About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2005


The Impact of Alcohol & Tobacco Advertising on the Latino Community as a Civil Rights Issue, Katherine Culliton


Major Lenders' May Violate Due Process by Enforcing One-Sided Arbitration Contracts to Avoid Borrowers' Defenses to Foreclosure, Lynn E. Cunningham

The ABC of GMOs, SPS and the WTO : an analysis of the application of the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures within the context of biotechnology and international trade, Robert Cunningham


Conceptualizing Accountability in Public International Law, Deirdre Curtin and André Nollkaemper

Licensing and Discipline of Fiscal Professionals in the State of Florida: Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, and Real Estate Professionals, Debra Moss Curtis

You've Got Rhythm: Curriculum Planning and Teaching Rhythm at Work in the Legal Writing Classroom, Debra Moss Curtis

"In a Case, In a Book, They Will Not Take a Second Look!" Critical Reading in the Legal Writing Classroom, Debra Moss Curtis and Judith R. Karp

"In a Case, In a Book, They Will Not Take a Second Look!" Critical Reading in the Legal Writing Classroom, Debra Moss Curtis and Judith R. Karp


Law as a Healing Profession: The “Comprehensive Law Movement”, Susan Daicoff

The Well Balanced Lawyer, Susan Daicoff


The New Liberty, Erin Daly


Polluting Environment, Polluted Constitution: Is a 'Polluted' Constitution Worse than a Polluted Environment?, Shubhankar DAM (co-author)


Lawmaking Beyond Lawmakers: The Little Right and the Great Wrong, Shubhankar DAM


Vineet Narain v Union of India: A Court of Law and Not Justice: Is the Indian Supreme Court Bound by the Indian Constitution, Shubhankar DAM

Understanding Article FIve of the UTC, Robert Danforth

Allocation of Capital Gains to DNI under Section 643, Robert T. Danforth

Family Holding Companies and Section 2036, Robert T. Danforth

Section 2702 and the Completed Transfer-Doctrine, Robert T. Danforth

Strategic Termination of Joint Ownership Arrangements, Robert T. Danforth

The Interplay of Kenanv. Comr. and Section 633(a)(1), Robert T. Danforth

Understanding Article FIve of the UTC, Robert T. Danforth

Understanding Article FIve of the UTC, Robert T. Danforth


Solomon Amendment, Gerald A. Daniel


How Corporations Govern: Taking Corporate Power Seriously in Transnational Regulation and Governance, Dan Danielsen

Rethinking the Welfare State: Government by Voucher, Ronald J. Daniels and Michael J. Trebilcock


Towards a New Compact for University Education in Ontario, Ronald Daniels and Michael J. Trebilcock


The Federal Sentencing Guidelines after Blakely and Booker: The Limits of Congressional Tolerance and a Greater Role for Juries, M. Katherine B. Darmer


Dissecting Problems Areas with Answering Multiple-Choice Questions, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus


How I Compete with “the Donald” and Teach Them to Write: the Forensic IRAC, Suzanne Darrow Kleinhaus


Lost in Translation: The Economic Analysis of Law in the United States and Europe, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt


The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith: NLRB v. Truitt Manufacturing Co. and NLRB v. Insurance Agents’ International Union, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt


Beyond the Janus Face of Zionist Legalism: The Theo-Political Conditions of the Jewish Law Project, JOSEPH DAVID

Beyond the Janus Face of Zionist Legalism: The Theo-Political Conditions of the Jewish Law Project, JOSEPH DAVID

The History of the Halakhah and the Mythical Perception of History in Late Geonic Period ('כדמפרש בספרו של אדם הראשון' - תולדות ההלכה והתפיסה המיתית של ההיסטוריה אצל אחרוני גאוני פומבדיתא), JOSEPH DAVID

Notes on Canadian Legislation, John N. Davis


Attractive Complexity: Tax Deregulation, the Check-the-Box Election, and the Future of Tax Simplification (reprinted in the Monthly Digest of Tax Articles (2006)), Steven Dean

Privacy Protection, Elizabeth De Armond


Grippe aviaire et Tamiflu. En cas de pandémie la Belgique n'utilisera pas de génériques, même s'il y a pénurie de médicaments de marque, Daniel de Beer, Serge Gutwirth, Isabelle Stengers, and Jean Paul Van Bendegem


Vogelgriep en Tamiflu. In geval van pandemie zal België geen generische equivalenten gebruiken, zelfs al is er gebrek aan merkproducten, Daniel de Beer, Serge Gutwirth, Isabelle Stengers, and Jean Paul Van Bendegem


Constitutional Jurisdiction Over Paracopyright Laws , Jeremy F. de Beer


Reconciling Property Rights in Plants , Jeremy F. de Beer


The Role of Levies in Canada's Digital Music Market , Jeremy F. de Beer


A Call To Arms: “Taking” The Volunteer Out Of The All Volunteer Force, Jerome Dees


Gij zult straffen om de mensenrechten te beschermen ! De strafbaarstelling als positieve staatsverplichting, Paul De Hert and Serge Gutwirth


