The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1991
Sex Differences in Motivations and Effects in Dating Violence, Diane R. Follingstad, Shannon Wright, Shirley Lloyd, and Jeri A. Sebastian
Helping the Casualties of Creative Destruction: Corporate Takeovers and the Politics of Worker Dislocation, Alan E. Garfield
Good Intentions Gone Awry: The Impact of New York's Equitable Distribution Law on Divorce Outcomes, Marsha Garrison
Planning the Japanese Way in the United States, art gemmell Dr.
Obscured Visions: Policy, Power, and Discretion in Transnational Discovery, David J. Gerber
Estate Tax Return Preparation Software, Mark R. Gillett
Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, Michael J. Goldberg
Of Gametes and Guardians: The Impropriety of Appointing Guardians Ad Litem for Fetuses and Embryos, Susan L. Goldberg
White People Think Differently, Placido Gomez
Handling Discrimination Cases in Illinois: A Practical Guide, Richard J. Gonzalez
Campaign Financing and the Nixon Presidency: End of an Era, Joel M. Gora
The Right to Protest: The Basic ACLU Guide to Free Expression , Joel M. Gora, D. Goldberger, G. Stern , and M. Halperin
The Privatization of Apartheid, Ruth Gordon
Transforming Free Speech: the Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism, Mark Graber
Legal Theory and Case-Based Reasoners: The Importance of Context and teh Process of Focusing, Mark H. Grunewald
Report for Recommendation 91-5: The Labor Board's First Rulemaking: An Exercise in Pragmatism, Mark H. Grunewald
Derecho romano e interpretación de los códigos en los juristas latinoamericanos, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
El significado histórico de las expresiones equidad natural y principios de equidad en el derecho chileno, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
La igualdad natural de todos los hombres en el pensamiento jurídico romano de la época clásica, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
La penetración del derecho romano en América, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Our Right to Bear Arms: A Response, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Commentary: Overhauling the Financial System, Alvin C. Harrell
Financial Disintermediation in the 1990s, Alvin C. Harrell
Oil and Gas Security Interests in the 1990s: A Need for Consistency and Uniformity, Alvin C. Harrell
Recent Developments, Alvin C. Harrell
The Wrath of Khan[gress], Alvin C. Harrell
Texas Kenworth Co. v. First National Bank: The Wrong Side of Coin-O-Matic, Alvin C. Harrell and William E. Carroll
Introduction to the 1991 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Robert P. Chamness, and Alan S. Kaplinsky
1991 Update on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
Update on U.C.C. - Other Law Conflicts, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and William J. Woodward Jr.
On Doing the Right Thing: Education Work in the Academy, Angela P. Harris
Interim Report on the Activities of the Article 9 Study Committee, Steven L. Harris
A Tribute to Justice William J. Brennan, Jr.: His Use of Scientific Evidence in Constitutional Adjudication, Dean M. Hashimoto
Justice Brennan's Use of Scientific and Empirical Evidence in Constitutional and Administrative Law, Dean M. Hashimoto
Should Asbestos in Buildings Be Regulated on an Environmental or Occupational Basis?, Dean M. Hashimoto, Troyen A. Brennan, and David C. Christiani
The Presence of Urinary Cellular Sediment and Albuminuria in Newspaper Pressworkers Exposed to Solvents, Dean M. Hashimoto, K. Kelsey, Teresa Seitz, H. Feldman, B. Yakes, and D. Christiani
Occupational Skin Disease in Newspaper Pressroom Workers, Dean M. Hashimoto, K. Kelsey, Teresa Seitz, H. Feldman, B. Yakes, and David Christiani
Local Governmental Interests and Individual Rights under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments: How They Fared in the 1989 Term, William Hellerstein
A Tribute to Bernie Becker, William E. Hellerstein
Local Governmental Interests and Individual Rights under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments: How They Fared in the 1989 Term, William E. Hellerstein
The Effects of Law Office Work on the Formation of Law Students' Professional Values: Observation, Explanation, Optimization, Lawrence K. Hellman
Book Review (reviewing A. Corman, Prized Possessions), Susan N. Herman
Let 12 Angry People Decide, Susan N. Herman
Why Parity Matters, Susan N. Herman
The Endangered Species Act: Reauthorization or Reality, Hugh Hewitt
The First Duty of Government: Protection, Liberty and the Fourteenth Amendment, Steven J. Heyman
