The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1991
A Model of Optimal Fines for Repeat Offenders, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and A. Mitchell Polinsky
White on White: Anonymous Tips, Reasonable Suspicion and the Constitution, David S. Rudstein
How to Handle Basic Copyright and Trademark Problems: 1991, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Joan Kupersmith Larkin
Computer Software Copyright Law in the United States: 1992 and Beyond, Pamela Samuelson
Developments in the Law of the United States: Applying Copyright Law to Computer Programs, Pamela Samuelson
Digital Media and the Law, Pamela Samuelson
First Amendment Rights for the Information Providers?, Pamela Samuelson
Is Information Property?, Pamela Samuelson
Some Challenges New Information Technologies Pose for Existing Intellectual Property Systems, Pamela Samuelson
La reforma del Parlamento, Jose Luis Sardon
. The Fate of Wetlands in the Face of Rising Sea Levels: A Strategic Proposal, Joseph L. Sax
Administrative Law (Fifth Circuit Survey), Michael Scaperlanda
The Domestic Fourth Amendment Rights of Aliens: To What Extent Do They Survive United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez?, Michael Scaperlanda
The She-Side of Equality: A View from the United States , Elizabeth M. Schneider
Myra Bradwell Day Symposium: Feminist Jurisprudence, Elizabeth M. Schneider, L. Finley, C. Clauss, and J. Bertin
A Future for Socialism in the USSR?, Justin Schwartz
Reduction, Elimination, and the Mental, Justin Schwartz
1991 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA BAR, Young Lawyers, Miller W. Shealy
1991 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA BAR, Young Lawyers, Miller W. Shealy
SIXTH ANNUAL CRIMINAL LAW UPDATE, Judicial Continuing Legal Education, Miller W. Shealy
SIXTH ANNUAL CRIMINAL LAW UPDATE, Judicial Continuing Legal Education, Miller W. Shealy
Can Dialogue Succeed Where Liberal Legalism Failed? The Reach Exceeds the Grasp Review of Joel Handler's, Law and the Search for Community, Marjorie M. Shultz
Legal Issues in the Use of DNA Identification Techniques, Marjorie M. Shultz
The Gendered Curriculum: Of Contracts and Careers, Marjorie M. Shultz
The Value of Business-Related Information in the Academic Law Library, Christopher Simoni and Roy M. Mersky
Homelessness: Introduction and Bibliography, Louis J. Sirico
The Citing of Law Reviews by the United States Courts of Appeals: An Empirical Analysis, Louis J. Sirico and Beth Drew
Aboriginal Language Rights, Brian Slattery
Rights, Communities, and Tradition, Brian Slattery
Opening a Window of Opportunity: The Library Staff as a Meaningful and Integrated Part of the Law School Community, Michael J. Slinger
Opening a Window of Opportunity: The Library Staff as a Meaningful and Integrated Part of the Law School Community, Michael J. Slinger
Papers in Experimental Economics (Collected works), Vernon L. Smith
Rational Choice: The Contrast Between Economics and Psychology, Vernon L. Smith
Off Floor Trading Disintegration and the Bid-Ask Spread in Experimental Markets, Vernon L. Smith, J. Campbell, S. La Master, and M. Van Boening
Lakatos and Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith, K. A. McCabe, and S. Rassenti
Testing Vickrey's and Other Simultaneous Multiple Unit Versions of the English Auction, Vernon L. Smith, K. A. McCabe, and S. J. Rassenti
Smart Computer-Assisted Markets, Vernon L. Smith, Kevin McCabe, and Stephen Rassenti
Experimental Research on Deregulated Markets for Natural Gas Pipeline and Electric Power Transmission Networks, Vernon L. Smith, K. McCabe, and S. Rassenti
Balancing Freedom of Expression and Protection of Reputation Under the Canadian Charter, Rodney A. Smolla
Cohen Decision Offers "Great Potential for Mischief" from Disgruntled Sources, Rodney A. Smolla
Flynt and Brimstone (play), Rodney A. Smolla
Legacy: A Conversation with James Madison, Rodney A. Smolla
Reagan's Friend in Court, Review of Order and Law, by Charles Fried, Rodney A. Smolla
The First Amendment and the Virtues of an Open Society, Rodney A. Smolla
What Content Restrictions Can Congress Place on NEA Grants?, Rodney A. Smolla
When a Quote is Not a Quote, Rodney A. Smolla
When Money Talks: Corporate Campaign Expenditures and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla
A Tribute to Judge Charles Clark, Rodney A. Smolla
Legacy: A Conversation with James Madison, Rodney A. Smolla
Pennsylvania Criminal Procedure: Forms and Commentary, Leonard N. Sosnov and David Rudovsky