How It Works: Sobriety Sentencing, the Constitution and Alcoholics Anonymous. A Perspective from AA's Founding Community, Max E. Dehn

Estudio de la Relectio de legatis et fideicommissis (D.32.39) de Baquíjano y Carrillo. Lima 29.IV.1788, María Del Rosario De La Fuente Y Hontañón

Injerencia judicial: Desamparo a la autonomía privada e imposibilidad de lograr la justicia en el caso concreto. A propósito de la Sentencia de 7.VI.2004 CAS. Nº 2783-2002 EL SANTA, María Del Rosario De La Fuente Y Hontañón

Algunas ideas en torno al estudio de los abogados en Chile, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza


Contra la influencia del Code , Iñigo Andrés de la Maza

Contratos por adhesión, Una mirada al caso estadounidense, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza

El error en la cualidades del otro contrayente en la ley 19.947, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza

El silencio de las partes y los sonidos del legislador: una mirada a las reglas supletorias en materia de contratos, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza

Propiedad intelectual, teorías y alternativas, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza


Advocates Should Use Applicable International Standards to Address Violations of Undocumented Migrant Workers in the United States, Connie de la Vega and Conchita Lozano-Batista


A Few Words on Law and the Environment in China, Joseph W. Dellapenna


A Vicious Cycle: Re-Sanctioning Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner


Rethinking Wolfenden: Prostitute-Use, Criminal Law, and Remote Harm, Michelle Madden Dempsey


Retail Store Size-Capping Ordinances and the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, Brannon P. Denning


The Five Stages of Law Review Submission, Brannon P. Denning


What Hath Raich Wrought? Five Takes, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds

Fair Use and Copyright Protection: A Price Theory Explanation , Ben Depoorter and Francesco Parisi

The Law and Economics of the European Union, Ben Depoorter, Paul Stephan III, and Francesco Parisi




The Belgian Copyright Act finally revamped with the implementation of the Copyright Directive (2001/29): the good, the bad and the ugly, Estelle Derclaye


What is the database sui generis right?, Estelle Derclaye

Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 2004 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach


Targets, Timetables and Effective Implementing Mechanisms: Necessary Building Blocks for Sustainable Development, John C. Dernbach


Sustainable Development and Natural Governance: The Challenges Ahead, John C. Dernbach and Dan Tarlock


Watching Your Step: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Perils of Corporate Internal Investigations, Lucian E. Dervan


Should Attorneys Have a Duty to Report Financial Abuse of the Elderly?, Carolyn L. Dessin


LA LIBERTAD Y EL 28 DE JULIO, Ramiro De Valdivia Cano


Morgen Nu (in: Jubileum nummer IER, 2005), Severin de Wit


Various blogs on patent, innovation and technology at www.ipeg.com, Severin de Wit


Advancing Public Interest Practitioner Research Skills in Legal Education, Randy Diamond

Verso Controverso, Fernando Dias Simões

Verso Controverso, Fernando Dias Simões


Reconceiving the Firm, Reza Dibadj


Review of Antitrust Law: Economic Theory and Common Law Evolution, Reza Dibadj


The Limits of Utilitarianism, Reza Dibadj


Harmonizing Business Laws in Africa: OHADA Calls the Tune, Claire M. Dickerson

Event Data Recorders: A Primer, Michael P. Dickey

Duty of care under the 'Civil Liability Acts', Joachim Dietrich


Giving content to general concepts, Joachim Dietrich


A Theory of Interpretation in the Realm of Idealism, Larry A. DiMatteo


The Non-Political Branch (reviewing Lee Epstein & Jeffrey A. Segal, Advice and Consent: The Politics of Judicial Appointments (2005)), Michael R. Dimino


The Worst Way of Selecting Judges—Except all the Others That Have Been Tried, Michael R. Dimino


Counter-Majoritarian Power and Judges' Political Speech, Michael R. Dimino


Roles of Sexual Objectification Experiences and Internalization of Standards of Beauty in Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Test and Extension of Objectification Theory, Danielle Dirks and B. Moradi


Fighting Crime: An Economists View, John Donohue


The Evolution of Employment Discrimination Law in the 1990s: An Empirical Examination, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman


The Evolution of Employment Discrimination Law in the 1990s: A Preliminary Empirical Investigation, John Donohue and Peter Siegelman


Review: The Discipline of Law Schools: The Making of Modern Lawyers (Philip C. Kissam, Carolina Academic Press, 2003), and The Shame of American Legal Education (Alan Watson, PH-Dosije, 2004), James M. Donovan

Crossing Boundaries: Commentary on The Law at the Water’s Edge, Holly Doremus

The Story of TVA v. Hill: A Narrow Escape for a Broad New Law, Holly Doremus


From National to International Elder Law, Israel Doron


From Negative to Positive Right to Die at Home, Israel Doron


From negative to positive right to die at home, Israel Doron


The Rise and Fall of Israel's Senior Citizens’ Law, Israel Doron


Time for policy: legislative reponse to elder abuse and neglect in Israel, Israel Doron, Sara Alon, and Offir Nisim


Time for law: legal literacy and gerontological education, Israel Doron and Asaf Hofman