A Lawyer's Pecuniary Gain: The Enigma of Impermissible Solicitation, Louise L. Hill
Natural Resource Damages: a Research Guide, David R. Hodas
The Externalities of Global Warming, David R. Hodas
Incorporating the Cost of Protecting the Environment into Decisions about Electric Power, David R. Hodas, Richard Ottinger, Nicholas Robinson, and David Wooley
The Bill of Rights, the Courts, and the Law: Case Abridgments and Commentary, A.E. Dick Howard, Robert M. O'Neil, Josephine Pachecco, Rodney A. Smolla, and Melvin Urofsky
[Issue Co-editor] Addiction: The New American Slavery: Its Effect on Family Law, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Marriage, Law, and Gender: A Feminist Inquiry, Nan D. Hunter
Final Report From the Advisory Group Appointed Pursuant to the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, Patrick J. Johnston and
Justice David Souter and Statutory Interpretation, William S. Jordan
Legal Characteristics of the Extended Care Facility, Timothy S. Jost
Balancing the Privacy Interests of Repatriated Haitians Against the Public Interest in Asylum Procedures, Daniel Kanstroom
Greenmail, the Control Premium and Shareholder Duty, Roberta S. Karmel
Implied Administrative Procedures, Roberta S. Karmel
Is It Time for a Federal Corporation Law, Roberta S. Karmel
The Brooklyn Law School -- New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Breakfast Roundtables, Roberta S. Karmel
The Second Circuit's Role in Expanding the SEC's Jurisdiction Abroad, Roberta S. Karmel
Metering Retrieval Of Encrypted Data Stored In Customer Data Retrieval Terminal, Ron D. Katznelson
Compatible Extended-Definition Television, Ron D. Katznelson and Edward A. Krause
Determination Of Sequential Positions Of Video Fields Derived From Film, Ron D. Katznelson and Edward A. Krause
Foreword, Sanford N. Katz
Child Abuse and Neglect - 1991 Supplement, Sanford N. Katz, Robert Horowitz, and Claire Cunningham
Recommendations for a Model Family Court: A Report from the National Family Court Symposium, Sanford N. Katz and Jeffrey A. Kuhn
Toward a Thomistic Perspective on Abortion and the Law in Contemporary America, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Private Choices and Public Policy: Confronting the Limitations of Marriage, Herma Hill Kay
Teaching Students How to Think Like Lawyers: Integrating Socratic Method With the Writing Process, Mary Kate Kearney and Mary Beth Beazley
Section 1631: Developments in Farm Products Financing, Drew L. Kershen
Agricultural Liens and the U.C.C.: A Report on Present Status and Proposals for Change, Drew L. Kershen, Steven C. Turner, Richard L. Barnes, Martha L. Noble, and Brooke Schumm
Learning Legal Reasoning, Ali Khan
An Overview of Class Actions in Ohio, James M. Klein
Conduct Of A Jury Trial 3rd ed. (Illinois Judicial Conference) (with Marc R. Kadish), Richard S. Kling
The Confrontation Clause and Illinois' Hearsay Exception for Child Sex Abuse Victims, Richard S. Kling
The Implied Good Faith Filing Requirement: Sentinel of an Evolving Bankruptcy Policy, F. Stephen Knippenberg and Lawrence Ponoroff
Quadragesimo Anno, Thomas C. Kohler
Review of Reshaping the U.S. Left: Popular Struggles in the 1980's, edited by Mike Davis and Michael Sprinker., Thomas C. Kohler
Using Joint Fact-Finding to Resolve Disputes Over Cleanup of Hazardous Waste Sites, R. Steven Konkel
Housing Discrimination, Minna J. Kotkin
Preserving Discretion Without Sacrificing Deterrence: Federal Governmental Liability in Tort, Harold J. Krent
Selected Materials on Federal Tax Issues Relating to Welfare/Poverty Law, Michael B. Lang
Terminating Taxable Year When Title 11 Case Commences, Michael B. Lang
Federal Tax Elections, Michael B. Lang and Colleen Khoury
Libertad y dignidad: el teatro de Barrie Stavis (El personaje forjado en una era de vacìo, Daniel Larner
The Image and the Thing Itself: Reflections on Musical Form in King Lear, Daniel Larner
The Parol Evidence Rule in Wisconsin: Status in the Law of Contract, Revisited, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Sources of Injustice in Death Penalty Practice: The Pennsylvania Experience, Bruce Ledewitz
The Morality of Capital punishment, Bruce Ledewitz
Domestic Violence: The Law and Prosecution, Nancy K.D. Lemon
After the Clerkship: Was it Worth It?, J. Rich Leonard
Civil Case Management, J. Rich Leonard
Federal Practice in North Carolina, J. Rich Leonard
Implementing the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, J. Rich Leonard
Management of District Courts, J. Rich Leonard
Recent Legal Developments Affecting Clerks Offices, J. Rich Leonard