A Proposed Regulatory Framework for the Advanced Reproductive Technologies, Jean M. Eggen
Age Discrimination in Employment: Recent Events, Unresolved Issues, in National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, 3rd annual Symposium on Elder Law , Howard C. Eglit
Employee Privacy in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Writing and Analysis in the Law, 2nd ed., Elizabeth Fajans, Marilyn R. Walter, and Helene S. Shapo
Law and Public Choice: A Critical Introduction, Daniel A. Farber and Philip P. Frickey
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm Feeley
Book Review - Alternative to Incarceration: Community Service and FInes, Malcolm M. Feeley
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm M. Feeley
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm M. Feeley
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm M. Feeley
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm M. Feeley
The History of Correctional Privatization, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Privatization of Punishment in Historical Perspective, Malcolm M. Feeley
An Evaluation of the Community Service Order Program in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Malcolm M. Feeley and Richard Berk
The Impact of Conditions Litigation on Prisons and Jails, Malcolm M. Feeley and Roger Hanson
Criminal Justice, Malcolm M. Feeley, John Kaplan, and Jerome Skolnick
An Interpretation of Max Weber's Theory of Law: Metaphysics, Economics, and the Iron Cage of Constitutional Law, Stephen M. Feldman
The New Metaphysics: The Interpretive Turn in Jurisprudence, Stephen M. Feldman
El Fundamento de la Responsabilidad Civil Deportiva, Gastón Fernández Cruz
El fundamento de la responsabilidad civil deportiva, Gastón Fernández Cruz
La naturaleza jurídica de los intereses : punto de conexión entre derecho y economía, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Responsabilidad Civil y Derecho de Daños, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Toward Differential Case Management--Predictive Factors and Analysis in Oregon Dissolution Cases, Michael W. Finigan, Michael B. Wise, and Christopher Simoni
Opinions of Counsel: What They Are and Why American Companies Ask for Them, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer
Factors Moderating Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Battered Women, Diane R. Follingstad, Anne F. Brennan, Elizabeth S. Hause, Darlene S. Polek, and Larry L. Rutledge
Identification of Patterns of Wife Abuse, Diane R. Follingstad, James E. Laughlin, Darlene S. Polek, Larry L. Rutledge, and Elizabeth S. Hause