The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1992
Employer Discrimination Against Workers with "Unhealthy Lifestyle" Indicators, Stephen D. Sugarman
Nader's Failures?, Stephen D. Sugarman
Nader's Failures?, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Scholarship Initiative: A Model State Law for Elementary and Secondary School Choice, Stephen D. Sugarman and John E. Coons
Scholarships for Children, Stephen D. Sugarman and John E. Coons
The Minimax Constitution as Democracy, Chris Swain
Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica, Rachel Sztajn
Environmental Law: Cases and Materials, William M. Tabb and Linda A. Malone
Environmental Law: Selected Statutes and Regulations, William M. Tabb and Linda A. Malone
Book Review (reviewing Stuart Udall, The Quiet Crisis Revisited), A. Dan Tarlock
Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Risks (book review), A. Dan Tarlock
Environmental Protection: The Potential Misfit Between Equity and Efficiency, A. Dan Tarlock
Now, Think Again About Adaptation, A. Dan Tarlock
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Development of International Environmental Law, A. Dan Tarlock
The Shifting Presumption of Constitutionality in Land Use Law, A. Dan Tarlock
Water Transfers in the West: Efficiency, Equity and the Environment , A. Dan Tarlock
Stewardship Sovereignty: The Next Step in Former Prime Minister Palmer's Logic, A. Dan Tarlock
The Judges of the Court of Appeals, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Introduction: Law, Labor, History, Christopher Tomlins
Law and Power in the Employment Relationship, Christopher Tomlins
Labor Law in America: Historical and Critical Essays, Christopher Tomlins and Andrew J. King
In Nat Turner's shadow: Reflections on the Norfolk dry dock affair of 1830–1831, Christopher L. Tomlins
A Tragic View of Poverty Law Practice, Paul R. Tremblay
Book Review: A Radical Lawyer in Victorian England, Eric M Tucker
Book Review: Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement, Eric M Tucker
Book Review: The New Democracy: Challenging the Social Order in Industrial Ontario, 1914-25, Eric M Tucker
Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness Among Working-Class Americans, Eric M Tucker
Comparing Medical Provider Performance: A First Look at the New Era of Medical Statistics, Aaron D. Twerski and Neil B. Cohen
A Proposed Revision of Section 402A of the Restatement (Second) of Torts, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Products Liability : Problems and Process , Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
The Unworkability of Court-Made Enterprise Liability: A Reply to Geistfeld, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Legislation: Congressional Initiatives: The Forgotten Constraint: Bankruptcy Legislation and the Uniformity Clause, Jonathan K. Van Patten
Law Schools, Bench, and Bar: A Needed Partnership for Lawyer Competence and Professionalism, Barry Vickrey
Incommensurability as a Jurisprudential Puzzle, Richard Warner
Liberalism and the Criminal Law, Richard Warner
ADA Recognizes Formal Equality Is Not Equal Enough, Mark C. Weber
Special education law and litigation treatise, Mark C. Weber
Brief of Amici Curiae, Honorable Allen Broussard, Joseph Grodin and Otto Kaus, in Support of Petition for Rehearing and Suggestion for Rehearing En Banc, Hunter v. Aispuro, 982 F.2d 344 (9th Cir.) (1992), Charles D. Weisselberg
Unknowable Dangers and the Death of Strict Products Liability: The Empire Strikes Back, Ellen Wertheimer
Written contributions while at the Australian Road Research Board 1976-1992, Marcus R. Wigan
The Politics and Policy of Deep Sea-Bed Mining, Paul R. Williams
The Need for Affordable Housing: The Constitutional Viability of Inclusionary Zoning, Serena M. Williams
A Matchmaker's Challenge: Marrying International Law and American Environmental Law, David A. Wirth
Environmental Reform of the Multilateral Development Banks, David A. Wirth
The North American Free Trade Agreement and U.S. Environmental Law, David A. Wirth
General Provisions, Sales, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, John D. Wladis and David Frisch
Substantive Corrective Justice, in Symposium, Corrective Justice and Formalism, Richard W. Wright
The Logic and Fairness of Joint and Several Liability, in Symposium, Comparative Negligence, Richard W. Wright
