The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1990
Employer's Liability for an Employee's Intentional Torts, Ralph Brill
Needed: A New Theory Allowing Recovery for Loss of a Chance, Ralph Brill
Shepard's Illinois Tort Reporter (1990-1992) (editor), Ralph Brill
America's Best Kept Secret: An Adult Child's Duty to Support Aged Parents, Ann H. Britton
Book Review (reviewing ABA Section on Family Law, Marital and Parental Torts: A Guide to Causes of Actions, Arguments and Damages (1990), Ann H. Britton
Book Review (reviewing B.D. Reams, Jr., The Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986: A Legislative History of Public Law 99-680 (1990), Ann H. Britton
Book Review (reviewing F. Rozovsky, Consent to Treatment: A Practical Guide (1990), Ann H. Britton
Has the Supreme Court Confessed Error on the Eleventh Amendment? Revisionist Scholarship and State Immunity, George D. Brown
Nonideological Judicial Reform and Its Limits - The Report of the Federal Courts Study Committee, George D. Brown
When Federalism and Separation of Powers Collide - Rethinking Younger Abstention, George D. Brown
Real Property Survey, Ronald B. Brown
Internal Revenue Code Political Activities Restrictions on Exempt Churches and Charitable Ministries, Lynn R. Buzzard
Contratos Relativos a la Administración Societaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
La Propiedad Intelectual y la Teoría de los Derechos de Propiedad, Observaciones críticas, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Mito y Fantasía en el Mundo de las Patentes y del Derecho de Defensa de la Competencia, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
The Institutional Background of Competition Law, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
The Legal Protection of Computer Technology under Argentine Law, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Academic freedom in a pluralistic society, Nicholas P. Cafardi
Research Protocols in Reference Service: Informal Instruction in Law Firm Libraries, Ellen M. Callinan
Monologue or Dialogue in Management Decisions: The Duty to Negotiate and the Efficiency of Dialogue, Timothy A. Canova
'Portrait of a Lady’: The Woman Lawyer in the 1980s [Symposium: Women in the Lawyering Marketplace: Feminist Considerations and Practical Solutions], Stacy Caplow and S. A. Scheindlin
Choice and Duty in Foreign Affairs: The Reflagging of the Kuwaiti Tankers, David D. Caron
La protection de la couche d'ozone stratosperique et la struture de l'activite normative internationale en matiere d'environnement, David D. Caron
The Arctic, David D. Caron
The Nature of the Iran United States Claims Tribunal and the Evolving Structure of International Dispute Resolution, David D. Caron
When Law Makes Climate Change Worse: Rethinking the Law of Baselines in Light of a Rising Sea Level, David D. Caron
Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Eve Cary and Ursula Bentele
Case & Statute Comments, The New Massachusetts Drug Asset Forfeiture Law: A Dialogue, R. Michael Cassidy
Book Review (reviewing Lawrence A. Moskowitz, Unfair Tactics in Matrimonial Cases (1990), Francis J. Catania
Once More, the Trilogy, in Retrospect: An Essay on the Virtues of Development Agreements in Texas, David S. Caudill; William Terry Bray; and Jack E. Owen, Jr.
The Establishment and the Free Excercise Clauses: Resolving the Inherent Tension, Jesse H. Choper
Justice and Economic Decision Making: A Model of Akrasia, Robert D. Cooter
Trial Courts: An Economic Perspective, Robert D. Cooter and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Rights of Reproduction and the Provision of Library Services, Randall T. Coyne
The Option Contract: Irrevocable Not Irrejectable, Michael J. Cozzillio
Developing Principles for Prudent Health Care Allocation: The Continuing Oregon Experiment, Ralph Crawshaw, Michael Garland, Barry F. Anderson, and Brian Hines
Disqualification of Counsel for Unrelated Matter Conflicts of Interest, Nathan M. Crystal
Diciphering the Act of State Doctrines, Joseph W. Dellapenna
Industrial Waste: Saving the Worst for Last?, John C. Dernbach
Studying the Iceberg From Its Tip: A Comparison of Published and Unpublished Employment Discriminatin Cases, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman
Blaming It on God: Considerations When Presented with Supernatural Explanatory Entities, James M. Donovan
To Copy or Not to Copy: The Educator's Dilemma, Jay Dratler
Legal Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures: Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman
Legal Change and Organizational Governance: The Expansion of State Legal Culture, Lauren Edelman
Legal Environments and Organizational Governance: The Expansion of Due Process in the Workplace, Lauren Edelman
Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman
Administrative law : rethinking judicial control of bureaucracy, Christopher Edley
Medical Malpractice Screening Panels: Proposed Model Legislation to Cure Judicial Ills, Jean M. Eggen
Integrating Non-Sexist/Racist Perspectives into Traditional Course and Clinical Settings, Mary Eyster
