The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
Too late, too little? An American Amici in an Israeli court, Israel Doron and Manal Totri-Jubran
A Comparative Analysis of International Tribunals: The Formation of an Iraqi Judiciary to Try Sadaam Hussein, Melissa L. Dougherty
‘Customary Law, Sentencing and the Limits of the State’, Heather A. Douglas
“‘She knew what was expected of her’: The white legal system’s encounter with traditional marriage.”, Heather A. Douglas
Biometrics in Seafarer’ Identity Documents, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Alice in Wonderland Meets the U.S. Patent System, Jay Dratler
Licensing Intellectual Property in the Information Age, Jay Dratler and Kenneth L. Port
Salvaging the Hempel Theorem, Ryan Dreveskracht
Domestic Violence and Lawyer Malpractice: Are We Revictimizing Our Clients?, Margaret B. Drew
An Unnatural Disaster: The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, David Driesen, Alyson Flournoy, Sheila Foster, Eileen Gauna, Robert Glicksman, Carmen Gonzalez, David Gottlieb, Donald Hornstein, Douglas Kysar, Thomas McGarity, Catherine O'Neill, Clifford Rechtschaffen, Sidney Shapiro, Christopher Schroeder, Rena Steinzor, Joseph Tomain, Robert R.M. Verchick, and Karen Sokol
An Analysis for the Valuation of Venture Capital-Funded Startup Firm Patents, John Dubiansky
Hurricane Damage, Mary L. Dudziak
Interchange: History in the Professional Schools, Mary L. Dudziak
Introduction: Legal Borderlands: Law and the Construction of American Borders, Mary L. Dudziak and Leti Volpp
The Abolition of Wealth Transfer Taxes: Lessons from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, David G. Duff
The Law Firm Experience, Susan Duncan
How Do I Cite? Try Using the ALWD Manual to Find Answers, Susan Duncan and Judith Fischer
How Best To Confront the Bully: Should Title IX or Antibullying Statutes Be The Answer, Susan Duncan and Robert Wright
Sailing Around Erie:The Emergence of a Federal General Common Law of Arbitration, Kenneth Dunham
Defining "Religion", W Cole Durham and Elizabeth A. Clark
Technology as an imperative for regulating copyright: From the public exploitation to the private use of the work, Severine Dusollier
Awakening An Empire of Liberty: Exploring The Roots of Socratic Inquiry and Political Nihilism In American Democracy, Maurice R. Dyson
Jury Instructions in Real Estate Litigation, Ronald Eades
Constitution Anchors President's Spy Order, John C. Eastman
Encyclopedia entry, "Privileges and Immunities", John C. Eastman
Federal Legislation and States Rights: Of Hapless Toads, Home-Grown Medical Marijuana, and Wiccan Worship in State Prisons, John C. Eastman
Federal Legislation and States Rights: Of Hapless Toads, Home-Grown Medical Marijuana, and Wiccan Worship in State Prisons, John C. Eastman
Is the Solomon Amendment F.A.I.R.: Some Thoughts on Congress's Power to Impose this Condition on Federal Spending, John C. Eastman
Judicial Review of Unenumerated Rights: Does Marbury's Holding Apply in a Post-Warren Court World?, John C. Eastman
The 27th Amendment, John C. Eastman
The Land Grant Clause, John C. Eastman
The Tax and Spend Clause, John C. Eastman
Law and Poetry, Edward J. Eberle
La Naturaleza Jurídica de la Sociedad, Carlos D. Echaiz Moreno
El presupuesto del sector público, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La naturaleza jurídica de la sociedad, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Lo errado, lo inconcluso y lo imprevisto en la Ley General de Sociedades, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Lo transitoriamente eterno, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Propuestas para una reforma de la legislación societaria en el Perú, Parte 1, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Propuestas para una reforma de la legislación societaria en el Perú, Parte 2, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Economic Analysis of Director Liability (In German: Ökonomische Analyse der Vorstandshaftung), Georg Eckert, Kristoffel Grechenig, and Alexander Stremitzer
Transboundary Aquifers: Conceptual Models for Development of International Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
"A Parimutuel Market Microstructure for Contingent Claims Trading, Nicholas Economides
Telecommunications Regulation: An Introduction, Nicholas Economides
Vertical Leverage and the Sacrifice Principle: Why the Supreme Court Got Trinko Wrong, Nicholas Economides
Judicial Deference Empirical Issues, Lauren Edelman
Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Organizational Practices, Lauren Edelman
Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Organizational Practices, Lauren Edelman
Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Organizational Practices, Lauren Edelman
Judicial Deference To Institutionalized Organizational Practices, Lauren Edelman
Measuring Judicial Deference, Lauren Edelman
The Endogeneity of Law: Civil Rights at Work, Lauren Edelman
The Endogeneity of Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
Working Law: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Practices, Lauren Edelman
A Sociological Approach to Law and the Economy, Lauren Edelman and Robin Stryker
Measuring Literacy: Performance Levels for Adults, Christopher Edley Jr., Robert M. Hauser, Judith Anderson Koenig, and Stuart W. Elliott
The Bundling of Academic Journals, Aaron S. Edlin and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
The Bundling of Academic Journals, Aaron S. Edlin and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
The Israeli Constitutional Revolution/Evolution, Models of Constitutions, and a Lesson fromMistakes and Achievements, Yoseph M. Edrey Prof.