America for Sale: When Well-Connected Former Officials Peddle Their Influence to the Highest Foreign Bidder, Michael Spak
"The Case to Be Made for Proposed Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code" or "What's a Trillion Dollars Between Friends?!", Michael Spak
Intellectual Property Skepticism, Horacio Spector
Libertad negativa y libertad positiva, Horacio Spector
A Bibliography of Criticism on Joyce and History, Robert Spoo
Tropics of Joycean Discourse: Representations of the Historical Process in The Critical, Robert Spoo
Annual Study, Surveyed Firms Report More Than Half Their Lawyers Use Computers (with V. Mayer), Ronald W. Staudt
Law Schools Become Computers R US, Ronald W. Staudt
Learning How to Use Computers in Your Law Office. Help from the Law Schools (with L. Jones), Ronald W. Staudt
Legal Mindstorms: Lawyers, Computers and Powerful Ideas, Ronald W. Staudt
Legal Video Arcade, Ronald W. Staudt
Practical Applications of Document Assembly Systems, Ronald W. Staudt
The Electronic Guild Hall, Ronald W. Staudt
Book Review: reviewing John Heinz, U. S. Strategic Trade, an Export Control System for the 1990s, Andrew L. Strauss
Beyond the Trail of Tears: One-Hundred and Fifty Years of Cherokee Survival, Rennard J. Strickland
Cleveland-Marshall Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland
Dances with Lawyers: Wolves, Judges, and Other Medicine Men (review of The American Indian in Western Legal Thought: The Discourses of Conquest by Robert A. Williams, Jr.), Rennard J. Strickland
Foreword: Chippewa, Rennard J. Strickland
Indian Law and the Miner's Canary: The Signs of Poison Gas: The Fiftieth Cleveland-Marshall Fund Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Sharing Something Good: Teaching Native American Culture and History, Rennard J. Strickland
Shared Visions: Native American Painting and Sculpture, Rennard J. Strickland and Margaret Achuleta
“Shared Visions: Native American Painting and Sculpture" Touring Exhibition (20 U.S. and foreign sites), Rennard J. Strickland and Margaret Archuleta
Shared Visions: Twentieth Century Native American Painting and Sculpture, Rennard J. Strickland and Margaret Archuleta
California's Insurance Regulation Revolution: The First Two Years of Proposition 103, Stephen D. Sugarman
Doctor No, Stephen D. Sugarman
Doctor No: Medical Malpractice on Trial, Stephen D. Sugarman
Review of Chubb and Moe "Politics, Markets and America's Schools", Stephen D. Sugarman
The Case for Pay at the Pump Car Insurance, Stephen D. Sugarman
Using Private Schools to Promote Public Values, Stephen D. Sugarman
Puzzling Over Children's Rights, Stephen D. Sugarman, John E. Coons, and Robert H. Mnookin
New Water Transfer Restrictions: The West Returns to Riparianism, A. Dan Tarlock
Upstream, Downstream: Rationalizing Different Water Quality Standards on Interstate Streams, A. Dan Tarlock
Western Water Law, Global Warming, and Growth Limitations, A. Dan Tarlock
Western Water Rights and The Endangered Species Act, A. Dan Tarlock
Hallucinations of Neutrality in the Oregon Peyote Case, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Book Review: Back to Work?: Labour, State and Industrial Relations in Canada, Eric M Tucker
Commentary on Partnership and Participation in the 1990's: The Report of the Labour Representatives to the Law Reform Committee of the Ministry of Labour, Eric M Tucker, Judy Fudge, and Harry J. Glasbeek
Closing the American Products Liability Frontier: The Rejection of Liability Without Defect, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Some Obvious Truths about Obvious Danger Warnings, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Star Gazing: The Future of American Products Liability Law, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Judge Robert Bork and the Quest for Original Intent (reviewing Robert H. Bork, The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law (1990)), Jonathan Van Patten
Engaging the Spectrum: Civic Virtue and the Protection of Student Voice in School-Sponsored Forums, Robert R.M. Verchick
Lawyers and mediators: what each needs to learn from and about the other, John Wade
Writing and Analysis in the Law , Marilyn R. Walter, Elizabeth Fajans, and Helene S. Shapo
Doe v. Defendant I: "Harmless Error" in Handicapped Children's Individualized Education Programs?, Mark C. Weber
Legal Advocacy for Medically Complex Children in Foster Care, Mark C. Weber
The Legal and Policy Implications of Third Party Reimbursement for Early Childhood Services, Mark C. Weber