Advice for the Beginning Legal Scholar, Alfred C. Yen
The Interdisciplinary Future of Copyright Theory, Alfred C. Yen
Prison Population and Criminal Justice Policy in California, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
The Search for Rational Drug Control, Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins
Documents from 1991
Footprints of a Just Man: The Case Law of Judge Robert S. Vance
"Negligence, Punitive Damages, and Foreign Accents", Andy Abrams and S. Andrew Ostapski
Estudios sobre la compraventa internacional de mercaderías., Jorge Adame Goddard
La formación del contrato de compraventa en el código de comercio y en la Convención sobre compraventa internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
La ignorancia aprovecha al comprador, Jorge Adame Goddard
Estudios sobre la compraventa internacional de mercaderías, Jorge Carlos Adame
La ignorancia aprovecha al comprador, Jorge Carlos Adame
Deciding for Bigness, Richard Adelstein
Deciding for Bigness, Richard Adelstein
"The Nation as an Economic Unit:" Keynes, Roosevelt, and the Managerial Ideal, Richard Adelstein
Las condiciones generales de la contratación: estudio de las disposiciones generales, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real and Cándido Paz-Ares
Book Review of C. Quaye, 'Liberation Struggles in International Law', Richard Allan
Confidentiality of Genetic Information in the Workplace (with A. Jaeger), Lori B. Andrews
Legal Aspects of Genetic Information, Lori B. Andrews
Legal Issues in Fertility Management, Lori B. Andrews
Life Before Birth (book review), Lori B. Andrews
Reconceiving Law: A Review of Feminism and Political Theory, Lori B. Andrews
Reproduction and Genetics, Lori B. Andrews
Review of Primer for New Corporate Lawyers: What Business Lawyers Do, by Clifford R. Ennico, Filippa M. Anzalone
Review of Regulation of Investment Advisors, by Thomas P. Lemke and Gerald T. Lins, Filippa M. Anzalone
Comentarios al régimen de las prácticas comerciales restrictivas del sector asegurador , Emilio José Archila Peñalosa
The "Indian" Free Exercise Clause, Dennis W. Arrow
Commentary [on `The Foreign Tax Credit and Its Critics,' by Charles I. Kingson, Hugh J. Ault
Federal Income Taxation of Business Organizations, Hugh J. Ault, Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J. McMahon, and Daniel L. Simmons
El control judicial del Poder Legislativo en el sistema constitucional de los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker
Taking Constitutionalism Seriously: Costa Rica's Sala Cuarta, Robert S. Barker
The Social Sciences in Legal Education and Practice, Larry D. Barnett
Why Withdrawal of Life-Support for PVS Patients is Not a Family Decision, Charles H. Baron
La Función de Bienestar Colectivo como Decisión Racional, Julia Barragán
Consideraciones sobre alternativas semipresidenciales y parlamentarias de gobierno, Enrique Barros Bourie
Por un nuevo régimen de bienes en el matrimonio, Enrique Barros Bourie
Conduct of a Spouse That Dissipates Property Available for Equitable Property Distribution: A Suggested Analysis, Lewis Becker
Revision of "Determining Factors in Equitable Distribution of Marital Property", Lewis Becker
"Chief Justice Rehnquist, the Eighth Amendment, and the Role of Precedent", Ursula Bentele
Procedural and Evidentiary Mechanisms for Dealing with Experts in Toxic Tort Litigation: A Critique and Proposal: A Consultant Report , Margaret Berger
L'Harmonie Dissonante: Strict Products Liability Attempted in the European Community, Anita Bernstein
Closing Conference Summation, Robert Berring
Cutting the NIMBIAN Knot: A Primer, Denis Binder
Environmental Insurance Coverage, Policy Interpretations, and Litigation: Why You Can’t Get There From Here, Denis Binder
Molzof v. United States: When are damages impermissibly "punitive" under the Federal Tort Claims Act?, Denis Binder
Potential Changes in Dam Owner Liability Must Be Considered Before Modifications are Made, Denis Binder
Surveys on Massachusetts and Rhode Island Water Law, Denis Binder
Wisconsin Public Intervenor v. Mortier: To what extent may local government regulate the application of pesticides?, Denis Binder
Churning Liability is Debated, National Law Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Discounts and Other Mysteries of Corporate Finance, RICHARD A. BOOTH