Protecting Black Tribal Members: Is the Thirteenth Amendment the Linchpin to Securing Equal Rights within Indian Country?, Lydia M. Edwards
Bradwell, Myra Colby, Robin Effron
Dependence, Identity, and Abortion Politics, Robin Effron
Daubert and Its Progeny: Expert Scientific Evidence in Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases, Jean M. Eggen
Daubert and Its Progeny: Expert Scientific Evidence in Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases, Jean M. Eggen
The Impact of the Class Action Fairness Act on Plaintiffs in Mass-Tort Actions, Jean M. Eggen
Toxic Exposures at Ground Zero: Is There a Role for the Tort System?, Jean M. Eggen
Toxic Torts in a Nutshell, Jean M. Eggen
Ageism and the American Legal System, Howard C. Eglit
Rise of the Cartel: The Creation and Effects of a New Gas OPEC, Monika Ehrman
The Diffusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 1060-2000, Zachary Elkins, Andrew T. Guzman, and Beth Simmons
On Waves, Clusters, and Diffusion: A Conceptual Framework, Zachary Elkins and Beth Simmons
Treaty Solutions From the Land Down Under: Reconciling American Federalism and International Law, Cyril R. Emery
Alien Torts in Europe? Human Rights and Tort in European Law, Eric A. Engle
Related Article: Alvarez-Machain V. United States and Alvarez-Machain V. Sosa: The Brooding Omnipresence of Natural Law, Eric A. Engle
Batallas en el sistema multilateral de comercio: críticas y réplicas contemporáneas en torno a la OMC, David Enríquez Rosas
El Derecho Internacional bajo crítica, David Enríquez Rosas
El florecimiento de las zonas marinas especialmente sensibles. ¿Hacia una nueva batalla libresca en pleno siglo XXI?, David Enríquez Rosas
Book Review: Sports Law and Regulation: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Adam Epstein
California Amusement Rides and Liability, Adam Epstein
The Empire Strikes Back: NFL Cuts Clarett, Sacks Scheindlin, Adam Epstein
Title IX Whistle-Blowing is Protected, Adam Epstein
Whistle-blowing and the Continued Expansion of Title IX in Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education, Adam Epstein
True Lies: The Constitutional and Evidentiary Bases for Admitting Prior False Accusation Evidence in Sexual Assault Prosecutions, Jules Epstein
Witness Impeachment: Its Art and Rationales, Jules Epstein
Appreciating ADR's Global Role with Good Governance, Nancy D. Erbe
High Speed Flight at Low Altitude - Hazard to Commercial Aviation?, Paul F. Eschenfelder
Apuntes sobre la circulación de los derechos reales derivados, Freddy Escobar
The Ethics of Cause Lawyering: An Examination of Criminal Defense Lawyers as Cause Lawyers, Margareth Etienne
Claim Construction From An Appellate Perspective, Joseph Evall, Alex V. Chachkes, and Amelia K. Smith
Literary Law Guide for Authors: Copyright, Trademark and Contracts in Plain Language, Tonya M. Evans
Patent Wars in the Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Pharmaceutical Industry, Ethics and Global Trade, Uche Ewelukwa
Virtual Property, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
A Proposed Model Rule for Collaborative Law, Christopher M. Fairman