Comment: Law and the Political Process, Malcolm M. Feeley
The George Beto Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Impact of Jail and Prison Conditions Litigation: A Review Essay, Malcolm M. Feeley and Roger A. Hanson
The New Penology Conference on Growth and the Influence on Correctional Policy, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
The New Penology Conference on Growth and the Influence on Correctional Policy, Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
Legal Opinions in Financial Transactions: Their Purpose and Interpretation, Scott T. FitzGibbon and Donald W. Glazer
Informática jurídica y Estado de derecho, Héctor Fix Fierro
Unauthorized Legal Practice Prosecutions and Independent Paralegals in Ontario and the United States, John A. Flood and Frederick H. Zemans
Methodological Issues and New Directions for Research on Violence in Relationships, Diane R. Follingstad
The Role of Emotional Abuse in Physically Abusive Relationships, Diane R. Follingstad, Larry L. Rutledge, Barbara J. Berg, Elizabeth S. Hause, and Darlene S. Polek
Persecution Based on Membership in a Particular Social Group: Jurisprudence in the Federal Republic of Germany, Maryellen Fullerton
Evaluating State Anti-Takeover Legislation: A Broadminded New Approach to Corporation Law or "A Race to the Bottom"?, Alan E. Garfield
The Economics of Divorce: Changing Rules, Changing Results, Marsha Garrison
Eficacia y autoridad del precedente constitutional en América Latina: Las lecciones del derecho comparado, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Colombian Supreme Court Holds Unconstitutional the Use of Foreign Arbitrators under New Arbitration Law, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Nuremberg Parallel in Argentina, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The Reform and Harmonization of Personal Property Security Law in Latin America, Alejandro Miguel Garro
The UNCITRAL Model Law and the 1988 Spanish Arbitration Act: Models for Reform in Central America, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Compraventa internacional de mercaderias , Alejandro Miguel Garro and Alberto Luis Zuppi
Book Review: Essays on Contract. P. S. Atiyah, Mark P. Gergen
Securities Arbitration: Is Required for Arbitration Fair Investors?, J. Kirkland Grant
Class Culture and Generational Change: Immigrant Families in Two Connecticut Industrial Cities during the 1930s, Ivan Greenberg
El constitucionalismo revolucionario francés y las cartas fundamentales chilenas del S. XIX, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Problematic Relations: Franchising and the Law of Incomplete Contracts, Gillian K. Hadfield
Defensive Techniques in Proxy Contests, Lawrence A. Hamermesh
Re Sefel Geophysical LTD: A Canadian Approach to Some Specific Problems in the Adjudication of International Insolvencies, Sarah K. Harding
Banking on Oklahoma: From Penn Square on FIRREA and Beyond, Alvin C. Harrell
Commentary: Are Lenders on Strike?, Alvin C. Harrell
Commentary: Housing Problems in America, Alvin C. Harrell
Commentary: Reflections on FIRREA, Alvin C. Harrell
Drug Forfeiture Statute Poses Risks for Secured Lenders, Alvin C. Harrell
FIRREA: What Would George Bailey Think?, Alvin C. Harrell
Multistate Concerns: Choice of Law Problems and Related Concerns in the Perfection of Security Interests, in Joseph J. Norton et al., Alvin C. Harrell
Security Interests in Deposit Accounts: A Unique Relationship Between the UCC and Other Law, Alvin C. Harrell
The Care and Feeding of Continuation Statements - When Are They Needed and When Are They Effective?, Alvin C. Harrell
The Impact of FIRREA on Consumer Financial Services, Alvin C. Harrell
Treatment of Unsecured Claims in Bankruptcy: An Emerging Disaster for Housing Finance, Alvin C. Harrell
Introduction to Part II of the Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell and Alan S. Kaplinsky
Introduction to the 1990 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law: A Look Back and a Look Forward, Alvin C. Harrell, Alan S. Kaplinsky, and John L. Culhane Jr.
Update on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
Practitioner's Guide To The Oklahoma Uniform Consumer Credit Code, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller et al.
One State's Answer to the UCC Article 9 Trade Name Issue and a Glimpse at the Non-Uniform Amendment Process, Alvin C. Harrell and William E. Woodward Jr.
Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory, Angela P. Harris
Article 6: The Process and the Product--An Introduction, Steven L. Harris
Practicing Under Existing Bulk Sales Law--And a Look at the Future of Article 6, Steven L. Harris
The Interface Between Articles 2A and 9, Steven L. Harris
Beyond Penry: The Remedial Use of the Mentally Retarded Label in Death Penalty Sentencing, Robert L. Hayman
Presumptions of Justice: Law, Politics, and the Mentally Retarded Parent, Robert L. Hayman
Prison conditions in Jamaica, William E. Hellerstein and Lois Whitman
Defense on the Cheap, Susan N. Herman
Do Women Hold the Scales, Susan N. Herman